Filehelpers ExcelStorage.ExtractRecords fails when first cell is empty -

When the first cell of an excel sheet to import using ExcelStorage.ExtractRecords is empty, the process fail. Ie. If the data starts at col 1, row 2, if the cell (2,1) has an empty value, the method fails.
Does anybody know how to work-around this? I've tried adding a FieldNullValue attribute to the mapping class with no luck.
Here is a sample project that show the code with problems
Hope somebody can help me or point in some direction.
Thank you!

It looks like you have stumbled upon an issue in FileHelpers.
What is happening is that the ExcelStorage.ExtractRecords method uses an empty cell check to see if it has reached the end of the sheet. This can be seen in the ExcelStorage.cs source code:
while (CellAsString(cRow, mStartColumn) != String.Empty)
Notify(mNotifyHandler, mProgressMode, recordNumber, -1);
colValues = RowValues(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount);
object record = ValuesToRecord(colValues);
catch (Exception ex)
// Code removed for this example
So if the start column of any row is empty then it assumes that the file is done.
Some options to get around this:
Don't put any empty cells in the first column position.
Don't use excel as your file format -- convert to CSV first.
See if you can get a patch from the developer or patch the source yourself.
The first two are workarounds (and not really good ones). The third option might be the best but what is the end of file condition? Probably an entire row that is empty would be a good enough check (but even that might not work in all cases all of the time).

Thanks to the help of Tuzo, I could figure out a way of working this around.
I added a method to ExcelStorage class to change the while end condition. Instead of looking at the first cell for empty value, I look at all cells in the current row to be empty. If that's the case, return false to the while. This is the change to the while part of ExtractRecords:
while (!IsEof(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount))
instead of
while (CellAsString(cRow, mStartColumn) != String.Empty)
IsEof is a method to check the whole row to be empty:
private bool IsEof(int row, int startCol, int numberOfCols)
bool isEmpty = true;
string cellValue = string.Empty;
for (int i = startCol; i <= numberOfCols; i++)
cellValue = CellAsString(row, i);
if (cellValue != string.Empty)
isEmpty = false;
return isEmpty;
Of course if the user leaves an empty row between two data rows the rows after that one will not be processed, but I think is a good thing to keep working on this.

I needed to be able to skip blank lines, so I've added the following code to the FileHelpers library. I've taken Sebastian's IsEof code and renamed the method to IsRowEmpty and changed the loop in ExtractRecords from ...
while (CellAsString(cRow, mStartColumn) != String.Empty)
to ...
while (!IsRowEmpty(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount) || !IsRowEmpty(cRow+1, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount))
I then changed this ...
colValues = RowValues(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount);
object record = ValuesToRecord(colValues);
to this ...
bool addRow = true;
if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(RecordType, typeof(IgnoreEmptyLinesAttribute)) != null && IsRowEmpty(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount))
addRow = false;
if (addRow)
colValues = RowValues(cRow, mStartColumn, RecordFieldCount);
object record = ValuesToRecord(colValues);
What this gives me is the ability to skip single empty rows. The file will be read until two successive empty rows are found


D365 New Button creates price line with empty line

After adding logic about creating price for object in grid it's always created "one line more" which is empty.
So, if there is need to be created two lines, it will be created 3 lines and that one addition will be empty.
Is there something what I missing in code?
class AreaActionPaneNew
void clicked()
PMCParameters contractParameters = PMCParameters::find();
PMETmpRentalObjectArea groupedAreaList; // Group by area_type and cost_type
PMERentalObjectPrice priceList;
date workingDate = currWorkingDate.dateValue();
// Get grouped area values. Values are summed up by area_type and ancost_type
groupedAreaList = PMERentalObjectAreaCl::getRentalAreaPrCostType(pmeRentalobject.RentalObjectId, userSetting.validFrom(), userSetting.validTo() , workingDate);
while select groupedAreaList
select forupdate firstonly priceList
where priceList.RentalObjectId == pmeRentalObject.RentalObjectId &&
priceList.RentalCostType == groupedAreaList.RentalCostTypeId &&
priceList.AreaType == groupedAreaList.Areatype && priceList.ValidFrom == pmeRentalObject.ValidFrom;
if (!priceList)
priceList.RentalObjectId = pmeRentalObject.RentalObjectId;
priceList.RentalCostType = groupedAreaList.RentalCostTypeId;
priceList.ValidFrom = pmeRentalobject.ValidFrom;
priceList.AreaType = groupedAreaList.Areatype;
priceList.Amount = groupedAreaList.Price;
priceList.Area = groupedAreaList.AreaValue;
priceList.Quantity = groupedAreaList.RentalQty;
if (!priceList)
priceList.Period = contractParameters.ReportPeriod;
if (priceList)
The code looks like it only updates/inserts without creating a blank line.
From your attribute, you are using a Command Button (see here), which may have an associated command, such as New, which effectively pushes Ctrl+N, and would explain why you have a blank line.
The simplest way to check is just create a regular Button and override the clicked method, then copy/paste your code and push both buttons and see if they have different behavior.
Check the Command property on the button and see if there's something there. Try commenting out the super(); call.
You should perhaps consider just a Button or a Menu Item Button with an associated object.

