Interfacing with SparkFun mpu-6050 with a Texas Instruments TM4C123G LaunchPad - microcontroller

I am trying to interface with the MPU-6050 as part of a robotics project using the Texas Instruments TM4C123G LaunchPad. I am uploading code onto this from Energia and am using the serial monitor to see the raw data output, however I am only receiving the following output when I upload it to the micro controller and run it:
Initialising I2C devices...
Here is the code that I am trying to run:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <I2Cdev.h>
#include <MPU6050.h>
MPU6050 accelgyro;
void Setup_MPU6050()
Serial.println("Initialising I2C devices...");
Serial.println("Testing device connections...");
Serial.println(accelgyro.testConnection() ? "MPU6050 connection successful" : "MPU6050 connection failed");
void Update_MPU6050()
int16_t ax, ay, az;
int16_t gx, gy, gz;
accelgyro.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
void setup()
void loop()
The pins on the breakout board are connected to the Launchpad as follows:
VDD -> Pin 1 (3.3v)
GND -> Pin 12 (GND)
INT -> Pin 34 (PF0)
FSYNC -> None
SCL -> Pin 13 (PD0)
SDA - > Pin 14 (PD1)
VIO -> None
CLK -> None
ASCL -> None
ASDA -> None
I have got the MPU6050 and I2Cdev libraries from GitHub and have got the Wire library from but am thinking that either the wire.begin() or accelgyro.initialize() methods are not functioning properly? I am a relative beginner when it comes to programming in this language but I am undertaking an ambitious task to create a robot for a scholarship that I am applying for, and would therefore appreciate some assistance on this subject area.

I just met the same question as you. Here is a useful linkage:
enter link description here
I referred it and added some code before
--just like this
enter image description here
then I upload it and run, it works perfectly. And there is another thing to be minded that you can't connect INT pin when you don't use DMP but when you use DMP then you must connect INT pin.
I try to explain it.
Why should we add the two lines codes? The Library is from Arduino, although Energia is compatible with Arduino programming in most cases but not always. So we should explictly acclaim something.
And why should we pay attention the interruption. Because when we use DMP we use it, if we don't connect the INT pin, it willn't work normally.


DS1302 RTC board weird outputs on Arduino's Serial monitor

I have a DS1302 RTC board (Waveshare) connected to an Arduino uno.
I'm printing time to Arduino's Serial Monitor but I get weird numbers/characters, and after 2-4 seconds it stops printing.
Vcc -> 5v
I/O (MISO) -> Pin 12
SCLK -> Pin 13
CE (CS) -> Pin 10
Library used: VirtuabotixRTC library.
Things I've tried so far:
I tried a second DS1302 RTC board.
I tried a different Arduino board.
I tried changing the jumper wires.
I tried different baud rates.
#include <virtuabotixRTC.h>
virtuabotixRTC myRTC(7,8,9);
void setup() {
// myRTC.setDS1302Time(30,30,5,5,5,5,2020);
void loop() {

