Java equals string and object from ObservableList - javafx

I have a big problem. My code:
TablePosition pos = (TablePosition)
Object item = tableView.getItems().get(pos.getRow());
Object e = ((List<ObservableList>) item).get(0);
String new_status = "textExample";
and how can I use equals ? new_status.equals(e) ? I don't have any idea on how to convert this.
p.s. in console e = "textExample".
I need this to update a sql row.

If you want to get selected items, you can just use getSelectedItems() (or getSelectedItem() if you only want the latest selection). You don't need to work with selected cells, table positions and rows.
Assuming a TableView<ObservableList<String>> (which you may or may not have). Code to retrieve the value of the first element of the selected row (probably the value represented in the first column), would be as follows:
final String NEW_STATUS = "textExample";
final TableView<ObservableList<String>> tableView = new TableView<>();
final ObservableList<String> selectedItem =
if (selectedItem != null
&& !selectedItem.isEmpty()
&& NEW_STATUS.equals(selectedItem.get(0))) {
// do work here.
As your type definitions may be different you may need to adapt the code above to fit your situation as required. If you still can't work it out, you will need to edit the question to provide an mcve to get further assistance.


Xamarin grid, column and row amounts

Hi im relatively new to c# code and i was wondering if there is any way to get the amount of columns and rows in a grid and store that amount in a variable
Something like:
var columnamount = grid.columnamount;
But i could not find anything that works
You can use the following code to get a count of the columns and rows directly via the ColumnDefinitions and RowDefinitions properties. No need to enumerate the children of the grid because you may not have views in every column/row.
var columnCount = grid.ColumnDefintions.Count;
var rowCount = grid.RowDefinitions.Count;
For reference the documentation.
You might be able to do it this way, purely based on what I see in the docs:
var countColumns = grid.Children.Where( c => c.Column).Max();
var countRows = grid.Children.Where( c => c.Row).Max();
But I'm not sure if you can access Row anf Column properties on the child element.
This is not the best way to check, I guess, but it's working (same thing for columns):
EDIT: nope, for columns it doesn't work
int GetRowsCount(Grid grid)
var item = grid.Children.FirstOrDefault();
return item != null ? Grid.GetRow(item) + 1 : 0;

I need to select a particular row in a table with selenium webriver

I need to select a particular row in a table with selenium web driver, I have close to 5000 rows, Navigating through each row would be difficult. Any better approach if we have?
You need to click on a checkbox to select the row right?
I'll assume thats what you meant:
The only way I know how is to check each row, select the filter (i.e. a customer number) and once you find it, click on the selection checkbox.
Mostly of the tables are similar so here is an example:
This is your table:
= = = = = = =
= = = = = = =
= = = = = = =
Lets say that in the first row, is where the checkbox is, and that in the second row is the location of the filter.
meaning the data you will use in order to know that this is the row you need....
you will need to inspect the table element in order to find its ID, once you have that info you can use a similar method as the below:
Where you will use your webdriver, data filter, tableID and the number of the column where your data filter is located.
The method will return the row you need to click, then you can simply use the row[columnNumberLocation].Click() in order to select it.
public IWebElement returnRow(IWebDriver webDriver, string filter ,string tableName, int i)
IWebElement tableElement = webDriver.FindElement(By.Id(tableName));
IWebElement tbodyElement = tableElement.FindElement(By.TagName("TBODY"));
List<IWebElement> rows = new List<IWebElement>(tbodyElement.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")));
foreach (var row in rows)
List<IWebElement> cells = new List<IWebElement>(row.FindElements(By.TagName("td")));
if (cells.Count > 0)
string s = cells[i].Text;
if (s.Equals(filter))
return row;
return null;
It depends on what is your requirement of selecting that particular row.
I assume you need to select that according to the row index.
So it's all about the your x-path to locate the element.
ex: I need to get row number 2000
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//tr[2000]"));

