Pin interrupt being inconsistent - arduino

I'm trying out some beginner Arduino programming.
The task is to make the board I have (ESP8266) play some music and then the music should stop when I press the button, and then restart when I press it again.
Here's my code,
#include "pitches.h" // contains frequencies for notes
#define PIN_BUTTON 0 // the button
#define PIN_BUZZER 13 // the digital pin the Buzzer is attached to
bool stop = false; // button pressed
void play_note(int freq){
if (freq > 0 && !stop){
analogWrite(PIN_BUZZER, 512);
} else {
analogWrite(PIN_BUZZER, 0);
void stopMusic(){
stop = !stop;
void setup() {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_BUTTON), stopMusic, RISING);
void loop() {
// intro
The problem is, that the button is being inconsistent. Sometimes, on pressing it, the music will immediately stop. Other times, it will keep playing and I'll have to press it once or twice more. Similarly, when I want the music to start again, it will sometimes start as soon as I press the button, but other times I will need to press it twice or more to get the music back up. I don't know whats causing this. Suggestions?

The button is most likely a mechanical one. They bounce, i.e. open and close the contacts after a press or release for a short time. You have to wait until the button has settled (typically 5-20ms, actual value depends on the button and should be specified in the datasheet) before you check for a new value.
This is called de-bouncing.
Alternatively you can check the button from a periodic timer interrupt. But that would degrade reaction time.

You should probably add some debounce logic to your code.


Trying to build a counter/stopwatch with arduino. is this wired correctly?

i am trying to make a stopwatch and counter project for arduino. Code aside, is this wired correctly?
The top button is to start the stopwatch, second is the button to start the counter (every press increases by one), and the bottom button should be to reset any of them. the green light is to show the stopwatch is selected and blue is to show the counter is selected. the lcd is to display everything obviusly. Also, what is the best way to learn to code this and how long would it take? Thanks.
This is the code as per your requirement. I have defined pins as per above connections. counter mode has minutes and seconds and it does not contain milliseconds as I am encountering problem to implement it. You can suggest me if you have got any way. Counter mode selection button is the same button which is going to be used to increment the counter.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal mylcd(7,6,5,4,3,2);
int counter_sel=12,stopwatch_sel=11,reset1=10,stopwatch_led=9,counter_led=8;
void setup()
mylcd.print("Counter and ");
pinMode(stopwatch_sel, INPUT);
pinMode(reset1, INPUT);
pinMode(stopwatch_led, OUTPUT);
void loop()
{ int state1=digitalRead(counter_sel);
int state2=digitalRead(stopwatch_sel);
if (state1==0) {delay(300); counter(); } // call counter function
else if (state2==0) {delay(300); stopwatch(); } // call stopwatch function
void counter()
{ mylcd.clear();
mylcd.print("Counter Mode :");
short int i=0;
int rst=digitalRead(reset1);
if (rst==0) { delay(300); break;}
int state1=digitalRead(counter_sel);
if (state1==0) { i++; delay(200);}
void stopwatch()
long int ms=millis();
byte sec=0, mins=0;
mylcd.print("Stopwatch Mode : ");
int state1=digitalRead(reset1);
if (state1==0){delay(300); break; }
if (sec==59) {mins++; sec=0;}
if ((millis()-ms)>1000) {sec++; ms=millis(); }
As much as I can see, and considering what you explained above, the connections are correct. But the thing is you need to make it clear as much as you can, because due to intersecting point in LCD connection, it would be very much harder to debug and resolve the connection problem, for that you must make it neat. To learn to code this stuff there is no rocket science, just use your wisdom, and start reading books, blogs, articles on arduino ide(which is too simple too use), c programming and microcontrollers , and youtube videos are the great source to learn to code, you should have handful experience of c programming, that's all.

Arduino When keep pressing button a continuous Letter is show

First of all sorry for my weak English
I have Arduino Leonardo
and I have a push-button ok?
When I click the button the letter 'W' is printed to the notepad
I Want when I keep holding the button the 'w' Letter is printed
why? like in games when I keep holding on 'W' letter the player will move, then when I release my finger the player will stop.
Please please please I need your help because I'm a beginner
This is my code
#include "Keyboard.h"
const int buttonPin = 4; // input pin for pushbutton
int previousButtonState = HIGH; // for checking the state of a pushButton
void setup() {
// make the pushButton pin an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
// initialize control over the keyboard:
void loop() {
// read the pushbutton:
int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// if the button state has changed,
if ((buttonState != previousButtonState)
// and it's currently pressed:
&& (buttonState == HIGH)) {
// type out a message
// save the current button state for comparison next time:
previousButtonState = buttonState;
First, the reason why your code only acts as if the button was pressed once are the following lines
// if the button state has changed,
if ((buttonState != previousButtonState)
// and it's currently pressed:
&& (buttonState == HIGH)) {
so, this will only be true once after the button gets pressed. If you remove the previous state check and only check if the button is currently high it will trigger a press every time your programm loops. This will have side effects though, like a short press will likely trigger multiple times.
Fortunately, there is another function provided by the keyboard library to solve this issue:
When called, functions as if a key were pressed and held on your keyboard. Useful when using modifier keys. To end the key press, use Keyboard.release() or Keyboard.releaseAll().
So, if you modify your code like this:
void loop() {
// read the pushbutton:
int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// if the button state has changed,
if (buttonState != previousButtonState){
if( buttonState == HIGH ) {'w');
// save the current button state for comparison next time:
previousButtonState = buttonState;
it will act exactly as if the keyboard button keeps beeing pressed.
Please note that currently the script will likely act as if the button is pressed a few times per press because of bouncing. You could fix this issue by adding a small delay after the button press and release part. This will give the button time to settle to the new state. Read more about bouncing here:

Arduino code for a button and a led

I have a question.
In my code (Arduino), the led is high as long as I push on a button.
int led=12;
int button=4;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
But I want the next one: If I push on a button the first time =>the led is high
if I push a second time=> the led is low
if I push a third time => the led is high
Is there anyone that can help me?
Thank you!
I don't think you have thought much about your problem.
Just form a sentence of what you want to do:
I want to turn on the led when I push the button and the led is off.
I want to turn off the led when I push the button and the led is on.
Now some pseudocode:
if the button pin is HIGH:
if the led pin is HIGH:
put the led pin LOW
put the led pin HIGH
I'll leave it up to you to translate it into C++.
Please make your self familiar with "debouncing" of buttons. Otherwise you might run into weird behaviour.

Arduino debounce button with delay

I'm having a bit of trouble with my Arduino when I try and use long wires to a switch.
If I use a shorter wire I have no problems, but as soon as they are extended, things start playing up.
What I'm trying to do is, when I press a button I would like it to output to a pin, stay on for 2 seconds, then turn off regardless whether the button is still pressed or not.
The code I use at the moment that does work with short wires is:
// constants won't change. They're used here
// to set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin = 10; // the number of the LED pin
// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
void setup() {
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// check if the pushbutton is pressed.
// if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
// turn LED on:
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
delay(2000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
I've been reading on forums that using debounce may solve this problem. However I'm new to Arduino and not sure how to implement this.
I used the Arduino button tutorial and used a 10k pull down resistor as stated. Is there any way I can allow, either with code or with a resistor / cap, to trigger via a switch that has a wire length of <2m?
Any help appreciated.
Wire length is not going to be an issue here. You either have a wiring fault or your code doesn't match your expected behaviour. (You didn't mention what the actual behaviour is right now.)
Additional debouncing of the switch won't be necessary since after you detect a button press, you are ignoring its state for some time. That is what software debouncing typically is.
stay on for 2 seconds, then turn off regardless whether the button is still pressed or not.
Right now the output will not turn off until you release the button. The reason for this is that after you write it low, you immediately check the button again and write the output high if it's still pressed. You either need to put a delay below
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
or be a little fancier and make sure the button is released before you allow another press.

Are interrupts the right thing to use for my robot?

