I would like to broadcast an operation to all values of a dictionary. For an array, I know I can broadcast an element-wise operation using:
julia> b1 = [1, 2, 3]
julia> b1./2
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
What is an efficient way of broadcasting the same operation to all values of a dictionary? Say, for the dictionary
a1 = Dict("A"=>1, "B"=>2)
An iteration protocol is defined for both keys and values of dictionaries, so you can just do, eg:
julia> d = Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2)
Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries:
"b" => 2
"a" => 1
julia> values(d).^2
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
If you want to alter the dictionary in-place, use map!, eg:
julia> map!(x->x^2, values(d))
Base.ValueIterator for a Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries. Values:
julia> d
Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries:
"b" => 4
"a" => 1
However, your function must output a type that can be converted back to the dictionary value type. In my example, I'm squaring Int which yields Int. However, in the question you are dividing by 2, which obviously yields Float64. If the float cannot be converted back to an integer, then you'll get an error.
Note, you can broadcast over keys also, e.g.:
julia> f(x) = "hello mr $(x)"
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f.(keys(d))
2-element Array{String,1}:
"hello mr b"
"hello mr a"
but this can not be done in-place, i.e. you can't use map! on keys.
Importantly, note that you should not instantiate the collection. Indeed, this would be inefficient. So avoid constructs like: collect(values(d)) ./ 2.
I see this Stackoverflow code for =>, but when I search Julia 1.0.0 on-line help for "=>", I get zero hits.
replace!(x, 0=>4) # The last expression is the focus of this question.
In the REPL help I get:
help?> =>
search: =>
Pair(x, y)
x => y
Construct a Pair object with type Pair{typeof(x), typeof(y)}. The elements are stored in the fields first and second.
They can also be accessed via iteration.
See also: Dict
julia> p = "foo" => 7
"foo" => 7
julia> typeof(p)
julia> p.first
julia> for x in p
What does => do in replace!(x, 0=>4)? Does it create a pair, a replacement of all zeros by fours, or what? Why do I seem to not find it in the Julia 1.0.0 on-line docs?
Code added to help me understand #Bill's helpful answer below:
julia> x = [1, 0, 3, 2, 0]
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> replace!(x, 0=>4)
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
Edit 2
Besides #Bill's accepted answer, I found #Steven's answer helpful as well. Sorry I could not check them both, but Bill's came in first and they both offered useful information.
"What does => do in replace!(x, 0=>4)? Does it create a pair, a replacement of all zeros by fours, or what?"
It creates a Pair. In the function replace, a Pair in the second argument position means the multiple dispatch of replace() chooses a version of the replace function where, given a numeric array or string x, all items within x fitting the first part of the Pair are replaced with an instance of the second part of the Pair.
You can check the REPL docs for replace for details.
This small example should show how "=>" makes a pair
julia> replace("julia", Pair("u", "o"))
julia> replace("julia", "u" => "o")
"=>" operator means "Change into"
julia> replace("hello world",'l' => 'z')
"hezzo worzd"
means Change the string "hello world" using "change" 'l' "into" 'z'
and producing the resultant string "hezzo worzd"
julia> replace( [1,2,3,4,5], 3 => 666 )
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
haskey() and in() functions are very useful to test the content of dictionaries in Julia :
julia> dict = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3, "d" => 4, "e" => 5)
Dict{String,Int64} with 5 entries:
"c" => 3
"e" => 5
"b" => 2
"a" => 1
"d" => 4
julia> haskey(dict, "a")
julia> in(("a" => 1), dict)
but I was surprised by their behavior with complex keys :
julia> immutable MyT
julia> a = Dict(MyT("Tom",191)=>1,MyT("Bob",20)=>1,MyT("Jo",315)=>1,MyT("Luc",493)=>1)
Dict{MyT,Int64} with 4 entries:
MyT("Tom",191) => 1
MyT("Jo",315) => 1
MyT("Bob",20) => 1
MyT("Luc",493) => 1
julia> keys(a)
Base.KeyIterator for a Dict{MyT,Int64} with 4 entries. Keys:
julia> haskey(a, MyT("Tom",191))
julia> in((MyT("Tom",191) => 1), a)
What I did wrong ?
Thank you very much for your comments !
