I'm unable to view the a-sun-sky component on any mobile browser. Also the sun-position-setter becomes inverted with the sun passing below the camera. Is this component compatible with mobile?
It works great on PC though.
I'm experiencing a weird issue with the mobile responsive layout of a website.
The address is https://melec.vercel.app/
On desktop using dev tools > responsive, it works correctly, also on any android device you get the correct mobile experience but in iOS devices (tested on 2 iphones) the website renders incorrectly, it seems to have the double of the actual available screen width.
For reference I'm using tailwindcss, tailwindui and nextjs.
In this image you can see the scroll bar for horizontal movement.
Here you can see how I can freely move horizontally, this doesn't happen on dev tools or android devices.
Also when I press the mobile burger the whole layout shrinks a bit.
it is because the top part "flex-shrink-0 flex items-center".
I entered a "max-width: 100%;".
I noticed the 360 Image Gallery example on the Aframe.io website is broken so I have been trying to fix it.
I've got it to work on Desktop and 2D mobile browser, but when I switch to VR mode in my mobile (iPhone) browser, there is no cursor and I can't change scenes anymore.
What am I missing?
Thank you!
Something change in Safari iOS 13.4.1 that broke VR mode. More info at https://github.com/aframevr/aframe/issues/4554
A simple one - here is my site - http://michaelmedvedskiy.website
I'm loading it through the same wifi network, in my pc browser the background video loads fine - pc fullscreen perspective
And if i stretch the screen down to the mobile's perspective it works fine as well - pc stretched perspective
But on my mobile device (Sony Experia X5) it just doesn't load - mobile perspective
Why so?
Hopefully, I wrote the question properly, if I didn't, please remark my flaws, I will correct them.
Background videos are not auto playing on mobile devices. It's default setting. You may try to play manually using player API
this is a new behavior that started lately (last 2 months) in IOS mobile devices only. in android devices the pause/play button overlay still exists.
The behavior:
when embedding inline youtube video with controls=0, when the video plays, the only way to stop it is by clicking the middle of the video on the pause button overlay (except using an external button and the api off course). in desktop and android this works great but in IOS the pause button overlay in the middle of the video does not exists any more. this means that in order to give the user the ability to stop the video we must put controls=1 which is less convenient.
is this intended or a bug?
also, the property fs=0 (is to allow full screen) does not work on IOS.
I am working on a Flask / Vue.js web app that I want to have work well with both laptop and mobile browsers. The layout I've chosen is to have a series of mobile-screen-shaped areas that are oriented in a left-to-right fashion when viewed on a laptop browser. Currently when viewed on mobile those mobile-screen-sized areas get shifted into a top-to-bottom orientation, and the user can scroll the screen up and down to go through them all.
What I'd like to do is to have the mobile CSS instead simulate a mobile app by having those cards(?) oriented left-to-right (like the laptop view), and have a swipe shift each one into view or out of view, but always snapping to a single card at a time, rather than displaying 1/4th of the first card and 3/4ths of the second card (for example).
Current laptop browser view:
Desired mobile behavior: