google flex endpoint 403 forbidden - google-cloud-endpoints

I've developed some google flex endpoints. They work locally but when I deploy the app (gcloud app deploy) I get a http status 403 forbidden. I'm using ajax to call the endpoint like this:
var echoEndpoint = function() {
$.ajax(userBaseUrl+'/echo', {
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + userIdToken},
type: 'GET',
data: "key=my special key"
I'm protecting the endpoint with an apikey and passing the userIdToken in the header. The above code produces the 403 forbidden. But if I remove the header it works. albeit no user token. Here is the code that will NOT produce the 403
var echoEndpoint = function() {
$.ajax(userBaseUrl+'/echo', {
type: 'GET',
data: "key=my special key"
here is my paths section of my openapi.yaml
description: "Echo a test message."
operationId: "echo"
- "application/json"
description: "Echo"
$ref: "#/definitions/echoMessage"
- firebase:
- "my project-id"
type: "string"
Do I need to specify in my openapi.yaml that I'm sending a header in the request? If so how and where? I tried to put it in the definitions section but that yields a INVALID_ARGUMENT error when trying to deploy.

Did you define "firebase" in "securityDefinitions" as shown in this example ("?


Upload file size limit with custom webscript on Alfresco Community 5.2

I need help to upload document content back in Alfresco Community 5.2 though a share javascript.
The destination noderef is already existing, I upload a new version of a document.
I can't use the api/upload web service because I also need to do some operation on the noderef and I have a base64 content of the file which need to be converted.
So I wrote a new webscript and it is all working fine, at least while I upload documents which are smaller than 3MB,
Here it is the code
method: Alfresco.util.Ajax.POST,
dataObj: {
bytes: response.bytes,
digestAlgorithm: response.digestAlgorithm,
mimeType: response.mimeType.mimeTypeString,
nodeRef: this.nodeRef,
signatureLevel: this.signatureLevel
url: thisClass.urlAlfrescoService + "myOrg/myPackage/uploadDocument",
successCallback: {
fn: thisClass._successOnUploadContent,
scope: this
failureCallback: {
fn: thisClass._errorOnUploadContent,
scope: this
scope: this,
noReloadOnAuthFailure: true
Do I miss some option to increase max upload file size?
I tryed uploading the file normally (with drag and drop) and it works.
The problem is when the file is >= 3MB the java class behind the webscript does not receive any byte
After some researches I found it could be a problem of how data are passed through POST, as application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of multipart/form-data, but I can't find a way to specify the request content type in the ajax request
The problem was the application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of the multipart/form-data, I used a fetch POST request as stated here, but also the ajax request solution is good.
Last week,I had a same very similar problem with Alfresco AJAX request on Alfresco and I used jquery's AJAX calls and it worked for me.
url: Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "your_web_script",
type: "POST",
data: dataFromFiles,
mimeType: "multipart/form-data",
contentType: false,
cache: false,
processData: false,
dataType: "text",
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
Reference link :
Hope this helps you.

URL parameters but ?mark is missing

I am new(trainee) to the web development and I just started studying its "language". I have to report every day to my boss but I have to use the correct terms. I have been reading about URL anatomy, in order to explain the fragments of this URL:
I see something that looks like query parameters to me: offset and username, but I don't see the question mark.
I don't know how to fragment(in correct terms) this part of the URL:
Are these query parameters? Because it seems to me that they serve that purpose - semantically. They filter the result from the API server.
I found useful tool to use Node.js URL parser:
url = new URL(``)
It did the job for me:
origin: '',
protocol: 'https:',
username: '',
password: '',
host: '',
hostname: '',
port: '',
pathname: '/api_v2/search&username=rikotech&offset=50',
search: '',
searchParams: URLSearchParams {},
hash: '' }
If there's no "?", then there's no query, thus no query arguments. See

How to map the API publisher query parameter values to the Backend URL resource path in WSO2 API M