Thanks to #Michael K. Borregaard, I can propose this solution :
a = Dict{MyT, Int64}()
keyArray = Array{MyT,1}()
keyArray = [MyT("Tom",191),MyT("Bob",20),MyT("Jo",315),MyT("Luc",493)]
for i in keyArray
a[i] = 1
# Dict(MyT("Tom",191)=>1,MyT("Tom",191)=>1,MyT("Luc",493)=>1,MyT("Jo",315)=>1,MyT("Luc",493)=>1,MyT("Bob",20)=>1,MyT("Jo",315)=>1,MyT("Bob",20)=>1)
keyArray[1] # MyT("Tom",191)
haskey(a, keyArray[1]) # true
But I have to store keys in a separate array. This means that can't warranty the unicity of the keys which is the strength of the dictionaries and why I choose to use it :(
So I have to use another step :
Another better solution :
function CompareKeys(k1::MyT, k2::MyT)
if k1.A == k2.A && k1.B == k2.B
return true
return false
function ExistKey(k::MyT, d::Dict{MyT, Int64})
for i in keys(d)
if CompareKeys(k, i)
return true
return false
a = Dict(MyT("Tom",191)=>1,MyT("Bob",20)=>1,MyT("Jo",315)=>1,MyT("Luc",493)=>1)
ExistKey(MyT("Tom",192),a) # false
ExistKey(MyT("Tom",191),a) # true
Compared to Julia, Go is more straightforward for this problem :
package main
import (
type MyT struct {
A string
B int
func main() {
dic := map[MyT]int{MyT{"Bob", 10}: 1, MyT{"Jo", 21}: 1}
if _, ok := dic[MyT{"Bob", 10}]; ok {
fmt.Println("key exists")
// answer is "key exists"
You just need to teach your MyT type that you want it to consider equality in terms of its composite fields:
julia> immutable MyT
import Base: ==, hash
==(x::MyT, y::MyT) = x.A == y.A && x.B == y.B
hash(x::MyT, h::UInt) = hash(x.A, hash(x.B, hash(0x7d6979235cb005d0, h)))
julia> a = Dict(MyT("Tom",191)=>1,MyT("Bob",20)=>1,MyT("Jo",315)=>1,MyT("Luc",493)=>1)
Dict{MyT,Int64} with 4 entries:
MyT("Jo", 315) => 1
MyT("Luc", 493) => 1
MyT("Tom", 191) => 1
MyT("Bob", 20) => 1
julia> haskey(a, MyT("Tom",191))
julia> in((MyT("Tom",191) => 1), a)
There are lots of good answers here, I'd just like to add a subtlety: this is partly because == calls === rather than recursively calling == when checking for structural equality, and partly because equal (==) strings are not generally identical (===) currently. Specifically, the fact that MyT("foo", 1) != MyT("foo", 1) is because "foo" !== "foo".
Strings are only "immutable by convention" – they are technically mutable, but Julia doesn't expose APIs for mutating them and encourages you not to mutate them. You can, however, access their underlying bytes and mutate that, which allows you to write a program that distinguishes two strings by getting by mutating one and not the other. That means that they cannot be === in the sense of Henry Baker's "EGAL" predicate (also here). If you have an immutable type with only "primitive" type fields, then this does not happen:
julia> immutable MyT2 # `struct MyT2` in 0.6
julia> x = MyT2(1, 1)
MyT2(1.0, 1)
julia> y = MyT2(1, 1)
MyT2(1.0, 1)
julia> x == y
julia> x === y
I have already proposed that we change this and have == recursively call ==. This should be fixed, someone just needs to do the work. Moreover, in Julia 1.0 we could make Strings truly immutable rather than merely immutable by convention, and therefore have "foo" === "foo" be true. I've created an issue to discuss and track this change.
You're creating a new object in the haskey call. But two objects created by MyT("Tom", 191) are just two different MyT objects with the same field values.
Instead, do
key1 = MyT("Tom", 191)
a = Dict(key1 => 1)
haskey(a, key1)
see also
key2 = MyT("Tom", 191)
key1 == key2 # false
A julia-ideomatic way to deal with this would be to define an == method for MyT objects, so two objects are equal if they have the same field values. That would allow you to use them like you do.
