Force browser cache to clear -

After deploying a new release of an ASP.NET website, is there a way to force clients' browsers to refresh cached items, especially for images, CSS, and Javascript files?
The problem is that I can’t go around telling everybody that uses the site to hit CTRL+F5. How can I force the browsers to do it?

I have faced this issue on sites in the past, mainly FireFox and Chrome.
For each CSS and Javascript file I append a parameter ?1d= to the URL. When I deploy a change to the site that includes CSS or JavaScript it will pickup the new ID# and the end user will get the current CSS and JavaScript without the need of the hard CTRL+F5 Reset.


Django web app css not being refreshed in browser

I'm having some issue with a django app and it's CSS file refreshing. Basically I can see that the changes I make in my file are identified and copied in the root folder of my website, however when I open up the web browser that change is not being displayed at all:
I am using Firefox as a browser however this issue happens also on Chromium browser
If you have setup everything well in your file then your best option is to disable caching form your developer panel.
I had similar issues when I make changes in css and they are not updated when i refresh my browser. This is because the browser is keeping a cache of the css file and its not being updated for some reason.
So according to this post,you can disable caching

CSS Changes Not Showing In HTML site

My CSS changes are not showing once I upload to FTP. HTML changes show just fine. This is the web page in question:-
Activ Physiotherapy
Hosted with 1and1 and recently had an SSL certificate installed. I think it is an APACHE SERVER.
I have tried caching, deleting history and cookies and no luck with that. I deleted css file from root and the website still had all the css styled correctly as if the css file was still in the root.
I think something is wrong with my FTP but I do not know what to be able to fix it. It is like it is getting uploaded to the wrong webspace.
I should also mention that the changes work just fine locally in all browsers, just nothing when uploaded via FTP.
I just wanted to offer an update in case anyone goes through the same thing. It is a caching issue however the hard refresh and clearing cookies etc was useless for me.
Therefore in the end I added a string to the html tag in the . Like so:-
This has forced the cache immediately.

Cached CSS loading error

Hey I'm working on a site that loads CSS and images that are generated server-side. Some times the images and CSS that is loaded in shows up as the incorrect template but with the correct images.
Since this template is created on the server and not on the actual page I was thinking that the web server that hosts the actual page may have a cached version of that page and may sometimes ignore the CSS and images that are generated from the main server.
In short:
Do webservers sometimes keep cached versions of page Styling?
I there an easy way to make it get the live version always?
Also this happens very infrequently and at random. It seems very hard to replicate. But I have seen it happen a few times.
Any other Ideas?
For the first answer, yes they do but only if setup that way. There is the CDN or varnish. These system are used for website with huge loads where content must be cached locally or on other server, allowing the user to visualize the cached content and not the one generated by the webserver at the moment the user requested.
Exclude this for your case then ;)
I always use chrome or firebug on firefox to debug a website.
Press F12 while in the page you want to check and, on chrome, go to "Network" tab and pin "Disable Cache".
This is incredibly handy if you refresh your page quite often and want the content not cached.
For the question itself, I don't think I/we can help you without seeing the code. But try my suggestion with F12 before.
There are two kinds of caches to think about. One of them is server cache. If you use server cache, then whenever CSS was modified, you need to empty the CSS cache if you have such a cache. If not, then you need to empty the cache, which might be painful.
As about browser cache, if you add a new parameter to your css file, then it will be loaded even if it was cached in the browser of a given user, therefore it is recommendable to add a parameter to your css file where you include it. This parameter should be either a version or a timestamp, or something uniquelly distinguishable from earlier versions. That value should be stored and you need to refresh (preferably) automatically whenever the CSS changes. The exact steps are up to you, since they differ greatly in different environments.

CSS not refreshing - now deleted, not cached, inexistent - and still loading? How? Why?

I'm working on a Wordpress website and I have styles loaded from two stylesheets - original style.css and style-custom.css for additional style.
Unfortunately whatever I do, the styles do not refresh. I already tried to press Shift+F5 without success.
I've purged the server and browser cache entirely several times (even though it's actually permanently turned off via WP Engine). I've removed appended ?ver numbers to force the update of the file content.
Right now I've even deleted the file and it is still loading in the browser! Even worse - it's loading in all browsers that I have not even ever used on the damn site.
I don't know what else to do. The file is gone and the cache has been purged.
There is definitely some sort of caching mechanism still. Are you developing on your own server? If you try to refresh on somebody else's computer are they able to see the file?
If yes - then you need to contact the servers' administrator, or you hosting provider with clarification.
You should be developing your websites locally though, and once they are ready publish them on the web.

How can I properly refresh a Durandal SPA web app when new views are added?

I'm just starting to play with Durandal, using the starter kit. I've added a very simple new view/viewmodel combination (essentially a copy/paste of an existing one from the sample) and mapNav()'d the route.
The problem is happening when I try to refresh my browser...the new view simply does not appear. It's not in the nav bar, nor can I navigate directly to the view by typing in the address bar. I know the code is (or should be?!) correct because if I go to the page in a different browser, everything appears as it should.
Is there some browser caching that Durandal is doing somehow? Sometimes F5 or Ctrl+F5 works to refresh, sometimes it doesn't. I also can't deep-link to a specific 'page'. Ie:
http://localhost:52625/#/newpage just gives me a blank
What am I missing?
The option that I use in Chrome is to open developer tools and right-click on the refresh button. There is an option for 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload' which always fixes this issue for me. I don't know the equivalent in IE but try this and see if it fixes your issue.
Most browsers will cache modules returned via RequireJS, which is how Durandal obtains its modules and view models.
CTRL+F5 doesn't help because that just refreshes the initial page - all the modules are still requested using javascript (RequireJS), so they are usually pulled from cache first.
I've found it's best to disable caching in your browser's developer tools. Doing so will ensure that all network requests are loaded directly from the source and not from cache.
See this question for additional information: Debugging when using require.js cache
Another solution is configure RequireJS to set its urlArgs property:
This solution works ok, but makes it harder to debug, at least in Chrome, because breakpoints are lost every time the module is loaded, since it's technically a different file being requested each time.