I need to map the API publisher query parameter values to backend URL resource path. I have the API publisher URL be like
and the Backend URL like
When i execute in swagger , i am getting error like below
"Fault": {
"Code": "",
"Reason": "DS Code: VALIDATION_ERROR\nNested Exception:-\ DS Code: VALIDATION_ERROR\nSource Data Service:-\nName: getStudRecNo\nLocation: \\getStudRecNo.dbs\nDescription: get student unique id\r \r \r \nDefault Namespace:\nCurrent Request Name: _getgetsrno_user_id\nCurrent Params: {user_id={studentRecordNo,test29}}\nNested Exception:-\nScalar type expected\nField Name: user_id\nField Value: {studentRecordNo,test29}\n\n",
"Detail": ""
Please help me.

PactNet Provider test fails because of 404 when running the test

I have a consumer that has successfully created a pact file:
"consumer": {
"name": "CakeService"
"provider": {
"name": "CoolPersonService"
"interactions": [
"description": "A GET request to get a person who is cool",
"providerState": "There is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6",
"request": {
"method": "get",
"path": "/CoolPersonService/persons/e674a2d0-57e6-471d-96dd-a91c0077283a",
"headers": {
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"CallerName": "Pact_Test#Local"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"body": {
"FirstName": "Some",
"LastName": "Name",
"IsCool": true
"metadata": {
"pactSpecification": {
"version": "2.0.0"
The problem is the test for the provider. It gets a 404 for
but if I send a GET to that route using an HTTP client, I get a 200 response and the expected data is returned.
Here's the output from the test run:
Test Name: EnsureSomethingApiHonoursPactwithConsumer
Test Outcome: Failed
Result Message:
Test method PactTests.PactTests.EnsureSomethingApiHonoursPactwithConsumer threw exception:
PactNet.PactFailureException: Pact verification failed. See output for details.
If the output is empty please provide a custom config.Outputters (IOutput) for your test framework, as we couldn't write to the console.
Result StandardOutput:
[2018-07-13 10:59:05] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2018-07-13 10:59:05] INFO ruby 2.2.2 (2015-04-13) [i386-mingw32]
[2018-07-13 10:59:07] INFO
[2018-07-13 10:59:07] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=109760 port=9222
[2018-07-13 10:59:07] ERROR Errno::ECONNRESET: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
C:/redacted/PactTests/bin/Debug/pact-win32/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/openssl/buffering.rb:61:in `sysread'
C:/redacted/PactTests/bin/Debug/pact-win32/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/openssl/buffering.rb:61:in `fill_rbuff'
C:/redacted/PactTests/bin/Debug/pact-win32/lib/ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/openssl/buffering.rb:301:in `eof?'
C:/redacted/PactTests/bin/Debug/pact-win32/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/webrick-1.3.1/lib/webrick/httpserver.rb:80:in `run'
C:/redacted/PactTests/bin/Debug/pact-win32/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/webrick-1.3.1/lib/webrick/server.rb:191:in `block in start_thread'
INFO: Reading pact at C:/redacted/PactTests/Pacts/cakeservice-coolpersonservice.json
Verifying a pact between CakeService and CoolPersonService
Given There is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6
A GET request to get a person who is cool
with GET /CoolPersonService/persons/e674a2d0-57e6-471d-96dd-a91c0077283a
returns a response which
DEBUG: Setting up provider state 'There is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6' for consumer 'CakeService' using provider state server at https://localhost/CoolPersonService/provider-states
I, [2018-07-13T10:59:11.805597 #102868] INFO -- request: POST https://localhost/CoolPersonService/provider-states
D, [2018-07-13T10:59:11.805597 #102868] DEBUG -- request: User-Agent: "Faraday v0.15.0"
Content-Type: "application/json"
I, [2018-07-13T10:59:23.352124 #102868] INFO -- response: Status 200
D, [2018-07-13T10:59:23.352625 #102868] DEBUG -- response: content-type: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
server: "redacted"
x-powered-by: "redacted"
date: "Fri, 13 Jul 2018 08:59:23 GMT"
connection: "close"
content-length: "84"
has status code 200 (FAILED - 1)
has a matching body (FAILED - 2)
includes headers
"Content-Type" which equals "application/json; charset=utf-8" (FAILED - 3)