It depends whether you need the type to be complex. Another easy and performant way to do what you want is to use a Tuple as the key:
a = Dict(("Tom", 191) => 1)
haskey(a, ("Tom", 191)) # true
a[("Tom", 191)] # 1
My approach would be similar to Matt's, but a bit simpler(?). Tuples are perfectly valid dictionary keys, so I would simply overload the relevant functions to convert your type back and forth to a tuple:
julia> immutable M; A::String; B::Int64; end
julia> import Base: =>, haskey, in
julia> =>(a::M, b) = (a.A, a.B)=>b
julia> haskey(a::Dict, b::M) = haskey(a, (b.A, b.B))
julia> in(a::Pair{M, Int64}, b::Int64) = in((a.first.A,a.first.B)=>a.second,b)
julia> a = Dict(M("Dick", 10)=>1, M("Harry", 20)=>2)
Dict{Tuple{String,Int64},Int64} with 2 entries:
("Dick", 10) => 1
("Harry", 20) => 2
julia> haskey(a, M("Dick", 10))
julia> in(M("Dick", 10)=>1, a)
"Compared to Julia, Go is more straightforward for this problem"
True. It also happens to be more error-prone (depending on your perspective). If you wanted to differentiate between two objects (used as keys) that do not correspond to the same object in memory, then Go's approach of simply testing 'value equality' would have landed you in trouble here (though one could argue 'value equality' generally makes more sense when comparing 'keys').
Hello i trying create converter method from Disct to Vector in Julia language.
But i receive error, with i can't understand
ERROR: TypeError: Tuple: in parameter, expected Type{T}, got Dict{AbstractString,Int64}
My code
type Family
function convertToVector(a1::Dict{AbstractString, Int64}())
for k in sort(collect(keys(a1)))
push!(A, Family(a1[k] , k))
return A
Any idea hot to change convertToVector method ?
There were several typos in the above code, but I think this should work:
# No () after the type of a1
# Also, see comment, better to parameterize function, use concrete type for Dict
function convertToVector{T<:AbstractString}(a1::Dict{T, Int64})
# This is how you create an empty vector to hold Family objects
A = Vector{Family}()
for k in sort(collect(keys(a1)))
# The values passed to the Family constructor were backwards
push!(A, Family(k, a1[k]))
Another way (probably not very quick):
julia> dict = Dict("fred" => 3, "jim" => 4)
Dict{ASCIIString,Int64} with 2 entries:
"fred" => 3
"jim" => 4
julia> Vector{Family}(map(f -> Family(f...), map(x -> collect(x), dict)))
2-element Array{Family,1}:
Perhaps I've been using too much Lisp recently...
Is there a possibility to construct dictionary with tuple values in Julia?
I tried
dict = Dict{Int64, (Int64, Int64)}()
dict = Dict{Int64, Tuple(Int64, Int64)}()
I also tried inserting tuple values but I was able to change them after so they were not tuples.
Any idea?
parallel_check = Dict{Any, (Any, Any)}()
for i in 1:10
dict[i] = (i+41, i+41)
dict[1][2] = 1 # not able to change this way, setindex error!
dict[1] = (3, 5) # this is acceptable. why?
The syntax for tuple types (i.e. the types of tuples) changed from (Int64,Int64) in version 0.3 and earlier to Tuple{Int64,Int64} in 0.4. Note the curly braces, not parens around Int64,Int64. You can also discover this at the REPL by applying the typeof function to an example tuple:
julia> typeof((1,2))
So you can construct the dictionary you want like this:
julia> dict = Dict{Int64,Tuple{Int64,Int64}}()
Dict{Int64,Tuple{Int64,Int64}} with 0 entries
julia> dict[1] = (2,3)
julia> dict[2.0] = (3.0,4)
julia> dict
Dict{Int64,Tuple{Int64,Int64}} with 2 entries:
2 => (3,4)
1 => (2,3)
The other part of your question is unrelated, but I'll answer it here anyway: tuples are immutable – you cannot change one of the elements in a tuple. Dictionaries, on the other hand are mutable, so you can assign an entirely new tuple value to a slot in a dictionary. In other words, when you write dict[1] = (3,5) you are assigning into dict, which is ok, but when you write dict[1][2] = 1 you are assigning into the tuple at position 1 in dict which is not ok.