What is the best way to track click events in Google Analytics? - google-analytics

It's possible to track click events through Google Tag Manager and also through custom Javascript. It's not terribly difficult to do this either way, and so my preference is to simply configure Google Tag Manager to capture a few dozen selected Click events. However, I'm not aware of any pros or cons for doing this one way or the other?
If Google Tag Manager is already installed and loaded on my website, is there any reason why I should NOT use it for capturing click events? Are there any compelling performance reasons or arguments that can be made that capturing Custom Events using Google Tag Manager might "slow" down a webpage?

You are unlikely to come up with a more robust solution than one that has been tested by a battalion of Google engineers
You load the GTM code in any case, so you might as well use it
If you want to use the built-in click variables (click text, click classes etc.) then you'd have to use the built-in click events
It is possible to slow down a page via GTM by unwise use of custom HTML tags or by loading tags that in turn load scripts from third party sources, but I bet you a good lunch that you won't come up with a solution that is at the same time as performant and as broadly applicable as the solution built into GTM.


Attribution requirements for Google Translate

I wish to use the results of the Google translation that results from right clicking on a web page in Chrome, as opposed to using the API. These results I will use as part of a web language learning tool. I have read this page: https://cloud.google.com/translate/attribution about adding a logo, and have also read the HTML markup requirements at https://cloud.google.com/translate/markup.
My question is as these terms and conditions pages are referring to the API, do they also apply to using the translation results of using the Chrome menu item? I could use the API but this is much simpler for my temporary need.
Yes, when you're using the Google Translate Tool in a page by using the right-click, you can see that it send a request to the Google Translate API.
In definition, you have to add Google Attribution.
I guess for a personal website or non-commercial use it might not be that big of an issue but still, it will avoid future ones.

Google Adwords implementation via GTM - Please suggest correct implementation

I am trying to audit Google dynamic Remarketing tag on our website. It is done via GTM and from what i've read online, instead of using data layer passed through codebase variables it is using custom javascript. Below is the way it's implemented which is confusing. i just want to know if this is correct way of implementation or should i re do the tag?
we have a custom javascript variable "google_tag_params"
Then we have adwords Remarketing tag implemented which references data layer variable "google_tag_params" that fires on all pages
Then we have several other gtm tags : homepage, products, cart etc (custom html type) that populates the google_tag_params. Below is an example for the homepage which fires on homepage and products
Any documentation which explains this current implementation will be helpful.
This looks like a working implementation, although it negates pretty much all advantages of having a tag management system.
Remarketing attributes different weights to users depending on which pages they have visited - a user who has just looked briefly at the homepage is less valuable than a user who has looked at product categories or product details (plus the more you know about the products viewed the more precise you can tailor the ads to your clients taste, or so the theory goes). This is why you need to pass in data about the sites visited and the products viewed via a javascript object - the "google_tag_params".
Usually the data for this would be provided in the source code of your website - ideally in the datalayer format, although a global javascript variable works as well.
Apparently the site you are looking at does not do that. So the person who implemented this used custom HTML tags to create global JS variables with the necessary data. This puts the data in the global namespace. Then (s)he created a javascript variable that reads the js variable created from the tag and feeds it to the Adwords tag.
There are multiple custom HTML tags with definitions for the google_tag_params. I am pretty sure that if you look at the triggers you will see that they are fired on specific pages - "Homepage" only at the root page of your website, "Products Variables" on product details pages etc. That way the google_tag_params object contains the data that is required for the respective page type. Since the website does not provide product data there is some custom javascript in the "Products Variables" tag to extract data from the DOM.
Does this work ? Well, I guess so. Is it elegant ? Certainly not - two of the main advantages of GTM are encapsulation (the only global variable you need is the datalayer array, thus mitigating the risk of naming collisions) and a fairly robust selector engine. Your code as it is uses none of that.
Is is worth changing ? Maybe, a little. It would be a little more elegant if the google_tag_params would be created in a custom javascript variable (which takes the format of an anonymous function that returns a value). Also the DOM extraction code could be moved either to custom javascript variables or DOM type variables (which reads data from HTML elements without any custom code if you can come up with the proper selector). However while this means you have a nicer and marginally more reliable implementation this means some effort for basically the same outcome.
However a proper implementation would rely on a datalayer that is provided by your page (i.e. it is created via server-side code). DOM extraction is a fickle business and if you change your markup you will break your Adwords tracking.
If you cannot have a dataLayer implemented via server-side code then the pragmatic solution would probably be to leave things as they are. It does leave you open to a few problems (if you change the markup or introduce a global JS variable named "price" or "qty" then your implementation is screwed) but apparently this has done its job so far, so why go the extra mile.