Java equals string and object from ObservableList

I have a big problem. My code:
TablePosition pos = (TablePosition)
Object item = tableView.getItems().get(pos.getRow());
Object e = ((List<ObservableList>) item).get(0);
String new_status = "textExample";
and how can I use equals ? new_status.equals(e) ? I don't have any idea on how to convert this.
p.s. in console e = "textExample".
I need this to update a sql row.
If you want to get selected items, you can just use getSelectedItems() (or getSelectedItem() if you only want the latest selection). You don't need to work with selected cells, table positions and rows.
Assuming a TableView<ObservableList<String>> (which you may or may not have). Code to retrieve the value of the first element of the selected row (probably the value represented in the first column), would be as follows:
final String NEW_STATUS = "textExample";
final TableView<ObservableList<String>> tableView = new TableView<>();
final ObservableList<String> selectedItem =
if (selectedItem != null
&& !selectedItem.isEmpty()
&& NEW_STATUS.equals(selectedItem.get(0))) {
// do work here.
As your type definitions may be different you may need to adapt the code above to fit your situation as required. If you still can't work it out, you will need to edit the question to provide an mcve to get further assistance.

Extracting max value in GridView column in a Web Performance Test

This pertains to .NET Web Performance Tests.
If I have an ASP.NET page with a GridView that has a column of ints, how do I write an extraction rule to get the largest int in the column?
I tried creating a custom extraction rule by inheriting from ExtractionRule and in the Extract method using e.Response.HtmlDocument.GetFilteredHtmlTags however, the HtmlTags returned don't seem to expose their innerHtml contents.
Perhaps you can write an extraction rule that gets the whole column, then process the numbers to get their maximum value. Alternatively, use a built-in extraction rule to get the whole column, then write a plugin to get the maximum value. In either case your code should expect a mixture of numbers and other text.
Ben Day has a great blog post containing two types that express similar concerns. TableColumnValueValidator and ExtractRandomValueFromTable.
In the Extract(object, ExtractionEventArgs), you need to parse the ExtractionEventArgs.Response.BodyString. Ben uses the HtmlAgilityPack library for this.
Something like this is roughly the code you'd need. This is simliar logic to ExtractRandomValueFromTable.
This does not account for thead/tbody or cells that span multiple columns/rows.
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
HtmlNode table = doc.GetElementbyId(TableId); // TableId is a test property
HtmlNodeCollection columns = table.SelectNodes("//th");
int columnIndex = FindColumnIndexByName(columns, ColumnName); // ColumnName is a test property
HtmlNodeCollection rows = table.SelectNodes("//tr")
int maxValue = Int32.MinValue;
foreach(HtmlNode row in rows)
HtmlNodeCollection cells = row.SelectNodes("./td");
// Todo check for bounds of cells here
HtmlNode cell = cells[columnIndex];
int value = Int32.MinValue;
Int32.TryParse(cell.InnerText.Trim(), out value);
maxValue = Math.Max(value, maxValue);
e.WebTest.Context.Add(ContextParameterName, maxValue);
int FindColumnIndexByName(HtmlNodeCollection columns, string columnName)
for(int i=0; i<columns.Count; i++)
if (String.Equals(columns[i].InnerText, columnName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return i;
return -1;

