"svn: E170001: Authentication required" when doing "gradlew :publish" - intershop

I am setting up an Intershop development environment on Mac OS X. "gradlew checkout" worked fine, also a direct "svn update" works. This means I am svn authenticated.
However, when calling "gradlew :publish" I get the message:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'a_responsive'.
> svn: E170001: Authentication required for ...
Any ideas how this can be solved?

This problem seems to depend on the operating system you're using and whether SVNKit is using the credentials stored in your user profile or not, but you can always fall back to either two properties or environment variables, whichever you prefer as described on the scmversion-gradle-plugin github page.
In short: Either set the project property (via -P on the commandline or in gradle.properties) scmUserName=<name> and scmUserPasswd=<password> or set the environment variables SCM_USERNAME=<name> and SCM_PASSWORD=<password> to match your SVN login credentials.

Try to add the following to the command line:


Task `IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroup` encounter issue "The Parameter is incorrect .. exited with code '87'"

hoping that someone can help me with my issue. I've been trying to solve this issue for a week now and still doesn't have a solution.
Here is my issue - I'm encountering the below issue when my pipeline is publishing my application in IIS (Local IIS)
Before, it's working fine and I don't know why this happen now after re-running a new pipeline. I tried to re-install my IIS and removed all MachineKeys. But still got the same error. Also, after re-installing everything, I changed the Owner of all MachineKeys installed on my machine to my account (which is an administrator).
Also, I tried to removed this in the applicationHost.config of the inetsrv as other solution I found on the internet suggestion but still got the same issue.
But then, after searching for other solution - I found out that the command that's running on my pipeline for publishing into IIS somehow causes this issue. The password parameter.
I tried the command below, on running cmd as Administrator and removing the password parameter and it works.
appcmd.exe set site /site.name:"RTP_LoginService" -applicationDefaults.applicationPool:"RTP_LoginServiceAppPool" -[path='/'].[path='/'].physicalPath:"%SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot\RTP_LoginService" -[path='/'].[path='/'].userName: -[path='/'].[path='/'].password:
But still thinking why this become an issue right now as before it's working even though there's a password parameter and I don't have any changes on the Task for publishing in my local IIS as this is a default command by the Task.
Thanks you in advance to anyone who can help me and give light to my issue I'm experiencing.
Giving Credentials of Physical Path for Virtual Machine Directory can also be the trouble for this password excluding issue. Tried to reproduce the issue and got some solution for this as mentioned below.
This problem will also rise because of the corrupted IIS Configuration Key. We need to avoid the key to be corrupted by encrypting the key in applicationhost.config file.
Create another test machine and generate configuration key.
Use that key for checking.
Exporting the key
From the working IIS server we need to export the key.
aspnet_regiis -px "iisConfigurationKey" "Your path for file.xml" -pri
Import config file from created test server
aspnet_regiis -pi "iisConfigurationKey" "Your path for file.xml"
Implement AES encryption algorithm: Replace the AES Provider which is a default encryption method element from applicationHost.config and configProtectedData and restart the server.
I got this working now. So, I fixed this issue by re-installing IIS URL Rewrite as somehow it got uninstalled on my machine. After that, it now working as expected.

Could not acquire management access for administration. Runtime Error: Unable to excute command chcp

