Numpy indexing using array - multidimensional-array

I'm trying to return a (square) section from an array, where the indices wrap around the edges. I need to juggle some indexing, but it works, however, I expect the last two lines of codes to have the same result, why don't they? How does numpy interpret the last line?
And as a bonus question: Am I being woefully inefficient with this approach? I'm using the product because I need to modulo the range so it wraps around, otherwise I'd use a[imin:imax, jmin:jmax, :], of course.
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
i = np.arange(-1, 2) % 3
j = np.arange(1, 4) % 3
a = np.random.randint(1,10,(3,3,2))
print a[i,j,:]
# Gives 3 entries [(i[0],j[0]), (i[1],j[1]), (i[2],j[2])]
# This is not what I want...
indices = list(product(i, j))
print indices
indices = zip(*indices)
print 'a[indices]\n', a[indices]
# This works, but when I'm explicit:
print 'a[indices, :]\n', a[indices, :]
# Huh?

The problem is that advanced indexing is triggered if:
the selection object, obj, is [...] a tuple with at least one sequence object or ndarray
The easiest fix in your case is to use repeated indexing:
a[i][:, j]
An alternative would be to use ndarray.take, which will perform the modulo operation for you if you specify mode='wrap':
a.take(np.arange(-1, 2), axis=0, mode='wrap').take(np.arange(1, 4), axis=1, mode='wrap')

To give another method of advanced indexing which is better in my opinion then the product solution.
If you have for every dimension an integer array these are broadcasted together and the output is the same output as the broadcast shape (you will see what I mean)...
i, j = np.ix_(i,j) # this adds extra empty axes
print i,j
print a[i,j]
# and now you will actually *not* be surprised:
print a[i,j,:]
Note that this is a 3x3x2 array, while you had a 9x2 array, but simple reshape will fix that and the 3x3x2 array is actually closer to what you want probably.
Actually the surprise is still hidden in a way, because in your examples a[indices] is the same as a[indices[0], indicies[1]] but a[indicies,:] is a[(indicies[0], indicies[1]),:] which is not a big surprise that it is different. Note that a[indicies[0], indicies[1],:] does give the same result.

See :
When you add :, you are mixing integer indexing and slicing. The rules are quite complicated and better explained than I could in the above link.


Find which sum of any numbers in an array equals amount

I have a customer who sends electronic payments but doesn't bother to specify which invoices. I'm left guessing which ones and I would rather not try every single combination manually. I need some sort of pseudo-code to do it and then I can adapt it but I'm not sure I can come up with a good algorithm myself. . I'm familiar with php, bash, and python but I can adapt.
I would need an array with the following numbers: [357.15, 223.73, 106.99, 89.96, 312.39, 120.00]. Those are the amounts of the invoices. Then I would need to find a sum of any combination of two or more of those numbers that adds up to 596.57. Once found the program would need to tell me exactly which numbers it used to reach the sum so I can then know which invoices got paid.
This is very similar to the Subset Sum problem and can be solved using a similar approach to the typical brute-force method used for that problem. I have to do this often enough that I keep a simple template of this algorithm handy for when I need it. What is posted below is a slightly modified version1.
This has no restrictions on whether the values are integer or float. The basic idea is to iterate over the list of input values and keep a running list of every subset that sums to less than the target value (since there might be a later value in the inputs that will yield the target). It could be modified to handle negative values as well by removing the rule that only keeps candidate subsets if they sum to less than the target. In that case, you'd keep all subsets, and then search through them at the end.
import copy
def find_subsets(base_values, taget):
possible_matches = [[0, []]] # [[known_attainable_value, [list, of, components]], [...], ...]
matches = [] # we'll return ALL subsets that sum to `target`
for base_value in base_values:
temp = copy.deepcopy(possible_matches) # Can't modify in loop, so use a copy
for possible_match in possible_matches:
new_val = possible_match[0] + base_value
if new_val <= target:
new_possible_match = [new_val, possible_match[1]]
if new_val == target:
possible_matches = temp
return matches
find_subsets([list, of input, values], target_sum)
This is a very inefficient algorithm and it will blow up quickly as the size of the input grows. The Subset Sum problem is NP-Complete, so you are not likely to find a generalized solution that will work in all cases and is efficient.
1: The way lists are being used here is kludgy. If the goal was to simply find any match, the nested lists could be replaced with a dictionary, and we could exit right away once a match is found. But doing that will cause intermediate subsets that sum to the same value to also map to the same dictionary slot, so only one subset with that sum is kept. Since we need to report all matching subsets (because the values represent checks and are presumably not fungible even if the dollar amounts are equal), a dictionary won't work.
You can use itertools.combinations(t,r) to list all combinations of r elements in array t.
So we loop on the possible values of r, then on the results of itertools.combinations:
import itertools
def find_sum(t, obj):
t = [x for x in t if x < obj] # filter out elements which are too big
for r in range(1, len(t)+1): # loop on number of elements
for subt in itertools.combinations(t, r): # loop on combinations of r elements
if sum(subt) == obj:
return subt
return None
find_sum([1,2,3,4], 6)
# (2, 4)
find_sum([1,2,3,4], 10)
# (1, 2, 3, 4)
find_sum([1,2,3,4], 11)
# none
find_sum([35715, 22373, 10699, 8996, 31239, 12000], 59657)
# none
Rounding errors:
The code above is meant to be used with integers, rather than floats.
To use with floats, replace the test sum(subt) == obj with the more forgiving test sum(subt) - obj < 0.01.
Relevant documentation:

iterating through a multidimensional array using CartesianRange in julia

I want to retrieve all the elements along the last dimension of an N-dimensional array A. That is, if idx is an (N-1) dimensional tuple, I want A[idx...,:]. I've figured out how to use CartesianRange for this, and it works as shown below
A = rand(2,3,4)
for idx in CartesianRange(size(A)[1:end-1])
i = zeros(Int, length(idx))
[i[bdx] = idx[bdx] for bdx in 1:length(idx)]
However, there must be an easier way to create the index i shown above . Splatting idx does not work - what am I doing wrong?
You can just index directly with the CartesianIndex that gets generated from the CartesianRange!
julia> for idx in CartesianRange(size(A)[1:end-1])
A[idx,:] = [0.0334735,0.216738,0.941401,0.973918]
A[idx,:] = [0.842384,0.236736,0.103348,0.729471]
A[idx,:] = [0.056548,0.283617,0.504253,0.718918]
A[idx,:] = [0.551649,0.55043,0.126092,0.259216]
A[idx,:] = [0.65623,0.738998,0.781989,0.160111]
A[idx,:] = [0.177955,0.971617,0.942002,0.210386]
The other recommendation I'd have here is to use the un-exported Base.front function to extract the leading dimensions from size(A) instead of indexing into it. Working with tuples in a type-stable way like this can be a little tricky, but they're really fast once you get the hang of it.
It's also worth noting that Julia's arrays are column-major, so accessing the trailing dimension like this is going to be much slower than grabbing the columns.

Choosing an arbitrary dimension to filter over?

In Julia, is there a good way to "choose to loop over an arbitrary dimension" d? For example, I want to apply a diffusion filter to a 2D x I want to do
for j = 1:size(x,2)
for i = 2:size(x,1)-1
x2[i,j] = x[i-1,j] - 2x[i,j] + x[i+1,j]
But I want to write a function diffFilter(x2,x,d) where x can be an arbitrary dimension array and d is any dimension less than ndims(x), and it applies this x[i-1] + 2x[i] - x[i+1] filter along the dimension d (into x2 without allocating). Any idea how to do the indexing such that I can use that d to have that special part of the loop be the dth index?
You'll want to look at the pair of blog posts that Tim Holy has written on the subject:
That should give you a start on the subject.
The standard library function mapslices does this. You can write a function that applies the filter to a vector, and mapslices will take care of applying it to a particular dimension.

Adding a vector to matrix rows in numpy

Is there a fast way in numpy to add a vector to every row or column of a matrix.
Lately, I have been tiling the vector to the size of the matrix, which can use a lot of memory. For example
mat+=np.tile(vec, (5,1))
The other way I can think of is using a python loop, but loops are slow:
for i in xrange(len(mat)):
Is there a fast way to do this in numpy without resorting to C extensions?
It would be nice to be able to virtually tile a vector, like a more flexible version of broadcasting. Or to be able to iterate an operation row-wise or column-wise, which you may almost be able to do with some of the ufunc methods.
For adding a 1d array to every row, broadcasting already takes care of things for you:
mat += vec
However more generally you can use np.newaxis to coerce the array into a broadcastable form. For example:
mat + np.ones(3)[np.newaxis,:]
While not necessary for adding the array to every row, this is necessary to do the same for column-wise addition:
mat + np.ones(5)[:,np.newaxis]
EDIT: as Sebastian mentions, for row addition, mat + vec already handles the broadcasting correctly. It is also faster than using np.newaxis. I've edited my original answer to make this clear.
Numpy broadcasting will automatically add a compatible size vector (1D array) to a matrix (2D array, not numpy matrix). It does this by matching shapes based on dimension from right to left, "stretching" missing or value 1 dimensions to match the other. This is explained in
mat: 5 x 3
vec: 3
vec (broadcasted): 5 x 3
By default, numpy arrays are row-major ("C order"), with axis 0 is "matrix row" and axis 1 is "matrix col", so the broadcasting clones the vector as matrix rows along axis 0.

How to access single elements in a table in R

How do I grab elements from a table in R?
My data looks like this:
V1 V2
1 12.448 13.919
2 22.242 4.606
3 24.509 0.176
I basically just want to grab elements individually. I'm getting confused with all the R terminology, like vectors, and I just want to be able to get at the individual elements.
Is there a function where I can just do like data[v1][1] and get the element in row 1 column 1?
data[1, "V1"] # Row first, quoted column name second, and case does matter
Further note: Terminology in discussing R can be crucial and sometimes tricky. Using the term "table" to refer to that structure leaves open the possibility that it was either a 'table'-classed, or a 'matrix'-classed, or a 'data.frame'-classed object. The answer above would succeed with any of them, while #BenBolker's suggestion below would only succeed with a 'data.frame'-classed object.
There is a ton of free introductory material for beginners in R: CRAN: Contributed Documentation
?"[" pretty much covers the various ways of accessing elements of things.
Under usage it lists these:
x[i, j, ... , drop = TRUE]
x[[i, exact = TRUE]]
x[[i, j, ..., exact = TRUE]]
getElement(object, name)
x[i] <- value
x[i, j, ...] <- value
x[[i]] <- value
x$i <- value
The second item is sufficient for your purpose
Under Arguments it points out that with [ the arguments i and j can be numeric, character or logical
So these work:
As does this:
and keeping in mind a data frame is a list of vectors:
will also both work.
So that's a few things to be going on with. I suggest you type in the examples at the bottom of the help page one line at a time (yes, actually type the whole thing in one line at a time and see what they all do, you'll pick up stuff very quickly and the typing rather than copypasting is an important part of helping to commit it to memory.)
Maybe not so perfect as above ones, but I guess this is what you were looking for.
data[1:1,3:3] #works with positive integers
data[1:1, -3:-3] #does not work, gives the entire 1st row without the 3rd element
data[i:i,j:j] #given that i and j are positive integers
Here indexing will work from 1, i.e,
data[1:1,1:1] #means the top-leftmost element
