Dimensions of object in R - r

Whenever I need to find out number of rows in dataframe, I use nrow(df) or dim(df). I need to find out number of rows in series I use NROW(df$col_1). Is there one function, which works in both cases?


function to remove all observations that contain a "prohibited" value - R

I have an large dataset looking like:
There are overall 43 different values for PID. I have identified PIDs that need to be removed and summarized them in a vector:
I want to remove all observations (rows) from my data set that contain one of the PIDs from the vecotor NullNK. I have tried writing a function for it, but i get an error ( i have never written functiones before):
for (i in length(NullNK)){
SR_DynUeber_einfam <- SR_DynUeber_einfam [-which(SR_DynUeber_einfam$PID == NullNK(i)),]
How can i efficently remove the observations from my original data set that are containing PIDs from NullNK vector?
What is wrong with my function?
For basic operations like this, for loops are often not needed. This does what you are looking for:
SR_DynUeber_einfam[!SR_DynUeber_einfam$PID %in% NullNK,]
One mistake in your function is NullNK(i). You should subset from a vector with NullNK[i] in R.
Hope this helps!

Subsetting rows, changing values, and placing them back into matrix?

I hope this has not been answered, but when I search for a solution to my problem I am not getting any results.
I have a data.frame of 2000+ observations and 20+ columns. Each row represents a different observation and each column represents a different facet of data for that observation. My objective is to iterate through the data.frames and select observations which match criteria (eg. I am trying to pick out observations that are in certain states). After this, I need to subtract or add time to convert it to its appropriate time zone (all of the times are in CST). What I have so far is an exorbitant amount of subsetting commands that pick out the rows that are of the state being checked against. When I try to write a for loop I can only get one value returned, not the whole row.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or knew of any functions that could help me. I've tried just about everything, but I really don't want to have to go through each state of observations and modify the time. I would prefer a loop that could easily go through the data, select rows based on their state, subtract or add time, and then place the row back into its original data.frame (replacing the old value).
I appreciate any help.

Changing hundreds of column names simultaneously in R

I have a data frame with hundreds of columns whose names I want to change. I'm very new to R, so it's rather easy to think through the logic of this, but I simply can't find a relevant example online.
The closest I could sort of get was this:
projectFileAllCombinedNames <- for (i in 1:200){names(projectFileAllCombined)[i+1] <-variableNames[i]}
Basically, starting at the second column of projectFileAllCombined, I want to loop through the columns in the dataframe and assign them the data values in the second data frame. I was able to change one column name manually with this code:
but I can't possibly do that for hundreds of columns. I've spent multiple hours on this and can't crack it with any number of Google searches on "change multiple columns in r" or "change column names in r". The best I can find online is examples where people change a few columns with a c() function and I get how that works, but that still seems to require typing out all the column names as parameters to the function, unless there is a way to just pass the "variableNames" file into that c() function, but I don't know of one.
colnames(projectFileAllCombined)[-1] <- variableNames
not suffice?
This assumes the ordering of columns in projectFileAllCombined is the same as the ordering of the new variable names in variableNames, and that
length(variableNames) == (ncol(projectFileAllCombined) - 1)
The key point here is that the replacement function 'colnames<-'() is vectorised and can replace any number of column names in a single call if passed a vector of replacement values.

How to order a matrix by all columns

Ok, I'm stuck in a dumbness loop. I've read thru the helpful ideas at How to sort a dataframe by column(s)? , but need one more hint. I'd like a function that takes a matrix with an arbitrary number of columns, and sorts by all columns in sequence. E.g., for a matrix foo with N columns,
does the equivalent of foo[order(foo[,1],foo[,2],...foo[,N]),] . I am happy to use a with or by construction, and if necessary define the colnames of my matrix, but I can't figure out how to automate the collection of arguments to order (or to with) .
Or, I should say, I could build the entire bloody string with paste and then call it, but I'm sure there's a more straightforward way.
The most elegant (for certain values of "elegant") way would be to turn it into a data frame, and use do.call:
foo[do.call(order, as.data.frame(foo)), ]
This works because a data frame is just a list of variables with some associated attributes, and can be passed to functions expecting a list.

My data is stored as a matrix and as a list at the same time?

I am using the tabular() function to produce tables in r (tables library).
I want to compute CI's from the data in the output (let mytable be the output from tabular()). Simple enough I thought, except when I go to call a value from the matrix, I get the error Error in mytable[1, i] - 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator. I thought this was odd, as when I call up a particular cell of the matrix (where as.matrix returned true for mytable), for example mytable[1, i] for some i, I get an interger. I then do the as.list for mytable and get true also, so I am not sure what this means. I guess the tabular() function stores the results as a special kind of matrix.
I am only trying to pull out the mean,sdev, and n, which I am able to just by typing the cell location, for example mytable[1, i] would return an 86. However, when I try to call up the value in qt(.975,df=(mytable[1,i]-1)) for example, I get the error above. Not sure really how to approach this except to manually enter the values into another matrix (which I would like to avoid). Or, if I can compute CI's directly in the tabular() function that would work also. Cheers.
I shall quote for you the Value section of the documentation on the function ?tabular:
An object of S3 class "tabular". This is a matrix of mode list, whose
entries are computed summary values, with the following attributes:
rowLabels - A matrix of labels for the rows. This will have the same
number of rows as the main matrix, but may have multiple columns for
different nested levels of labels. If a label covers multiple rows, it
is entered in the first row, and NA is used to fill following rows.
colLabels - Like rowLabels, but labelling the columns.
table - The original table expression being displayed. A list of the
original format specifications are attached as a "fmtlist" attribute.
formats - A matrix of the same shape as the main result, containing NA
for default formatting, or an index into the format list.
As the documentation says, each element of the matrix is a list. If your tabular object is called tab type tab[1,1] and you should see a list containing one of your table values. If I wanted to modify that value, I would probably do something like:
tab[1,1]$term <- value
just like you would modify values in any other list.
Type attributes(tab) and you'll see the items listed above, containing a lot of the formatting information and row/col headers.
