When is a WooCommerce session started? - woocommerce

I read in https://mikejolley.com/2013/12/20/problems-with-cart-sessions-and-woocommerce/
"On page load, a session ID is created for a user."
But what page are we talking about. When people come to my site they first hit a home page. From there they can select "Pricing" to go to a "Pricing" page. And from there they can select from a list of items and go to a checkout page, where the item they selected on the Pricing page is seen in the cart.
But at what point is a WooCommerce session created (I know this is not the PHP $_SESSION).
What I'm really after is the soonest I can empty cart,since I keep seeing items from the last visit in the cart, in addition to what was selected this time, when I get to the checkout page.


How to show a list of recent Woocommerce orders in a Elementor form

I have a Woocommerce shop with Elementor (Pro). I created a form with the Elementor form widget, where I would like to add a dropdown (could be a normal dropdown, or Ajax is also good) which show the 10 most recent orders of the customers (who is logged in) with the order number, date and status to show.
For non customers I would like to show a message Please login to view your recent orders.
I searched the internet but couldn't find anything that's suitable. Hopefully someone can help me with this.
Thanks in advance,

woocommerce: SOLD is not displayed for unregistered users

Having trouble since last wordpress and woocommerce updates.
Cant get any idea what my be reason for such behavior. While I'll registered on site all "SOLD" signs shows correctly, but as soon as someone whos not registered on site checks item it doesn't display SOLD on single product page (but on catalogue view it`s visible).
For me this doesn't make any since, as site doesn't have any extra role and permission plugins..
any idea where might be issue?

Add continue shopping button at woocommerce store category

Help me I'm looking around, but I still don't find what I need, add another button on my woocomerce store page with the option to add to cart and continue shopping without leaving the page
Here's an example of what I need:

Google Analytics goal funnel - step drop to the same page

I have a Google Analytics universal analytics goal with 5 steps:
Shopping Cart
Contact Information
Shipping Information
Payment Information
The destination is the "thank you" page and the goal conversion works properly. But at each step, I see drops pointing to the same page and can't see how it's possible. The dropouts are in almost all the steps, but the one that annoys me the most is the shopping cart, as it shows a user leaving the cart to the "/cart" page (the cart URL doesn't have variations).
I saw this tutorial online where they discuss the drops of each step of the example funnel https://www.megalytic.com/blog/understanding-the-funnel-visualization-in-google-analytics, but if have a closer look in the image below, it's possible to see that the same issue happens:
https://www.megalytic.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/funnel-visualization-report.png?width=1284&height=797&name=funnel-visualization-report.png (sorry I don't have reputation to post the in-text image)
Is it possible to fix this? Right now I'm using a simple regex "/cart" to match my shopping cart page.
Thanks for your help.
Super annoying, right?
Disclaimer: I Operate a Google Analytics Consulting firm... but I'm gonna whine about GA anyway
There is no way to "fix" this in GA. Here is GA's documentation on how funnel steps, entrances, and exits are counted.
Assuming you have read the GA doc, you'll know that the exit is assigned to the deepest point in the funnel (regardless of order). And the page of the exit is the first page that doesn't match the next expected step in the funnel.
In your funnel this sequence of page views would generate an exit from the /cart to /cart:
Home > Shopping Cart > Shopping Cart
Crazy, but this counts as an exit b/c the expected next step in the funnel from "Shopping Cart" is "Contact Information".
Hypothesizing a bit, this could be a super common user experience if adjusting quantities in the cart causes a refresh of the cart page.
Mostly, don't use goal funnels for tracking ecommerce actions. Use the enhanced ecommerce and shopping behavior report:

Problems Customising WooCommerce Checkout Page

I'm having major problems customising the checkout page on a WooCommerce site for a client.
They have asked me to move a heap of fields around and, for the most part, I've got it done but the login form is causing me no end of grief.
They have asked that I create something similar to the checkout at www.adairs.com.au and would like the login form to be part of the "Billing Fields" section, and only displayed when a customer clicks the "Existing Member" tab.
I've got everything moved around but when clicking on the "Existing Member" tab to display the login form, and then logging in I get errors saying "Billing First Name", "Billing Last Name" and "Billing Address" are required.
Digging into it, it seems that when I call do_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', $checkout ) it is creating all the necessary form fields but it is not wrapping it in a form, so there is no data being posted.
I've tried moving the hook around to different parts of both the form-checkout.php and the form-billing.php files but get the same result.
When I call the same hook in the payment.php file, or leave it as it was originally coded the form is created as it should be, but is not rendered to the section of the checkout I am hoping for.
I can't for the life of me figure out why the form is created some times when I call the hook and not others.
I hope this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Sounds like all the "moving around" is breaking the logic. I would look into WooCommerce plugins that allow you to customize the checkout. There are lots of them
Another possibility... if you want the login form "only displayed when a customer clicks the Existing Member tab" why not leave the form where it is -- code wise -- and use JS/JQ to show/hide the actual form inputs. Look at this woo demo theme and click "Returning customer? Click here to login" for one idea.
