How to create a link inside a table in Iccube 6 Reporting? - iccube

is it possible to generate a link in a table in Iccube reporting 6?
I want to have a clickable link in a table that url is generated by a value in the table row.

For the time being it's not possible to set custom html to a table cell. There is a chance that corresponding cell renderer will be added in RC3, but for now you might want to use after render hook and jQuery as a workaround.
Here is Demo Report with described solution


Embedding word document in to PowerBI

I want to insert a word document into Power BI and show it on the tooltip.
There is a map visualization showing total sales based on the product. If I select a region on the map the tooltip has to show a word document with all the data about that product. Is there any anyway to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
You can export the Word document to HTML and use custom visuals like Shielded HTML Viewer, HTML Content, or similar to add the document to your report, or convert the document to an image and avoid the usage of custom visuals
Whatever you use, to make it a tooltip, place it on a separate report page that will serves as your tooltip. Change its Page size to be Tooltip. In Page information flip the Tooltip switch to On and into the Tooltip fields add the field with your product.
For more information and step-by-step instructions how to do that, see Create tooltips based on report pages in Power BI Desktop.

Is there a way to edit css of new google forms?

Before I used to be able to just copy the source code of the form and paste the part between <form></form> into the page and add my own styling. But this doesn't seem to work anymore.
Has anyone found a way to still be able to customize google forms?
Yes, you can easily make the <form> work by following these steps.
Create a Google Form.
Get the link and open the form in a new tab.
Create a barebone form having same items as the Google form.
Inspect Google form for action attribute.
a. Copy the same action to your form.
Inspect and find values for attributes name in the Google form.
a. Give the same name values for your form items as well. The values look like entry.742532386.
Check if your form gets the responses.
Since it is a native <form> element, apply CSS however you want to.
Read more here
Google forms does not currently (mar-2021) have a built in feature to add css or javascript to their forms.
I created this GitHub project to work around the problem:

Drupal Views referencing content node

How can I get a Views block to query information from the page it's assigned to and filter it's output?
Please see graphic below to see what I'm trying to accomplish. (Open in new tab to enlarge)
views relationship
I found a similar use case here and it solved it.

use html to get image and create link from database

I have a column in my database that stores images that are links, when i populate them in a gridview on my page I want it to display the image as a link but when i did it i just get the text below.
<img src="">
My goal is to have a list of the images and when a user clicks the image they will go to another page. This is a start of my page, and i was attempting to use a gridview but now I am not sure what to do
Don't save markup
Instead just save a URL. In your case two of them since one points to *.html and the other to *.jpg. Or just without extensions if they're always the same except for the extensions. This way you can easily change your markup later and still use the same data from the DB.
But apart from this fact of not saving non-data in DB you could at least provide some relevant code you're using. We'd much easier tell you where you're doing it wrong.
Using GridView
The problem you're having are column templates. Check this link out and see how you can customize the display of a particular column in a GridView. Essentially you will have to provide your own template and do whatever you please with your DB data.

Trouble with getting a sort to work within a view with views_bonus_pack

This is my first time using Views in Drupal and am finding that no matter what I do, I can't seem to get my output to sort on any field at all.
I'm using the views_bonus_pack to create xml output, but not sure if that matters.
I've tried the post date field, the node Id field, the node title field, and... the output is always the same.
Any ideas?
[Update, here are screenshots of what I'm working with]
And, here's the resulting XML
Thanks to anyone who can help.
The sort criteria are listed to the right side.
Views screenshot
If you changed the sort criteria trying to get differently sorted data without to obtain any difference, then there are just two possibilities:
The sort criteria are not used for feeds; it's rather improbable.
The style plugin module has an issue, and it's not working as it should.
If Views Bonus Pack is implementing a style, each style has its own settings that change the output produced by the style. When you click on the wheel close the style name, you would see some settings fields for that purpose.
Views style
Views style settings