Regarding to retrieve values inside the array

I am creating online quiz in c#. For that i have one form that displays testlist in dropdownlist & start button. After clicking 2nd form appears, 2nd form shows one label for question, radiobuttonlist for answers ,next & checkbox for review. I am creating array of random question ids in start button click event of the 1stform. when i click next button in 2nd form then next random question appears, i want array of questions those are checked for review. I used code for arrays of values ( eg.10101) 1 for true & 0 for false as follows but i want array of that question ids those are checked:
int[] a = (int[])Session["values"];//this is array of random question ids created in 1st form
int g;
if (chkmark.Checked == true)
g = 1;
g = 0;
int[] chkarray = new int[Convert.ToInt32(Session["Counter"]) - 1];
int[] temp1 = (int[])Session["arrofchk"];
int k, no;
if (temp1 == null)
no = 0;
no = temp.Length;
for (k = 0; k < no; k++)
chkarray[k] = temp1[k];
chkarray[j] = g;
Personally, i would use a Dictionary<int, bool> for this.
In the key of the dictionary, you can store the random Question ID, in the value of the pair, you can store the checked item state. It might take you more work now to refactor it, but I believe it will save you a lot of time in the end when you want to do more actions on your quiz items.
Using a dictionary - or at least a well chosen collection, I think it will be easier to get the right data back.
For your example, it can work only if the positions of both arrays are the same.
Dictionary<int, bool> quizAnswers = new Dictionary<int, bool>(); // <questionID, checked>
// Fill dictionary with questions and answers
for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
if(temp1.length > i) // Make sure we don't get an IndexOutOfBoundsException
quizAnswers.Add(a[i], temp1[i] == 1);
// Get Answered question in array ( LINQ )
int[] checkedAnswers = (from KeyValuePair<int, bool> pair in quizAnswers
where pair.Value == true
select pair.Key).ToArray<int>();
The reason I am using a Dictionary here, is because I personally think it's neater than having two separate arrays.
I believe you should implement a Dictionary in your quiz, in stead of those arrays. What if the array indexes don't match, or you want to dynamically add a question to a fixed size array, etc..
It's something to take into consideration. Hope I could help you out.

Filehelpers ExcelStorage.ExtractRecords fails when first cell is empty

When the first cell of an excel sheet to import using ExcelStorage.ExtractRecords is empty, the process fail. Ie. If the data starts at col 1, row 2, if the cell (2,1) has an empty value, the method fails.
Does anybody know how to work-around this? I've tried adding a FieldNullValue attribute to the mapping class with no luck.
Here is a sample project that show the code with problems
Hope somebody can help me or point in some direction.
Thank you!
It looks like you have stumbled upon an issue in FileHelpers.
What is happening is that the ExcelStorage.ExtractRecords method uses an empty cell check to see if it has reached the end of the sheet. This can be seen in the ExcelStorage.cs source code:
while (CellAsString(cRow, mStartColumn) != String.Empty)
Notify(mNotifyHandler, mProgressMode, recordNumber, -1);
colValues = RowValues(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount);
object record = ValuesToRecord(colValues);
catch (Exception ex)
// Code removed for this example
So if the start column of any row is empty then it assumes that the file is done.
Some options to get around this:
Don't put any empty cells in the first column position.
Don't use excel as your file format -- convert to CSV first.
See if you can get a patch from the developer or patch the source yourself.
The first two are workarounds (and not really good ones). The third option might be the best but what is the end of file condition? Probably an entire row that is empty would be a good enough check (but even that might not work in all cases all of the time).
Thanks to the help of Tuzo, I could figure out a way of working this around.
I added a method to ExcelStorage class to change the while end condition. Instead of looking at the first cell for empty value, I look at all cells in the current row to be empty. If that's the case, return false to the while. This is the change to the while part of ExtractRecords:
while (!IsEof(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount))
instead of
while (CellAsString(cRow, mStartColumn) != String.Empty)
IsEof is a method to check the whole row to be empty:
private bool IsEof(int row, int startCol, int numberOfCols)
bool isEmpty = true;
string cellValue = string.Empty;
for (int i = startCol; i <= numberOfCols; i++)
cellValue = CellAsString(row, i);
if (cellValue != string.Empty)
isEmpty = false;
return isEmpty;
Of course if the user leaves an empty row between two data rows the rows after that one will not be processed, but I think is a good thing to keep working on this.
I needed to be able to skip blank lines, so I've added the following code to the FileHelpers library. I've taken Sebastian's IsEof code and renamed the method to IsRowEmpty and changed the loop in ExtractRecords from ...
while (CellAsString(cRow, mStartColumn) != String.Empty)
to ...
while (!IsRowEmpty(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount) || !IsRowEmpty(cRow+1, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount))
I then changed this ...
colValues = RowValues(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount);
object record = ValuesToRecord(colValues);
to this ...
bool addRow = true;
if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(RecordType, typeof(IgnoreEmptyLinesAttribute)) != null && IsRowEmpty(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount))
addRow = false;
if (addRow)
colValues = RowValues(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount);
object record = ValuesToRecord(colValues);
What this gives me is the ability to skip single empty rows. The file will be read until two successive empty rows are found

