Transferring site to an ubuntu 16.04 server - wordpress

I am attempting to transfer a website from a bluehost server to an AWS ubuntu 16.04 server. I have moved ~12 sites to the new server without any problems. one site in particular won't transfer properly. This site is
how it should look
This link shows how the site should look
This link shows how the site currently looks
Broken image
Methods I've tried to transfer it are as follows
1.Through the WP all in one plugin
2.Importing the site through Filezilla FTP, and uploading the database.
3.Running a backup on all in one plugin, downloading the file, and uploading the file through ftp. Then restoring.
4.downloading the files through the bluehost portal and uploading them onto the new site.
I believe the files may be being corrupted as they are being pulled off the bluehost server, But I had the site working for ~1 day. It worked on several computers so it wasn't just the fact that the site was cached. But it reverted back to being broken after the day. Any suggestions would be helpful

The issue was an activated plugin that had a set path that it drew files from. When the site was transferred, this set path had moved. The issue was resolved by getting rid of the plugin.


How to setup WordPress site locally with backup files downloaded from HostGator cpanel?

I was hosting two of my personal sites/blogs with HostGator for over 10 months. I didn't update my sites that often as I don't get enough time to write content for my sites .So, I decided to host my site through raspberry-pi or pc.
I downloaded full backup and home directory backup. Also, I installed WordPress locally. Now, I want to use my local WordPress setup to launch my sites by using files that I downloaded from HostGator cPanel but I dont know how to do that. Initially I spent sometime to get the solution from google as well as YouTube but directions were not clear. I tried to do it by myself but I was not successful.
Is there solution to this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I would recommend to use a plugin for this.
Try "Duplicator" for example. It creates a backup for you and an installer file.
After downloading these files, you place them in your root directory and navigate to "localhost/installer.php" and everything gets set up as you had.

Why is WAMP opening localhost homepage, static html but not wordpress site?

I have lost myself trying to setup WAMP in an effort to download a wordpress site. I had done this before but decided to reset my computer. Somehow I can't do it.
I copies static html to www directory and the site opens well. Wordpress also loads as long as the wp-config.php file is unaltered. (error establishing a database connection). As soon as the wp-config file is setup and made ready, the local host directory returns "Error connecting to the site" warning.
I have a feeling this might have to do with the php setting or sql but I do not know what to do. I have tried every search topic.
Sad thing is that I had two website perfectly set up following youtube tutorials just a few months ago. And now I can't do it.
Anybody here?? x

Wordpress Add "login/?msg=membershipRequired" to my URL

I have a website (built using wordpress) running in host server. I am trying to run my site in local machine. I install xampp, copy of my sites files, and export/import my database to local apache server.
However, when I am trying to open http://localhost/inj/public (/inj/public contains all wordpress files and folders), the url changes to "http://localhost/inj/public/login/?msg=membershipRequired" and the page shows "Object not found!".
I have changed my site and home url from wp-options table. But the problem is still there.
Any help?
Maybe you are using WooCommerce and have a restriction accidentally added? Have found something about it here:

How to restore local wordpress server from cash?

I'm fairly new to development and have been trying to create my own wordpress theme. While editing the theme today I made a mistake in the code and now the wordpress page won't load at all. It's just a white page and I can't even access wp-admin. I have wordpress installed locally with Bitnami.
I've researched how to fix this wordpress crashing problem and everyone keeps saying with FTP. But with a local server, from as far as I can tell, I don't think that works. I'm using Cyberduck and have tried to enter the IP address of the local server wordpress site to access the files but Cyberduck doesn't pull anything up. I have also tried stopping the server and starting it again and this doesn't help.
How do I recover my wordpress site from a crash when it's stored on a local (Bitnami) server?

Problems in migration from localhost to my online webserver of a WordPress website

I am finding some problems uploading a WP site from my local web server to the official online web server.
The situation is the following , on my local web server:
I have installed WP website on my computer
I have configured it
I have installed custom a template
After, I have uploaded this site in a folder on my official online web server. I have took the local database export and imported in the online database using PhpMyAdmin (to export the local database on a file and then to import it on the online database)
Finally I have changed the file wp-config.php changing the MySql connection settings and putting here the settings related to the official online database.
When I try to open the website it appears to me, here you can say how:
Ok...seems good but there are two problems:
If you try to open an article it is not open the article on the online server but in the localhost server, infact open this URL: [code]http://localhost/wordpress/?p=81[/code]
If I try to open the administration panel opening this URL: [code][/code] I obtain a white page
I don't know if these two problems are related together but I think that all may depend due to a problem of location path...
I think that somewhere there is some settings that specify the URL (that can't be localhost...), but (if it is so...) where is this setting? in some file or in the database?
Some one have an idea? Can you help me?
Look into this:
There's a link on there for a "Search and Replace for WordPress Databases Script" tool that's very handy (make sure to read the instructions and have a backup of the db before using it). The problem is that image URL's and other things are stored in the database and will reflect the URL of the dev location. That tool will go through and properly update all instances from the dev URL to the final location.
Normally before you move a WP site you also want to update the site URL in the General settings as well, which may be contributing to your second problem.
