unix network process - unix

I was wondering how tcp/ip communication is implemented in unix. When you do a send over the socket, does the tcp/level work (assembling packets, crc, etc) get executed in the same execution context as the calling code?
Or, what seems more likely, a message is sent to some other daemon process responsible for tcp communication? This process then takes the message and performs the requested work of copying memory buffers and assembling packets etc.? So, the calling code resumes execution right away and tcp work is done in parallel? Is this correct?
Details would be appreciated. Thanks!

The TCP/IP stack is part of your kernel. What happens is that you call a helper method which prepares a "kernel trap". This is a special kind of exception which puts the CPU into a mode with more privileges ("kernel mode"). Inside of the trap, the kernel examines the parameters of the exception. One of them is the number of the function to call.
When the function is called, it copies the data into a kernel buffer and prepares everything for the data to be processed. Then it returns from the trap, the CPU restores registers and its original mode and execution of your code resumes.
Some kernel thread will pick up the copy of the data and use the network driver to send it out, do all the error handling, etc.
So, yes, after copying the necessary data, your code resumes and the actual data transfer happens in parallel.
Note that this is for TCP packets. The TCP protocol does all the error handling and handshaking for you, so you can give it all the data and it will know what to do. If there is a problem with the connection, you'll notice only after a while since the TCP protocol can handle short network outages by itself. That means you'll have "sent" some data already before you'll get an error. That means you will get the error code for the first packet only after the Nth call to send() or when you try to close the connection (the close() will hang until the receiver has acknowledged all packets).
The UDP protocol doesn't buffer. When the call returns, the packet is on it's way. But it's "fire and forget", so you only know that the driver has put it on the wire. If you want to know whether it has arrived somewhere, you must figure out a way to achieve that yourself. The usual approach is have the receiver send an ack UDP packet back (which also might get lost).

No - there is no parallel execution. It is true that the execution context when you're making a system call is not the same as your usual execution context. When you make a system call, such as for sending a packet over the network, you must switch into the kernel's context - the kernel's own memory map and stack, instead of the virtual memory you get inside your process.
But there are no daemon processes magically dispatching your call. The rest of the execution of your program has to wait for the system call to finish and return whatever values it will return. This is why you can count on return values being available right away when you return from the system call - values like the number of bytes actually read from the socket or written to a file.
I tried to find a nice explanation for how the context switch to kernel space works. Here's a nice in-depth one that even focuses on architecture-specific implementation:


what does `TCPBacklogDrop` means when using `netstat -s`

Recently I am debugging a problem on unix system, by using command
netstat -s
and I get an output with
$ netstat -s
// other fields
// other fields
TCPBacklogDrop: 368504
// other fields
// other fields
I have searched for a while to understand what does this field means, and got mainly two different answers:
This means that your tcp-date-receive-buffer is full, and there are some packages overflow
This means your tcp-accept-buffer is full, and there are some disconnections
Which is the correct one? any offical document to support it?
Interpretation #2 is referring to the queue of sockets waiting to be accepted, possibly because its size is set (more or less) by the value of the parameter named backlog to listen. This interpretation, however, is not correct.
To understand why interpretation #1 is correct (although incomplete), we will need to consult the source. First note that the string "TCPBacklogDrop"is associated with the Linux identifier LINUX_MIB_TCPBACKLOGDROP (see, e.g., this). This is incremented here in tcp_add_backlog.
Roughly speaking, there are 3 queues associated with the receive side of an established TCP socket. If the application is blocked on a read when a packet arrives, it will generally be sent to the prequeue for processing in user space in the application process. If it can't be put on the prequeue, and the socket is not locked, it will be placed in the receive queue. However, if the socket is locked, it will be placed in the backlog queue for subsequent processing.
If you follow through the code you will see that the call to sk_add_backlog called from tcp_add_backlog will return -ENOBUFS if the receive queue is full (including that which is in the backlog queue) and the packet will be dropped and the counter incremented. I say this interpretation is incomplete because this is not the only place where a packet could be dropped when the "receive queue" is full (which we now understand to be not as straightforward as a single queue).
I wouldn't expect such drops to be frequent and/or problematic under normal operating conditions as the sender's TCP stack should honor the advertised window of the receiver and not send data exceeding the capacity of the receive queue (with the exception of zero window probes and older kernel versions whose calculations could cause drops when the receive window was not actually full). If it is somehow indicative of a problem, I would start worrying about malicious clients (some form of DDOS maybe) or some failure causing a sockets lock to be held for an extended period of time.

MPI standard 3: when synchronous send is complete?

