no result coming in search in alfresco community - alfresco

Using Alfreco community 5.0.d and getting below error which is not letting me find ay result on search.
ERROR [org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntime] [http-bio-8080-exec-4] Exception from executeScript - redirecting to status template error: 00180000 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 00180012 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/slingshot/documentlibrary/doclist.get.js': 00180011 Failed to execute search: +#cm\:modified:[2017\-1\-11T00\:00\:00.000 TO 2017\-1\-18T23\:59\:59.999] +#cm\:modifier:"admin" +(TYPE:"cm:content" OR TYPE:"bcpg:entityV2") -TYPE:"cm:systemfolder" -TYPE:"fm:forums" -TYPE:"fm:forum" -TYPE:"fm:topic" -TYPE:"fm:post" -TYPE:"bcpg:entityListItem" -ASPECT:"bcpg:compositeVersion" -ASPECT:"bcpg:hiddenFolder" -ASPECT:"bcpg:entityTplAspect" +(TYPE:"content" OR TYPE:"app:filelink" OR TYPE:"folder" )
org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptException: 00180000 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 00180012 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/slingshot/documentlibrary/doclist.get.js': 00180011 Failed to execute search: +#cm\:modified:[2017\-1\-11T00\:00\:00.000 TO 2017\-1\-18T23\:59\:59.999] +#cm\:modifier:"admin" +(TYPE:"cm:content" OR TYPE:"bcpg:entityV2") -TYPE:"cm:systemfolder" -TYPE:"fm:forums" -TYPE:"fm:forum" -TYPE:"fm:topic" -TYPE:"fm:post" -TYPE:"bcpg:entityListItem" -ASPECT:"bcpg:compositeVersion" -ASPECT:"bcpg:hiddenFolder" -ASPECT:"bcpg:entityTplAspect" +(TYPE:"content" OR TYPE:"app:filelink" OR TYPE:"folder" )

Looks like you're executing a template rather than the actual web script. You should call it via:
You can find the reference locally via the web scripts service index. (e.g., http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/index/all )

Issue is fixed
Issue was related to ssl certificate being untrusted because of that solr4 and alfresco repo could not connect.
Link -
All search and tags are working fine after this. Configure the certificate and alfresco is working properly.


Klov Server throwing freemarker.core._TemplateModelException - Not able to generate/see any extent reports on Klov Server

Successfully installed klov server on localhost:90 and mongodb 3.2 is running/listening on port 27017
After login to localhost:90 with klovadmin/password, command prompt for klov showing "Error executing FreeMarker template"
2018-11-13 015:54:07.367 ERROR 10504 --- [ qtp19615804-36]
freemarker.runtime : Error executing FreeMarker
freemarker.core._TemplateModelException: Java method
"com.aventstack.klov.viewdefs.Color.byStatus(String)" threw an
exception when invoked on com.aventstack.klov.viewdefs.Color object
"com.aventstack.klov.viewdefs.Color#1f29da2"; see cause exception in
the Java stack trace.
---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: ${Color.byStatus(project.lastReport.s... [in template "" at line 46, column 117]
at freemarker.ext.beans._MethodUtil.newInvocationTemplateModelException( ~[freemarker-2.3.28.jar!/:2.3.28]
at freemarker.ext.beans._MethodUtil.newInvocationTemplateModelException( ~[freemarker-2.3.28.jar!/:2.3.28]
This error was related to Klov-0.2.0, which is not currently supported for C# (only java at this time).
To run the server use Klov-0.1.1 which is available at

RSelenium Error in envRefInferField

I am struggling all day with RSelenium. I have read everything I could find on net about the issue. And after all I am getting some earnings and errors I didn't get in the first place. When I execute checkForServer(), I get the watning:
Warning message:
checkForServer is deprecated.
Users in future can find the function in file.path(find.package("RSelenium"), "example/serverUtils").
The sourcing/starting of a Selenium Server is a users responsiblity.
Options include manually starting a server see vignette("RSelenium-basics", package = "RSelenium")
and running a docker container see vignette("RSelenium-docker", package = "RSelenium")
When I execute startServer(), I get the same warning as above.
In the end, when I run the code remDr <-remoteDriver() and remDr$open(), I get error:
Selenium message: The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.gecko.driver system property; for more information, see The latest version can be downloaded from
Error: Summary: UnknownError
Detail: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
class: java.lang.IllegalStateException
Further Details: run errorDetails method
I have also tried with chrome, but without succes.

