Newly added CSS rules are not working, but old CSS rules are - css

I can't figure out this issue and I have tried looking this up and it is hard to find any one with this scenario. I am using a master page with two content pages. The first content page is default.aspx, of course. The master page has a png that is a banner. This has a rule that makes it responsive in a separate CSS file. This works fine.
For the first content page, I have three buttons that are styled using CSS ( they are custom buttons I made in a vector graphics program that change appearance when they are pressed, all using CSS ) and they are responsive. There is also a listbox that is styled and responsive with CSS.
The layout of the default page is like this: Two div containers: one that floats left and one that floats right. CSS is used to make these containers responsive. In the right div, I have my buttons and they are enclosed in their own divs. So .. and so on. Of course, the listbox is handled the same way with a div that encloses that as well.
Moving on to the second page, I have the same basic structure as the default page. My intention is to have in the right div an image, followed by a text box, then an image, and a text box. The left div will contain the same content that the default page has.
At this point, I have added to the second content page the list box and the CSS is working as expected. The list box looks just like it did on the default page and is responsive as well. So the CSS is working. For the first image, I need a new CSS rule. So I go to my CSS rule and add a new rule .image{ width: 100%; height: auto; } and then I add my image and set it up with the class reference and the image. It does not work. This image is in it's own div. If I change the class of the image to another class that was created previously, the image is responsive. So I can use the banner CSS rule and the image is responsive, I can use the button CSS rules and the image is responsive, it behaves like a button ( clicking on it makes it change its appearance, that kind of thing ), I can even add the rules for the list box and the image is responsive. If I then go back and try to use the rule for image, it doesn't work anymore.
Any ideas on what is going on. It is not making any sense what so ever. I added the rule to the CSS file just like I did with all the other rules but for some reason, this rule is not working at all.
Thank you guys for any help. I can post code if you guys need it, but I don't see how that would help. My image for the second content page is identical to how I did the banner and the rules for the banner and the image are virtually identical, except percentages are different. This is just super weird.

To improve the performance, browsers save the css files in their cache and use their cache. If they don't do that, the browser has to keep loading the css file every time a page is using the css file.
If you clear your browser cache, you will notice that the new style gets applied.
If you are developing commercial software, you probably don't want to tell every user to clear their browser cache and you prefer to force the browser to load the new css file. On the other hand, once the css is loaded you would like the browser to cache it, because it will improve the performance.
There is a trick to achieve that!
Let's say your style file is called mystyle.css and you have a link to the style file in your web site like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="~/mystyle.css">
To force the browser to load the file again, you need to change link and the standard practice is to use a parameter in the url (usually a version number).
like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="~/mystyle.css?version=1.00">
Your style file is going to ignore that version parameter but the browser will notice a change in the link and will load the new style file. Basically, the browser stores the link to the file and if you change the version number, since the link does not match with what your browser has in its cache, it will force the browser to load the file again.


WordPress Custom Background design

I would like to know how to create a custom background.
There is currently an active site, that i am trying to figure out how i can do the same or similar
enter image description here
Well, I'm not sure if you want to know how to create such a background pattern or don't know how to set the background of a wordpress website.
This seems like a repeated background pattern. Searching for something like "seemless pattern" could help. This images are small and repeated, so you don't need to load a big background image.
In the CSS you can use 'background-image' and 'background-repeat' on the body element.
You can use right click in your browser to select inspector to inspect the website. You should find the element wich has the css set for the background image. Start with the html tag and work your way inside, followed by body, div id page, etc, what ever this page structure looks like. You then have the element you need to target in your css file to give it the background attribute. The CSS file of a wordpress site is found in the Themes folder and is called style.css
Hope this gives you a start.
If you want to clearify your question I am happy to give you a more detailed answer.

How to have rollover state change on website logo

I am currently using a squarespace template and am wondering how to inject a code that causes a rollover state change on my logo. All I want it to do is change to the neon green color that is a part of my theme when hovering over. The link to my website is
I have tried looking for a solution via squarespace and no one has helped me so far.
This can be accomplished using custom css. But, because squarespace templates tend to vary quite a bit, you will probably have to do a little research to figure it out.
There are a variety of ways to inject custom css into your squarespace site. I'll illustrate 2 of them.
Affecting your entire site - In your squarespace admin dashboard, go to Design -> Custom CSS. This will open a side panel with a large text box where you can enter css code.
Affecting just a single page - Open the page you want to be affected. In the hierarchy panel of pages, hover over your page and you will see the gear icon. Click on that to open the settings panel for the entire page. Click on the Advanced tab and this will open a text box for css code.
The code you will enter will be the same in either place, with a small modification for the single page option.
You will need to know what your template calls your logo. If you are lucky, your logo image will have it's own consistent id or unique class. (Looking at your site, you aren't lucky and yours doesn't.) We can use that id or class to directly affect the image.
Let's say your image class was "Header-branding-logo" (that's what mine is). Your code will look like this:
.Header-branding-logo:hover {
content: url(https://the-url-to-your-alternative-logo-hosted-on-squarespace);
That's if you are editing the css for the entire site. If you are doing page-specific editing in the advance tab you have to enclose it in <style></style>:
.Header-branding-logo:hover {
content: url(https://the-url-to-your-alternative-logo-hosted-on-squarespace);
If your logo has an id instead of a class, you can do the same, but instead of the class, you will use #id:
#block-a-bunch-of-id-numbers:hover{ ... }
If you aren't lucky enough to have your logo id'd, you will need to use a combination of Attribute Selectors and Complex Selectors.
First, find a valid, constant id or class. BTW, this is an id that does not start with "yui-" or "block_yui-". Don't use ids that start with those.
On your website's template, you have a class called "logo-image". That's probably a good place to start. Starting from there you 'describe' the path to your image.
.logo-image > a > img:hover{ ... }
Inside the <div> (marked with the 'logo-image' class) is an <a> and inside the <a> is your <img>. So that's the path.
How do you get that path? The easiest way for me is in chrome, right click on the logo image and choose "Inspect". That will open the inspector from which you can examine your site's structure.
If you can't find a good class or id, you have the option of using an Attribute Selector. Find a block somewhere above your image with a unique attribute. Something like
You can use that attribute as your anchor point.
[data-content-field="site-title"] > div > a > img:hover { ... }
Lots of ways to accomplish the task. It's kind of fun to figure out. (Remember, stay away from those "yui-" ids!)
What actually happens when you hover the image is it swaps out the current code/image with new code/different image. That being said, in the css you need to specify the replacement. If the logo is a static image, I would recommend creating the logo using the hover color (in this case - neon green). Then set the hover event property to swap the default logo image with the hover image.
This link may help you with the :hover event property: w3schools - CSS :hover selector

