when signal will be processed in unix? - unix

When exactly signal will start execution in unix ?Does the signal will be processed when system turns into kernel mode? or immediately when it is receives signal? I assume it will be processed immediate when it receives.

A signal is the Unix mechanism for allowing a user space process to receive asynchronous notifications. As such, signals are always "delivered by" the kernel. And hence, it is impossible for a signal to be delivered without a transition into kernel mode. Therefore it doesn't make sense to talk of a process "receiving" a signal (or sending one) without the involvement of the kernel.
Signals can be generated in different ways.
They can be generated by a device driver within the kernel (for example, tty driver in response to the interrupt, kill, or stop keys or in response to input or output by a backgrounded process).
They can be generated by the kernel in response to an emergent out-of-memory condition.
They can be generated by a processor exception in response to something the process itself does during its execution (illegal instruction, divide by zero, reference an illegal address).
They can be generated directly by another process (or by the receiving process itself) via kill(2).
SIGPIPE can be generated as a result of writing to a pipe that has no reader.
But in every case, the signal is delivered to the receiving process by the kernel and hence through a kernel-mode transition.
The kernel might need to force that transition -- pre-empt the receiving process -- in order to deliver the signal (for example, in the case of a CPU-bound process running on processor A being sent a signal by a different process running on processor B).
In some cases, the signal may be handled for the process by the kernel itself (for example, with SIGKILL -- or several others when no signal handler is configured).
Actually invoking a process' signal handler is done by manipulating the process' user space stack so that the signal handler is invoked on return from kernel-mode and then, if/when the signal handler procedure returns, the originally executing code can be resumed.
As to when it is processed, that is subject to a number of different factors.
There are operating system (i.e. kernel) operations that are never interrupted by signals (these are generally relatively short duration operations), in which case the signal will be processed after their completion.
The process may have temporarily blocked signal delivery, in which case the signal will be "pending" until it is unblocked.
The process could be swapped out or non-runnable for any of a number of reasons -- in which case, its signal handler cannot be invoked until the process is runnable again.
Resuming the process in order to deliver the signal might be delayed by interrupts and higher priority tasks.

A signal will be immediately detected by the process which receives it.
Depending on the signal type, the process might treat it with the default handler, might ignore it or might execute a custom handler. It depends a lot on what the process is and what signal it receives. The exception is the kill signal (9) which is treated by the kernel and terminates the execution of the process which was supposed to receive it.


Is there any way to be notified when another process receives a signal?

I know how a process can respond to signals that were sent to it specifically (e.g. SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR2, etc.). But can a process be notified of signals that were sent to a different process?
Not in standard Unix or POSIX, you cannot be notified for signals sent to another process. See signal(7) and signal-safety(7).
However, waitpid(2) and friends can tell you if a child process has terminated with a signal. And killpg(2) sends a signal to a process group (and kill(2) does also that with a negative target pid). And getrusage(2) can count signals (recieved by some other process). You could also use proc(5) to query information about other processes. And you might use signalfd(2) or ptrace(2) etc....
Signals are a very limited and poor form of inter-process communication. There are better ways.
BTW, sigaction(2) can be used with SA_SIGINFO and then your handler gets a pointer to siginfo_t and another to ucontext_t so you get a lot of information.
Notice that process groups and sessions are related. See also setpgid(2), setsid(2), credentials(7) and also related to terminals and pseudo-ttys (read the tty demystified and about job control).
I guess that your other question is about these. But you don't mention any of them there.

What happens to the rest of the stack during a signal handler?

I've set up a signal handler in my main thread. A separate thread then sends my main thread this signal. My signal handler is being called appropriately, but I'm not sure what the 'State' of the main thread is at this point, and whether it can be recovered. basically, my main thread was blocked on a read() call, and a different thread has sent it a signal due to an extraordinary event. I thus want the read() call to fail (EINTR?), hence my other thread sending the main thread this signal.
It depends on how you installed the signal handler. If the signal handler was installed using sigaction() and without specifying the SA_RESTART flag, then the read() will fail with EINTR if it has not transferred any data yet.
In general, the thread that has handled a signal can continue normally after the signal handler returns. That's really the whole point.
Remember though, that the signal might have arrived just after the read() had successfully returned, too - or worse, just before you called read() (in which case the read() will still block).