1) Verifying a pact between CakeService and CoolPersonService Given There is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6 A GET request to get a person who is cool with GET /CoolPersonService/persons/e674a2d0-57e6-471d-96dd-a91c0077283a returns a response which has status code 200
Failure/Error: expect(response_status).to eql expected_response_status
expected: 200
got: 404
(compared using eql?)
2) Verifying a pact between CakeService and CoolPersonService Given There
is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6 A GET request to get a person who is cool with GET /CoolPersonService/persons/e674a2d0-57e6-471d-96dd-a91c0077283a returns a response which has a matching body
>Failure/Error: expect(response_body).to match_term expected_response_body, diff_options, example
"\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
3) Verifying a pact between CakeService and CoolPersonService Given There is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6 A GET request to get a person who is cool with GET /CoolPersonService/persons/e674a2d0-57e6-471d-96dd-a91c0077283a returns a response which includes headers "Content-Type" which equals "application/json; charset=utf-8"
Failure/Error: expect(header_value).to match_header(name, expected_header_value)
Expected header "Content-Type" to equal "application/json; charset=utf-8", but was "text/html; charset=utf-8"
1 interaction, 1 failure
Failed interactions:
To re-run just this failing interaction, change the verify method to '.Verify(description: "A GET request to get a person who is cool", providerState: "There is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6")'. Please do not check in this change! # A GET request to get a person who is cool given There is a person who has IsCool set to 'true'6
Here's the test method for the provider:
public void EnsureSomethingApiHonoursPactwithConsumer()
const string serviceUri = "https://localhost/CoolPersonService";
var config = new PactVerifierConfig
Verbose = true
IPactVerifier pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config);
.ServiceProvider("CoolPersonService", serviceUri)
If you do a GET to a resource, and you get a 404, to me it sounds like the expected data is not present on the server - and that implies that the provider state has not been set up correctly.
Please read about provider states here and here
If you do a POST to the same route and receive the response you expected from a GET, it may be that you have just created a new resource, and it is returning the body of the newly created resource.
I see that you are also having some encoding issues (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8) I believe this has been fixed in the latest version of the underlying library (called the "pact standalone") so please ensure you have the latest version of pact-net. If you already do have the latest version of pact-net, then please raise an issue for the standalone to be upgraded.
For those still stumped by the issue, the "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 error also happens because the response by your provider couldn't be encoded e.g. your provider returns a 500 with a text/html response.

How to include User-Agent info in a MediaWiki requires it

Whenever I call the below method (CoffeeScript) that is on the server I get "Scripts should use an informative User-Agent string with contact information, or they may be IP-blocked without notice" from Wikipedia. How do I include user-agent info in the call? Or does it grab this from Meteor Accounts (which I'm not using yet)? thank you for any help...
wpSearch: (queryStr) ->
result = "GET", "",
action: "query"
list: "search"
format: "json"
srwhat: "text"
srsearch: queryStr
To clarify the previous answer for future visitors, the syntax for Meteor.http.get is as follows:
result = Meteor.http.get("", {
headers: {
"User-Agent": "Meteor/1.0"
params: {
access_token: accessToken
Note the curly braces around the headers option and the comma afterwards separating the headers and params options (it's a syntax error without these things). This is example is part of the EventedMind how-to to customize the loginButtons during the onCreateUser() callback.
Just set User-Agent in the headers parameter (see
wpSearch: (queryStr) ->
result = "GET", "",
"User-Agent": "Meteor/1.0"
action: "query"
list: "search"
format: "json"
srwhat: "text"
srsearch: queryStr