Image Grid Won't Load Fullscreen With Internal Homepage Link Click

My image grid on my Wordpress site for some reason does not resize fully to the max-width of the browser when I click an internal link to the homepage (eg. I click on an image then click back on the logo). It goes back to fullscreen when I resize the browser. It also works fine if I go into my website externally (from typing in the url). I have tried using:
#site {
max-width: !important;
but doesn't work. I'm not sure if if it is the theme that is the issue or one of my custom css. I have tried isolating some css with the inspector tool and seeing if any of them caused the problem but I couldn't find anything.
Unfortunately I don't have access to the full backend of the theme and I'm not a developer.
So if anyone has any idea that would be great!
Link is
Your image gallery's width is calculated and set by Javascript. Have a look at the surrounding div.vc_row, the width is set inline there. So no point in using CSS here. Seems like the script waits for a resize event to recalculate the gallery's width.
The prefix vc_row indicates that you are using Visual Composer. I think the problem is with this plugin. I therefore recommend getting support from the plugin provider-
max-width: !important; is not valid syntax. 'max-width' sets the maximum width of an element. You can have a look at the syntax here.

Fixing buggy responsive CSS Zen subtheme

I have a responsive Drupal Zen subtheme that I hacked together about a year & a half ago from some CSS & HTML that a non-Drupal designer handed off to me for my website. I've known that in certain layouts, it is buggy, and needs to be fixed, but I just haven't gotten around to it. After repeatedly reaching out to a local Drupal developer (and offering to pay him), I've gotten tired of waiting, and just need to fix this thing.
My bounce rate for folks on mobile devices is awful.
The URL is The homepage looks decent on any device. Internal pages need a lot of help, though, when viewed in certain screen sizes (including mobile devices). Let's use as an example.
In the below scenario, my question is not how to find the CSS files themselves. Rather, my question is, how can I find the necessary CSS settings using Firebug Lite, so that I can debug the CSS through my browser, instead of having to manually update each CSS file every time I want to test a change?
I can't find the actual CSS-styled divs, blocks, etc... causing the layout to break under certain dimensions. I know how to find, and edit, the CSS within the CSS panel, but I can't track down the specific CSS in this instance.
Additionally, as a secondary question, if you want to provide pointers on what I actually need to change, then please be my guest! But if you point me in the right direction on how I can go figure it out myself, that's fine too. :)
Let's get on to the scenario (which you can easily see by testing it yourself):
When I resize my browser window down to a certain size, the links & tweets section in the left sidebar move over to the right, so that the left side of the navbar aligns with the right side of the header area, while the content spans the full width of the page, except for the left margin, which stays in place but gets wider. Basically everything below the header gets screwed up, and it's easier to see the problems than explain them (so go test it).
Using Firebug Lite in Chrome, I can't seem to find the left margin for the "main" content area (see this screenshot clearly indicating the yellow margin), nor can I find the CSS for the navbar / tweets block (which I presume is some sort of float).
To modify the CSS within Firebug or Firebug Lite just select an element inside the HTML panel or inspect it via its inspector. Inside the Style side panel you'll see all CSS rules applying to the element.
Clicking the name or the value of a CSS property opens an inline editor to allow editing it.
On the right side of each rule you'll see the name of the style sheet, which contains the rule. Hovering it displays you the full URL and clicking it allows you to inspect it within the CSS panel.
You can also edit the styles directly within the CSS panel, which lists all style sheets available on the page.
Note: The changes you do there are not permament, i.e. on the next page reload they are gone! To make permanent changes you need to edit the files on the server.
Also note that I'm referring to the panels within Firebug. The panels within Firebug Lite basically work the same, though may look and work a little bit different. Furthermore Firebug Lite is not maintained anymore, so there's no guarantee that everything is working as expected.

Loading multple HTML Pages with different Backgrounds

I am trying to program a TAB based paging.
My problem is each Tab contains a different background, so when I click on the hyperlink, the new background DOES NOT load, BUT the content loads.
Any ideas?
Code here
Tested your jsfiddle, adding !important to your css rules does the trick:
Depending on what effect you are looking for you could also remove the .ui-content part of each rule (so that it's just #services) that would apply the background to the whole page and not just the content part:
