Find observations of an ID within a certain timeframe in the future in Tableau - datetime

I have a dataset in Tableau that contains sales data listing each sale the company has had in the past year. Each customer has a unique ID, and many customers return. I'm trying to figure out how to create a calculated field in Tableau that gives a True | False answer to whether a given patient ID appears again in the dataset within a given timeframe (say, within six weeks of a given observation).
I've tried running it with LOOKUP, but I haven't been able to specify the increase in time effectively.

This would be how I would approach it. Create two date parameters, start and end.
Then create a filter calc for the date.
[date] >= [param_date_start]
[date] <= [param_date_end]
Place this in the filter shelf set to TRUE.
Then create another parameter for your customer id and you can test for the existence of a customer id as follows.
max([customer_id] = [param_customer_id])
This will return true if there is at least one record where the customer_id equals the param_customer_id for the chosen dimensions and date range.
You could use this same approach to define a computed set, say the set of all products that were purchased by the customer in the specified date range, or the set of all patients that received a particular service. Just use this formula on the condition tab when defining the set.


How to get percentage of increment/decrement of two formula field values in saved search NetSuite

I am working on to populate the payroll expenses of last month and current month using saved search according to departments.
I got the last month payroll expenses and current month payroll expenses using formula field.
Now I am trying to get result in percentage of two amount Values which I have got through formula fields.
I am not being able to get the even subtraction of both of the formula fields.
So that I can divide and get the increment /decrement percentage.
Tried many ways using formulas (case, subtraction of two formulas), using summary type and its functions but not got required result.
Please suggest something for saved search result.

How to determine trial booking conversion - google sheets

Many sites use WooCommerce as a plugin for their WordPress site and so do we :). We've linked all purchases to google sheets, so I can do some analyses.
Our goal is get a many children physically active as we can and we have gym classes for very young children with they parents. To teach them the basics of the fun of physical activity
What I would like to do
I would like to know, how many free trial classes actually convert to paying customers and what the average timespan is between booking a trial class and becoming a member
The data that I have
I have the following columns which are necessary for this, I believe:
paymentID (is empty when booking a free trial class)
Price (is 0,00 whem booking a free trial class)
childsName (Unique in combination with parentsEmailadress, but recurs every month in the list once a membership is active)
parentsEmailadress (may have several children)
OrderName (has the string "trial" or "Membership")
I've made some dummy data in the following sheet:
Possible solution
My guess is that I should:
make a column in which I combine the childs name and the emailadress
Make a TRUE of FALSE column to check if order is trial class or not
Make a column to find the first Unique child-emailadres combination in previous orders (How do I do that?! - Vlookup?)
and than
if this is found than check again if this is a trial class order.
If it is a trial class order than it should determine the amount of days between the trial class order and the non-trial class order and display the amount of days
if this is another normal order than leave empty(it's just a membership order)
if the emailadres is not found than display "direct" (it's a directly bought membership)
I did 1 and 2 and tried 3 with:
=ALS(H2=0;VERT.ZOEKEN(G2;A:G;1;ONWAAR);) (in Dutch)
=IF(H2=0;V.LOOKUP(G2;A:G;1;FALSE);) (possible translation)
But this doesn't work.
Really hope some can point me in the right direction!
Thank you very much in advance!
Given that trial classes have a price of 0, there's no need to create another column to identify those cases–just check the price. To the source data we'll add the "Client ID" column that you created in Column G of your sample sheet. (Ideally, you'll come up with an client ID system, but this works.) Now, create a new sheet that will be your dashboard and let's add a few columns:
Client ID This grabs only the unique values from the Client IDs in Sheet2 as we don't want users to be repeated in our dashboard. (Column A, row 1... for all others place the formulas in row 2).
Did they trial? This will tell you TRUE/FALSE if the client did a trial. (Column B).
=ISNUMBER(MATCH(Dashboard!A2, FILTER(Sheet2!G:G, Sheet2!C:C=0), 0))
Did they convert? This will tell you TRUE/FALSE if the client converted from trial to paid. (In cases where they did not do a trial, it will be blank.) (Column C).
=IF(Dashboard!B2, ISNUMBER(MATCH(Dashboard!A2, FILTER(Sheet2!$G:$G, Sheet2!$C:$C>0), 0)), "")
Date of First Trial The date of the first trial. If none exists, will be blank. (Column D).
=IFERROR(MIN(FILTER(Sheet2!$A:$A, Sheet2!$G:$G=Dashboard!A2, Sheet2!$C:$C=0)))
Date of First Paid Course The date of the first paid course. If none exists, will be blank. (Column E).
=IFERROR(MIN(FILTER(Sheet2!$A:$A, Sheet2!$G:$G=Dashboard!A2, Sheet2!$C:$C>0)))
Days from First Trial to First Paid The number of days between the first paid course and the first trial course. If one of those values doesn't exist, then will be blank. (Column F).
=IF(ISDATE(Dashboard!E2), Dashboard!E2-Dashboard!D2, "")
Now you can answer several questions:
How many clients used a free trial? =COUNTIF(Dashboard!B:B, TRUE)
How many free trials converted? =COUNTIF(Dashboard!C:C, TRUE)
Average number of days from first trial to first paid? =AVERAGE(Dashboard!F:F)

How do I create a running count of outcomes sequentially by date and unique to a specific person/ID?

