I am working on www.peelcarsales.com using automotive theme on wordpress. On its pre-owned page(http://peelcarsales.com/inventory/) I want to limit the number of checked boxes checked at a time to maximum 4. Kindly help me how to do it.
You need to write Javascript in the page that loads your form. Every time you check a box, you count whether the maximum is 4 already. If it is, you undo the check and give a warning.
Alternatively, you could disable all unchecked checkboxes as soon as you reach 4 checkboxes.
Either way the solution is clientside Javascript. It has nothing to do with PHP or Wordpress.
If you do not want to modify the files themselves, you could use a third-party plugin to manipulate headers and footers... This one for instance will let you add Javascript to a header: https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-and-footer-scripts/
I recently took over a site from someone else at a new company. Having never used Drupal before, updating things has been a bit cumbersome. There were some outstanding security updates that I applied(but I haven't updated the core yet). Anyway, after doing this, the calls to views_embeded_view have not been working. For example:
print views_embed_view('news_block');
Will break the links(by using the title, rather than alias for the link), or it will link correctly, but not follow the paging rules I have set(show 1 page, 6 items per page) instead it shows 10 items and has links for other pages.
I am not sure if the update has anything to do with it, but it seems likely. Would updating the core resolve this issue potentially?
The first argument of views_embed_view is view name, the second one is display id. If display_id is not provided, 'default' is used. Make sure that you are displaying the correct display. (i.e. default can be configured differently than some other display which you actually wish to see)
I'm creating a short-code generator for the WordPress Add/Edit Post/Page screen.
I want to make sure that there does not exist more than one short-code in the same post/page. So I added an onclick function for the button so that whether there already exist a short-code, could be checked.
How do I go on doing this?
I searched around the TinyMCE API and the closest I got was the tinymce.Formatter.match method. But there's no example on this page. I don't really think that this has anything to do with the content search anyway.
Another way would be to simply use the getContent method and run javascript code against it. But I guess this wouldn't be the best option if there's something built-in for this already.
I do not know exactly what you mean by the term "short-code".
But i guess it is a string you can find using getContent-Method.
There are several other ways to search the editor content.
Since tinymce editor is rendered inside an iframe and is indeed real html code you can use all regular DOM-Methods of your browser. There are even some additional DOM-Methods provided in tiny_mce/classes/dom/DOMUtils.js.
The task is relatively straightforward:
A Drupal website displays a list of articles with thumbnails. Some visitors would like to view it without images by clicking on a button/link and have that preference saved.
e.g. http://patterntap.com/collections/index/
The problem is all visitors are anonymous and given certain traffic, page cache is enabled.
My idea was to use some simple JavaScript to set a cookie, refresh the page and depending on the cookie values (or its presence/absence) display or hide the images.
Except Drupal serves cached pages quite early and the only quick way to modify the cached version that I could find is by hacking includes/bootstrap.inc and add a custom class to the body classes then hide the images with css.
A very wrong approach, I know. But I wonder if there is a way to save different versions of a page and serve the correct version?
need to keep the same uri
the js to show/hide the images without reload and set the cookie is already in place
hook_boot() is not really called for cached pages, so can't do it via custom module
.htaccess mods?
In the end went with Rimian's suggestion. But it is possible to accomplish the task using our own cache.inc implementation as seen in the Mobile Tools module. Specifically, by extending cache.inc and updating settings.php to include
$conf['page_cache_fastpath'] = FALSE;
$conf['cache_inc'] = 'path/to/my/module/my_module_cache.inc';
So let me get this right. You wanna hide some images on a cached page if the user chooses to?
Why don't you write some jQuery or javascript and load that into your cached page with all the rest of the document?
Then, the client/browser would decide to run your script and hide images depending on some parameters you passed along with the request to that page or in the cookie? The script gets cached and only runs when you call it.
If you were hacking the bootstrap for something like that you'd really need to be rethinking what you were doing. Crazy! :)
Also take a look at cache_get and cache_set:
I'm not sure I 100% understand what you are trying to do but here are my thoughts. One of your root problems is that you are trying to access what is essentially different content at the same uri.
If this is truly what you want to do, then Rimian's suggestion of checking out chache_get and chache_set may be worthwhile.
Personally, it seems cleaner to me to have your "with thumbnails" and "without thumbnails" be accessed via different uri's. Depending on exactly what you are wanting to accomplish, a GET variable my be an even better way to go. With either of these two options you would hide or show your thumbnails at the theme layer. Pages with different paths or get variables would get cached separately.
If you want the visitor to be able to switch views without a page reload, then jQuery and a cookie would probably suite your needs. This wouldn't require a page reload and switching back and forth would be quite simple.
On stackoverflow, and other websites, if you start making a change to form elements and then you try to navigate away from the page, you will get a confirmation message asking if you are sure you want to discard your changes.
This seems relatively easy to do by hand, but impractical to apply across an entire site. Is there any generic solution that can be plopped onto a page as a control (or even jQuery plugin) which will track IsDirty for all fields (without having to specify each field by hand)?
You can use the window.onbeforeunload event.
See also How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own?
A possiblity would be to clone a selection of all your inputs when the page is loaded (and data into it as well).
You could then do a compare as desribed here:
Word of warning though, this may be costly, performance wise.
I am using the JQuery plugin jVal. This plugin validates user input. If the user makes an error the input box is turned red and a fly out message says what is wrong. This works great for forms where there is one Label and one input per visual row. This falls apart when you have multiple labels and inputs per row. IE the fly out error gets confused with the underlying information. Is there a way to have just a * next to the field having the error, then display a summary of the all field errors in a different DIV. I am open to other JQuery plugins that would give me validation and the presentation I am after.
The jQuery validation plugin allows you to customize it's error messages -- plain text, no fly-outs. The default messages can also be changed as well -- either in the backend code or by configuration (using the messages option).