javafx change textField value when toggle group changes - javafx

I have 3 ToggleGroups, which I need to attach to a TextField, so that the TextField display the appropriate number each time the ToggleGroup property changes.
first I've added a listener to each ToggleGroup as that
int f; //to calculate the first property condition
group1.selectedToggleProperty().addListener((v, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (group1.getSelectedToggle() != null) {
//call a method which test the radioButtons to give the value to each one
f = testChoix(rdF1, rdF2, rdF3, rdF4);
then I've added a listener to the TextField
txtCriticite.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
calculCriticite();//method to calculate
//method to calculate the textField Value
public void calculCriticite() {
int c = f * g * d;
when compiling and clicking on the RadioButtons, I don't see any text in my TextField

Don't change the text of your TextField inside the listener of the TextField, this can lead to problems. Instead, call your calculCriticite() method from the ToggleGroup listener, this should work.


JavaFX unwanted change event while removing items from Combobox

I have a JavaFX ComboBox, and I need to remove an item from it, but once an item is removed, it will trigger 3-4 unwanted change events. Can anybody help me to avoid those unwanted events?
My code is like this:
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
public class ComboboxTest
private Boolean comboBoxRemovingMode = false;
public ComboBox<String> createCombo()
final ComboBox<String> myComboBox = new ComboBox<>();
myComboBox.getItems().addAll("prompt_txt", "A", "B", "C");
myComboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(final ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, final Number oldvalue, final Number newvalue)
if (comboBoxRemovingMode) {
if ((newvalue == null) || (newvalue.intValue() < 0) || (myComboBox.getItems().get(newvalue.intValue()).equalsIgnoreCase("prompt_txt"))) {
synchronized (comboBoxRemovingMode) {
comboBoxRemovingMode = myComboBox.getItems().remove("prompt_txt");
// .... some actions
myComboBox.getSelectionModel().select(newvalue.intValue() - 1);
comboBoxRemovingMode = false;
return myComboBox;
public static void main(final String args[])
final ComboboxTest t = new ComboboxTest();
final ComboBox<String> box = t.createCombo();
box.getSelectionModel().select(1); // select A
System.out.println(box.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); // it should be select "A", but it's B
From your code it looks like you have an item functioning as the prompt text of the ComboBox. When a new item is selected you want to remove the prompt text item while keeping the newly selected item selected1. To do this you only have to remove the prompt text item; there's no need to try and manually call select on the selection model—the new item is already selected by this point.
comboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty((obs, oldVal, newVal) -> {
int oldIndex = oldVal.intValue();
var items = comboBox.getItems();
if (oldIndex >= 0 && oldIndex < items.size() && items.get(oldIndex).equalsIgnoreCase("prompt_txt")) {
Here I use the old index assuming you have the "prompt_txt" item as the initially selected item.
This code will still result in two changes being fired since removing the "prompt_txt" item will change the indices of all the remaining items. This does not matter. The listener won't do anything for any subsequent notifications and the newly selected item remains the same. As the listener's only job appears to be to remove the "prompt_txt", however, it may be prudent to remove the listener after the first notification. One way of doing this is the following:
comboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> obs, Number oldVal, Number newVal) {
int oldIndex = oldVal.intValue();
var items = comboBox.getItems();
if (oldIndex >= 0 && oldIndex < items.size() && items.get(oldIndex).equalsIgnoreCase("prompt_txt")) {
obs.removeListener(this); // Needed anonymous class to reference "this"
In this case, since I remove the listener before calling remove(oldIndex), the listener is only notified once.
All that said, there's no need to add a special item to represent the prompt text. The ComboBoxBase class, which ComboBox inherits from, has the promptText property. Here's the documentation:
The ComboBox prompt text to display, or null if no prompt text is displayed. Prompt text is not displayed in all circumstances, it is dependent upon the subclasses of ComboBoxBase to clarify when promptText will be shown. For example, in most cases prompt text will never be shown when a combo box is non-editable (that is, prompt text is only shown when user input is allowed via text input).
Some quick testing shows ComboBox displays the prompt text even when not editable (as long as no items are selected).
1. You have // some actions... between remove("prompt_text") and select(newvalue.intValue() - 1). What those actions are may completely invalidate my answer.

javafx: How to bind disable button with dynamic created checkboxes?

I want to bind the disable of a button with dynamically created checkboxes. The Button should be enabled if a checkbox is selected.
This is my code
public class DietTabPageController {
private FlowPane parent;
private Button okButton;
private ObservableList<CheckBox> checkBoxes=FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private void initialize() {
ObservableList<Diet> diets = DietDAO.getDiets();
diets.forEach(diet -> checkBoxes.add(new CheckBox(diet.getName())));
//checkboxes added in parent Flowpane
Any suggestions? Thanks
You can use JavaFX's really nice Bindings-class!
Try this:
This creates a new Binding, which will listen on every checkbox and then call the given function to calculate the value of your property.
Additional reading here: Bindings
Regarding your comment:
I don't know how much you can edit your Diet class, but if you can, there is a very simple way to display your checkboxes and add the button-binding. Take a look at the following sample:
ListView<Diet> dietsView = new ListView<>(diets);
dietsView.setCellFactory(CheckBoxListCell.forListView(diet ->
() -> !>diet.isSelected()),>x.selectedProperty())
add this to Diet class:
private final BooleanProperty selected = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
public final BooleanProperty selectedProperty() {
return this.selected;
public final boolean isSelected() {
return this.selectedProperty().get();
public final void setSelected(final boolean on) {
You need to add listeners to all the selected properties of the CheckBoxes. Every time one of the property changes, modify the Button's disable property, if necessary. BTW: Making checkBoxes observable doesn't seem necessary:
private List<CheckBox> checkBoxes;
private void initialize() {
ObservableList<Diet> diets = DietDAO.getDiets();
checkBoxes = new ArrayList<>(diets.size());
ChangeListener<Boolean> listener = (o, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (newValue) {
// activate button since at least one CheckBox is selected
} else {
// disable button, if the last CheckBox was unselected
for (CheckBox cb : checkBoxes) {
if (cb.isSelected()) {
return; // don't do anything, if there still is a selected CheckBox
for (Diet diet : diets) {
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(diet.getName());
//checkboxes added in parent Flowpane

JavaFX set action to button in another class

I created listview in my application and its item has a delete button:
public Cell() {
this.delete = new Button("delete");
// I have also image and other labels in this cell
this.hBox.getChildren().addAll(productImage, amountLabel, priceLabel, delete);
HBox.setHgrow(pane, Priority.ALWAYS);
delete.setOnAction(event -> getListView().getItems().remove(getItem()));
But in my main controller window when I click this button amount field and amountLabel must be changed which are my main controller class:
void addToShopCart(ActionEvent event) {
summa += amount*selectedPart.getPrice();
totalPriceLabel.setText(summa + "$");
} // this is when I add an item to the list
Now I don't know how to subtract amount from summa that was added. For this I tried return button like this:
Cell cell;
void initialize() {
cell = new Cell();
shopListView.setCellFactory(param -> cell));
Button button = cell.getDeleteButton();
button.setOnAction(...//some action)
But it doesn't help. I tried to cut the code.

Spinner inside TableCell not updating value

I've created a simple TableView that is fed with data from a database, and what I want is just to be able to easily change the value of a numeric column of that table with JavaFx.
But... since I have some mental issue or something, I can't make it work.
Below it's the "SpinnerCell" component, and the issue I've been having is that even after the commitEdit is fired, when I get the items from the TableView, no values were altered. What am I missing from this update lifecycle?
import javafx.scene.control.Spinner;
import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
public class SpinnerTableCell<S, T extends Number> extends TableCell<S, T> {
private final Spinner<T> spinner;
public SpinnerTableCell() {
public SpinnerTableCell(int step) {
this.spinner = new Spinner<>(0, 100, step);
this.spinner.valueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> commitEdit(newValue));
protected void updateItem(T c, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(c, empty);
if (empty || c == null) {
Because your table cell is always showing the editing control (the Spinner), you bypass the usual table cell mechanism for beginning an edit. For example, in the TextFieldTableCell, if the cell is not in an editing state, then a label is shown. When the user double-clicks the cell, it enters an editing state: the cell's editingProperty() is set to true, and the enclosing TableView's editingCellProperty() is set to the position of the current cell, etc.
In your case, since this never happens, isEditing() is always false for the cell, and as a consequence, commitEdit() becomes a no-op.
Note that the CheckBoxTableCell is implemented similarly: its documentation highlights this fact. (The check box table cell implements its own direct update of properties via the selectedStateCallback.)
So there are two options here: one would be to enter an editing state when the spinner gains focus. You can do this by adding the following to the cell's constructor:
this.spinner.focusedProperty().addListener((obs, wasFocused, isNowFocused) -> {
if (isNowFocused) {
getTableView().edit(getIndex(), getTableColumn());
Another option would be to provide a callback for "direct updates". So you could do something like:
public SpinnerTableCell(BiConsumer<S,T> update, int step) {
this.spinner = new Spinner<>(0, 100, step);
this.spinner.valueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) ->
update.accept(getTableView().getItems().get(getIndex()), newValue));
and then given a model class for the table, say
public class Item {
private int value ;
public int getValue() { return value ;}
public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value ;}
// ...
You could do
TableView<Item> table = ... ;
TableColumn<Item, Integer> valueCol = new TableColumn<>("Value");
valueCol.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> new SimpleIntegerProperty(cellData.getValue().getValue()).asObject());
valueCol.setCellFactory(tc -> new SpinnerTableCell<>(Item::setValue, 1));

How to get a JavaFX MenuItem to respond to a TAB KeyPress?

A JavaFX MenuItem can respond to most KeyPress events by setting an ActionEvent EventHandler. However, while the event handler does catch a KeyPress of KeyCode.ENTER, it does not catch a KeyCode.TAB KeyPress event. Apparently, some key events like TAB are handled at a deeper level. For example, the arrow keys enable traversal of the menu.
My ContextMenu is a list of completions of an email address string the user has started typing in a TextField. The users want to press the arrow keys to select the desired item, and the TAB key to execute the completion.
I can attach an event handler to the ContextMenu itself and catch the TAB keypress. But the event's Source is then the ContextMenu, and I can find no variables in the ContextMenu indicating which MenuItem was highlighted when the TAB key was pressed. MenuItem allows css style to control appearance of the menu item in focus, but it does not have any properties telling whether it is in focus or not.
I have tried futzing with the EventDispatchChain via MenuItem buildEventDispatchChain() to no avail. There seems to be no way to intercept the TAB KeyPress or otherwise determine which menu item was in focus when the TAB key was pressed.
Any suggestions?
If I get this right, you want to override the default keypressed listener to add your own response, so for that we have to find where it's applied.
To get this working, we've got to get our hands dirty with private API...
ContextMenu skin (ContextMenuSkin) uses a ContextMenuContent object, as a container with all the items. Each of these items are also in a ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer container.
We can override the keypressed listener on the parent container, while we can add a focusedProperty listener to the items on the items container.
Using this private API
this is working for me:
private ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer itemSelected=null;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
MenuItem cmItem1 = new MenuItem("Item 1");
cmItem1.setOnAction(e->System.out.println("Item 1"));
MenuItem cmItem2 = new MenuItem("Item 2");
cmItem2.setOnAction(e->System.out.println("Item 2"));
final ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu(cmItem1,cmItem2);
Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(), 300, 250);
scene.setOnMouseClicked(t -> {
if(t.getButton()==MouseButton.SECONDARY || t.isControlDown()){,t.getScreenX(),t.getScreenY());
ContextMenuContent cmc= (ContextMenuContent)cm.getSkin().getNode();
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case UP: break;
case DOWN: break;
case TAB: ke.consume();
default: break;
VBox itemsContainer = cmc.getItemsContainer();
ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer item=(ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer)n;
Excellent! Thank you #jose! I ended up writing somewhat different code but
the key is using, which provides
access to the ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer objects that hold the MenuItems.
In order to not break the existing UP/DOWN key behavior, I added a new handler
to the ContextMenuContent object; this handler only consumes the TAB KeyPress and
everthing else passes through to their normal handlers.
Looking at the ContextMenuContent class, I borrowed their existing method for
finding the focused item, so didn't have to add focusedProperty listeners.
Also, I'm on Java 1.7 and don't have lambdas and I use a very basic programming style.
public class MenuItemHandler_CMC <T extends Event> implements EventHandler {
public ContextMenuContent m_cmc;
public AddressCompletionMenuItemHandler_CMC(ContextMenuContent cmc){
m_cmc = cmc;
public void handle(Event event){
KeyEvent ke = (KeyEvent)event;
case TAB:
MenuItem focused_menu_item = findFocusedMenuItem();
if(focused_menu_item != null){;
default: break;
public MenuItem findFocusedMenuItem() {
VBox items_container = m_cmc.getItemsContainer();
for (int i = 0; i < items_container.getChildren().size(); i++) {
Node n = items_container.getChildren().get(i);
if (n.isFocused()) {
ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer menu_item_container = (ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer)n;
MenuItem menu_item = menu_item_container.getItem();
return menu_item;
return null;
...Attach the additional handler
if(m_context_menu.getSkin() != null){
ContextMenuContent cmc = (ContextMenuContent)m_context_menu.getSkin().getNode();
MenuItemHandler_CMC menu_item_handler_cmc = new MenuItemHandler_CMC(cmc);
cmc.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, menu_item_handler_cmc);
