How do you reverse a wav file? - wav

I want to reverse a wav file. I am not sure how to do this however. I have read that you need to reverse the sample stream instead of the byte stream, but I am not sure what people mean by this. Thanks for the help!

A nice way to get some kind of soud manipulation going is to use the Python language + Pygame -
Pygame allows you to read the contents of a .wav file into a value array with 5 or 6 lines of program - in total. The Python language allow you to revese that with a simple expression, and you will need more 2 or 3 function calls to pygame to either save the wav file or play it back.
You cna get the latest Python at , and them look for instructions on how to install modules with pip - at which point you woill be able to install pygame. Then, learn some Python basics if you don't already know, and follow Pygame's documentations at:

That's right, you need to reverse the samples and not the bytes.
Here's a brief summary from this tutorial.
Grab the bytes after the metadata (usually at index 44).
Reverse the samples by using a for loop:
private static byte[] ReverseTheForwardsArrayWithOnlyAudioData(int bytesPerSample, byte[] forwardsArrayWithOnlyAudioData)
int length = forwardsArrayWithOnlyAudioData.Length;
byte[] reversedArrayWithOnlyAudioData = new byte[length];
int sampleIdentifier = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (i != 0 && i % bytesPerSample == 0)
sampleIdentifier += 2 * bytesPerSample;
int index = length - bytesPerSample - sampleIdentifier + i;
reversedArrayWithOnlyAudioData[i] = forwardsArrayWithOnlyAudioData[index];
return reversedArrayWithOnlyAudioData;


JavaFx media bytes

I want to create a soundwave in my java programm from an mp3 file. I researched and found out, that for wav-files I need to use the AudioInputStream and calculate an byte array... From mp3-File I am using JavaFX media and media-player. Are the bytes from the Inputstream the same like from the Javafx media.getSource().getBytes(); ? An AudioInputStream cant read mp3...
Or how am I supposed to get the values for an mp3 file for soundwave?
Byte from AudioInputStream:
AudioInputStream audioInputStream;
try {
audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(next);
int frameLength = (int) audioInputStream.getFrameLength();
int frameSize = (int) audioInputStream.getFormat().getFrameSize();
byte[] bytes = new byte[frameLength * frameSize];
for(int p = 0; p < bytes.length; p++){
g2.fillRect(20 + (p * 3), 50, 2, bytes[p]);
} catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException | IOException e) {
And from JavaFX:
Media media;
MediaPlayer player;
media = new Media("blablafile");
player = new Mediaplayer(media);
byte[] bytes = media.getSource().getBytes();
The JavaFX Media API does not provide much low-level support as of Java 10. It seems to be designed with only the necessary features to play media, not manipulate it significantly.
That being said, you might want to look at AudioSpectrumListener. I can't promise it will give you what you want (I'm not familiar with computer-audio concepts) but it may allow you to create your sound-wave; at least a crude representation.
You use an AudioSpectrumListener with a MediaPlayer using the corresponding property.
If your calculations don't have to be in real time then you can do them ahead of time using:
byte[] bytes = URI.create(media.getSource()).toURL().openStream().readAllBytes();
Note that if the media is remote, however, that you will end up downloading the bytes twice; once to get the bytes for your sound-wave and again when actually playing the media with a MediaPlayer.
Also, you'll want to do the above on a background thread and not the JavaFX Application thread to avoid the possibility of freezing the UI.

