Can Firebase Dynamic Links be used to attribute installations to marketing campaigns? - firebase

Firebase Dynamic links allows you to set the utm campaign parameters, however I have not been able to find a clear answer if the campaign parameters survive the installation process and are attributed.
We would like to generate our own dynamic links for non-adnetwork campaigns, e.g. posting on facebook, within edm's etc and be able to work out what campaigns are driving the most installations.

For the campaign information to survive, you'll need to utilize the provided fields when constructing your links. Specifically, the "social media tag parameters" look useful in this case.
However, that info isn't going to be captured in analytics as a campaign, necessarily, and you'll either need to coax this data to generate useful reports or import it into BigQuery for more advanced analysis.


Can I create a Campaign using the API only in Marketo?

I know I cant create a campaign on web browser, but I must do it only on the codes.
Do you have any good idea?
I'm sorry I'm bigginer of English and technology:(
Marketo does not provide a way to create programs or campaigns from the api. They must be created within the user interface. The level of complexity within a campaign would make it unwieldy to create from an api. You can list the campaign metadata, and activate/deactivate campaigns, but that's about it.

Is it possible to track actual affiliate sales in Google analytics

I have a website that I built and am getting sales everyday now via "affiliate window" I was curious if it was possible to track the commission in analytics so I am able to see what pages are performing the best?
You should look into purpose-built affiliate trackers. Voluum, Thrive, Adsbridge etc. has a lot of info about these.
You can also use these trackers to dynamically insert user data into your landing pages, and they are a lot easier than GA to use. Example:
After a clarifying comment: Yes, you can do this, although with some caveats (one of them that it might not be worth the effort unless you make a lot from your affiliate pages).
You can do data imports, and more specifically you can add data to urls (there are different kinds of data import and "content data" is one of them).
You need a dataset that contains a "key" field that is used to match external data to GA data and one or more fields with values you want to import.
Imported data is always dimensions, i.e. categorical data (that is per Documentation The interface allow to to select custom metrics, but I have not yet tried this and cannot give any guidance on how that would work). So if you try to import revenue you have the problem that new entries will not be added to existing entries, they will replace them
What I would probably do is to sort the data from the "affiliate window" into three categories (low, medium, high), and then prepare a csv file with the urls as first column and the categories as second column.
Then create a custom dimension with a name of i.e. "performance" (else you'd have to overwrite an existing dimension in GA and you probably not want that).
Both custom dimensions and data imports are created on a property level (however you can apply an import to a specific view and I would urge you to test this on a test view first). So in the property settings go to data import, new, content data. Key will be "page", Imported data will be the custom dimension you just created. Check "overwrite hit data" (else the data will not change after the first import, however note that this might make comparisons between different timeframes difficult).
Download the "schema" file (simply a template for your csv upload file in which you insert your data). Click finish.
Next go to data imports, "manage uploads" and upload the file. Processing will take a day or so (errors, if any, you will see shortly after the upload).
Then go to your content reports, select your custom dimension as secondary dimension and you will if the url in question was a low, medium or high performer.
You can automate this via the GA API, bit that's a bit beyond an SO answer.
---- (old answer)---
This is actually what campaign parameters are for. Your affiliate links should be tagged with campaign parameters, e.g.[[Affliate
Name]]&utm_campaign=[[Campaign Name]]
The things in the angled brackets are placeholders, you would replace those with the name of your affiliate and the name of your campaign.
Now you can look into the aquisition reports and group by source (values for all affiliate links), by source (breakdown by affiliate name) or campaigns, or combinations thereof.
However tracking the commission you pay out via Google Analytics is probably not a good idea, at least from the point of view of your affiliates - JavaScript based tracking is not necessarily accurate enough to track billable services (some people have js disabled or opted out of GA or use adblockers that block tracking etc).
Yes it's possible. You can use sub-id's and fill them with unique visitor data (Google Analytics Used ID). Once an affiliate sale is tracked in an affiliate network, you'll get the sub-id that generated the sale. You can now push that sale to google analytics and let google analytics match the visitor data with their data, showing you the full visitor reports (including landingpage info etc.). You need developer skills to get this working with your affiliate networks but there are complete easy to use tools that does the trick for you such as and Coincrack.

Combine custom variables and events in Google Analytics to track marketing campaign effectiveness

I'm trying to track the success of marketing campaigns through conversion on a portal. The portal is largely JS based and for right now we can't use URL goal tracking. Instead, I'm planning on using event-based goal conversion that can report all the variables I need. The problem is how do I connect marketing campaigns to the eventual conversion? These campaigns span SEM, email, landing pages, partnerships, etc.
My initial idea was to use a URL param to set a session-level custom variable identifying the marketing campaign that funneled the visitor, and then to compare this to goal conversion. However, I'm not sure custom variables can even be compared to goal conversions in Google Analytics -- and I'm worried that I might be over-thinking this.
I'm worried I'm way over-thinking this. If I create a custom campaign using the URL Builder, will that give me everything I want, allowing me to track campaign conversions?
Yes, I think you are over-thinking things. :-)
As long as you properly tag the campaigns using the utm variables in your destination URLs as they show you how to do in URL builder, they should allow you to see your specific goal conversions by source, medium, campaign, etc. in your GA profile. Using the new Multi-Channel funnels features you'll also be able to see how the sources of previous visits influence future conversion behavior as well.
Generate help with campaign conversion tracking here:
Info on Multi-Channel funnels here:

google analytics api - Advice on integration with web app

This is more a question of if this is the right way to achieve the desired solution.
We are building an eCommerce store like Shopify. We want to display report/data to our users for their stores.
Using GA can we do this. We was thinking of using one account. Adding the tracking api. Posting the store sales using the eCommerce plugin.
Then pulling the data back into our control panel, show graphs etc.
Is this a workable solution.
What would the issues be.
Best way to segment for each store so that we don't have data bleed (we may have thousands of stores - coincidentally they would have a domain like
Any advice or better ways of us doing this without re-inventing the wheel.
You can segment data with a custom Google Analytics variable or by setting the subdomain, e.g.:
I think your approach is viable, but the notable challenge is that you have build out custom code to pull all of the data from Google Analytics into your application. I don't know of many off the shelf products that would offer this type of segmentation for analytics without requiring you to manage and create users for every subdomain/store.
The only thing I can think of is building out automated reports in Google Analytics (or similarly in Omniture) and have them sent to your store owners. But unfortunately those would be static reports such as PDFs.

Best way to generate an automated report in Google Analytics for a specific collection of URLs

Currently using Google Analytics as a supplement to our paid tracking software, but neither of them are giving us exactly what we need.
I have a list of about 60 or so urls (out of about 1500) on the site that I wish to setup a monthly report for that can be emailed to multiple recipients. I can't seem to figure out how to create a report showing just the hits on these 60 urls, I can apply advanced filters on the content page but those disappear after a while and sometimes error out when adding too many URL's.
Is there a method I'm missing in Google Analytics to achieve this goal or am I better running an SSIS package to pull the URL's from the API and formatting a document that way?
Yeah, advanced filters are not really designed for this kind of thing.
Here are some things which may work for you:
Try setting up a new GA Profile with an Include filter to filter only the URLs that you want to report on. You can use a regular expression to identify the 60 URLs. Then these will be the only URLs tracked in that particular profile.
Try setting up an Advanced Segment to select the Pages using a very long "OR" filter.
You could set up a new GA account and log the URLs into that account with additional tracking code. This is not really recommended as the 2 accounts will share tracking cookies.
Use Excellent Analytics to pull down data into Excel for the URLs in question using the GA Export API.