In the MPI Standard Section 3.4 (page 37):http://mpi-forum.org/docs/mpi-3.0/mpi30-report.pdf
the synchronous send completion means
1. the send-buffer can be reused
2. the receiver has started to receive data.
The standard says "has started" instead of "has completed", so I have a question about this: Imagine a case:
The sender calls MPI_Ssend, then a receiver is matched and has started to receive data. At this time, the send is complete and returned. As the MPI standard said, the send-buffer can be reused, so the sender modifies some data of the send-buffer. At the same time, the receiver is receiving data very slowly (e.g. network is very bad), so how can we guarantee the data finally received by the receiver is same as the original data stored in sender's send-buffer?
Ssend is synchronous. It means that Ssend cannot return before the corresponding Recv is called.
Ssend is Blocking. It means that the function return only when it is safe to touch the "send-buffer".
Synchronous and blocking are 2 different thing, I know it can be confusing.
Most implementation of Send works as follow (MPICH,OpenMPI,CRAY-MPI):
For small message the send-buffer is copied to the memory which is reserved for MPI. As soon as the copy is done the send return.
For large message, no copy are done, therefore the Send return once the entire send-buffer has been send to the network (which cannot be done before the Revc has been called, to avoid to overload the network memory)
So a MPI_Send is: Blocking, asynchronous for small message,synchronous for large one.
A Ssend works as follow:
As soon as the Recv is started AND the send-buffer is either copied or fully in the network, the Ssend return.
Ssend should be avoided as much as one can. As it slow down the communication (due to the fact that the network need to tell the sender that the recv has started)

Erlang accept incoming tcp connections dynamically

What I am trying to solve: have an Erlang TCP server that listens on a specific port (the code should reside in some kind of external facing interface/API) and each incoming connection should be handled by a gen_server (that is even the gen_tcp:accept should be coded inside the gen_server), but I don't actually want to initially spawn a predefined number of processes that accepts an incoming connection). Is that somehow possible ?
Basic Procedure
You should have one static process (implemented as a gen_server or a custom process) that performs the following procedure:
Listens for incoming connections using gen_tcp:accept/1
Every time it returns a connection, tell a supervisor to spawn of a worker process (e.g. another gen_server process)
Get the pid for this process
Call gen_tcp:controlling_process/2 with the newly returned socket and that pid
Send the socket to that process
Note: You must do it in that order, otherwise the new process might use the socket before ownership has been handed over. If this is not done, the old process might get messages related to the socket when the new process has already taken over, resulting in dropped or mishandled packets.
The listening process should only have one responsibility, and that is spawning of workers for new connections. This process will block when calling gen_tcp:accept/1, which is fine because the started workers will handle ongoing connections concurrently. Blocking on accept ensure the quickest response time when new connections are initiated. If the process needs to do other things in-between, gen_tcp:accept/2 could be used with other actions interleaved between timeouts.
You can have multiple processes waiting with gen_tcp:accept/1 on a single listening socket, further increasing concurrency and minimizing accept latency.
Another optimization would be to pre-start some socket workers to further minimize latency after accepting the new socket.
Third and final, would be to make your processes more lightweight by implementing the OTP design principles in your own custom processes using proc_lib (more info). However, this you should only do if you benchmark and come to the conclusion that it is the gen_server behavior that slows you down.
The issue with gen_tcp:accept is that it blocks, so if you call it within a gen_server, you block the server from receiving other messages. You can try to avoid this by passing a timeout but that ultimately amounts to a form of polling which is best avoided. Instead, you might try Kevin Smith's gen_nb_server instead; it uses an internal undocumented function prim_inet:async_accept and other prim_inet functions to avoid blocking.
You might want to check out http://github.com/oscarh/gen_tcpd and use the handle_connection function to convert the process you get to a gen_server.
You should use "prim_inet:async_accept(Listen_socket, -1)" as said by Steve.
Now the incoming connection would be accepted by your handle_info callback
(assuming you interface is also a gen_server) as you have used an asynchronous
accept call.
On accepting the connection you can spawn another ger_server(I would recommend
gen_fsm) and make that as the "controlling process" by calling
"gen_tcp:controlling_process(CliSocket, Pid of spwned process)".
After this all the data from socket would be received by that process
rather than by your interface code. Like that a new controlling process
would be spawned for another connection.

