Why can't a class implementing **Externalizable** use the auto generated no-arg construtor provided by the JVM? - externalizable

Why can't a class implementing Externalizable use the auto generated no-arg construtor provided by the JVM? Why does it need a no-arg constructor?


What does it mean when saying "to be assigned something"| ASP.NET Core

I was reading a book about Learning ASP.NET Core API when I run to a part saying:
We create a private read-only field _repository that will be assigned
the injected MockCommandAPIRepo object in our constructor and used
throughout the rest of our code.
Here is some text I thought you'd better have:
Then there are some explanations related to the picture above:
Add the new using statement to reference ICommandAPIRepo.
We create a private read-only field _repository that will be assigned the injected MockCommandAPIRepo object in our constructor
and used throughout the rest of our code.
The Class constructor will be called when we want to make use of our Controller.
At the point when the constructor is called, the DI system will spring into action and inject the required dependency when we ask for
an instance of ICommandAPIRepo. This is Constructor Dependency
We assign the injected dependency (in this case MockCommandAPIRepo) to our private field (see point 1).
And that’s pretty much it! We can then use _repository to make use of our
concrete implementation class, in this case MockCommandAPIRepo. As
I’ve stated earlier, we’ll reuse this pattern multiple times through
the rest of the tutorial; you’ll also see it everywhere in code in
other projects – take note.
Now, According to the highlighted part above in number 2, I got a little confused!
I've heard of "to be assigned by some value" before, but here, it is saying that:
that will be assigned the injected MockCommandAPIRepo object in our constructor
and as you see, there is no "by" added before the injected MockCommandAPIRepo object....
So, I have a question now. What does it mean by the highlighted part above in number 2?
Does it mean the same when we add "by" in the sentence? or not?
This is about dependency injection in Asp.Net Core. After we register service to the IOC Container, How to use it in our controller? We can inject them in controller via Constructor Injection. Once we register a service, the IoC container automatically performs constructor injection if a service type is included as a parameter in a constructor. In your question, An IoC container will automatically pass an instance of ICommandAPIRepo(MockCommandAPIRepo) to the constructor of CommandsController. Now we can use MockCommandAPIRepo in the constructor. But it can only be used in constructor, How can we use it in other method in CommandsController? Here we use:
private readonly ICommandAPIRepo _repository;
to create a global variable in CommandsController, Then in constructor, We use:
_repository = repository
assign the value of repository to _repository. Now _repository and repository has the same value, Because _repository is a global variable, So We can use _repository in other method in CommandsController. The whole process of dependency injection is done.

How to inject an interface that is part of the framework using custom class in SilverStripe

I am working on a SilverStripe project. Project SilverStripe version is 4.4.4. In my project, I am trying to replace a class that injected for an interface. Both the interface and the class are part of the framework.
In the framework code, it has the following class
class NaturalFileIDHelper implements FileIDHelper
As you can see, the NaturalFileIDHelper is implementing the FileIDHelper interface. What I want to do is that I want to replace all the NaturalFileIDHelper instances with my customer class called CustomFileIDHelper class that is also implementing the FileIDHelper interface.
This is what I did.
I created a custom class called, CustomFileIDHelper that is implementing the FileIDHelper interface.
Then I added the following code snippet within the mysite.yml.
class: CustomFileIDHelper
Then I rebuild the project. But my project is still using the NaturalFileIDHelper class that comes with the framework. It seems like the CustomFileIDHelper class is not used.
How can I get it working? Is it possible to do that?
I want to replace all the NaturalFileIDHelper instances with my customer class called CustomFileIDHelper class
If you want to replace all NaturalFileIDHelper instances, then that's the class you should override (not the FileIDHelper). Also the .yml config you have needs to be passed to the Injector. (https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/4/developer_guides/extending/injector/)
class: CustomFileIDHelper
But this will only work if the object is instantiated through the ClassName::create() function, and I found this piece of code in the framework:
$defaultFileIDHelper = new NaturalFileIDHelper(), // Injector is not called here.
You will need to override the classes which call new NaturalFileIDHelper() and modify it to NaturalFileIDHelper::create(), you're able to call ::create() because the NaturalFileIDHelper class have the use Injectable; trait.
Also instead of going through the troubles of overriding classes which call new NaturalFileIDHelper(), you can create a pull request to the framework repository with your NaturalFileIDHelper::create() changes instead, as it would be an improvement to the current framework code (it enables the use of dependency injection).