Enhanced e-commerce using GTM but no in-page dataLayer

I am working on a project where I do not have access to page source nor can I ask client's IT team to create in-page/onload dataLayer e.g. having dataLayer before the tag. Is the idea of implementing enhanced e-commerce tracking remotely possible via dataLayer.push e.g. build dataLayer as you go?I have a very little knowledge of dataLayer.push (which I am starting to read up). Question is :
Is dataLayer.push the correct way move forward? Have anyone done this
what issue I might face e.g. "add to cart" event, remove cart or
category page any working example? I still don't have a clear view of
the workflow here.
What are the downside of doing it this way beside "style/css" based
trigger might fall off during future site design update.
Your main problem is that you need to get the data from somewhere. Usually without a dataLayer this means DOM scraping and then assembling the scraped data into a dataLayer in a custom javascript function. Drawbacks are the same as with your stle/css based triggers:
Implementation is strongly coupled to the page layout
data might be missing, or require cleaning (if mixed with html or unrelated text)
potentially expensive in clients CPU time
custom javascript introduces new points of failure (i.e. can you test rigorously enough to guarantee that there are no side effects)
If you do workarounds around your client's ITs shortcomings remember that you own them - you will be responsible if the workarounds break, or have side effects, or need to be amended to account for new features. Make sure that you are very well compensated for that risk (and personally with the experience I have now I would not do this at all).
I think it's important to acknowledge here that the Data Layer is just one way of storing this information, and is used solely because it's possible to push data to it from the page.
If you can't write the code into the site itself, don't push information to the data layer. Just keep that information for yourself, in GTM's variables. You'll save yourself a huge headache, and a bit of computation too.
DOM scraping is a perfectly reasonable way to get hold of information, but you will run into some barriers.
You're going to have to write a lot of JavaScript to get the data you need.
Some buttons may turn out to be composed of several elements that you'll have to cover with your triggers etc.
Any changes to the site will potentially ruin your code.
Not everything is available to you, especially verification of data (checking if a purchase went through is probably no longer possible before reporting the transaction).

Upgrading to Google Universal Analytics

I have been searching around to find out anything that needs to be taken into consideration when upgrading to Universal Analytics.
I found this post:
Google Analytics - Upgrading to Async Code
He explains that if you are not doing anything advanced you should be ok. We have lots of event tracking in place that we would like to keep the same. We also have some Custom Variables I could do without and/or deal with in Custom Dimensions.
Other than that we have a fairly basic setup.
We do have a "keep alive" event in place also that helps determine an accurate time on site.
Another really important question has everything to do with being able to transistion from Classic analytics to Universal. Is this possible? I found an article that said it wasn't but that article was a couple months old and not sure if its still true.
Universal Analytics is Google's newest tracking code. It is currently in beta phase, so you may want to hold off on it, depending on your resources... In principle it works more or less the same way as the async code. Here are the major points about it:
The syntax is different. All config/tracking is done by making a call to ga()
Some of the "config" arguments for things have been moved to the GA interface. For example, names and scope for custom variables are no longer passed as arguments on-page. They are now done within the GA interface. Actually to be more accurate, custom variables no longer exist. Google now has custom dimensions and metrics as a replacement. Custom dimensions are the closest translation to custom variables (they are pretty much the same in principle). Custom metrics are some kind of mix between dimensions and events.
Google currently does NOT offer a way to upgrade your profile(s)/account(s) to Universal Analytics style. In order to use Universal Analytics, you have to create a new account or profile. If you want to try Universal Analytics out, Google currently recommends implementing it along side the traditional or async version you already have implemented.
Google has not currently officially stated when or if they will provide a means to migrate existing profiles, though I personally think they eventually will, since preserving historical data and reducing time and costs associated with migrating is a huge concern to everybody.
In addition to #Crayon-Violent's answer, be aware that the current Core Reporting API (v3) doesn't support retrieving custom dimension/metric data.
This month Google anounced that classical analytics properties can be upgraded to Universal without any data loss.
Universal Analytics is a set of technological innovations that improve
the way data is collected and processed in Google Analytics. The
Universal Analytics Upgrade is a process you can use to upgrade all of
your classic Google Analytics properties into Universal Analytics
properties without losing any data or changing your account settings.
All Google Analytics properties will soon be required to use Universal
Analytics. Any properties that don’t follow the upgrade process will
be auto-transferred to Universal Analytics in the future.
You can upgrade your analytics property from analytics admin panel. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/
In case of upgrade problems you can refer to Google group:
I recently inherited a project loaded with Google Analytics and I had never worked with them before. The code migration to Universal Analytics was straightforward with the exception of moving from Custom Vars to Dimensions. Google's documentation does little to highlight this.
After some digging around I found a couple of things that I think may help others that are migrating:
1) Set up or edit custom dimensions & metrics
Note that when you set up the Dimensions you are provided with code snippets that you can copy & paste into your project.
2) How to use the code to send custom dimensions & metrics
This docmentation will help you understand the provided code snippets and learn how to better work with them.
I hope this info spares others some of the pain that I experienced going through this.
I've created a plugin like jQuery Migrate to backward compatibilty of eventTracking and other features.
Allow developers to migrate old methods _gaq.push() to ga() object.

How do I add order information from Google Checkout into my database?

I have implemented Google Checkout sandbox for testing buy button which successfully allows user to place their orders. I want to add order of Google Checkout sandbox to my database by using asp.net.
Can anyone tell me how can I implement this scenario?
There are multiple interfaces to Google Checkout . By far the easiest is a buy now button, which is what it sounds like you've implemented. Now the limitation with that method is that it places one item into a cart at Google and that's the end of the interaction. So you need to process the order in the Merchant center. Nice and simple for small sites processing few orders. But doesn't sound like what you want. At the other end of the spectrum, you can do a custom cart using the html or xml interfaces. Using the xml interface, you have complete control of the order. Google will then do call backs on complete order to post the cart back to your site. Taken to the extreme, you can automate pretty much anything that could be done in the merchant center: canceling orders, issuing refunds, etc.
It's all a question of trading off integration effort with control. They offer a number of different integration patterns. There's a nice comparison on in the developer docs. But with the buy now buttons, I don't believe that anything ever comes back to your system, and it sounds like you want the order details back on your system/site. You may also want to take a look at Ways to integrate with Google Checkout and pick the integration pattern that makes the most sense for you.
I don't have ASP.Net code to hand you, but I'm sure it's doable and there are examples in the developer docs.
See this site for Checkout Client Libraries & Sample Code (including .NET and Classic ASP):