I have a list of unique customers who have made transactions over a year (Jan – Dec). They have bought products using 3 different methods (card, cash, check). My goal is to build a multi-classification model to predict the method pf payment.
To do this I am engineering some Recency and Frequency features into my training data, but am having trouble with the following frequency count because the only way I know how to do it is in Excel using the Countifs and SUMIFs functions, which are inhibitingly slow. If someone can help and/or suggest another solution, it would be very much appreciated:
So I have a data set with 3 columns (Customer ID, Purchase Date, and Payment Type) that is sorted by Purchase Date then Customer ID. How do I then get a prior frequency count of payment type by date that does not include the count of the current row transaction or any future transactions that are > the Purchase Date. So basically I want to do a running count of each payment option, based on a unique Customer ID, and a date range that is < purchase date of that training row. In my head I see it as “crawling” backwards through the transactions and counting. Simplified screenshot of data frame is below with the 3 prior count columns I am looking to generate programmatically.
This gives you the answer as a list of CustomerID, PurchaseDate, PaymentMethod and prior counts
SELECT CustomerID, PurchaseDate, PaymentMethod,
select count(CustomerID) from History T
and T.PaymentMethod=History.PaymentMethod
and T.PurchaseDate<History.PurchaseDate
AS PriorCount
FROM History;
You can save this query and use it as the source for a crosstab query to get the columnar format you want
Some notes:
I assumed "History" as the source table name - you can change the query above to use the correct source
To use this as a query, open a new query in design view. Close the window that asks what tables the query is to be built on. Open the SQL view of the query design - like design view, but it shows the SQL instead of the normal design interface. Copy the above into the SQL view.
You should now be able to switch to datasheet view and see the results
When the query is working to your satisfaction, save it with any appropriate name
Open a new query in design view
When you get the list of tables to include, switch to the list of queries and include the query you just saved
Change the query type to crosstab and update the query as needed to select rows, columns and values - look up "access crosstab queries" if you need more help.
Another tip to see what is happening here:
You can take the subquery - the parts inside the () above - and make
just that statement into it's own query, excluding the opening and closing (). Then you can look at it's design view to see what it does
Save it with an appropriate name and put it into the query above in place of the statement in () - then you can look at the design view.
Sometimes it's easier to visualize and learn from 2 queries strung together this way than to work with sub queries.

MS Access 2010, Distinct in a Report?

I have a report that is based on a query of diagnoses (for example diabetes). The report returns a list of patients with that diagnosis. The problem is if john Q has diabetes xyz and diabetes 123, so if I run the report to give me a list of everyone with diabetes it will retun his name twice. I really don't want to change the particular query that this based on, I just want distinct name in the report. Is there a way to use distinct for a report or any other way of limiting the names to just once in the report? Or am I going to have to write a distinct query just for this report?
either edit the query by changing SELECT to
or set the report to use grouping, you can Group by Name (or more likely, by a patient ID so two people with the same name don't get combined) - it's as described here
if you exclude listing the types of diabetes you will get each person on one line, if you include the types of diabetes you will get each person's details used as a heading with the types of diabetes indented
If the report already exists you can edit it by using the Grouping and Sorting option

Crystal reports, get sum for specific reocrds

In Short:
I need to get a total for customer groups + the credits - the debits in a specific date range.
In Detail:
I'm creating an invoice report for customer orders. Each Customer belongs to a group, and I need to group the invoice by customer group so I can give a total amount owed for the customer group.
So the top Group in the report is customers.group_name with the total for the group in the group header.
The second group is orders.customer_id with the total for the customer in the group header.
I have 2 parameter for the date range of orders which I use in the select expert
I have another table for credits and debits for each group.
This are the fields for the CreditDebits Table
type_ (this can be either "credit" or "debit")
I've linked customers.group_name with CreditsDebits.group_name in the database expert.
I also use the date range parameters for this table
Do get the credits I created a formula called "credists" like so
if {Credits_Debits.type} = "credit" then sum({Credits_Debits.amount})
But when I drop this formula on the customers.group_name header, the formula shows up as empty and the total for the group gets messed up (it becomes triple of what it should be.
What am I doing wrong?
First check Does this field CreditsDebits.group_name consists of customer name? or any different name?
Place the formula if {Credits_Debits.type} = "credit" then sum({Credits_Debits.amount}) in footer but not in header and check.