Error on sending AT+CWJAP_DEF commands to ESP8266

I am trying to send AT commands to ESP8266 to get connected with internet with the Wifi.
When I am sending AT and AT+RST command on serial monitor then I am getting OK and ready response which seems perfect.
Then I am sending AT+CWLAP to get list of available wifi networks which is also executing correctly.
Then I sent AT+CWMODE? which is also perfect.
Now I am trying to connect ESP8266 with above listed Wifi with this command, it is sending an ERROR on serial monitor.
Can anyone suggest me what could be the reason of this issue ?
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
SoftwareSerial esp8266(2, 3); // RX, TX
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // serial port used for debugging
esp8266.begin(9600); // your ESP's baud rate might be different
void loop()
if(esp8266.available()) // check if the ESP is sending a message
char c =; // read the next character.
Serial.write(c); // writes data to the serial monitor
delay(10); // wait to let all the input command in the serial buffer
// read the input command in a string
String cmd = "";
cmd += (char);
// send to the esp8266
The current official AT command set seems to be documented on
If the module is to be configured as a client, i.e. to connect to an access point, the following AT commands have to be sent (11500 baud 8N1, CR-LF line termination):
AT+CWMODE=3 (1 is "Station" only (wifi client), 3 is mixed mode "Station and Access-Point", both should work)
AT+CWJAP_CUR="Moto","reset1234" (temporary) or
AT+CWJAP_DEF="Moto","reset1234" (stored)
For reference, a "success story" (ESP8266 module with USB-UART, Software: HTerm, Access Point with WPA2 (both TKIP / CCMP tested)):
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)<\r><\n>
load 0x40100000, len 1856, room 16 <\r><\n>
tail 0<\r><\n>
chksum 0x63<\r><\n>
load 0x3ffe8000, len 776, room 8 <\r><\n>
tail 0<\r><\n>
chksum 0x02<\r><\n>
load 0x3ffe8310, len 552, room 8 <\r><\n>
tail 0<\r><\n>
chksum 0x79<\r><\n>
csum 0x79<\r><\n>
2nd boot version : 1.5<\r><\n>
SPI Speed : 40MHz<\r><\n>
SPI Mode : DIO<\r><\n>
SPI Flash Size & Map: 32Mbit(512KB+512KB)<\r><\n>
jump to run user1 # 1000<\r><\n>
??r?d?l<18>?<31><\0><\f>?l`<3>??s?l?<28>?<19>?<4><4><4>$ <2>??r?$<4>??<27>?<4><4>ll`<3>r$?<18>?"<\0>????"<4>l?cs|<\f>?`?22???<27>BB<18>c??o??<18>NN?<16><2><\0><2>d$??<2>d??<\0>?<4>d??<\0>ll????d??l`<2>?<2>N?<\0>????"<4>d??<28>p<4><4><2><2>???"b<4>$<4>?"prlrl<\r><\n>
Ai-Thinker Technology Co. Ltd.<\r><\n>
WIFI GOT IP<\r><\n>
AT+GMR<\r><\r><\n>AT version: 11 2016 18:09:56)<\r><\n>
SDK version:1.5.4(baaeaebb)<\r><\n>
Ai-Thinker Technology Co. Ltd.<\r><\n>
Jun 13 2016 11:29:20<\r><\n>
This also works with mode=1.
Major rewrite.
Questions and ideas to test:
what is your module firmware version?
access point issues (e.g. MAC address restrictions)?
power supply good?
might there be any old configuration or other code running on the module?
what is the byte code of ⸮ in the error message - Is it two bytes 0x2E2E?
are you using the Arduino serial monitor for communication?
in contrast to my comment, maybe the arduino does have an influence (timing?). Try to rule this out by
doing the pass-through character-based instead of line-based, e.g.:
(end of list, no code possible otherwise:)
if( esp8266.available() )
if( Serial.available() )
keeping the AVR in reset and connecting the ESP8266 serial lines directly to the USB-UART converter
Alright! I just tried to connect with different wifi and it got connected with it. It was some kinda issue with mobile hotspot.

Can't connect Arduino to RFID

I am using an A-Star 32U4 Micro Arduino and I'm trying to connect the RDM6300 - 125KHz Cardreader Mini-Module.
I'm using this sketch at the moment:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// RFID | Nano
// Pin 1 | D2
// Pin 2 | D3
SoftwareSerial Rfid = SoftwareSerial(2,3);
void setup() {
// Serial Monitor to see results on the computer
// Communication to the RFID reader
void loop() {
// check, if any data is available
if(Rfid.available() > 0 ){
// as long as there is data available...
while(Rfid.available() > 0 ){
// read a byte
int r =;
// print it to the serial monitor
Serial.print(r, DEC);
Serial.print(" ");
// linebreak
With this circuit:
module TX --- Arduino pin 2
module VCC ----- 5v
module ground ---- ground
antenna pins ---- antenna
When I put the card in the sensor nothing shows up on serial port. I tried this setup and the exact same sensors on an Arduino Uno (same sketch) and it worked perfectly, but I cant get this working on the Micro.
Arduino UNO and Micro uses different processors, though they work fairly similarly, they are not totaly identical.
It seams that
not all pins on the Leonardo and Micro support change interrupts, so only the following can be used for RX: 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (MISO), 15 (SCK), 16 (MOSI).
From the SoftwareSerial Library description ( )
Change the module TX from pin 2 to pin 8. and you should be good. :-)