Sylius template rendering exception - channel not found

I just installed a copy of Sylius on my dev server (Ubuntu), configured the database parameters, resolved all dependencies, and ran sylius:install. Install completed successfully, and all looked good.
When trying to access the front-end (web/app_dev.php), however, I get an error thrown during template rendering:
Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been
thrown during the rendering of a template ("Channel could not be
found!") in "SyliusWebBundle:Frontend:layout.html.twig" at line 55."
line 182 Context: { "exception": "Object(Twig_Error_Runtime)" }
I'm not entirely sure what channel it's unable to find, or how to resolve this.

SSIS package using excel source failing on IIS server

I have a simple SSIS package which has an excel source dumping data in SQL table.
It works fine in BIDS when run manually.
It also works when called from an ASP.NET application on my local.
When the same ASP.NET application was deployed on IIS server it is giving me the following error:
The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "<DB>.<User>" failed with error code 0xC0202009
Run64bitRunTime is set to false as suggested in many posts for similar issue.
What could be the issue?
Error Log from SQL Job running the package:
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_ERROR. The requested OLE DB provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered. Error code: 0x00000000. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered". End Error Error: 2015-06-02 14:26:22.79 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Data Flow Task Excel Source [1] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0209302. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. End Error Error: 2015-06-02 14:26:22.79 Code: 0xC0047017 Source: Data Flow Task SSIS.Pipeline Description: component "Excel Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C. End Error Error: 2015-06-02 14:26:22.79 Code: 0xC004700C Source: Data Flow Task SSIS.Pipeline Description: One or more component failed validation. End Error Error: 2015-06-02 14:26:22.79 Code: 0xC0024107 Source: Data Flow Task Description: There were errors during task validation. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 2:26:21 PM Finished: 2:26:22 PM Elapsed: 1.031 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0
Typically when a package runs in BIDS and in the integration services, but fails as a job or when called from an external application, it is a permissions issue associated with the SSIS proxy. The default logon being applied in the ASP.NET application should also be set up in a credential and that credential should then be applied in a Proxy with permission to apply the SSIS subsystem.
Apply the steps outlined in the following link:

swagger-document-override/md-override-loader - FAILED

I am able to generate code using Autorest with my api when I host it on a server 2012R2 running IIS
However when I try to run it with the localhost url I get a could not read message.
I can read swagger.json in the browser
I am using the command
autorest --input-file=https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json
--output-folder=generated --csharp --namespace=DD.MyApp.Connector
The output is
AutoRest code generation utility [version: 2.0.4283; node: v10.11.0]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
Loading AutoRest core 'C:\Users\kirst\.autorest\#microsoft.azure_autorest-core#2.0.4289\node_modules\\autorest-core\dist' (2.0.4289)
Loading AutoRest extension '' (~2.3.79->2.3.82)
Loading AutoRest extension '' (2.3.55->2.3.55)
FATAL: swagger-document-override/md-override-loader - FAILED
FATAL: Error: Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
FATAL: swagger-document/loader - FAILED
FATAL: Error: Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
Process() cancelled due to exception : Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
Error: Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
After studying the issue on github I tried starting the api using dotnet run
but it did not help.
I tried running autorest in a dos command shell with admin priviledge
As per the github issue I can save the swagger.json to a file and generate the code by referencing the file.
That isn't a great solution.
Are you attempting to use https with localhost ? If you haven't put a certificate on there, you shouldn't be using https.
Try it with http://localhost...