TCP client-server SIGPIPE

I am designing and testing a client server program based on TCP sockets(Internet domain). Currently , I am testing it on my local machine and not able to understand the following about SIGPIPE.
*. SIGPIPE appears quite randomly. Can it be deterministic?
The first tests involved single small(25 characters) send operation from client and corresponding receive at server. The same code, on the same machine runs successfully or not(SIGPIPE) totally out of my control. The failure rate is about 45% of times(quite high). So, can I tune the machine in any way to minimize this.
**. The second round of testing was to send 40000 small(25 characters) messages from the client to the server(1MB of total data) and then the server responding with the total size of data it actually received. The client sends data in a tight loop and there is a SINGLE receive call at the server. It works only for a maximum of 1200 bytes of total data sent and again, there are these non deterministic SIGPIPEs, about 70% times now(really bad).
Can some one suggest some improvement in my design(probably it will be at the server). The requirement is that the client shall be able to send over medium to very high amount of data (again about 25 characters each message) after a single socket connection has been made to the server.
I have a feeling that multiple sends against a single receive will always be lossy and very inefficient. Shall we be combining the messages and sending in one send() operation only. Is that the only way to go?
SIGPIPE is sent when you try to write to an unconnected pipe/socket. Installing a handler for the signal will make send() return an error instead.
Alternatively, you can disable SIGPIPE for a socket:
int n = 1;
setsockopt(thesocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &n, sizeof(n));
Also, the data amounts you're mentioning are not very high. Likely there's a bug somewhere that causes your connection to close unexpectedly, giving a SIGPIPE.
SIGPIPE is raised because you are attempting to write to a socket that has been closed. This does indicate a probable bug so check your application as to why it is occurring and attempt to fix that first.
Attempting to just mask SIGPIPE is not a good idea because you don't really know where the signal is coming from and you may mask other sources of this error. In multi-threaded environments, signals are a horrible solution.
In the rare cases were you cannot avoid this, you can mask the signal on send. If you set the MSG_NOSIGNAL flag on send()/sendto(), it will prevent SIGPIPE being raised. If you do trigger this error, send() returns -1 and errno will be set to EPIPE. Clean and easy. See man send for details.

Behavior of shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD) with TCP

When using a TCP socket, what does
shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD);
actually do? Does it just make all recv() calls return an error code? If so, which error code?
Does it cause any packets to be sent by the underlying TCP connection? What happens to any data that the other side sends at this point - is it kept, and the window size of the connection keeps shrinking until it gets to 0, or is it just discarded, and the window size doesn't shrink?
Shutting down the read side of a socket will cause any blocked recv (or similar) calls to return 0 (indicating graceful shutdown). I don't know what will happen to data currently traveling up the IP stack. It will most certainly ignore data that is in-flight from the other side. It will not affect writes to that socket at all.
In fact, judicious use of shutdown is a good way to ensure that you clean up as soon as you're done. An HTTP client that doesn't use keepalive can shutdown the write-side as soon as it is done sending the request, and a server that sees Connection: closed can likewise shutdown the read-side as soon as it is done receiving the request. This will cause any further erroneous activity to be immediately obvious, which is very useful when writing protocol-level code.
Looking at the Linux source code, shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD) doesn't seem to cause any state changes to the socket. (Obviously, shutdown(sock, SHUT_WR) causes FIN to be set.)
I can't comment on the window size changes (or lack thereof). But you can write a test program to see. Just make your inetd run a chargen service, and connect to it. :-)
shutdown(,SHUT_RD) does not have any counterpart in TCP protocol, so it is pretty much up to implementation how to behave when someone writes to a connection where other side indicated that it will not read or when you try to read after you declared that you wont.
On slightly lower level it is beneficial to remember that TCP connection is a pair of flows using which peers send data until they declare that they are done (by SHUT_WR which sends FIN). And these two flows are quite independent.
I test shudown(sock,SHUT_RD) on Ubuntu 12.04. I find that when you call shutdown(sock,SHUT_RD) if there are no any type of data(include FIN....) in the TCP buffer, the successive read call will return 0(indicates end of stream). But if there are some data which arrived before or after shutdown function, read call will process normally as if shutdown function was not called. It seems that shutdown(sock,SHUT_RD) doesn't cause any TCP states changed to the socket
It has two effects, one of them platform-dependent.
recv() will return zero, indicating end of stream.
Any further writes to the connection by the peer will either be (a) silently thrown away by the receiver (BSD), (b) be buffered by the receiver and eventually cause send() to block or return -1/EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK (Linux), or (c) cause the receiver to send an RST (Windows).
shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD) causes any writer to the socket to receive a sigpipe signal.
Any further reads using the read system call will return a -1 and set errno to EINVAL.
The use of recv will return a -1 and set errno to indicate the error (probably ENOTCONN or ENOTSOCK).