Arduino builds fail with "Reset.h: No such file or directory"

When I'm trying to build what seems to be any code in the Arduino IDE, it fails with this error:
Arduino: 1.6.5 (Mac OS X), Board: "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"
/Applications/ fatal error: Reset.h: No such file or directory
#include "Reset.h"
compilation terminated.
Error compiling.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.
The code I'm trying to build is from
This example shows how to fade an LED on pin 9
using the analogWrite() function.
The analogWrite() function uses PWM, so if
you want to change the pin you're using, be
sure to use another PWM capable pin. On most
Arduino, the PWM pins are identified with
a "~" sign, like ~3, ~5, ~6, ~9, ~10 and ~11.
This example code is in the public domain.
int led = 9; // the PWM pin the LED is attached to
int brightness = 0; // how bright the LED is
int fadeAmount = 5; // how many points to fade the LED by
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// declare pin 9 to be an output:
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
// set the brightness of pin 9:
analogWrite(led, brightness);
// change the brightness for next time through the loop:
brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;
// reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade:
if (brightness == 0 || brightness == 255) {
fadeAmount = -fadeAmount ;
// wait for 30 milliseconds to see the dimming effect
Why is this happening? I don't think I've changed any of the Arduino libraries, but wondering if that's the case now. A find in /Applications/ lists no files called Reset.h, however, I did find a ~/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/sam/1.6.4/cores/arduino/Reset.h.
Building with Arduino IDE 1.6.5, using a Mega 2560 and /dev/cu.usbmodem1421.
It turns out my Android installation was modified, and the modified USBCore.cpp wasn't really correct for this version (1.6.5) of Arduino. Reinstalling fixed the problem.

Receive XBee signals on Arduino

Side A:
Arduino Uno R3 with Wireless Proto shield powered with USB
With XBee Pro S1, DH 0 DL FFFF MY 0 API 0
Wireless Proto shield has the serial select switch on the 'micro' position
side B:
XBee Explorer USB connected to a PC with XCTU software
With XBee Pro S1, DH 0 DL FFFF MY 0 API 0
(When I put both XBee modules in the USB explorer boards, connected with two PC's, I can send data back and forth without any problems, so I reckon the XBee settings are good.)
The Problem
Now I want the Arduino to capture the input from the B side (send with the XCTU terminal), but when I type anything in the terminal, the RSSI LED on side A just turns on for 5 seconds, but the Arduino does not seem to capture any data since it does not send data back like it should (Serial.print("I received: ");
Arduino sketch:
int incomingByte = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(19200); //Both XBee chips are configured at 19200 Baud
Serial.print("start echo machine"); //This is received just fine on the B side
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// Read the incoming byte:
incomingByte =;
// Say what you got:
Serial.print("I received: "); //This never shows on the B-side
Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);
How do I fix this problem?
You have to use a SoftwareSerial(RX,TX) for the XBee and the Serial for printing the output into the pc.
RX and TX of SoftwareSerial must be linked to the DOUT and DIN pin of the module into the Wireless Proto shield:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Connect pin 10 of Arduino to DOUT of Wireless Proto shield
uint8_t ssRX = 10;
// Connect pin 11 of Arduino to DIN of Wireless Proto shield
uint8_t ssTX = 11;
SoftwareSerial nss(ssRX, ssTX);
void setup() {
Serial.println("Serial works");
void loop() {
if (nss.available()){
Serial.println("received packet:");
for(int i=0;i<25;i++){
Many of the boards require the pull-up resistor on DIN to be enabled.
According to some sources this pull-up is enabled by default on the Digi Xbee module.
To ensure it is enabled or to enable it:
Put your Xbee module in a USB explorer and use X-CTU to check the PR configuration.
DIN is on bit 7 for the Xbee Pro S1, so in that case you need the last bit to be 1.
I put it like this: 00000001
Than you convert it to hex (01 in my case) and write that value to the Xbee module with X-CTU.
So it is an electronics issue and not a programming issue.
