How do i get channels into my ShippingMethod-Step - symfony

I have multiple channels in my shop.
The channels all have exactly the same product.
Now i want to allow the user to choose between the different channels
in the checkout-process.
Optimally the shipping methods are grouped by channel.
| Channel 1
| ( ) Pickup
| (x) Shipping
| => Move on
| Channel 2
| ( ) Pickup
| (x) Shipping
| => Move on
It i now select one of the options multiple things happen:
The channel is switched
The ShippingMethod is selectd
The Cart is transferred to the other channel
All these should be possible with sylius.
My biggest problem is kind of basic.
Sylius uses the ResourceBundle to load Entities from the repositories.
I have a route configured like that:
path: /select-shipping
methods: [GET, PUT]
_controller: sylius.controller.order:updateAction
event: select_shipping
flash: false
template: SyliusShopBundle:Checkout:selectShipping.html.twig
form: Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\Checkout\SelectShippingType
method: find
- "expr:service('sylius.context.cart').getCart()"
graph: sylius_order_checkout
transition: select_shipping
route: sylius_shop_checkout_select_payment
parameters: []
There is ohne a single "repository" key allowed.
Do i have to build my own controller and use the repositiories directly from the service-container?


Assign profiles to whitelisted users

I have been exploring the profile list feature of the kubespawner, and am presented with a list of available notebooks when I login. All good. Now I have the use case of User A logging in and seeing notebooks 1 and 2, with User B seeing notebooks 2 and 3.
Is it possible to assign certain profiles to specific users?
I do not think Jupyterhub enables you do to that based on this
I think a way to achieve this would be having multiple jupyterhub instances configured with different list of notebook images. Based on something like AD group, you redirect your user to required instance so they get specific image options.
You can dynamically configure the profile_list to provide users with different image profiles.
Here's a quick example:
def get_profile_list(spawner):
"""get_profile_list is a hook function that is called before the spawner is started.
spawner (_type_): jupyterhub.spawner.Spawner instance
list: list of profiles
# gets the user's name from the auth_state
auth_state = yield spawner.user.get_auth_state()
# gets the user's profile list from the API
api_url = # Make a request
data_json = requests.get(url=api_url, verify=False).json()
data_json_str = str(data_json)
data_json_str = data_json_str.replace("'", '"')
data_json_str = data_json_str.replace("True", "true")
data_python = json.loads(data_json_str)
return data_python
return [] # return default profile
c.KubeSpawner.profile_list = get_profile_list
And you can have your API return some kind of configuration similar to this:
"display_name": "Google Cloud in us-central1",
"description": "Compute paid for by funder A, closest to dataset X",
"spawner_override": {
"kubernetes_context": "<kubernetes-context-name-for-this-cluster">,
"ingress_public_url": "http://<ingress-public-ip-for-this-cluster>"
"display_name": "AWS on us-east-1",
"description": "Compute paid for by funder B, closest to dataset Y",
"spawner_override": {
"kubernetes_context": "<kubernetes-context-name-for-this-cluster">,
"ingress_public_url": "http://<ingress-public-ip-for-this-cluster>",
"patches": {
"01-memory": """
kind: Pod
name: {{key}}
- name: notebook
memory: 16Mi

rabbitmq-bundle - symfony3 - how to configure a topic exchange and queues?

I can't find a great configuration for old sound rabbitmq bundle to deal with topics and wildcard.
All I want is a unique exchange that post to multiple queue using wildcard.
Let says for example, i have my exchange name user.update, and i want to post the same message on user.update.address, user.update.profile for a microservice strategy.
do you know how to configure in the configuration file ?
Thx for reading.
Just because you are looking for
... great configuration for old sound rabbitmq bundle ...
visit and search for "rabbitmq" which will give you what you wish for.
To address your question, you can use config below (I haven't tested it but it should be fine). However, you still need to write whole functionality/classes/consumers/producers etc. so follow this example: RabbitMQ topic example with symfony including 1 Producer & 1 Exchange & 2 Queue & N Worker & 2 Consumer
port: %rabbitmq.port%
user: %rabbitmq.user%
password: %rabbitmq.pswd%
vhost: /
lazy: true
connection: default
exchange_options: { name: user.update, type: topic }
connection: default
exchange_options: { name: user.update, type: topic }
name: user_update_queue
- 'user.update.address'
- 'user.update.profile'
callback: your_application.consumer.user_update_consumer
It's flow: user.update (P) -> user.update (E) -> [user.update.address & user.update.profile] -> user_update_queue (Q)

