I just bought a VPS and installed MariaDB on it, here's the -version:
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.0.28-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2
So here's the thing. I want to change the root user password for my MySQL connection.
I tried almost all the guides on the internet, but I'm still able to connect directly to the database using the command mysql without specifying root or password. I'm trying everything as the root shell user, if that's a concern.
I've set the authentication_string and password columns using PASSWORD() method, and I confirm that they have encrypted values now.
I have restarted the MySQL service using service mysql restart as well, still all in vain. My port for MySQL is defaulted to 3306.
What am I missing here? TIA.
(Please don't mark this as duplicate, I've been through almost all posts and tried the solutions, I just need a deeper insight here)
You are apparently using MariaDB 10.0 packages provided by Debian. Recently Debian switched to using unix_socket authentication by default for local root in their packages. You can see it by running
SELECT user, host, password, plugin FROM mysql.user;
If you don't want it, you can switch back to the password authentication by running
UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = '' WHERE user = 'root';
HI we are using Adminer 4.3.1.
We choose system sqlite3 + localhost + location to DB file.
The error is not clear. I understood SQlite is supported. And I am directed to hardcoding functions to login. Don't I just need to use the form?
In short: how does one connect to a SQlite3 file using Admin?
Helpt appreciated ;)
I have the same issue, it does look like SQLite is broken in 4.3.1 because it is fixed in 4.3.2-dev, interestingly the login form has fewer options when SQLite is selected.
You can get the latest version by cloning the github repo and running adminer/sqlite.php
I'm 100% sure the user/pass are correct.
Screenshot: MYSQL command Line
Screenshot: WebPlatform Message
i've tried all the suggested workaround but none avail
deleting mysql_pwd from registry (HKCU/Software/Microsoft/WebPlatformInstaller/mysql_pwd)
installing latest mysql connector (6.9.9)
the other suggested way is to delete the folder path for mysql on my drive which I dont want to as i have existing data from my current database (MYSQL 5.7)
Have you created a non-root user and tested with it? I would do that anyway for INFOSEC reasons. My two cents: get the site onto a Linux VM. https://roots.io/trellis
I'd like to install wordpress against my mysql database and tools installed for the dev work I usually do.
Firstly I used the XAMPP installer and checked all options except MySQL. All installed ok.
I've not installed phpadmin because it wasnt part of xampp and as I think it's just for admining mysql, which I can do through mysql admin, I don't believe I need it. I'm learning so if I'm wrong then pls tell me.
Now, I'm using Bitnami's windows installer for wordpress 4.0 beta 2.
A form asks me for login, real name, email address, "the existing mysql password for XAMPP", "Enter the application password", "retype password".
I'm assuming that if I'd elected to install MySql via the XAMPP installer, it would have configured one or two users. But as I've not used that then I don't have a clue what the user names would be. Did it also install a database? Can anybody help here please? Googling it didn't bring me much help for my case.
Thanks :)
If you already had MySQL installed, just go ahead througth the mysql admin (as you mentioned) create a user, a database for your Wordpress installation and provide this data to the installer...
I'm using CentOS 6.5 where I successfully install Oracle XE. I want to change my Initial Hostname 'NAFD.WS' to something else. Will this affect Oracle Xe installation? If yes, what's the work around aside from reinstalling the Oracle Xe.
Thanks for your time dear SO.
Looks like your question is addressed here: http://minhtech.com/oracle/oracle-11g-xe-hostname-change/
Edit both the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files at $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora and $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora. In the files, replace instances of the old hostname with the new hostname. Finally, log into root and force a reload:
$ su -
$ /etc/init.d/oracle-xe force-reload
In terms of database functionality, it shouldn't matter. I haven't installed XE in a long time, so, I'm not sure if there's an Oracle inventory, like there is w/ SE and EE. If so, that would be broken, as the hostname is written into the inventory, and there's no supported way to update that. That would imply you can't apply any patches, but, with XE, there aren't any made available anyhow.
If you were running RAC, you'd need to wipe and re-configure CRS, update local and remote listener configs, etc.
But, for XE, I think you'll be fine.
As always, if you care about the data in the database, be sure to take a backup before you proceed.
I have installed OpenLDAP server.
How to add user (entry) in LDAP server. And how to open command window for that server, so that I can run the ldap command on it:
My requirement is : in my app i want to authenticate users which are added in Openldap server
but i am only able to install OpenLDAP server on windows os,, but how to add the user i unable to get the way. what is the way to add user in openLDAP whic is install on windows 7 OS? this is what i want to ask
You can add entries to the LDAP database in several ways. While slapd is running you can use ldapadd/ldapmodify to add entries. You can also use slapadd with an ldif file as well.
Read up on the usage of these tools and then come back with any question you may have afterwards.
You also need to understand how to construct a directory information tree in order to give some structure to the data you are storing in the LDAP database.
You can do it easily by using LDAPAdmin