Biztalk 2016 Fail to configuration Group - biztalk

I am facing to a problem during configuration Biztalk 2016 Group
[2017-01-06 16:25:27:0170 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2017-01-06 16:25:27:0186 Info BtsCfg] Instantiating IBTSMsgBoxPerformance object
[2017-01-06 16:25:27:0186 Info BtsCfg] Calling IBTSMsgBoxPerformance::UninstallArtifacts
Exception in CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts when uninstalling the perf counter instances. The exception details are:
Source of exception: System
Message: Cannot delete Performance Category because this category is not registered or is a system category.
Stack trace: at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete(String categoryName)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.MgmtDbAccessEntity.UninstallInstances(Boolean regularUninstall)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts(Boolean regularUninstall, String logFileName)
I checked these things:
SQL Server machine is accessable, SQL Server is running, TCP/IP is
The installing user have Administrators right.
MSDTC is configured on the Biztalk server machine and SQL Server machine,
using DTCPing to test the connection from server to sql server
machine is success.
SSO had been successfully configured.
First error line in log:
[2017-01-09 14:40:21:0833 Error BAMConfigWizExt] d:\bt\52584\private\source\monitoring\configuration\extention\helpers.h(2068): FAILED hr = 80004005
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(436): FAILED hr = c0c025b3
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Error BtsCfg] Exception of type 'System.EnterpriseServices.TransactionProxyException' was thrown.
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btscfg.cpp(1820): FAILED hr = c0c025b3
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CBtsCfg::UnConfigureFeature
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Info BtsCfg] Unconfiguring feature: WMI
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Warning BtsCfg] BTS management server or DB names are not found in the registry.
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::StopHostInstance
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1551): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::UnMapHost
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1696): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0913 Info BtsCfg] Instantiating IBTSMsgBoxPerformance object
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Info BtsCfg] Calling IBTSMsgBoxPerformance::UninstallArtifacts
Exception in CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts when uninstalling the perf counter instances. The exception details are:
Source of exception: System
Message: Cannot delete Performance Category because this category is not registered or is a system category.
Stack trace: at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete(String categoryName)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.MgmtDbAccessEntity.UninstallInstances(Boolean regularUninstall)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts(Boolean regularUninstall, String logFileName)
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Info BtsCfg] Stopping Tracing
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::DeleteServer
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1351): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::UnConfigureGroup
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1074): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CBtsCfg::UnConfigureFeature
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CBtsCfg::ConfigureFeature
[2017-01-09 14:42:34:0929 Warning Configuration Framework]Feature failed to configure: WMI.
[2017-01-09 14:42:37:0058 Info Configuration Framework]Configuration Summaries:
[2017-01-09 14:42:37:0058 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [Group] Failed to configure with error message [Exception of type 'System.EnterpriseServices.TransactionProxyException' was thrown.]
[2017-01-09 14:42:37:0058 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BizTalk Runtime] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]
[2017-01-09 14:42:37:0058 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BAM Tools] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]
[2017-01-09 14:42:37:0058 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BAM Portal] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]

Make sure the two machines have different CID:
How to check: Download and run DTCPing tool, if they are the same, you would see warning like: WARNING: the CID values for both test machines are the same.
And then you can see error during Group configuration:
Failed to configure with error message [Exception of type ‘System.EnterpriseServices.TransactionProxyException’ was thrown.]
Resolve: re-install MSDTC in one of two machines:
Run in command line:
msdtc –uninstall
shutdown -r -t 00
msdtc -install
net start msdtc

Also make sure Windows Firewall is not running, or at least not blocking MSDTC. I would turn it off entirely to rule it out, and then turn it back on and fine-tune what it is allowing if you really want Windows Firewall running.

Uninstall the BizTalk setup and re-install and then try to configure it.


Getting this error Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

I am new to Oracle, installed oracle SQL developer but each time I try to connect, I get the error:
Status: Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not
establish the connection
and the oracleTNSlistener service turns off on its own. Each time I start the service, it turns off immediately on its own.

BizTalk 2016 Install fails on group creation

I've tried following the directions for a stand along BizTalk install on multiple Windows 10 machines, but it always fails on group creation. I've run the BizTalk 2016 Configuration as administrator as well. Firewall is completely off and SQL Server 2016 is loaded locally on the machine.
Any thoughts as to how to get around this?
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0275 Info RulesEngine] The specified Rules Engine database is compatible with the current version.
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0285 Info RulesEngine] Leaving function ValidateFeature
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0311 Info BAMConfigWizExt] Entering function: CBAMConfigWizExt::ValidateFeature
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0325 Info BAMConfigWizExt] Validating feature: MOT
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0336 Info BAMConfigWizExt] Leaving function: CBAMConfigWizExt::ValidateFeature
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0346 Info Configuration Framework]*** Ending Final validation pass. ***
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0354 Info Configuration Framework]Leaving function ValidateFeatures().
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0362 Info Configuration Framework][ManualForm_Configuration] thread started.
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0434 Info Configuration Framework]Entering function ConfigWizardFrame_Load.
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0450 Info Configuration Framework]Configuration Wizard Mode: 0.
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0624 Info Configuration Framework]Entering function ConfigWizardSummary_Load.
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0686 Info Configuration Framework]Leaving function ConfigWizardSummary_Load.
[2018-07-18 20:34:44:0743 Info Configuration Framework]Leaving function ConfigWizardFrame_Load.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0433 Info Configuration Framework]Entering function WizardStep_NextStepChanged.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0479 Info Configuration Framework]Leaving function WizardStep_NextStepChanged.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0480 Info Configuration Framework]Entering function ConfigureFeatures().
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0500 Info Configuration Framework]<Configuration><Feature Name="SSOServer,Engine" DisplayName="Enterprise Single Sign-On" Version="1.0" Description="Enterprise Single Sign-On configuration" ConfigByDefault="true"><Question ID="IsSecretServer" Text="&Create a new SSO system;&Join an existing SSO system" Answers="Create,Join" Default="Create"><Answer Value="Create" GUID="{FB7268BE-82D4-4cad-8CFF-6930303DA7E2}" Selected="Yes"><NTCredential ID="SSOAdminGroup" DisplayName="SSO Administrator(s)" Description="This is the Administrator of the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) system."><NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147516422">SSO Administrators</NTAccount></NTCredential><NTCredential ID="SSOAffiliateAdminGroup" DisplayName="SSO Affiliate Administrator(s)" Description="The SSO Affiliate Administrator must be able to create Affiliate Applications."><NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147516422">SSO Affiliate Administrators</NTAccount></NTCredential><FILE ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_FILE" DisplayName="&Backup file location:" Filter="Backup files (*.bak)|*.bak|All files (*.*)|*.*" DefaultExtension="bak" Title="" Description="Location where the master secret will be backed up" OpenFile="true"><Value /></FILE><Name ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_PASSWORD" DisplayName="&Secret backup password:" Description="Enter a password used to protect the secret backup file" Hidden="true"><Value></Value></Name><Name ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_PASSWORD_CONFIRM" DisplayName="&Confirm password:" Description="Confirm the secret backup password" Hidden="true"><Value></Value></Name><Name ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_REMINDER" DisplayName="Password &reminder:" Description="Enter a phrase to help you remember the secret backup file password" Hidden="false"><Value /></Name></Answer><Answer Value="Join" GUID="{B9432756-1620-4bec-8CD9-E6D0B7805AA5}" /></Question><NTService ID="ENTSSO" DisplayName="Enterprise Single Sign-On Service" Description="Specify the name of the account under which the Single Sign-On (SSO) service should run. This account must be a member of the SSO Administrator(s) group."><UserName>Stephen</UserName><Domain>.</Domain><Password /></NTService><SQL ID="SSO_DB_ID" DisplayName="SSO Database" Description="Specify the name of the SQL Server and Database that will be used as the credential store."><Server>IHA-STEPHEN</Server><Database>SSODB</Database><WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity><UserName /><Password /></SQL></Feature><Feature Name="WMI" DisplayName="BizTalk Server Group" Version="1.0" Description="The Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) layer encapsulates all administrative functions and management capabilities for BizTalk Server." ConfigByDefault="true" ISDIRTY="true"><SQL ID="{D757DBF9-5D71-4995-9F20-A552B7DFE7F1}" DisplayName="BizTalk Management Database" Description="This database is the central meta-information store for all BizTalk Servers."