Using custom Repository in Sylius Resource grid

I have generated a Grid with CRUD actions for my Labellisation entity on Sylius.
The grid is displayed well, but I would like to get associated elements too (the defaultAdresse of the -> customer of the -> current labellisation), so I need to use a custom repository method.
I tried to do this with this conf :
resource: |
alias: grid.label
valide: true
except: ['create', 'delete', 'update']
grid: public_labels
templates: LabelBundle:public/Crud
type: sylius.resource
method: findAllValides
(adding all the defaults block), but I have an error because the method findAllValides is not defined. I do have a findAllValides method in my LabellisationRepository.
Debugging the ResourcesResolver, I saw in the getResource that the $repository passed to this function has a customRepositoryClassName = LabelBundle\Repository\LabellisationRepository (this path is the good one to my LabellisationRepository).
Is there something wrong with my code ?

Symfony2 multi-level dynamic router

I have a current project that has to displays both defined pages with specific entities, what is very easy to manage with Symfony2, and content pages on different layouts, what is - I guess - a bit less common.
I get in trouble trying to build the routing system.
For instance, if I have to display a page with some news,
I would like to update the router of my bundle with a new route like :
pattern: /news
_controller: MyBundle:NewsController:indexAction
But how to manage a dynamic router that could have a totally custom URL on many levels ?
Let's imagine I've got a "Page" Entity, that is self-references for an optionnal "parent-child" relation.
I don't think I can just use any config YAML file for this specific routing ?!
pattern: /{slug}
_controller: MyBundle:PageController:showAction
This would bind all the first-level pages:
What about a page that would be displayed with, for instance, a slug like:
In fact any URL...
/{slug-level1}/{slug-level2}/{slug-level3} etc.
Cause the pages are supposed to change and be updated from webmastering.
I guess the best way would be to have a router that compare the {slug} with a database field (entity property)
I read in the Symfony-CMF doc that it is possible to write a service based a route provider:
namespace MyBundle\Routing;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route as SymfonyRoute;
use MyBundle\Entity\PageRepository;
class RouteProvider extends PageRepository {
public function findPageBySlug($slug)
// Find a page by slug property
$page = $this->findOneBySlug($slug);
if (!$page) {
// Maybe any custom Exception
throw $this->createNotFoundException('The page you are looking for does not exists.');
$pattern = $page->getUrl(); // e.g. "/first-level/second-level/third-level"
$collection = new RouteCollection();
// create a new Route and set our page as a default
// (so that we can retrieve it from the request)
$route = new SymfonyRoute($pattern, array(
'page' => $page,
// add the route to the RouteCollection using a unique ID as the key.
$collection->add('page_'.uniqid(), $route);
return $collection;
But how to set it up as a service ? Are there some requirements ?
How could this kind of thing work, does it add a route to the RouteCollection when request is called ?
And will I be able to bind any route in this way ?
EDIT : services.yml of my bundle
cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection.class: Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection
cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context.class: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext
cmf_routing.generator.class: Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Routing\ContentAwareGenerator
cmf_routing.nested_matcher.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\NestedMatcher
cmf_routing.url_matcher.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\NestedMatcher
fsbcms.chain_router.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ChainRouter
fsbcms.route_provider.class: FSB\CMSBundle\Routing\RouteProvider
fsbcms.dynamic_router.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter
fsbcms.route_entity.class: null
class: %fsbcms.chain_router.class%
- "#logger"
- [setContext, ["router.request_context"]]
class: "%fsbcms.route_provider.class%"
- "#doctrine"
class: "%cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection.class%"
public: "false"
class: "%cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context.class%"
public: false
class: "%cmf_routing.generator.class%"
- "#fsbcms.route_provider"
- "#logger"
- [setContainer, ["service_container"]]
- [setContentRepository, ["cmf_routing.content_repository"]]
class: "%cmf_routing.url_matcher.class%"
arguments: ["#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection", "#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context"]
class: "%cmf_routing.nested_matcher.class%"
arguments: ["#fsbcms.route_provider"]
- [setFinalMatcher, ["cmf_routing.url_matcher"]]
class: "%fsbcms.dynamic_router.class%"
- "#router.request_context"
- "#cmf_routing.nested_matcher"
- "#cmf_routing.generator"
- { name: router, priority: 300 }
I suggest taking a look at the Symfony CMF routing component and the CmfRoutingBundle (to implement the component in symfony).
The Routing component uses a chain router, which is irrelevant for this question but it's good to know. The chain router chains over a queue of routers. The component provides a DynamicRouter that uses a NestedMatcher. That's exactly what you want.
The NestedMatcher uses a Route provider to get the routes from a dynamic source (e.g. a database). You are showing an example of a Route provider in your question.
Furthermore, it uses a FinalMatcher to match the route. You can just pass an instance of Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\UrlMatcher, as you are doing not too difficult things.
Take a look at the docs of the RoutingBundle to learn how to activate the chain router and then create a route provider which loads the routes, make a service:
class: Acme\RoutingBundle\Provider\DoctrineOrmProvider
arguments: ["#doctrine"]
Now, you can create a NestedMatcher service:
class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\UrlMatcher
arguments: ["#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection", "#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context"]
class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher
arguments: ["#acme_routing.route_provider"]
- [setFinalMatcher, ["acme_routing.url_matcher"]]
Now, register the DynamicRouter and put it in the chain:
class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter
- "#router.request_context"
- "#acme_routing.nested_matcher"
- "#cmf_routing.generator"
- { name: router, priority: 300 }
Now, it should work and should load the routes from the database and match them against the request.