So I have this old motorized wheelchair that I am trying to convert into a robot. I replaced the original motor driver with a sabertooth 2x12 and I’m using an Arduino micro to talk to it. The motors shaft goes all the way threw so I attached a magnet and a Hall Effect sensor to the back side to act as a rotary encoder. My current goal is to be able to tell the robot to move forward a certain amount of feet then stop. I wrote some code to do this linearly however this didn't work so well. Then I learned about interrupts and that sounded like exactly what I needed. So I tried my hand at that and things went wrong on several different levels.
LEVEL ONE: I have never seemed to be able to properly drive the motors it seems like any time I put the command to turn them on inside of a loop or if statement they decide to do what they want and move sporadically and unpredictably
LEVEL TWO: I feel like the interrupts are interrupting themselves and the thing I set in place to stop the wheels from moving forward because I can tell it to move 14 rotary encoder clicks forward and one wheel will continue moving way past 1000 clicks while the other stops
LEVEL THREE: couple times I guess I placed my interrupts wrong because when I uploaded the code windows would stop recognizing the Arduino and my driver would break until I uploaded the blink sketch after pressing the reset button which also reloaded and fixed my drivers. Then if I deleted one of my interrupts it would upload normally.
LEVEL FOUR: my Hall Effect sensors seem to not work right when the motors are on. They tend to jump from 1 to 200 clicks in a matter of seconds. This in turn floods my serial port and crashes the Arduino ide.
So as you can see there are several flaws somewhere in the system whether it’s hardware or software I don't know. Am I approaching this the right way or is there some Arduino secret I don’t know about that would make my life easier? If I am approaching this right could you take a look at my code below and see what I’m doing wrong.
#include <Servo.h>//the motor driver uses this library
Servo LEFT, RIGHT;//left wheel right wheel
int RclickNum=0;//used for the rotory encoder
int LclickNum=0;//these are the number of "clicks" each wheel has moved
int D =115;//Drive
int R =70;//Reverse
int B =90;//Break
int Linterrupt = 1;//these are the interrupt numbers. 0 = pin 3 and 1 = pin 2
int Rinterrupt = 0;
int clickConvert = 7;// how many rotery encoder clicks equal a foot
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //starting serial communication
LEFT.attach( 9, 1000, 2000);//attaching the motor controller that is acting like a servo
RIGHT.attach(10, 1000, 2000);
attachInterrupt(Linterrupt, LclickCounter, FALLING);//attaching the rotory encoders as interrupts that will
attachInterrupt(Rinterrupt, RclickCounter, FALLING);//trip when the encoder pins go from high to low
void loop()
{//This is for controling the robot using the standard wasd format
int input=;
if(input == 'a')
if(input == 'd')
if(input == 'w')
if(input == 's')
if(input == 'e')
void forward(int feet)//this is called when w is sent threw the serial port and is where i am testing all of my code.
interrupts(); //turn on the interrupts
while(RclickNum < feet * clickConvert || LclickNum < feet * clickConvert)// while either the left or right wheel hasnt made it to the desired distance
if(RclickNum < feet * clickConvert)//check if the right wheel has gone the distance
RIGHT.write(D); //make the right wheel move
RIGHT.write(B);//stop the right wheel
if(LclickNum < feet * clickConvert)
noInterrupts();//stop the interrupts
resetCount();//set the click counters back to zero
//once i have the forward function working i will implament it through out the other functions
void backward(int feet)
void left(int feet)
void right(int feet)
void STOP()
void LclickCounter()//this is called by the left encoder interrupt
void RclickCounter()//this is called by the right encoder interrupt
M Serial.print("R");
void resetCount()
don't use interrupt() and nointerrupt() (or cli() and sei()) as they will stop timer and serial interrupt, breaking a lot of things. Just set to 0 the counting variable OR use detachInterrupt and attachInterrupt.
variable used inside interrupt AND normal execution flow should be declared as volatile, or their value my be unsyncornized. So declare them like volatile int RclickNum=0;
interrupt should be fast to execute, as by default other interrupt will NOT execute while inside an interrupt.
NEVER use Serial inside interrupt; if Serial buffer is full, it will call Serial.flush(), that will wait for Serial interrupt of byte written, but because you are alreadi inside an interrupt will never happen...dead lock aka you code hangs forever!
because your "moving" function use quite a long time to execute, if multiple command arrive to the serial, thay will remain isnode the buffer until readed. So if in the terminal you write "asd" and then "e", you will see robot go left, backward, right, stop (yes, actually the stop function is not usefull as it does nothing because your "moving" function are "blocking", that mean they won't return until they ended, so the loop() code (and the read of "e") will not execute until the buffer of serial has been processed.
