Wordpress Add "login/?msg=membershipRequired" to my URL - wordpress

I have a website (built using wordpress) running in host server. I am trying to run my site in local machine. I install xampp, copy of my sites files, and export/import my database to local apache server.
However, when I am trying to open http://localhost/inj/public (/inj/public contains all wordpress files and folders), the url changes to "http://localhost/inj/public/login/?msg=membershipRequired" and the page shows "Object not found!".
I have changed my site and home url from wp-options table. But the problem is still there.
Any help?

Maybe you are using WooCommerce and have a restriction accidentally added? Have found something about it here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-memberships-settings/


Imported from live to localhost phypadmin links not working

I have imported my live website to localhost xampp after setup i am unable to open link associated to it for example :- my website address locally is localhost/abc i am unable to open localhost/abc/contact-us.
You need to change all domain occurrences to your local domain
If you're using wp-cli
you can do it with
wp search-replace "your-domain-name.com" "localhost/abc"
if not you can open your sql dump in text editor and do find-replace there
Also there are a lot of different plugins like https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-migrate-db/
Also check that your permalinks are configured correctly and you have proper .htaccess file

Images not showing on Wordpress website after migrating to hosting provider

I recently migrated my website to a hosting provider from localhost and some of the "Featured Images" on the some pages are not showing up. I went to the Chrome Console on the computer that was having this problem and saw this error:
I see that Wordpress is trying to load the image from Localhost instead of the website. My siteurl and home options are set correctly. I have already tried deleting all the plugins but that didn't help. I also tried recreating the page on the server itself and it did not help. Can you please help?
Edit: I do see the images in the Media Library, but don't see them on the page when it loads.
Try to move your db with plugin WP Migrate DB
Upload a new site to hosting, after local development, as follows:
Copy the site folder from the local server to another location.
Export the Database to the copied folder with the site.
Using the editor (the normal editor should have a search-replacement), replace all occurrences of 'localhost/your_folder' on the site and in the database on 'yoursite.com'
Upload the site and the database to the server, respectively.

Local valet wordpress site redirects to real site

I used to use MAMP to locally host my wordpress website and it worked fine.
I recently started doing Laravel development so I use homebrew and valet. (which apparently interfered with MAMP because it stopped working, I'm still new to that whole area, so now I have to use wordpress with valet)
I was able to connect to my website using mysite.dev and I could see the homepage but without any date because the database was empty. Then I imported my database and now when I use mysite.dev in any broswer, it redirects me to www.mysite.ca (the actual website and not the local one).
I did do the command valet park in my wordpress repository.
How can I possibly fix this ? I suspect it's some setting in wordpress but I can't even access my local wp-admin.
You might try adding the following to your wp-config.php file.
This forces WordPress to recognize your current domain.

Is exporting your wordpress website and adding it to this filezilla server the same as creating a local copy of your website

I wanted to find out if I download/export my wordpress website and upload it to my filezilla server, is that the same thing as creating a local copy? Also is that what MAMP is used for?
No it is not. You also have to create database for the local copy and set the database connections in wp-config.php. WordPress stores file in wp-content folder and used database for storing page data, post data, comments, etc.
You should first understand about how to Install WordPress - Click here.
MAMP is used to run WordPress in Local PC. There is also XAMPP which is similar to MAMP. If you are WordPress developer you can use either XAMPP or MAMP to create WordPress Websites.

Moving WordPress from localhost to a live server

Have successfully moved my WordPress website from my localhost to a live server but the images are not showing and some pages as well. Some pages are still showing the localhost URL while another error message am getting is "That page can't be found".
I already changed my siteurl and Home column in my database table (wp_option) to the live server, but still the images are not showing yet. What should I do?
You have to replace all localhost url in your database.
You should follow the steps below to move your database from local to live server:
Export your database to sql file
Use notepad++ open that sql file
Replace all localhost url to your live domain and save the file
Import the saved file to the live database
Note: make sure that you uploaded all the images to the live server
I would definitely recommend to use an automated plugin for the task. The one I use is Duplicator, by LifeInTheGrid. It is free and works perfectly to move a site from development to production and viceversa. Here is the link to it:
I use it with all my sites and so far it has worked flawlessly.
I finally discovered a wonderful plugin that did it all.
The plugin is called Velvet Blues Update URLs .
Just Download the package. Extract it to the "plugins" folder of your WordPress directory. In the Admin Panel, go to "Plugins" and activate it.
Go to Tools -> Update URLs to use it and then tick all the boxes to replace the old URLs with the new URLs.