Symfony2 SonataAdmin: "Access Denied" Exception when trying to extend SonataUserAdmin

I need to extend SonataUser to set a field called isAdmin to true when a user is being created from the backend.
I have different User groups for ADMIN => (can create admin users and perform CRUD on other entities) and STAFF => (can perform CRUD on other entities).
Customers register from the frontend.
Both backend_users (STAFF) and customers are instances of the User entity, which extends SonataUser.
Till now I was using the default User and Group Admin classes. Here is how my app/config/config.yml looked
label: Users
items: [ sonata.user.admin.user ]
label: Groups
items: []
It worked fine for me.
Now I needed to customize the default implementation so I copied the code from Sonata/UserBundle/User/BaseUser.php to <my namespace>/AdminBundle/Admin/BackendUser.php
I created the new service and mapped it in config.yml
label: Users
items: [ gd_admin.backend_user ]
label: Groups
items: []
gd_admin.backend_user.class: GD\AdminBundle\Admin\BackendUserAdmin
class: %gd_admin.backend_user.class%
- { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, label: Backend User }
arguments: [null, GD\AdminBundle\Entity\User, null]
# NOTE: No group defined in tags
Earlier I had granted the following roles my ADMIN Group:
Now they are:
When I log into my admin/dashboard
I am able to see the BackendUser in Admin Dashboard widget.
But when I click on the "List" or "Add new" I get a 403: Access Denied Exception.
Where am I going wrong?
I don't think you have to mess around with the BaseUser class from the sonata user bundle.
Instead you could create a new admin crud in your own bundle based on the sonata user admin crud (Sonata\UserBundle\Admin\Document\UserAdmin) and extend it with a prePersist() method to set isAdmin to true:
public function prePersist($object)
prePersist is actually a hook that is called before persisting a new entity.
