Kodi Touchscreen Gesture missing configuration - gesture

Can i ask is there anyway to configure the kodi mediaplayer setting for the touch screen gesture? eg. double tap to pause/resume video.

A touchscreen.xml exists in kodi.
There you can modify the default gestures.
Check http://kodi.wiki/view/touch_controls for further information.


Qt, play video by Winid blink when lost/get focus

i wrote QtVsPlayer to play "special" video from Hikvision security cameras, their sdk use winid of a widget to display the stream.
All sound like ok, but when the widget i use get or lose focus, video blink.
In other side, i made in QtVsPlayer a RTSP player, i used QtMuldimedia player, this one don't have the blink problem.
In Qt widget or main window or qtscrollarea there is some property to set for that?
I think it will be complicated to provide a code snipet and so i'm sorry to link only the full program code :

Is there a way to pause the Media Object when a Suggestion Chip has been clicked - while the Media Object is playing?

I have an audio clip that pays when a specific intent has been triggered. A set of suggestion chips are displayed along with it. Now when I test it out in the simulator or my phone the MediaObject works fine but if I continue to the next intent using a suggestion chip the MediaObject doesn't pause automatically. Which in-turn overlaps with the next intents SSML.
I'm unable to get a sample code or any reference on how to pause MediaObject audio.
I've tried adding a blank audio clip in an SSML before the next intent starts, so to auto cancel the MediaObject, which failed.
I expect that when the user clicks on a Suggestion Chip while a MediaObject is playing - the Audio clip must pause automatically. And it should not overlap with the next intents SSML.
We were able to reproduce the issue and have filed an internal bug.
There isn't an API to pause the music.

Watchkit passcode button press detection

In the apple watch's passcode setting screen the passcode on top updates as soon as a user clicks on the buttons and not after lifting the finger. How can one achieve that in Xcode 6.3? Because the only event that triggers the ibaction is the touch up event
I don't think that behavior is possible with the current version of WatchKit. Apple is likely using their own internal method to accomplish that (as they do with many/most of the default Watch apps). Hopefully we'll get more functionality in the next major update.

Getting the keyevent info from Virtual Keyboard of symbian touch devices

Is there any way to obtain the keypress info for the green-tick (green check marked key) present in the input panel/ virtual keyboard?
Our application is for symbian touch devices. In my application I wanted the url to start loading as soon as the QLineEdit has been edited i.e., as soon as the green check marked key in VKB has been pressed.
I tried using the CloseSoftwareInputPanel event to get notified when the editing is completed in the QLineEdit i.e., when the green check marked key is pressed in the VKB, but that event occurs only after the QLineEdit loses focus (when I tap anywhere on the screen). Is there any other way to get it done?
The virtual keyboard is implemented as a front-end processor (FEP) and it's quite invisible to applications.
Note that there are Symbian touch devices that also have a physical keyboard. Not for those devices alone, you should have a Go button or similar and observe returnPressed signal.

Bring a window to the front in Maemo

I've got a Maemo (Qt) app that does some integration with the built-in media player via D-Bus. All the control functionality I need is complete, but I've got a requirement to show my application window (which gets backgrounded when playback starts) instead of the media player when the playback window is closed (it's a stacked window).
It should go like this: user clicks item in my Qt application, which launches the media file in the native media player. User watches media file, exits by clicking the arrow on the playback window. I'd like to somehow catch this event and bring my application to the front instead of showing the media player's main window.
Is it even possible on Maemo? I'm thinking that some low-level X coding might be required.
Answer was painfully obvious, I can catch a state_changed signal from D-Bus- state=0 when the window is closed.
You can also use the raise() method of Qt windows.