I installed MySQL workbench 8.0 in windows 7. After the installation I just clicked server status its through the error like Could not acquire management access for administration. Run-time Error: Unable to execute command chcp. Please make sure that the C:Windows\System32 directory is in your path environment variable. How can I solve this error?
I solved the same problem on enable the parameter "Beta : Use UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in Control Panel > Region > Administrative > Change system locale...
It's disturbing because it's have nothing about the PATH environment variable. But it's work.
Notice that I working on french environment and MySQL Workbench 8.0.24 version.
To resolve this problem on 64 bit system we have to follow two steps.
add environment variable path to C:\Windows\System32
we need chcp.com cmd file in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
copy it from C:\Windows\System32 path and paste in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
now close mysql workbench and reopen it.
Hope you got the answer.
I've reproduced the same issue by clicking server status:
Could not acquire management access for administration
RuntimeError: Unable to execute command chcp. Please make sure that the C:\Windows\System32 directory is in your PATH environment variable
and after click cancel was:
Error during ""
error calling Python module function WbAdmin.openAdminSection
using MySQL Server 8.0.23 & MySQL Workbench 8.0.23 for 64-bit OS Windows 10.
Notice: all environment variables were configured correct in my case.
Solved it only by reinstalling and using another version like MySQL Workbench 8.0.20, but I'd really recommend also downgrade version of server to MySQL Server 8.0.20 to avoid other bugs, e.g.: creating/deleting schemes and so on.
The same version should match all products to work correctly.
Found solution for system non english language users! After failing in all attempts seen issue here: Mysql Bug Forum, where told that the problem is in unicode python codec error. So mine solution as for cyrillic language user was to set Windows administrative language for the cases when utf-8 is unavailable, see screenshot below.
"System language old value was Russian, after changing to English (USA) everything started to work.
Also watched Workbench logs - there was a python exception for the ascii codec. Thats all, hope this will help.
Add the 'C:\Windows\System32' to the PATH environment variable.
Make sure you add it to PATH and not to Path.
The solution of this problem for me was this:
Start the workbench community installer after installing the program you will go to this window enter image description here then you start the option of MySQL Server the option of "Reconfigure" and you accept all the options and create a new password (if you didn't make it before), execute the final screen and you are ready to use workbench :D
Had the same error for Windows 10. For me solution was to reinstall MySQL Server 8.0.24 and to enable option in installer "Configure MySQL Server as a Windows Service". Didn't have this option marked in the first installation, so I assume the problem was in this(there were no service for it, so after system restart MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE gave an error).
As mentioned before there are 2 possible fixes:
Change system locale to English(US)
Use Workbench ver. 8.0.22 or lower (error appears on vers. 8.0.23+)
Just add the C:\Windows\System32 to the Path, and the problem will be solved!
Don't forget to add ";" to separate addresses.

access denied on cloud control app push git bash for windows

I am trying to push Piwigo CMS(http://piwigo.org/) to Cloudcontrol I tried the method as same as Drupal, which is described in https://www.cloudcontrol.com/dev-center/Guides/PHP/Drupal%207 But I am getting this error
This is indeed, as pst pointed out, a pubkey issue.
You might want to check your ssh config, it helped to define the following in my ~/.ssh/config:
Host cloudcontrolled.com
IdentityFile ~/PATH_TO_YOUR/rsa_key
I dunno if this works as well in cygwin or similar: it would help if you could specify your environment a little bit more, as there are many elements (read binaries, configs, etc) in play here.

MSDeploy RunCommand Priviliges

I am trying to use the -presync:runCommand option in MSDeploy and no matter what I try to run, I get the same error back:
Error: A required privilege is not held by the client.
I've tried a handful of items to execute, and none of them work. Ideally I want to execute an exe on the server as such:
I've also tried
And the sample from their documentation
-presync:runCommand="net stop w3svc"
Thanks in advance.
I found the answer, and it turns out I had already halfway completed it. In the link I provided in my question, they mention how to add privileges to the WMSvc account, like so:
sc privs wmsvc SeChangeNotifyPrivilege/SeImpersonatePrivilege/SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege/SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
What it failed to mention is that you must restart WMSvc for this to take affect.

AspAllowOutOfProcComponents error: many solutions, one programmer and no fix

I have been trying to work on integrating a NewsLetter for a companies local intranet and I keep running into the same error that everyone seems to be getting. I am running this on IIS 5.1 and on error exists at Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection), also the purpose of the ASP code is to read an Excel file
Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0196 (0x80040154)
Only InProc server components should be used. If you want to use LocalServer components, you must set the AspAllowOutOfProcComponents metabase setting. Please consult the help file for important considerations.
I have tried the solution to locate to my AdminScripts directory and setting the boolean value to True with cscript adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/aspallowoutofproccomponents True and then verified by cscript adsutil.vbs enum /w3svc > verified.txt
Opening up the textfile, it does show that the value is set to true but I run into the same error again when trying to access the ASP page. I am at a loss, I figured after reading all those people post questions that I'd ask the question myself.
I cringe at the sight of that error messages, please make my nightmare end.
Its a bizare error to be getting in the first place. Why would the simple ADODB.Connection object be considered an out-of-process component?
The only thing I can think of that might cause this is if someone has accidently dragged the ADO dll into a COM+ Service. Check the set of COM+ Services anything unusual installed there?
In an attempt to repair you could download the latest MDAC from Microsoft's download area and re-install it on your machine.
Enabling out-of-proc components to is not the answer ADODB.Connection should not be out-of-proc.
Next Step
Fire up Regedit, find in Keys the key value of {00000514-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} under
You should find an InprocServer32 key with a default value: C:\Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\msado15.dll
The ProgID should ADODB.Connection.2.8.
I had to use:
Regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\Msado15.dll"
in the command window to have the InProcServer32 key appear, thank you Anthony.
Everything is up and working now. My nightmares are over!
