Create a custom NOP commerce task - nopcommerce

I'm trying to understand the following code used in Nop Commerece task. It has classes which are implemented as below. The project is in the Plugins folder. One class implements ITask interface.
Public class foo:ITask
public void Execute()
Another implements BasePlugin, Iplugin
public class SmartWarehousePlugin : BasePlugin, IPlugin
public override void Install()
public override void Uninstall()
I understand the concept of Task and Plugin in NOP. I went through different tutorials. But I didn't find one where ITask and BasePlugin,IPlugin are used together. Why and when we need to do this?

As per my knowledge, ITask is an interface, using that you can create your own task in task scheduler and BasePlugin interface having install, uninstall methods , so using that methods, you can add custom things at installation/uninstallation.
Now the question are When? and Why? So, when you want to create/start your task just after plugin installation (or for similar kind of functionality) at that time you can use both together. Why part depends on your requirements.


How do you inject a view dependency into Presenter (MVP) in ASP.NET Web Forms using Simple Injector or Microsoft.Extensions.Dependency?

The following example shows a scenario where I'm trying to implement a DI container. In this case, I'm trying to use Simple Injector or Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI Container. I've seen code examples that start hitting around the target, such as here, but no bullseye as of yet.
Below is a general code sample that I would like to modify to use one of the aforementioned DI containers (Used Simple Injector for example). I could move the view out of the presenter constructor and set it as a property. However, I was hoping for a more eloquent solution also it is a dependency that needs to be injected.
I know .NET 4.7.2 has increased DI support functionality but the biggest benefit seems to be allowing dependencies to be easily injected into pages/user controls. For MVP architecture I need the concrete class of the page tied to its view interface so the DI container can resolve and pass into the presenter, as the presenter depends on the view. I've not seen an example of this implemented well other than Unity using its DependencyOverride, which can pass the concrete class at runtime.
public partial class UserLoginView : IUserLoginView
private UserLoginPresenter _userLoginPresenter;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
//This is my problem:
//An error will be thrown "...contains the parameter with name
//'view' and type IUserLoginView, but IUserLoginView is not
_userLoginPresenter = SimpleInjectorDependencyInjector
public class UserLoginPresenter : IUserLoginPresenter
private readonly IUserLoginView view;
private readonly IUserService _userService;
public UserLoginPresenter(IUserLoginView userLoginView,
IUserService userService)
this.view = userLoginView;
this._userService = userService;
public static class SimpleInjectorDependencyInjector
private static readonly Container container = new Container();
public static T GetInstance<T>() where T : class
return container.GetInstance<T>();
//Assume this is called from App on start
public static void RegisterClasses()
.Register<IUserLoginPresenter, UserLoginPresenter>();
.Register<IUserService, UserService>();
I was able to accomplish what I was looking for using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Container.
In my MSDependencyInjector wrapper class, I used the ActivatorUtilities extension.
public static T GetService<T, I>(I interfaceInstance)
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<T>(container, interfaceInstance);
Implemented in my page's partial class I wrote:
_userLoginPresenter = MSDependencyInjector.GetService<UserLoginPresenter,
A Caveat: The 'T' parameter of createInstance wants the concrete class type not the interface. This caused hours of frustration, prompting the creation of this question in the first place. MS documentation isn't the greatest but I definitely misread.
I'm not sure how to implement something as straightforward in Simple Injector and would be interested in knowing. Based on my reading I not sure if my solution isn't something like a service locator, which depending on which camp you are from should be avoided. However, if the implementation of this can be contained for just solving the need for this MVP paradigm then it is my hope all will be well.

How to reduce slow start for picocli apps due to reflection

Picocli has to introspect the command tree. Doing so it needs to load the domain object classes for every Command which slows down the jvm startup.
What options are there to avoid this startup lag? One solution I've come up with is described in
I am using reflection to postpone any class loading until after the command is selected. This way only the command classes themselves are loaded and finally the classes which implement the single command requested by the user:
abstract class BaseCommand implements Runnable {
interface CommandExecutor {
Object doExecute() throws Exception;
// find the CommandExecutor declared at the BaseCommand subclass.
protected Object executeReflectively() throws Exception {
Class<?> innerClass = getExecutorInnerClass();
Constructor<?> ctor = innerClass.getDeclaredConstructor(getClass());
CommandExecutor exec = (CommandExecutor) ctor.newInstance(this);
return exec.doExecute();
private Class<?> getExecutorInnerClass() throws ClassNotFoundException {
return getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(getClass().getName() + "$Executor");
public void run() {
try {
} catch(...){
/// usual stuff
A concrete commend class:
final class CopyProfile extends BaseCommand {
#Option String source;
#Option String dest;
// class must NOT be static and must be called "Executor"
public class Executor implements CommandExecutor {
public Object doExecute() throws Exception {
// you can basically wrap your original run() with this boilerplate
// all the CopyProfile's field are in scope!
FileUtils.copy(source, dest);
It seems like may provide the ultimate solution to this. What are the other options until then?
UPDATE February 2020:
Upgrading to a recent version of picocli should fix this issue.
From the picocli 4.2.0 release notes:
From this release, subcommands are not instantiated until they are matched on the command line. This should improve the startup time for applications with subcommands that do a lot of initialization when they are instantiated.
An alternative that doesn’t require any code changes is to use GraalVM to compile your picocli-based application to a native image.
This article shows how to do this and the resulting startup time is 3 milliseconds.

Is Feign threadsafe...?

Is instance of Feign thread safe...? I couldn't find any documentation that supports this. Do anyone out there think otherwise?
Here is the standard example posted on github repo for Feign...
interface GitHub {
#RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(#Param("owner") String owner, #Param("repo") String repo);
static class Contributor {
String login;
int contributions;
public static void main(String... args) {
GitHub github = Feign.builder()
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.target(GitHub.class, "");
// Fetch and print a list of the contributors to this library.
List<Contributor> contributors = github.contributors("netflix", "feign");
for (Contributor contributor : contributors) {
System.out.println(contributor.login + " (" + contributor.contributions + ")");
Should I change this to following... Is it thread safe...?
interface GitHub {
#RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(#Param("owner") String owner, #Param("repo") String repo);
static class Contributor {
String login;
int contributions;
public class GithubService {
GitHub github = null;
public void postConstruct() {
github = Feign.builder()
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.target(GitHub.class, "");
public void callMeForEveryRequest() {
github.contributors... // Is this thread-safe...?
For the example above... I've used spring based components to highlight a singleton. Thanks in advance...
This discussion seems to suggest that it is thread safe. (Talks about creating a new object being inefficient)
Had a look at the source and there doesn't seem to be any state that would make it unsafe. This is expected as it is modelled on the jersey Target. But you should get a confirmation from the Feign devs or do your own tests and review before using it in an unsafe way.
I was also looking, but unfortunately found nothing. The only signs provides in Spring configuration. The builder is defined as bean in scope prototype, so should not be thread safe.
public class FooConfiguration {
public Feign.Builder feignBuilder() {
return Feign.builder();
After a deep dive into the feign-core code and a couple other feign modules (we needed additional support for things that weren't there so I had to modify some stuff -- plus, this question made me curious so I took another look), it looks like you should be safe re-using Feign clients in a multi-threaded environment as long as all of your local code (such as any custom Encoder, Expander, or RequestInterceptor classes, etc) has no mutable state.
The Feign internals don't store much in the way of mutable state, but some things are cached and re-used (thus may be called from multiple threads at the same time, if you are calling your Feign target's methods from multiple threads at the same time), so your plugins should be stateless.
It looks to me like all the main Feign modules were written with immutability and statelessness in mind as a goal.
In feign/core/src/main/java/feign/, there is a comment
* Submits HTTP {#link Request requests}. Implementations are expected to be thread-safe.
public interface Client {
So, from the designer's point of view, it should be thread-safety.

SysOperation Framework - CanGoBatchJournal

When canGoBatchJournal returns true, a RunBaseBatch can be created in Ax via the System administartion > Inquiries > Batch > New > Task > New >[ClassName:MyRunBaseBatch].
I have a couple of features which have been created using the SysOperation framework however. This method doesn't inherit the canGoBatchJournal method. Is there a way to make them visible in the above mentioned menu as well?
I took a dive into how to form control retrieves it's data. There is an SysOperationJournaledParametersAttribute attribute which you can use.
Below is an example of how the attribute would be applied to a controller. This example shows how the controller calls the custom service. The controller can then be used in as a batch task or you could call the controller from a menu to get the batch dialog to display.
class YourCustomController extends SysOperationServiceController
public void new()
this.parmDialogCaption("dialog caption");
public ClassDescription caption()
return "class description";
public static void main(Args args)
YourCustomController controller;
controller = new YourCustomController();
Below would be the custom service the controller calls.
class YourCustomToolService extends SysOperationServiceBase
public void processOperation()
// Call your code to do run your custom logic
If you implement the SysOperation framework, it should already be good as SysOperationController implements the Batchable interface.
You can refer to this white paper:

How do I bind Interface in Ninject only if it is not already bound?

Is it possible to configure Ninject to not bind a dependency if it is already bound.
If we load a module say called Client1 containing:
public class Client1Module:NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Then we load a module called Base containing
public class BaseModule:NinjectModule
public override void Load()
We would like to ensure that BasicService isn't bound and the system always uses FancyService. We won't know at design time whether FancyService exists. Client1 module is loaded if it is located.
I don't really want a bunch of repeitive boiler plate code around every injection etc. As there are 50-60 dependencies that all could be changed in Client modules.
Any ideas?
You have to make sure BaseModule is loaded after Client1Module:
public class BaseModule: NinjectModule
public override void Load()
if (!Kernel.GetBindings(typeof(IService)).Any())
If I assume I load the base Module first and then load the Client Module after I think I can just use
It seems to work