><Server>IHA-STEPHEN</Server><Database>BizTalkMgmtDb</Database><WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity><UserName /><Password /></SQL><Question ID="CREATEORJOIN" Text="Create a &new BizTalk Group;&Join an existing BizTalk Group" Answers="Create,Join" Default="Create"><Answer Value="Create" GUID="{C4DEF4B8-163E-4a8d-AB01-6C43917248B1}" Selected="Yes"><SQL ID="{84ADD76E-EBEB-4bb8-B9EB-64F87E483C39}" DisplayName="BizTalk MessageBox Database" Description="This database stores subscriptions predicates. It is a host platform, where the queues and state tables for each BizTalk Server host are kept. The MessageBox database also stores the messages and message properties."><Server>IHA-STEPHEN</Server><Database>BizTalkMsgBoxDb</Database><WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity><UserName /><Password /></SQL><SQL ID="{1033195A-3C23-4750-BBD0-06BC12A175D4}" DisplayName="BizTalk Tracking Database" Description="This database stores business and health monitoring data tracked by the BizTalk Server tracking engine."><Server>IHA-STEPHEN</Server><Database>BizTalkDTADb</Database><WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity><UserName /><Password /></SQL><NTCredential ID="BTS_ADMIN_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk Administrators Group" Description="The BizTalk Server Administrators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform administrative tasks included in the Configuration Framework Wizard and to administer the BizTalk Server environment after installation."><NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Server Administrators</NTAccount></NTCredential><NTCredential ID="BTS_OPERATOR_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk Operators Group" Description="The BizTalk Server Operators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform tasks required for operating the BizTalk Server environment after installation."><NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Server Operators</NTAccount></NTCredential><NTCredential ID="BTS_B2B_OPERATOR_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk B2B Operators Group" Description="The BizTalk Server B2B Operators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform tasks required for operating the BizTalk Server B2B environment after installation."><NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Server B2B Operators</NTAccount></NTCredential></Answer><Answer Value="Join" GUID="{4D12E6A3-552E-4936-9DD3-59E1190FA324}" /></Question></Feature><Feature Name="MOT" DisplayName="BAM runtime" Version="1.0" Description="Tracking data decoding service used to move tracked data and persist it for query use." /><Feature Name="RulesEngine" DisplayName="Business Rules Engine" Version="3.0" Description="BizTalk native support for declarative Business Rules." ConfigByDefault="true"><SQL ID="{E6C5E071-D6EB-4c31-BFE6-CA16637FBEEB}" DisplayName="Rule Engine Database" Description="SQL Rule Store"><Server>IHA-STEPHEN</Server><Database>BizTalkRuleEngineDb</Database><WindowsSecurity>yes</WindowsSecurity><UserName /><Password /></SQL><NTService ID="{6ABAD351-9C7B-423e-9FDE-3A5C52441C00}" DisplayName="Rule Engine Update Service" Description="Notification for the deployment/ undeployment of policies"><UserName>.\Stephen</UserName><Domain /><Password></Password></NTService></Feature></Configuration>
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0509 Info Configuration Framework]Configuring feature: WMI
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0522 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CBtsCfg::ConfigureFeature
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0530 Info BtsCfg] Configuring feature: WMI
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0537 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CBtsCfg::IsSelectedAnswer
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0544 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CBtsCfg::IsSelectedAnswer
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0552 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::Connect
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0572 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CWMI::Connect
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0582 Info ConfigHelper] NT group BizTalk Server Operators was not created because it already exists
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0589 Info ConfigHelper NetAPI Info: ] The specified local group already exists.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0598 Info ConfigHelper] NT group BizTalk Server B2B Operators was not created because it already exists
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0621 Info ConfigHelper NetAPI Info: ] The specified local group already exists.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0635 Info ConfigHelper] NT group BizTalk Server Administrators was not created because it already exists
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0645 Info ConfigHelper NetAPI Info: ] The specified local group already exists.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0659 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::CreateGroup
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0778 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(436): FAILED hr = c0c02402
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0786 Error BtsCfg] An internal failure occurred for unknown reasons.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0792 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btscfg.cpp(1801): FAILED hr = c0c02402
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0799 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CBtsCfg::UnConfigureFeature
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0806 Info BtsCfg] Unconfiguring feature: WMI
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0812 Warning BtsCfg] BTS management server or DB names are not found in the registry.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0819 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::StopHostInstance