kill -INT vs kill -TERM

What's the difference between the SIGINT signal and the SIGTERM signal? I know that SIGINT is equivalent to pressing ctrl+c on the keyboard, but what is SIGTERM for? If I wanted to stop some background process gracefully, which of these should I use?
The only difference in the response is up to the developer. If the developer wants the application to respond to SIGTERM differently than to SIGINT, then different handlers will be registered. If you want to stop a background process gracefully, you would typically send SIGTERM. If you are developing an application, you should respond to SIGTERM by exiting gracefully. SIGINT is often handled the same way, but not always. For example, it is often convenient to respond to SIGINT by reporting status or partial computation. This makes it easy for the user running the application on a terminal to get partial results, but slightly more difficult to terminate the program since it generally requires the user to open another shell and send a SIGTERM via kill. In other words, it depends on the application but the convention is to respond to SIGTERM by shutting down gracefully, the default action for both signals is termination, and most applications respond to SIGINT by stopping gracefully.
If I wanted to stop some background process gracefully, which of these should I use?
The unix list of signals date back to the time when computers had serial terminals and modems, which is where the concept of a controlling terminal originates. When a modem drops the carrier, the line is hung up.
SIGHUP(1) therefore would indicate a loss of connection, forcing programs to exit or restart. For daemons like syslogd and sshd, processes without a terminal connection that are supposed to keep running, SIGHUP is typically the signal used to restart or reset.
SIGINT(2) and SIGQUIT(3) are literally "interrupt" or "quit" - "from keyboard" - giving the user immediate control if a program would go haywire. With a physical character based terminal this would be the
only way to stop a program!
SIGTERM(15) is not related to any terminal handling, and can only be sent from another process. This would be the conventional signal to send to a background process.
SIGINT is a program interrupt signal,
which will sent when an user presses Ctrl+C.
SIGTERM is a termination signal, this will sent to an process to request that process termination, but it can be caught or ignored by that specific process.

behaviour of unix process when a signal arrives and the process is already in signal handler?

I have a process which is already in signal handler , and called a process blocking call. What will happen if one more signal arrives for this process ?
By default signals don't block each other. A signal only blocks itself during its own delivery. So, in general, an handling code can be interrupted by another signal delivery.
You can control this behavior by setting the process signal mask relatively to each signal delivery. This means that you can block (or serialize) signal delivery. For instance you can declare that you accept to be interrupted with signal S1 while handling signal S2, but not the converse...
Remember that signal delivery introduces some concurrency into your code, so controlling the blocking is needed.
I'm pretty sure signals are blocked while a handler is being executed, but I'm having a hard time finding something that says that definitively.
Also, you may wish to see this question - some of the answers talk about what functions you should and shouldn't call from a signal handler.
In general, you should consider a signal handler like an interrupt handler - do the very least you can in the handler, and return quickly.

unix network process

I was wondering how tcp/ip communication is implemented in unix. When you do a send over the socket, does the tcp/level work (assembling packets, crc, etc) get executed in the same execution context as the calling code?
Or, what seems more likely, a message is sent to some other daemon process responsible for tcp communication? This process then takes the message and performs the requested work of copying memory buffers and assembling packets etc.? So, the calling code resumes execution right away and tcp work is done in parallel? Is this correct?
Details would be appreciated. Thanks!
The TCP/IP stack is part of your kernel. What happens is that you call a helper method which prepares a "kernel trap". This is a special kind of exception which puts the CPU into a mode with more privileges ("kernel mode"). Inside of the trap, the kernel examines the parameters of the exception. One of them is the number of the function to call.
When the function is called, it copies the data into a kernel buffer and prepares everything for the data to be processed. Then it returns from the trap, the CPU restores registers and its original mode and execution of your code resumes.
Some kernel thread will pick up the copy of the data and use the network driver to send it out, do all the error handling, etc.
So, yes, after copying the necessary data, your code resumes and the actual data transfer happens in parallel.
Note that this is for TCP packets. The TCP protocol does all the error handling and handshaking for you, so you can give it all the data and it will know what to do. If there is a problem with the connection, you'll notice only after a while since the TCP protocol can handle short network outages by itself. That means you'll have "sent" some data already before you'll get an error. That means you will get the error code for the first packet only after the Nth call to send() or when you try to close the connection (the close() will hang until the receiver has acknowledged all packets).
The UDP protocol doesn't buffer. When the call returns, the packet is on it's way. But it's "fire and forget", so you only know that the driver has put it on the wire. If you want to know whether it has arrived somewhere, you must figure out a way to achieve that yourself. The usual approach is have the receiver send an ack UDP packet back (which also might get lost).
No - there is no parallel execution. It is true that the execution context when you're making a system call is not the same as your usual execution context. When you make a system call, such as for sending a packet over the network, you must switch into the kernel's context - the kernel's own memory map and stack, instead of the virtual memory you get inside your process.
But there are no daemon processes magically dispatching your call. The rest of the execution of your program has to wait for the system call to finish and return whatever values it will return. This is why you can count on return values being available right away when you return from the system call - values like the number of bytes actually read from the socket or written to a file.
I tried to find a nice explanation for how the context switch to kernel space works. Here's a nice in-depth one that even focuses on architecture-specific implementation:
