Sylius template rendering exception - channel not found - symfony

I just installed a copy of Sylius on my dev server (Ubuntu), configured the database parameters, resolved all dependencies, and ran sylius:install. Install completed successfully, and all looked good.
When trying to access the front-end (web/app_dev.php), however, I get an error thrown during template rendering:
Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been
thrown during the rendering of a template ("Channel could not be
found!") in "SyliusWebBundle:Frontend:layout.html.twig" at line 55."
line 182 Context: { "exception": "Object(Twig_Error_Runtime)" }
I'm not entirely sure what channel it's unable to find, or how to resolve this.


Solidity Deployment Error - "ProviderError: HttpProviderError"

Been attempting to deploy a new instance of a contract I've deployed before, from an environment I haven't used in a while (though which has successfully deployed before). None of the details of the contracts or my configuration have changed, and it appears that the http error is unrelated. What can I do to debug and resolve?
ProviderError: HttpProviderError
at HttpProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/http.ts:78:19)
at LocalAccountsProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/accounts.ts:187:34)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider._getChainIdFromEthNetVersion (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:33:17)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider._getChainId (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:17:25)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:55:29)
at EthersProviderWrapper.send (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/ethers-provider-wrapper.ts:13:20)
at getSigners (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:45:20)
at getContractFactoryByAbiAndBytecode (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:288:21)
at main (/home/user/Solidity/env/scripts/deployVerify.js:6:27)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Found some great advice here:
Turns out my Alchemy RPC app had ceased working. I reset to a new app, and worked immediately as intended.

Symfony Compile Error Failed opening required Proxies

I download a new sylius 1.5 project and i deploy it on a sharedhost server. In local all work very well both in dev and prod environnement. But online prod env don't work. Here is the exception in prod log
Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException:
Compile Error: require(): Failed opening required 'var/cache/prod/doctrine/orm/Proxies/__CG__some-file.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php7:/usr/share/php') at vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Proxy/AbstractProxyFactory.php line 223
I don't know how to resolve this problem. thanks
When i laod page for the first time the page it work. But when i click on link or refresh the page i have a blank page with message
this page is currently unable to handle this request
In cPanel Configure PHP INI basic settings section i enable display_errors and when i refresh the page this error is displayed
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'phar:///home/ki327452/public_html/acme/vendor/phpstan/phpstan-shim/phpstan.phar/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/ki327452/public_html/acme/vendor/phpstan/phpstan-shim/bootstrap.php on line 8
I wait a few moment and when i refresh again it works.And that is a boucle in which i am.

How to fix 'Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Loader: Unable to find template' on Symfony 3.4?

I deployed a symfony 3.4 project from my local machine (Windows 10) to a cloud server (Digital Ocean) based on Ubuntu.
I spent 2 days trying to resolve this (i think) routing problem:
"request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Loader..."
Locally, on localhost with XAMPP, it works perfect.
The project runs ok on the login (is like a backend user app), with the register ok But when it tries to pass the login, it needs to load the initial dashboard with some includes (like nav_side.html.twig) and the server response is error 500.
How can i fix it?
Thanks a lot for your response...i'm a little bit desperate. :)
I made composer update, i deleted the cache folder, but the error is still there.
request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Loader: "Unable to
find template "Backe ndBundle:includes:nav_side.html.twig"
(looked into: /var/www/onecup/app/Resources/views,
ymfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Twig/Resources/views/Form) in
"BackendBundle:Dashboard:index.html.twig" at line 7." at
/var/www/onecup/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Loader/Filesystem.php line
234 {"exception":"[object] (Twig_Err or_Loader(code: 0):
Unable to find template \"BackendBundle:includes:nav_side.html.twig\"
(looked into: /var/www/ onecup/app/Resources/views,
in \"BackendBundle:Dashboard:index.html.twig\" at line 7. at
esystem.php:234)"} []
#Flying was right: examine your code and try to find possible case inconsistences in directory / filenames. e.g. "file" and "File". Windows filesystem is case-insensitive, but Ubuntu filesystem is case-sensitive.
So, i changed the Includes to includes and that's all.
Thanks a lot!! :)

Akeneo - Cannot access specific parts of the backend (http 500)

I am having some trouble to test akeneo (PIM based on symfony) features, as some parts of akeneo backend return the following error:
Sorry, page was not loaded correctly
It specifically occurs if I click under enrich, or settings.
I checked under app/logs, here is what I found:
[2016-11-05 13:57:36] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("There are no activated locales") in "/var/www/html/pim-community-standard/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/views/Attribute/index.html.twig" at line 68." at /var/www/html/pim-community-standard/app/cache/prod/classes.php line 5700 {"exception":"[object] (Twig_Error_Runtime(code: 0): An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (\"There are no activated locales\") in \"/var/www/html/pim-community-standard/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/views/Attribute/index.html.twig\" at line 68. at /var/www/html/pim-community-standard/app/cache/prod/classes.php:5700, LogicException(code: 0): There are no activated locales at /var/www/html/pim-community-standard/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/UserBundle/Context/UserContext.php:110)"} []
I searched almost everything I could find in forums, but I'm still stuck with this issue.
Another error is also logged (depending on where I click):
[2016-11-05 13:58:55] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception LogicException: "There are no activated locales" at /var/www/html/pim-community-standard/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/UserBundle/Context/UserContext.php line 110 {"exception":"[object] (LogicException(code: 0): There are no activated locales at /var/www/html/pim-community-standard/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/UserBundle/Context/UserContext.php:110)"} []
These are the two errors that I was able to find in logs.
I double checked the install & all requirements (ubuntu 1.14). Everything seems fine.
Would you have an idea?
Thanks in advance!
Try to go "My Account - Additional" and select 2 locales, English and Spanish for example. Then go to console and delete the folder
When starting again Akeneo, view all akeneo_pim logs, or make a
tail -f /logs*
in the logsfolder.

Symfony display exceptions in prod environment

In prod env when error occurured symfony displays a standard error page.
This is the standard default framework error page:
But when PDO can't connect to database symfony display this error to the client:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known' in /homepages/35/d619429344/htdocs/mcg/web/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php:43 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/35/d619429344/htdocs/mcg/web/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php(43): PDO->__construct('mysql:host=db63...', 'dbo632759072', 'mgm_mgm', Array) #1 ...
PDO exeptions:
I can't display this error to the client for security reason.
Any ideas on how to disable these messages and redirect to an error page like other error ?
You should have display_errors = off in your PHP.ini anyway to avoid this problem. Errors that reveal details like these come from many places, in addition to PDO.