Is swapping the columns and rows of a flex datagrid possible?

I have a 1 row, many column flex datagrid. I would like to turn the dataGrid on its side, so that the column headers become a single column running down and v.v.
Is there a way to do that in the DataGrid?
Or am I stuck manipulating the data presented to the grid? If so whats your recommendation?
The main idea here is I have an object like:
And I'd like a control that is visually similar to that. Currently the datagrid displays the object as:
x b o u w
y u p e p
Which is too horizontal for my case. Thx
I presume that you want to convert your columns in to a single column
this can be done by getting all the columns and put the in array as provide it as a dataprovider.
will return the columns.
and you can do some think like this to create columns.
public function createColumns():Array{
var advancedDataGridColumn:AdvancedDataGridColumn;
var i:int;
var columnsArray:Array = new Array();
advancedDataGridColumn=new AdvancedDataGridColumn();
advancedDataGridColumn.itemRenderer=new ClassFactory(Styler);
if(columns[i].descending!=undefined ){
sortField = new SortField("#"+columns[i].name.toString(),false,true,null);
sortField = new SortField("#"+columns[i].name.toString(),false,false,null);
if(advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.price||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.quantity||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.askPrice||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.bidPrice||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.netAmount||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.interestAmount||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.principalAmount||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.accruedInterestAmount){
var currencyFormattor:CurrencyFormatter = new CurrencyFormatter();
return columnsArray;
sorry i just copied the code but i think it will help you.
Set the DataGrid to have only 2 columns and transform the original dataset to an array collection of {propName, propValue}.
Say you have:
var originalDataSet : ArrayCollection;
var dataSet : ArrayCollection;
var columnSet : ArrayCollection;
Once you have the original values, you'll do something like:
dataSet = new ArrayCollection();
for (var i : int; i < originalDataSet.length; i++)
dataSet.addItem({name : columnSet.getItemAt(i), value : originalDataSet.getItemAt(i)});
myDataGrid.dataProvider = dataSet;//set the data provider of the grid to the transformed data set.
To clarify:
{name : columnSet.getItemAt(i), value : originalDataSet.getItemAt(i)}
This creates a new instance of type Object and assigns the name and value dynamic properties to their respective values. Instead of this you might want to define your own class with bindable properties. Note that the property names are just for this example because I don't know what you're working with actually.
The data grid at that point should have two columns defined by you, with their dataField properties set accordingly. Also, this example assumes columnSet collection contains the "horizontal columns" that you want displayed vertically. If you can obtain these based on the values in the originalDataset, you might not even need columnSet.
