std::unique_ptr and QObject::deleteLater - qt

I would like my std::unique_ptr to call QObject::deleteLater to destruct the object.
I can't figure out how to do it.
Nothing I tried compiles.
std::unique_ptr<SomeQObject, decltype(&QObject::deleteLater)> var(
pointer, &QObject::deleteLater);
Please help...
Addition #1.
OK, I've found that this works:
std::unique_ptr<QObject, decltype(std::mem_fun(&QObject::deleteLater))> var(
Instead of this one:
std::unique_ptr<QObject, decltype(&QObject::deleteLater)> var(
But it's too ugly for me to use it. Is there a good way?

It's very very simple and straightforward, by the way.
struct QObjectDeleteLater {
void operator()(QObject *o) {
template<typename T>
using qobject_delete_later_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T, QObjectDeleteLater>;
qobject_delete_later_unique_ptr<QObject> ptr(new QFooBar);
Bonus points if you can come up with a sensible name...

As doc says it :
Type requirements
-Deleter must be FunctionObject or lvalue reference to a FunctionObject or lvalue reference to function, callable with an
argument of type unique_ptr::pointer
You are 'stuck' here with std::bind, std::mem_fun or lambda, you can't just use member func pointer in this context because its not satisfying requirements
lambda version:
auto deleter = [](QObject* obj) {obj->deleteLater();};
std::unique_ptr<QObject, decltype(deleter)> x(new QObject(), deleter);


Does assert_approx_eq exists for ndarray?

I'm referring to the ndarray crate as well as the assert_approx_eq.
My question: Does something like assert_approx_eq exist for ndarray::Array2 etc.?
Currently I'm doing:
for it in mat_a.iter().zip(expect_mat_a.iter()) {
let (af, bf) = it;
assert_approx_eq!(af, bf);
This is works, but is sub-optimal.
My question: Does something like assert_approx_eq exist for ndarray::Array2 etc.?
Wouldn't think so, that's quite specific and ndarray doesn't seem to provide anything similar.
for it in mat_a.iter().zip(expect_mat_a.iter()) {
let (af, bf) = it;
assert_approx_eq!(af, bf);
You should be able to simplify that a small bit by deconstructing the tuple straight into the iteration:
for (af, bf) in mat_a.iter().zip(expect_mat_a.iter()) {
assert_approx_eq!(af, bf);
This is works, but is sub-optimal.
Syntactically? You can hide the implementation behind a macro of your own. That is basically what assert_approx_eq does, it's nothing magical, it just provides conveniences / convenient defaults, mostly in that it generates an expressive error message on failure, if you look at the code assert_approx_eq!($a, $b) just desugars to:
let eps = 1.0e-6;
let (a, b) = (&$a, &$b);
(*a - *b).abs() < eps,
"assertion failed: `(left !== right)` \
(left: `{:?}`, right: `{:?}`, expect diff: `{:?}`, real diff: `{:?}`)",
(*a - *b).abs()
Yes, ndarray has the optional feature approx and with it enabled, it supports the approx crate traits and macros.
use approx::assert_abs_diff_eq;
assert_abs_diff_eq!(af, bf);

Function with same name as struct

In general, I prefer to write initializer functions with descriptive names. However, for some structs, there is an obvious default initializer function. The standard Rust name for such a function is new, placed in the impl block for the struct. However, today I realized that I can give a function the same name as a struct, and thought this would be a good way to implement the obvious initializer function. For example:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Pair<T, U> {
first: T,
second: U,
fn Pair<T, U>(first: T, second: U) -> Pair<T, U> {
Pair::<T, U> {
first: first,
second: second,
fn main(){
let x = Pair(1, 2);
println!("{:?}", x);
This is, in my opinion, much more appealing than this:
let x = Pair::new(1, 2);
However, I've never seen anyone else do this, and my question is simply if there are any problems with this approach. Are there, for example, ambiguities which it can cause which will not be there with the new implementation?
If you want to use Pair(T, U) then you should consider using a tuple struct instead:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Pair<T, U>(T, U);
fn main(){
let x = Pair(1, 2);
println!("{:?}", x);
println!("{:?}, {:?}", (x.0, x.1));
Or, y’know, just a tuple ((T, U)). But I presume that Pair is not your actual use case.
There was a time when having identically named functions was the convention for default constructors; this convention fell out of favour as time went by. It is considered bad form nowadays, probably mostly for consistency. If you have a tuple struct (or variant) Pair(T, U), then you can use Pair(first, last) in a pattern, but if you have Pair { first: T, last: U } then you would need to use something more like Pair { first, last } in a pattern, and so your Pair(first, last) function would be inconsistent with the pattern. It is generally felt, thus, that these type of camel-case functions should be reserved solely for tuple structs and tuple variants, where it can be known that it is genuinely reflecting what is contained in the data structure with no further processing or magic.