variable in a header file shared between different projects

I have a solution which includes three projects. one is creating static library i.e .lib file. It contains one header file main.h and one main.cpp file. cpp file contains the definition of functions of header file.
second project is .exe project which includes the header file main.h and calls a function of header file.
third project is also a .exe project which includes the header file and uses a variable flag of header file.
Now both .exe projects are creating different instance of the variable. But I want to share same instance of the variable between the projects dynamically. as I have to map the value generated by one project into other project at the same instant.
Please help me as I am nearing my project deadline.
Thanks for the help.
Here are some part of the code.
main.cpp and main.h are files of .lib project
extern int flag;
extern int detect1(void);
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ShellAPI.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int flag=0;
int detect1(void)
int Cx=0,Cy=0,Kx=20,Ky=20,Sx=0,Sy=0,j=0;
//create the cascade classifier object used for the face detection
CascadeClassifier face_cascade;
//use the haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml library
//System::DateTime now = System::DateTime::Now;
//cout << now.Hour;
//setup video capture device and link it to the first capture device
VideoCapture captureDevice;;
//setup image files used in the capture process
Mat captureFrame;
Mat grayscaleFrame;
//create a window to present the results
namedWindow("capture", 1);
//create a loop to capture and find faces
//capture a new image frame
//convert captured image to gray scale and equalize
cvtColor(captureFrame, grayscaleFrame, CV_BGR2GRAY);
equalizeHist(grayscaleFrame, grayscaleFrame);
//create a vector array to store the face found
std::vector<Rect> faces;
//find faces and store them in the vector array
face_cascade.detectMultiScale(grayscaleFrame, faces, 1.1, 3, CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT|CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(30,30));
//draw a rectangle for all found faces in the vector array on the original image
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++)
Point pt1(faces[i].x + faces[i].width, faces[i].y + faces[i].height);
Point pt2(faces[i].x, faces[i].y);
rectangle(captureFrame, pt1, pt2, cvScalar(0, 255, 0, 0), 1, 8, 0);
Cx = faces[i].x + (faces[i].width / 2);
Cy = faces[i].y + (faces[i].height / 2);
if(Cx-Sx > Kx)
flag = 1;
if(Cx-Sx < -Kx)
flag = 2;
if(Cy-Sy > Ky)
flag = 3;
if(Cy-Sy < -Ky)
flag = 4;
if(abs(Cx-Sx) < Kx && abs(Cy-Sy)<Ky)
flag = 0;
2nd project's code
int main()
3rd project's code
int key;
key = flag;
You need to look up how to do inter-process communication in the operating system under which your applications will run. (At this point I assume that the processes are running on the same computer.) It looks like you're using Windows (based on seeing a call to "MessageBox") so the simplest means would be for both processes to use RegisterWindowMessage create a commonly-understood message value, and then send the data via LPARAM using either PostMessage or SendMessage. (You'll need each of them to get the window handle of the other, which is reasonably easy.) You'll want to have some sort of exclusion mechanism (mutex or critical section) in both processes to ensure that the shared value can't be read and written at the same time. If both processes can do the "change and exchange" then you'll have an interesting problem to solve if both try to do that at the same time, because you'll have to deal with the possibility of deadlocks over that shared value.
You can also use shared memory, but that's a bit more involved.
If the processes are on different computers you'll need to do it via TCP/IP or a protocol on top of TCP/IP. You could use a pub-sub arrangement--or any number of things. Without an understanding of exactly what you're trying to accomplish, it's difficult to know what to recommend.
(For the record, there is almost no way in a multi-process/multi-threaded O/S to share something "at the same instant." You can get arbitrarily close, but computers don't work like that.)
Given the level of difficulty involved, is there some other design that might make this cleaner? Why do these processes have to exchange information this way? Must it be done using separate processes?

how to print a uint16 monochrome image in Qt?

I'm trying to print a image from a Dicom file. I pass the raw data to a convertToFormat_RGB888 function. As far as I know, Qt can't handle monochrome 16 bits images.
Here's the original image (converted to jpg here):
bool convertToFormat_RGB888(gdcm::Image const & gimage, char *buffer, QImage* &imageQt)
Inside this function, I get inside this...
else if (gimage.GetPixelFormat() == gdcm::PixelFormat::UINT16)
short *buffer16 = (short*)buffer;
unsigned char *ubuffer = new unsigned char[dimX*dimY*3];
unsigned char *pubuffer = ubuffer;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimX*dimY; i++)
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
imageQt = new QImage(ubuffer, dimX, dimY, QImage::Format_RGB888);
This code is a little adaptation from here:
But the original one I got a execution error. Using mine at least I get an image, but it's not the same.
Here is the new image (converted to jpg here):
What am I doing wrong?
Try to get values of pixels from buffer manually and pass it to QImage::setPixel. It can be simplier.
You are assigning 16-bit integer to 8-bit variables here:
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
The result is undefined and most compilers just move the lower 8 bits to the destination. You want the upper 8 bits
*pubuffer++ = (*buffer16) >> 8;
The other issue is endianness. Depending to the endianness of the source data, you may need to call one of the QtEndian functions.
Lastly, you don't really need to use any of the 32 or 24-bit Qt image formats. Use 8-bit QImage::Format_Indexed8 and set the color table to grays.

Read from file in playn

Here's a stupid question.
How do you read files in a playn game? I tried using File and Scanner like I usually do in a standard java program:
void readFromFile(){
int x;
int y;
int pixel;
int[][] board;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File(in));
x = scan.nextInt();
y = scan.nextInt();
pixel = scan.nextInt();
Point start = new Point(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt());
Point dir = new Point(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt());
Point end = new Point(scan.nextInt(), scan.nextInt());
int antRoads = scan.nextInt();
board = new int[x][y];
for (int i = 0; i < y; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < x; j++){
board[i][j] = scan.nextInt();
lev = new Level(board, start, dir, end, antRoads, pixel, x, y);
} catch(FileNotFoundException e){
I tested File.canRead(), canWrite() and can Execute() and they all returned false.
Am I supposed to use assetMannager().getText() or something? If that's the case can someone tell me how it works? (or what is and how ResourceCallback works?)
My goal is to have a folder named "Maps" filled with maps in regular text-format just like the standard Image folder.
You cannot do normal file I/O in a PlayN game, because the games are compiled into JavaScript and run in the browser (when using the HTML5 backend), and the browser supports no file I/O (at least not the general purpose file I/O you would need for these purposes).
Browsers also do not even support the idea of a byte stream, or any sort of binary I/O (this may eventually arrive, but it will be ages before it's supported for all browsers).
So you have to use AssetManager.getText to read data files. You can encode them in JSON if you like and use PlayN.json() to decode them, or you can use your own custom string-based format.
If you don't plan to deploy using the HTML5 backend, you can create a "LevelReader" interface and implement that interface in your Android or iOS backend and make use of the native file I/O capabilities on those platforms.

