Website is showing infinite redirect loop - wordpress

I have a redirect issue on the website
The page isn’t working redirected you too many times.
It was run on cloudflare then i changed the nameservers new server and changed back to the original nameservers .
What can be the problem?

#info, it appears your website is not stuck in a redirect loop. You'll need to clear your browser cache to remove any past redirects caused by previous directives.
You can check your website's redirect route at


Need wildcard 301 redirect for WordPress on IIS

I'm running a WordPress blog on IIS. I currently have the permalinks for the articles set to:
So a sample article would be, right now:
I now want to change the permalink URL to not have the time at the end, which I can set up in WordPress just fine. In fact right now if you go to
It actually works without changing anything.
However, when I change the permalink in WordPress, the old links with the time at the end no longer work. This is a problem for Google, since it'll see my whole indexed site as 404 page not found errors.
I want to put in a single rule in Web.Config that will redirect:[ALL-HEADLINES]/* (anything after the headline being the "*")
To:[ALL-HEADLINES]/ (basically redirecting as a permanent 301 when someone/Google links to the previous URL with the time) To be clear, if someone goes to:
They're automatically redirected to:
Can I do this in Web.Config? Or can I do this in WordPress (I've tried, I think not).
I don't want any 404 errors. I want them all to be 301 permanent redirects.
Is there a simple way to do this?

Wordpress redirects to wrong page after renaming

I was changing the structure of my wordpress page making some changes to names of the pages. I renamed the pages e.g.
location > gallery
howtogethere > location
Now, I think, wordpress seems to be smart and whats to catch everything that goes to location and forwards it to gallery. The problem is, there is a new page location. When I try to access location via I get redirected to gallery.
The question is where are those redirects stored and how can I delete them?
Check the permalinks below Page title and if that is not changed to your changed page name change that and your problem is solved!
It is very possible that this is a cache issue. You can try deleting the cache in your browser, or you can try visiting your page from a browser that has never visited your page before.
It is also possible that it is a server side cache issue. I do not know if WordPress caches things like this, but if they do you can assume it will start working as expected eventually.
You can try to clear cache also install that plugin to manage and create redirects:

Wordpress Login Dashboard too many redirects

Just added a 301 redirect code inside my htaccess file and now I can't even access my own dashboard for WordPress. It says:
This page isn’t working redirected you too many times.
Try clearing your cookies.
I already cleared everything, even my advanced settings for cache and cookies.
Can anyone help me with this?
I have no ftp access on this also :(

Wordpress: Redirect URL Issues

I understand that wordpress automatically redirects your url from non-www. to www. However, since I have strict SSL (HTTPS) enforced, it causes TWO redirects when a visitor enters "" - i.e. it redirects from "" > "http.://" > ""
Normally this isnt really a concern but when this happens, the TTFB becomes so much longer and nothing loads up except a blank screen.
Please help and advise what can be done to make it a 1 layer redirection from non-www to https://www.
This is probably an issue of combining something you've put in your htaccess and Wordpress's settings.
In Settings > General set both URLs to This should cause only one redirect, and will apply to the whole site. You shouldn't need anything else in your htaccess if this is set up.
If you need https only on certain pages, then that would need to instead be handled in htaccess or a plugin.

IIS7 Subdomain pages redirect to main domain

I need to keep an old version of website in tact as a subdomain, so points to the old IIS server running DNN and the default page appears fine.
However, any interior pages, /contact.aspx for example, return a 404 error. If I revert to ugly urls (default.aspx?TabId=##) the page works but attempts to redirect to instead of
Unfortunately I am unfamiliar with IIS and DNN, but the task is the task! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will supply any additional details should anyone know what details I need to supply...
Note: a binding for the subdomain has been added, but the above happens with our without this addition.
Have you added that "subdomain" as an Alias in DNN? You can do this in the PortalAlias table