Rust cannot move out of dereference pointer

I try to run this code:
impl FibHeap {
fn insert(&mut self, key: int) -> () {
let new_node = Some(box create_node(key, None, None));
match self.min{
Some(ref mut t) => t.right = new_node,
None => (),
fn get_right(e: Option<Box<Node>>) -> Option<Box<Node>> {
match e {
Some(t) => t.right,
None => None,
And get error
error: cannot move out of dereference of `&mut`-pointer
I dont understand why I get this problem, and what I must use to avoid problem.
Your problem is that get_right() accepts Option<Box<Node>>, while it should really accept Option<&Node> and return Option<&Node> as well. The call site should be also changed appropriately.
Here is the explanation. Box<T> is a heap-allocated box. It obeys value semantics (that is, it behaves like plain T except that it has associated destructor so it is always moved, never copied). Hence passing just Box<T> into a function means giving up ownership of the value and moving it into the function. However, it is not what you really want and neither can do here. get_right() function only queries the existing structure, so it does not need ownership. And if ownership is not needed, then references are the answer. Moreover, it is just impossible to move the self.min into a function, because self.min is accessed through self, which is a borrowed pointer. However, you can't move out from a borrowed data, it is one of the basic safety guarantees provided by the compiler.
Change your get_right() definition to something like this:
fn get_right(e: Option<&Node>) -> Option<&Node> {
e.and_then(|n| n.right.as_ref().map(|r| &**r))
Then println!() call should be changed to this:
println!("{}", get_right(|r| &**r))
Here is what happens here. In order to obtain Option<&Node> from Option<Box<Node>> you need to apply the "conversion" to insides of the original Option. There is a method exactly for that, called map(). However, map() takes its target by value, which would mean moving Box<Node> into the closure. However, we only want to borrow Node, so first we need to go from Option<Box<Node>> to Option<&Box<Node>> in order for map() to work.
Option<T> has a method, as_ref(), which takes its target by reference and returns Option<&T>, a possible reference to the internals of the option. In our case it would be Option<&Box<Node>>. Now this value can be safely map()ped over since it contains a reference and a reference can be freely moved without affecting the original value.
So, next, map(|r| &**r) is a conversion from Option<&Box<Node>> to Option<&Node>. The closure argument is applied to the internals of the option if they are present, otherwise None is just passed through. &**r should be read inside out: &(*(*r)), that is, first we dereference &Box<Node>, obtaining Box<Node>, then we dereference the latter, obtaining just Node, and then we take a reference to it, finally getting &Node. Because these reference/dereference operations are juxtaposed, there is no movement/copying involved. So, we got an optional reference to a Node, Option<&Node>.
You can see that similar thing happens in get_right() function. However, there is also a new method, and_then() is called. It is equivalent to what you have written in get_right() initially: if its target is None, it returns None, otherwise it returns the result of Option-returning closure passed as its argument:
fn and_then<U>(self, f: |T| -> Option<U>) -> Option<U> {
match self {
Some(e) => f(e),
None => None
I strongly suggest reading the official guide which explains what ownership and borrowing are and how to use them, because these are the very foundation of Rust language and it is very important to grasp them in order to be productive with Rust.

Why can't I reuse a funtion's borrowed pointer

I don't understand why rustc gives me this error error: use of moved value: 'f' at compile time, with the following code:
fn inner(f: &fn(&mut int)) {
let mut a = ~1;
fn borrow(b: &mut int, f: &fn(&mut int)) {
f(b); // can reuse borrowed variable
inner(f); // shouldn't f be borrowed?
// Why can't I reuse the borrowed reference to a function?
// ** error: use of moved value: `f` **
fn main() {
let mut a = ~1;
print!("{}", (*a));
borrow(a, |x: &mut int| *x+=1);
print!("{}", (*a));
I want to reuse the closure after I pass it as argument to another function. I am not sure if it is a copyable or a stack closure, is there a way to tell?
That snippet was for rustc 0.8. I managed to compile a different version of the code with the latest rustc (master: g67aca9c), changing the &fn(&mut int) to a plain fn(&mut int) and using normal functions instead of a closure, but how can I get this to work with a closure?
The fact of the matter is that &fn is not actually a borrowed pointer in the normal sense. It's a closure type. In master, the function types have been fixed up a lot and the syntax for such things has changed to |&mut int|—if you wanted a borrowed pointer to a function, for the present you need to type it &(fn (...)) (&fn is marked obsolete syntax for now, to help people migrating away from it, because it's a completely distinct type).
But for closures, you can then go passing them around by reference: &|&mut int|.

In boost::python how to wrap an overrideable function which takes a container of pointers to C++ objects and returns a pointer to one of them?

I'm wrapping a C++ framework with boost::python and I need to make a C++ method overrideable in python. This is a hook method, which is needed by the framework and has a default implementation in C++, which iterates through a list (passed as parameter) and performs a choice. The problems arise because the choice is stated by returning a pointer to the chosen element (an iterator, in fact), but I can't find a way to return a C++ pointer as a result of a python function. Can anyone help?
This is most certainly doable, but you don't really have enough details. What you really need to do is create a c++ function that calls your python function, proceses the python result and returns a c++ result. To paraphrase (let's assume I have a boost object called func that points to some python function that parses a string and returns an int):
using boost::python;
A* test(const std::string &foo) {
object module = import("mymodule");
object func = module.attr("myfunc");
// alternatively, you could set the function by passing it as an argument
// to a c++ function that you have wrapped
object result = func(foo);
int val = extract<int>(result);
return new A(val); // Assumes that you've wrapped A.
// file:
struct b2ContactFilter_W: b2ContactFilter, wrapper<b2ContactFilter>
bool ShouldCollide(b2Fixture* fixtureA, b2Fixture* fixtureB)
override func = this->get_override("ShouldCollide");
if (func)
return func(ref(fixtureA), ref(fixtureB)); //ref is boost::ref
return b2ContactFilter::ShouldCollide(fixtureA, fixtureB);
bool ShouldCollideDefault(b2Fixture* fixtureA, b2Fixture* fixtureB)
return b2ContactFilter::ShouldCollide(fixtureA, fixtureB);
class_<b2ContactFilter_W, boost::noncopyable>("b2ContactFilter")
.def("ShouldCollide", &b2ContactFilter::ShouldCollide, &b2ContactFilter_W::ShouldCollideDefault)
Is this what you need ?