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0831 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1551): FAILED hr = c0c02402
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0838 Error BtsCfg] An internal failure occurred for unknown reasons.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0845 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::UnMapHost
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0855 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1696): FAILED hr = c0c02402
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0862 Error BtsCfg] An internal failure occurred for unknown reasons.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0869 Info BtsCfg] Instantiating IBTSMsgBoxPerformance object
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0884 Info BtsCfg] Calling IBTSMsgBoxPerformance::UninstallArtifacts
Exception in CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts when uninstalling the perf counter instances. The exception details are:
Source of exception: System
Message: Cannot delete Performance Category because this category is not registered or is a system category.
Stack trace: at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete(String categoryName)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.MgmtDbAccessEntity.UninstallInstances(Boolean regularUninstall)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts(Boolean regularUninstall, String logFileName)
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0906 Info BtsCfg] Stopping Tracing
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0912 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::DeleteServer
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0922 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1351): FAILED hr = c0c02402
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0929 Error BtsCfg] An internal failure occurred for unknown reasons.
[2018-07-18 20:34:46:0936 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::UnConfigureGroup
[2018-07-18 20:34:56:0948 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CBtsCfg::UnConfigureFeature
[2018-07-18 20:34:56:0956 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CBtsCfg::ConfigureFeature
[2018-07-18 20:34:56:0963 Warning Configuration Framework]Feature failed to configure: WMI.
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0056 Info Configuration Framework]Configuration Summaries:
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0078 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [Group] Failed to configure with error message [An internal failure occurred for unknown reasons.]
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0090 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BizTalk Runtime] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0101 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BAM Tools] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0110 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: SSOServer,Engine Configuration Enabled: yes Sub UI: no Configured: yes
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0117 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: SSOServer,Engine Configuration Enabled: no Sub UI: yes Configured: yes
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0123 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: WMI Configuration Enabled: yes Sub UI: no Configured: no
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0130 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: Engine,BTSCfg Configuration Enabled: no Sub UI: no Configured: no
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0137 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: RulesEngine Configuration Enabled: yes Sub UI: no Configured: yes
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0143 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: MOT Configuration Enabled: yes Sub UI: no Configured: no
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0150 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: BAMTools Configuration Enabled: no Sub UI: no Configured: no
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0156 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: BAMTools Configuration Enabled: no Sub UI: yes Configured: no
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0162 Info Configuration Framework] Feature: MsEDIAS2 Configuration Enabled: no Sub UI: no Configured: no
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0169 Info Configuration Framework]Leaving function ConfigureFeatures().
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0176 Info Configuration Framework]Entering function WizardStep_NextStepChanged.
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0188 Info Configuration Framework]Entering function ConfigWizardResult_Load.
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0210 Info Configuration Framework]Leaving function ConfigWizardResult_Load.
[2018-07-18 20:34:57:0239 Info Configuration Framework]Leaving function WizardStep_NextStepChanged.
We had the same issue after doing a clean install on an environment having the latest MS patches.
After making sure neither DTC nor other knowns issues exist, had to dig deeper.
What made the configuration wizard succeed was to edit the BTSWMISchema.mof found in \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016\Bins32\
Look at the post from Colin Dijkgraaf at
where he describes the steps to edit and recompile the mof file.
Reboot the server and run configuration.exe again.
This is probably not "by-the-book-method" but it worked for us.