Increment multidimensional array in Java

I have a file to put in a multidimensional array. I have to put to [0] a date (long) and one of the dimensions must be incremented depending on the value of the second token.
Here's the code :
BufferedReader bufStatsFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(statsFile));
String line = null;
List<Long[]> stats = new ArrayList<Long[]>();
stats.add(new Long[11]);
int i = 0; // will be in a loop later
while((line = bufStatsFile.readLine()) != null) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line,";");
while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
stats.get(i)[0] = Long.parseLong(st.nextToken());
stats.get(i)[Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())]++; // Here is the problematic line.
But the incrementation doesn't work. Maybe it is because of my array which is probably not correct, but I didn't found another proper way to do that.
Ok. I have found and it was, of course, stupid.
The problem was in my array declaration. I did it like that :
List<Long[]> stats = new ArrayList<Long[]>();
stats.add(new Long[11]);
And then, I tried to increment an Object and not a long number.
So now, I just do it like this :
List<long[]> stats = new ArrayList<>();
stats.add(new long[11]);
And it's perfectly working.
Check that the elements in your file are numbers from 0 to 10. Why are you having a List if you are only manipulating the row 0?
Which exception are your code throwing away?

How to assign dataGrid to other dataGrid in Flex. a = b doesn't work

in Flex I have something like that:
var dg:DataGrid = new DataGrid();
if (something) dg = dg1 else if (something_2) dg = dg2;
and dg is ALWAYS pointing at DataGrid (even if dg1 has name DataGrid_test and dg2 = DataGrid_test2) and finally action is made on my first DataGrid (DataGrid_test).
How can I pass dg1 or dg2 to dg?
Here is pasted almost full code of this part of application. I edited it to make that more clear.
var dg:DataGrid = null;
if ( currentState == "state1" ) { //if this condition is true then app. go into if and
dg = dataGrid_first; // make dg = DataGrid (1)
test.text = "inco"; // shows "inco" in "test" label
} else if ( currentState == "state2" ) { // if this is true then app. go..
dg = dataGrid_second; //here and set dg as DataGrid (exactly!) (2)
test.text = "outgo"; // and change test label into blank text (earlier text disapears)
It is modified with advice of '#splash'
Still not working.
I made this sceond edit to answer for all You who are helping me with that :) I think that it will be the best way. In codeblock above I added comments. (please read now comments and after that come back here :) )
Now I will explain exactly what happens.
I debug it many times and here are results:
dg is pointing at DataGrid (as component in flex, not as my dataGrid_first), I needed to extend DataGrid so now it is ColorColumn component (I don't know if I called it properly), not DataGrid. And dg is pointing at ColorColumn not at dataGrid_first or dataGrid_second. I even tried today the same thing what suggest #splash:
if ( currentState == "state1" ) {
test.text = "inco";
} else if ( currentState == "state2" ) {
test.text = "outgo";
and search still points at ColorColumn :/ My problem is really easy- I just want to pass to search different dataGrid on each state. If You have other ideas how I can do that in right way then I will pleased to hear about it. :)
But still I don't understand why it doesn't work. My search function uses algorhitm Boyer-Moor for searching through dataGrid.dataProvider for some text. If it find something then it is pushed into new array and after passing whole dataProvider I colorize rows with searched word.
If dg is never pointing to dg1 and dg2 then your (something) expressions may be evaluate to false. Check the value of your if-conditions - this should be easy to debug.
This should work:
var dg:DataGrid = null;
if (something)
dg = dg1;
else if (something_2)
dg = dg2;
if (dg)
// do something with dg
I still can't see why your code isn't working, but you could simplify it like this:
if ( currentState == "state1" ) {
test.text = "inco";
} else if ( currentState == "state2" ) {
test.text = "outgo";
I'd propose to write this - since I guess either dg1 or dg2 should be assigned:
if (something) {
dg = dg1;
} else {
dg = dg2;
There may be cases, where if () {} else () {} neither executes the first or the second conditional block.
Finally a small hint, which structurally eliminates unwanted assignments in if conditions: Always write the literal left of the comparison operation: if ( "state1" == currentState ). If you accidentally typed = instead of ==, the flex compiler emits an error. The other notation silently assigns a value.
Additionally: Did you single-stepped through your code and watched the variables dg1, dg2 and dg? If not, set a breakpoint a few line before the if-statement and run the code step by step from there on. What do you see?
Here's a another tip: Use assertions to check for inconistencies:
package {
public function assert(expression:Boolean):void {
// probably conditionally compile this statement
if (!expression) {
throw new Error("Assertion failed!");
} // assert
Use it e.g. at the beginning of a method like this:
public function doTransaction( fromAccount:int, toAccount:int ) {
assert( 0 < fromAccount );
assert( 0 < toAccount );
A typically good use of assert is to check variables regarding their range. As of the above example, fromAccount and toAccount should always be positive. Due to a bug, bad values might get passed to doTransaction(). In this case, the assertion fires an error.