Modifying motion vectors in ffmpeg H.264 decoder

For research purposes, I am trying to modify H.264 motion vectors (MVs) for each P- and B-frame prior to motion compensation during the decoding process. I am using FFmpeg for this purpose. An example of a modification is replacing each MV with its original spatial neighbors and then using the resultant MVs for motion compensation, rather than the original ones. Please direct me appropriately.
So far, I have been able to do a simple modification of MVs in the file /libavcodec/h264_cavlc.c. In the function, ff_h264_decode_mb_cavlc(), modifying the mx and my variables, for instance, by increasing their values modifies the MVs used during decoding.
For example, as shown below, the mx and my values are increased by 50, thus lengthening the MVs used in the decoder.
mx += get_se_golomb(&s->gb)+50;
my += get_se_golomb(&s->gb)+50;
However, in this regard, I don't know how to access the neighbors of mx and my for my spatial mean analysis that I mentioned in the first paragraph. I believe that the key to doing so lies in manipulating the array, mv_cache.
Another experiment that I performed was in the file, libavcodec/error_resilience.c. Based on the guess_mv() function, I created a new function, mean_mv() that is executed in ff_er_frame_end() within the first if-statement. That first if-statement exits the function ff_er_frame_end() if one of the conditions is a zero error-count (s->error_count == 0). However, I decided to insert my mean_mv() function at this point so that is always executed when there is a zero error-count. This experiment somewhat yielded the results I wanted as I could start seeing artifacts in the top portions of the video but they were restricted just to the upper-right corner. I'm guessing that my inserted function is not being completed so as to meet playback deadlines or something.
Below is the modified if-statement. The only addition is my function, mean_mv(s).
if(!s->error_recognition || s->error_count==0 || s->avctx->lowres ||
s->avctx->hwaccel ||
s->avctx->codec->capabilities&CODEC_CAP_HWACCEL_VDPAU ||
s->picture_structure != PICT_FRAME || // we dont support ER of field pictures yet, though it should not crash if enabled
s->error_count==3*s->mb_width*(s->avctx->skip_top + s->avctx->skip_bottom)) {
//av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "ff_er_frame_end in er.c\n"); //KG
And here's the mean_mv() function I created based on guess_mv().
static void mean_mv(MpegEncContext *s){
//uint8_t fixed[s->mb_stride * s->mb_height];
//const int mb_stride = s->mb_stride;
const int mb_width = s->mb_width;
const int mb_height= s->mb_height;
int mb_x, mb_y, mot_step, mot_stride;
//av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "mean_mv\n"); //KG
set_mv_strides(s, &mot_step, &mot_stride);
for(mb_y=0; mb_y<s->mb_height; mb_y++){
for(mb_x=0; mb_x<s->mb_width; mb_x++){
const int mb_xy= mb_x + mb_y*s->mb_stride;
const int mot_index= (mb_x + mb_y*mot_stride) * mot_step;
int mv_predictor[4][2]={{0}};
int ref[4]={0};
int pred_count=0;
int m, n;
if(IS_INTRA(s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_xy])) continue;
//if (1){
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy-1)];
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy+1)];
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_stride*mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_stride*mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy-s->mb_stride)];
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_stride*mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_stride*mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy+s->mb_stride)];
if(pred_count==0) continue;
int sum_x=0, sum_y=0, sum_r=0;
int k;
for(k=0; k<pred_count; k++){
sum_x+= mv_predictor[k][0]; // Sum all the MVx from MVs avail. for EC
sum_y+= mv_predictor[k][1]; // Sum all the MVy from MVs avail. for EC
sum_r+= ref[k];
// if(k && ref[k] != ref[k-1])
// goto skip_mean_and_median;
mv_predictor[pred_count][0] = sum_x/k;
mv_predictor[pred_count][1] = sum_y/k;
ref [pred_count] = sum_r/k;
s->mv[0][0][0] = mv_predictor[pred_count][0];
s->mv[0][0][1] = mv_predictor[pred_count][1];
for(m=0; m<mot_step; m++){
for(n=0; n<mot_step; n++){
s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + m + n * mot_stride][0] = s->mv[0][0][0];
s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + m + n * mot_stride][1] = s->mv[0][0][1];
decode_mb(s, ref[pred_count]);
I would really appreciate some assistance on how to go about this properly.
It's been a long time i have been out of touch with FFMPEG's code internally.
However, given my experience with inside FFMPEG horrors (you would know what i mean), i would rather give you a simple pragmatic advice.
Suggestion #1
Best possibility is that when motion vector of each of the blocks are identified - you can create your own additional array inside FFMPEG encoder context (a.k.a s) which will store all of them. When your algorithm runs it will pick up the values from there.
Suggestion #2
Another thing i read (i am not sure if i read it right)
the mx and my values are increased by 50
I think 50 is a very large motion vector. And usually, the F-value range of motion vector encoding would be prior restrictive. If you alter things by +/- 8 (or even +/- 16) might just be ok- but +50 could be so high that end result may not encode things properly.
I didn't quite understood your objective about mean_mv() and what failure you expect from there. Please re-phrase a bit.