Injecting logger into middleware dependency

I have a middleware library I intend on using in multiple projects. The middleware itself looks something like:
public SdkMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ILogger<SdkMiddleware> logger, ISdk sdk)
this.next = next;
this.logger = logger;
this.sdk = agentSdk;
Thanks to DI, I can simply inject my logger:
// Would rather this class be internal...
public class Sdk: ISdk
private ILogger<Sdk> logger;
public Sdk(ILogger<Sdk> logger)
this.logger = logger;
public void Init() {
this.logger.Info(...) // Do some logging
The downside to this is my class needs to be registered in every ASP.Net project's Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<ISdk, Sdk>();
Is the best/only route? Every time I want to inject a logger into a class, I need to register that class for DI in my composition root?
There is nothing wrong in having the consumer of your library compose the dependencies for this library in the composition root. That's how dependency injection works. You could of course provide some default implementations and a custom extension method that would register those default implementations into the DI and then let the consumer simply call your extension method.
There are a few things that I feel need clarification here:
Dependency injection/inversion of control
To understand what is the benefit of dependency injection(DI) it is better to look at the principle of inversion of control(IoT) that DI implements.
In your case you want SdkMiddleware class to contain a reference to ILogger implementation. The simplest way to do this is for SdkMiddleware class to create an instance of a class that implements ILogger interface. The downside of such approach is that SdkMiddleware needs to know which class implements ILogger interface and how to instantiate it. In other words, SdkMiddleware has control over the creation of ILogger object. The inversion of control happens when the responsibility of knowing which class implements ILogger and how to create an instance of it is taken away from SdkMiddleware to some other class (dependency container in DI) and the instance if it is given to SdkMiddleware to use (through injection in DI). In this case the control over the creation of ILogger object is outside of SdkMiddleware. Since this changes the direction of control, it is called "Inversion of control".
The benefit of this approach is when you will need to provide another implementation of ILogger or change the way you create an instance of that class, you don't need to change SdkMiddleware at all.
So now that we clarified why we are using DI, lets take a look at what do we need to actually use it.
The object that creates all instances, controls which object is injected into which and gives away ready to use objects is usually called DI container or IoT container. In asp.net core "IServiceCollection services" is used as such a container. But it still needs to know how to create objects and which implementation to inject for which interface. This is where bootstrapping comes in.
In a bootstrapper class or method you need to specify how objects are built from classes and how classes relate to interfaces. As an example of the former, imagine that you need to pass a connection string for a database from your configuration to a class that creates a db connection. As for the latter, that is exactly what your line "services.AddTransient()" does.
The answer
I am sorry it took so long to get to the actual answer for your question but I wanted to provide some overview first.
Do you need to specify a relation between a class and an interface to inject logger into your class? No. Your class may not even have an interface to begin with and DI container will inject all the dependencies in it by default if you ask for an object of a class instead of an instance of an interface. You can also use or define some convention over configuration solution so that binding of classes and interfaces will happen automatically.
The bottom line is that registration of a class and the actual injection are not connected. But the code you provided is the default way to do this.

How to make a class in Qt both scriptable and serializable?

I'm trying to write a class with two basic characteristics:
It needs to be scriptable - the class contains a number of properties and methods decorated with Q_INVOKABLE that are exposed to scripts.
It needs to be serializable so that it can be registered with qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators() for storing in QVariants.
As far as I can tell, I need to derive from QObject in order to make the class scriptable. However, in order to register the class with qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators(), it seems like the class needs to have a default copy constructor - something a QObject-derived class cannot have.
Is there any way to achieve both goals?
You can have scriptable objects not derived from QObject but it's more work. It's discussed here

Unity and constructors

Is it possible to make unity try all defined constructors starting with the one with most arguments down to the least specific one (the default constructor)?
What I mean:
foreach (var constructor in concrete.GetConstructorsOrderByParameterCount())
I don't want Unity to only try the constructor with most parameters. I want it to continue trying until it finds a suitable constructor. If Unity doesn't provide this behavior by default, is it possible to create an extension or something to be able to do this?
Edit 2
I got a class with two constructors:
public class MyConcrete : ISomeInterface
public MyConcrete (IDepend1 dep, IDepend2 dep2)
public MyConcrete(IDepend1 dep)
The class exists in a library which is used by multiple projects. In this project I want to use second constructor. But Unity stops since it can't fulfill the dependencies by the first constructor. And I do not want to change the class since the first constructor is used by DI in other projects.
Hence the need for Unity to try resolving all constructors.
Unity will choose the constructor with the most parameters unless you explicitly tag a constructor with the [InjectionConstructor] attribute which would then define the constructor for Unity to use.
When you state a suitable constructor; that is somewhat contingent on the environment. If for instance you always want to guarantee that a certain constructor is used when making use of Unity use the attribute mentioned previously, otherwise explicitly call the constructor you want to use.
What would be the point of Unity "trying" all constructors? It's purpose is to provide an instance of a type in a decoupled manner. Why would it iterate through the constructors if any constructor will create an instance of the type?
You could allow the constructor with the most params to be used within the project that does not have a reference to that type within its container by making use of a child container. This will not force the use of the constructor with a single param but it will allow the constructor with 2 params to work across the projects now.
You could also switch to using the single constructor across the board and force the other interface in via another form of DI (Property Injection), not Constructor Injection...therefore the base is applicable across the projects which would make more sense.