openstack error CRITICAL keystone [-] Unhandled error: KeyError: 'connection'

Hi I am new to Openstack , while installing I am getting an error , which I have given below.
CRITICAL keystone [-] Unhandled error: KeyError: 'connection'
ERROR keystone Traceback (most recent call last):
Please help me in fixing the issue.
This might be an error while you are configuring the database in keystone service installation. Try to cross check once your database credentials are given correct or not in /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
For example:
# ...
connection = mysql+pymysql://keystone:KEYSTONE_DBPASS#controller/keystone

Async Data Publisher Error

My WSO2 API Manager is logging continuously below logs. How to resolve this.
[2016-06-10 02:12:47,630] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for for tcp://localhost:7612
[2016-06-10 02:13:17,852] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for for tcp://localhost:7612
[2016-06-10 02:13:47,798] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for for tcp://localhost:7612

Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformServletContextListener

I downloaded SonarQube 5.5 with fresh database on oracle 11g and also configured the file. I am unable to start the server and getting the error as shown below:
2016.05.27 09:36:45 INFO web[o.a.t.u.n.NioSelectorPool] Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
2016.05.27 09:36:46 INFO web[o.s.s.p.ServerImpl] SonarQube Server / 5.5 / 5773a4aab0ef6c0de79d3038e82f8a051049d6d0
2016.05.27 09:36:46 INFO web[o.sonar.db.Database] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:oracle:thin:#
2016.05.27 09:36:48 ERROR web[o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformServletContextListener
org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException: Current version is too old. Please upgrade to Long Term Support version firstly.
2016.05.27 09:36:48 ERROR web[o.a.c.c.StandardContext] One or more listeners failed to start. Full details will be found in the appropriate container log file
2016.05.27 09:36:48 ERROR web[o.a.c.c.StandardContext] Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
2016.05.27 09:36:48 WARN web[o.a.c.l.WebappClassLoaderBase] The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [Timer-0] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source) Source)
2016.05.27 09:36:48 WARN web[o.a.c.l.WebappClassLoaderBase] The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [oracle.jdbc.driver.BlockSource.ThreadedCachingBlockSource.BlockReleaser] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
2016.05.27 09:36:48 INFO web[o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol] Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
2016.05.27 09:36:48 INFO web[o.s.s.a.TomcatAccessLog] Web server is started
2016.05.27 09:36:48 INFO web[o.s.s.a.EmbeddedTomcat] HTTP connector enabled on port 9000
2016.05.27 09:36:48 WARN web[o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Fail to start web
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Webapp did not start
at ~[sonar-server-5.5.jar:na]
at ~[sonar-server-5.5.jar:na]
at org.sonar.process.ProcessEntryPoint.launch( ~[sonar-process-5.5.jar:na]
at ~[sonar-server-5.5.jar:na]
2016.05.27 09:36:48 INFO web[o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol] Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
2016.05.27 09:36:49 INFO web[o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol] Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
2016.05.27 09:36:49 INFO web[o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol] Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-"]
2016.05.27 09:36:49 INFO web[o.s.s.a.TomcatAccessLog] Web server is stopped
2016.05.27 15:06:50 INFO app[o.s.p.m.Monitor] Process[es] is stopping
2016.05.27 15:06:50 INFO es[o.s.p.StopWatcher] Stopping process
2016.05.27 15:06:50 INFO es[o.elasticsearch.node] [sonar-1464341797936] stopping ...
2016.05.27 15:06:50 INFO es[o.elasticsearch.node] [sonar-1464341797936] stopped
2016.05.27 15:06:50 INFO es[o.elasticsearch.node] [sonar-1464341797936] closing ...
2016.05.27 15:06:50 INFO es[o.elasticsearch.node] [sonar-1464341797936] closed
2016.05.27 15:06:50 INFO app[o.s.p.m.Monitor] Process[es] is stopped
<-- Wrapper Stopped
I am not able to understand which version need to upgrade.
Thank you for help in advance !!!
Every time you have this error see your database, it is because it has data when you error.
delete your database sonar;
drop database sonar;
My problem is solved with fresh and clean the database and also delete the logs and data folder before running the first instance.
