WordPress cache on the backend side - wordpress

I have the same problem on different WordPress based websites.
I developed some of them, while others are made by someone else.
They don't have that much in common: completely different websites, different themes/plugins and so on.
Recently in these websites, I've been experiencing this problem: WordPress is caching the backend in a really tough way and, after saving any edits, I have to force a refresh with ctrl+f5 to actually see the edits I made before.
After some digging I can assure that:
it doesn't seem to depend on the webserver (same problem on nginx and on apache)
it doesn't depend on varnish or wp caching plugins (it happens also on website without any cache solutions)
it happens just in some new wp releases, I'm not experiencing this problem on older websites
it doesn't depend on my pc/browser configuration because my colleagues are experiencing the exact same problem on their pc
Anyone who had the same problem and was able to find a solution?
EDIT: It actually happened also on a fresh WordPress installation. Once I created a page, I went back to the page list by clicking on the menu item and I couldn't see the page in the list. After forcing a page refresh the newly created page was there as it was supposed to be before.


Changes on the site dose not show up after publishing

I am learning WordPress on localhost. I am using the Divi theme to create a demo site. whenever I edit a landing page, the changes don't show up on the site after publishing. What is the problem? Kindly help me as I am a newbie to WordPress.
Are you properly saving the changes? You must click on Save button in Divi builder (sometimes you must save twice), because Divi builder has a cache method for the builder that throws this kind of problems in some cases.
The most common cause of a WordPress site not updating right away is caching. Try these two steps to resolve the issue.
You’ll start by first clearing the browser cache. For most users, this should fix the issue.
The second and most likely cause of this issue is poorly configured WordPress caching plugin. Most caching plugins make it super easy to clear your cache with the click of a button.

Wordpress site switched to displaying Posts for no apparent reason

I have a site with a static home page which is just one of the pages. Ive been working on the site for several weeks. Today, when I went to clear the cache to see if some links were updated, the home page switched to displaying Posts (which is the other setting under the Settings->Reading) I went to settings and sure enough display Posts is checked. No one else, that I know of has the password to this site. Does anyone know why this happened or how I can prevent it from happeneing again?
There are so many variables to consider, but it has to be a direct database manipulation. So:
Someone did in fact change it, but no one knows who
A plugin or theme changed it. Unlikely, but certainly possible. Search your plugins/theme changelog and/or support threads for similar reported issues
One thing you could do is install the plugin Stream. This logs all (well, nearly every) database manipulation and tells you when, where, and who. This way, if it happens again, you can immediately pinpoint it.

wordpress menu includes different domain randomly

I'm using Wordpress 4.9.1–en_GB, and have a live site which has been up and live for some months without issue.
48 hours ago it suddenly (or rather I noticed suddenly) started displaying some pages as unformatted (no css) lists of links and text. The links on those pages were to another domain which directed to my site, but which has never been part of my site, and for which there is no direction within the site.
Loading and saving that one page fixed it on that page, and another page which was exhibiting the issue.
I redirected the external domain so that it would not point to my website.
Today it has exhibited the same behaviour, but with a subdomain which points to my site, but which again is not in use. Again saving the page without making any edits 'fixed' the behaviour.
I'm not asking for a fix - but whether anyone has ever experienced a similar problem, or has a pointer towards where to look, and will report back what I find, in the hope it helps someone else if it ever occurs to them.
I didn't originally build the site - it has a load of plugins, not all active and disabling and removing plugins is definitely an option - but not a great one, since the problem is not predictable, so I have no firm way of knowing whether my actions have fixed the issue, and in the meantime my commercial site will not be functioning as desired (which I appreciate is occasionally the case anyway it would seem).
It sits in Amazon EC2.
sorry for the lack of precision, but I am truly stumped.
this sounds like your website may have been breached. to address the conflict of web pages not formatting is usually the ssl not being installed correctly on the server. but if you have a lot of plugins installed it's a huge security issue and the plugins may be causing the domain issue
the plugins may be causing a conflict within each other I would recommend removing the plugins that generally don't get used.
deactivate the plugins in use and reactivate them.
use word fence security plugin to run to a scan on your website.
when I had this problem it was because the ssl was not installed on my server correctly if not that, a breach may be the cause. I hope this helps.
If the issue started within that time frame as stated that makes me more confident that this is an ssl issue. Sometimes an ssl doesn’t install correctly on a server this can cause a conflict with how the layout in css and HTML is affected. this is common in some cases, while it’s happening with the current theme your using, some WordPress themes can bypass the ssl error, I would recommend getting a new ssl from let’s encrypt and removing the one that was auto renewed through let’s encrypt. This could simply fix the problem. If not feel free to share your findings on the issue.

How do I update my website cached version on Google cachedview?

I am developing a website and I faced an issue today on my site, I will try to briefly explain the scenario hoping anyone could give a proper explanation for it.
My website is a WordPress website and I have the coming soon page activated so users will be redirected to it.
Two days ago I turned that plugin off by mistake and users were able to see my page. Today I turned it back on, and that's where the issue arises.
In full web (desktop) the coming soon page is visible and working fine, but when I hit the responsive view on my chrome browser the page is still available and the welcome page is not. In the sources tab, I can see the hosted directory being loaded so I went to the hosted directory (public_html) and I hid the folder that contains all the assets (renamed it to .foldername).
I hit refresh still loads the old page when I hit ctrl+shift+r I get the new version. On Firefox the scenario isn't reproducible it just happens on responsive view on Google Chrome browser.
Can anybody explain to me what's happening I assume it has something to do with Google caching my webpage and never updating it. But if like to hear a more professional explanation Thanks.
Have you tried clearing your Cache in Google Chrome? Also, Have you enqueued any Scripts or Styles in your functions.php file? If so, increase their version number. This will force the browser to download the Scripts and/or Styles again rather than loading any Cached copies.
Hope this helps to resolve your problem(s).

Wordpress not reflecting phpMyAdmin database changes unless I log in

this is I think a really unusual case. A little backstory, I outsourced a PSD to WP project a few months ago, but not currently working with the developer anymore as he stopped replying to my support questions. I'm trying to solve this on my own before I give this to the client, as I have no more budget to hire another developer.
I have two problems, first is I couldn't access the WP dashboard even though my login is an admin account. Been trying to solve this through numerous google searches and blog posts but to no avail, I couldn't fix it.
Here goes my main problem: So I finally found a way how to update the content on the site using the phpMyAdmin backend database. (good thing I know HTML CSS)
I managed to update the content, but when I tested the site using incognito window and other profiles / browsers, the changes from phpMyAdmin does not reflect on the site. I tried logging in, and weirdly, the changes are there. I log out, changes are there.
I just find it really weird and a hassle that I have to log in to see those changes. It's a client facing site, and the changes are really important so I hope someone has experienced this before and can help me out. Thanks in advance.
