App Data on Xamarin Forms Android - xamarin.forms

I have a Xamarin.Forms Android app where an image source is set via a URL which changes from time to time.
When the URL is changed, the old image is still shown.
When I go to Clear App Data for my app in system settings, the new image appears.
Is there anyway way to stop the image being preserved in App data?
I'm not doing any explicit caching in my code unless there is some caching built in.


Firebase Dynamic Link doesn't redirect to the app when open through Chrome

Firebase Dynamic Link doesn't redirect to the app when open through Chrome, Where if I'm using any other browser, it's redirecting to the app.
So the question is , Chrome is using what's differ than other or What is the solution in our code level ,when creating Dynamic links in our android studio
if I'm using any other browser, it's redirecting to the app.
So the question is , Chrome is using what's differ than other or What is the solution in our code level ,when creating Dynamic links in our android studio
If you are pasting a short link onto Chrome’s address bar, this is an intended behavior where you will be directed to either App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android) regardless whether the app is installed or not. The original link will not be preserved upon installing or switching to the application. This is because Chrome does not support intent redirection and the browser will only act as a proxy.

PWA with Windows Authentication

On the high level, I have a PWA with React frontend and .netcore backend. I use service worker for caching and offline ability, in conjunction with workbox plugins for some precaching feature.
The app uses Windows Authentication. Which works fine if it wasn't a PWA app. It also works fine the first time the PWA app launches, I get the username, password login popup.
However from the second time visiting the app, it wouldn't show the login popup, the app fails at pulling data from the backend because it is unauthenticated. One weird behavior is that, if I open Chrome Dev Tools(by F12), then the login popup immediately shows up.
I thought it's caching related and somehow the service worker interfered with the server side authentication workflow. Maybe because the index page is cached by the workbox precache plugins, and it did not cache with the fetch header of 'credentials': 'include'? I tried adding the fetch option to other api routes, which are cached by workbox plugin RegisterRoute. However I didn't find a way to add it to the precacheAndRoute(self.__WB__MANIFEST). Wondering if that's the problem. But I'm also not sure why having Dev Tools open would trigger the popup to display.
Any input is appreciated.

Can I use Firebase Dynamic Links for a web app?

I don't see any option for Web under "receiving dynamic links" in Firebase Dynamic links page.
Without the SDK, there's no way to connect a post-install user with a pre-install click.
I have a desktop app that runs on node.js like a web app, using nw.js. What I'm trying to do is create referral links for users. After someone clicks a referral link, I need to be able to track his referrer. But the problem is that link is only going to take him to the download page, after he downloads and opens up the app for the first time, how can I reach his referrer info? The desktop app has no connection with the website that users download from.
I understand that this can be done with Dynamic Links SDK but can I use that SDK in a web app?(desktop app actually but runs with HTML/node.js)
The post-install deeplinking in Dynamic Links is just for Android and iOS - so there isn't an equivalent for a desktop app.

Office 365 app inside iframe?

OK, guys need some advice with runing ASP.Net app inside iframe.
I have a CMS and ASP.Net app which talks to Office 365.
Because I couldn't integrate my app into CMS (authentication issue) I am calling my office app using jQuery Window
Plugin which has two advantages:
I styled the window to look as though its part of the CMS
It has onClose event which I was able to use as a trigger that I need to update UI
Everything works great. Only issue is when user goes to sign in. Because Office API call a remote service it redirects my office app to the authentication page. And this breaks the iframe. Leaving user to stare at a blank dialog window till they get bored.
Prior to discovering that plugin I used normal javascript which opened up a new browser window for me where everything works fine. But the biggest problem for me is that inside CMS context I can't tell when/if user has finished using my office app. Therefore I have no hooks I can rely on to trigger UI update leaving user to just refresh the page.
Is there anything I can do to get around my problem (apart from integrating my office app with CMS)?
My office is basically sending HTTP messages across the web to CMS in order to do what needs to be done.
My office app in turn uses latest Office 365 API to talk to its services.
Apologies guys. Just confirmed that Office 365 is configure not to display inside iframes.
That pretty much leaves only two options:
running a separate browser window
tighter integration with CMS (ideal)

updating Silverlight application # website

I have the following scenario: a Silverlight application (constructed to be OOB) embedded at an ASP.NET website where, if the user already installed it, a label saying that is displayed; otherwise, an install button appears. Eventually I can update the .xap file available in the website.
Now the problem: if the user executes the application through his Desktop/Start Menu, i'm able to update the application and suggest the user to restart it. But, if I update the .xap file and upload it again to the website, apparently no "Silverlight update" occurs, it is displayed as a new application (if the user install it again, an application icon is displayed at his desktop).
Is there something I'm missing or there's nothing to do about this?
Signing the Silverlight application solves the problem.
When you run in a browser, updates are picked up right away (subject to HTTP caching rules). With OOB apps you need to use the App.Current.CheckAndDownloadUpdateAsync() method in your app to have it update.
The only drawback is that there is no way to just check for an update and give the users an option to download it conditionally; calling this always updates it if there is an update. You can however hook into the event and find info about the update should you wish. See this resource for more information:
