Is there a way to create like a piechart or report that distinguishes who have been on the m. or www. site of a domain?
both sites uses the same GA code.
I looked at cross domain tracking option and added a new filter as suggested but was unable to apply it to any reports on the GA account. Plus it will only show me the page list etc
I want to know if i can just get a number on how many vistors on the and websites during a date range
Any suggestions welcomed.
I have a main website (e.g. ) with static pages mostly developed on and I have a full application hosted on AWS on a sub-domain, e.g.
For tracking the traffic coming from different social media channels, we are building UTMs. My understanding is that the UTM tracking doesn't work when you hop between the sub-domains. Can you please suggest some clever options?
One option for us is to re-do the Wix website in WordPress and host WordPress ourselves on AWS next to our WebApp to completely avoid the domain hoping. But if we have a more elegant solution while keeping the Website, it would be preferred.
You can use a simple parameter in querystring (i.e. then in Analytics count unique page with that parameter in the URL.
Have setup a WordPress multisite which is using the same GA tracking ID to make things much simpler in our Google Analytics Dashboard (plus there is like a limit of 50 individual IDs you can track with one account I think?).
WP multisite is setup on subdirectories and not subdomains, e.g.
Anyway, some of the admin from the sites want access to the Google Analytics for their site. Upon investigating, I found that they would be able to access stats for other sites (besides their own) within the multisite. We definitely do not want this.
Is there a way to limit a GA user account so that they can only view pages within their own site (a fixed subdirectory), for example:
and not be able to view information from any other site subdirectories? I'm a beginner to Google Analytics and I heard I might be able to setup particular views, goals or campaigns to achieve this.
You can do this with Views (bad thing - each property can just have 25 Views)
You find Views in the right column of the Admin page. Add a new View through the Dropdown. You can now set a filter to this View (/sitename1).
After this click on "User Management" in the View column and give the User you want to have there access.
currently we have a company blog that runs via Also we have our corporate site ( that is our "selling" site. The blog is about tutorials, open source stuff, totally non profit.
We want to examine if the blog has value to our business. Branding and so on... Will customers visit our blog, are users from our blog more likely to buy sth and so on.
Both Domains are within the same Google Analytics Account but as separate properties. Is it somehow possible?
I dont want to use something with Referal as solution since it just might be that someone visits our blog and returns after some week via an ad.
You cant analyse Google Analytics data across properties or accounts. Data can only be analyzed within the same property.
This is why its best not to split data between properties but to store everything in the same property when its the same web account. At the very least having one default property with all of the data can also be useful.
I have a main website (WWW.XYZ.COM). Under it I plan to have a blog (WWW.XYZ.COM/BLOG).
Both domain and sub-directory has 2 different and separate wordpress installations. I want to track my users and find out how they interact. My main website is for a different purpose while the blog is for marketing etc.
Do you think it is best to have two separate analytic account or is there a way to study each traffic individually under one account? I use a wordpress plugin : to get analytics on my admin panel directly.
I want to see people visiting my main website through the blog or vice versa. I also want the clear source of the traffic (Social media-->blog-->main website for example).
I am totally new to analytics. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
The ideal setup would be,
Creating a single Account,
inside which create one Property MySite
And create three Views
All Website Data will report the collective performance of your site and blog. You will have to add Filters to the views Site and Blog
Site should have an exclude filter for excluding urls containing
Blog should have an include filter for including traffic contaning
All Website Data
Additional Readings and Source
Predefiened Filters for subdirectories
Managing Filters at View level
I am using google analytics on my web site. I would like to see the traffic/counts of people coming from a specific domain. How I can set this up in google analytics? For example, my site is I would like to know how many people are landing on my site from (or get referred from Would be very helpful if someone was able to share steps to set this up in google analytics.
Thanks so much -
In the "Standard Reports" section of your reports homepage, you can go to
Traffic Sources > Sources > Referrals
Then on the right, just above the metrics is a search field. Just type in "" and click the spyglass icon.