MS Access 2010, Distinct in a Report? - report

I have a report that is based on a query of diagnoses (for example diabetes). The report returns a list of patients with that diagnosis. The problem is if john Q has diabetes xyz and diabetes 123, so if I run the report to give me a list of everyone with diabetes it will retun his name twice. I really don't want to change the particular query that this based on, I just want distinct name in the report. Is there a way to use distinct for a report or any other way of limiting the names to just once in the report? Or am I going to have to write a distinct query just for this report?

either edit the query by changing SELECT to
or set the report to use grouping, you can Group by Name (or more likely, by a patient ID so two people with the same name don't get combined) - it's as described here
if you exclude listing the types of diabetes you will get each person on one line, if you include the types of diabetes you will get each person's details used as a heading with the types of diabetes indented
If the report already exists you can edit it by using the Grouping and Sorting option


GA: Report with transactions doesn't show all of them

I have created a report with Data Studio taking values from GA and I have defined a table with several data like age, sex, hour, total users and transaccions.
At the end of the table it shows the total of transactions which are 8 and this data is correct. But If I seek this transactions in the table I only found 2.
Here you can see the table ordered by transactions and you can see how there is only 2.
And these are the sources of the data of the table:
Am I doing something wrong? How can I get the eight transactions in their own column?
Edit I:
The table are ordered descendent by the column "Transactions" (Transacciones) so all the transactions are showed in the first rows. In this case, we've got only 2 transactions.
In string 'Total' Data Studio shows Total not for your split, but just Total (Yes, it's strange). Test it in this way: create a new widget contains only 'Users' or 'Transactions'. You will see that number is the same as in your table in 'Total'.
You have 10 per page, change this view to match the total number of records. The reminder are likely on following pages

marketo smart list filters exclude matching records

Is there a way to use the smart list in a campaign to exclude records that match a filter?
I've got a custom table linked to the lead records, but it's a many-to-one style. I'm trying to suppress lead records where the history records match certain values.
Problem is that there seems to be no way to do it. I can have it include leads with no history records or leads with history records without certain values, but if the same lead has multiple history records, it will show up if either record has a value not in the exclusion.
What I want is the leads where NONE of the history records for it has those certain values, not simply to exclude the history records that match.
If this were a sql join statement, what I'm getting is:
select * from leads
join history on history.leadid = and history.myval != 'x'
but what I want is:
select * from leads
where id not in (select id from history where myval = 'x')
You might be able to do it by creating a couple of smart lists
a> A smart list that will checks for all the people who have that custom object AND have the exact value(s) that you want to Exclude
b> Then create another smart list with criteria like,
All the people who have,
1> That custom object
2> Who are NOT in the first smart list A
That should give you the people you are looking for
Hope this helps
Rajesh Talele

How do I create a running count of outcomes sequentially by date and unique to a specific person/ID?

I have a list of unique customers who have made transactions over a year (Jan – Dec). They have bought products using 3 different methods (card, cash, check). My goal is to build a multi-classification model to predict the method pf payment.
To do this I am engineering some Recency and Frequency features into my training data, but am having trouble with the following frequency count because the only way I know how to do it is in Excel using the Countifs and SUMIFs functions, which are inhibitingly slow. If someone can help and/or suggest another solution, it would be very much appreciated:
So I have a data set with 3 columns (Customer ID, Purchase Date, and Payment Type) that is sorted by Purchase Date then Customer ID. How do I then get a prior frequency count of payment type by date that does not include the count of the current row transaction or any future transactions that are > the Purchase Date. So basically I want to do a running count of each payment option, based on a unique Customer ID, and a date range that is < purchase date of that training row. In my head I see it as “crawling” backwards through the transactions and counting. Simplified screenshot of data frame is below with the 3 prior count columns I am looking to generate programmatically.
This gives you the answer as a list of CustomerID, PurchaseDate, PaymentMethod and prior counts
SELECT CustomerID, PurchaseDate, PaymentMethod,
select count(CustomerID) from History T
and T.PaymentMethod=History.PaymentMethod
and T.PurchaseDate<History.PurchaseDate
AS PriorCount
FROM History;
You can save this query and use it as the source for a crosstab query to get the columnar format you want
Some notes:
I assumed "History" as the source table name - you can change the query above to use the correct source
To use this as a query, open a new query in design view. Close the window that asks what tables the query is to be built on. Open the SQL view of the query design - like design view, but it shows the SQL instead of the normal design interface. Copy the above into the SQL view.
You should now be able to switch to datasheet view and see the results
When the query is working to your satisfaction, save it with any appropriate name
Open a new query in design view
When you get the list of tables to include, switch to the list of queries and include the query you just saved
Change the query type to crosstab and update the query as needed to select rows, columns and values - look up "access crosstab queries" if you need more help.
Another tip to see what is happening here:
You can take the subquery - the parts inside the () above - and make
just that statement into it's own query, excluding the opening and closing (). Then you can look at it's design view to see what it does
Save it with an appropriate name and put it into the query above in place of the statement in () - then you can look at the design view.
Sometimes it's easier to visualize and learn from 2 queries strung together this way than to work with sub queries.

Query on use of aggregate functions over recursive groups in microsoft report designer

I have to point out that I'm fairly new to reporting outside of Microsoft Access, and new to the site, so please bear with me!
Stripped down to essential items, my data object has:
CategoryID, ParentCategoryID, TransactionID, TransactionDate, SplitID, CurrencyID and Value.
I don't think this is relevant, but just in case -
A Split has a Category and a Value, with one to many belonging to a Transaction.
Multiple Splits may exist for the same Category & Transaction with
different, or the same, Value (to support different combinations of the other data
items I haven't listed).
A Transaction has a TransactionDate and a CurrencyID, so all Splits
belonging to a Transaction are for the same Currency.
A Category belongs to a Category recursively.
A Split may be assigned a Category at any level in the recursive hierarchy and the crux of my problem is to report Transaction / Split detail under the appropriate Category heading, with a sub-total to include all those details AND the totals of all child Categories.
So, I have a Detail row group holding all the ancilliary data items that aren't relevant and a TransactionIDGroup row group on the same row. I then have a CategoryGroup row group based on CategoryID with a Parent of ParentCategoryID to handle the recursive nature of the data and a CurrencyIDGroup column group to handle the possible multiple currencies involved.
Also in the CategoryIDGroup row group is a total row with the Value cell holding an expression.
If I leave that expression as =Sum(Fields!AccountValue.Value), the report quite nicely totals the Value for each Currency column for all the details specifically in each Category (the default scope), so I thought I needed to make the Sum 'Recursive'. However, you don't seem able to specify the optional Recursive parameter without specifying the scope as well.
If I specify scope as CategoryIDGroup, I get all zero sub-totals. If I use CurrencyIDGroup I get each one being the same report total for the Currency. Anything else either gets me a build error or a combined-currency report total.
The other issue I have is that the recursive child Category groups are reported sequentially underneath the parent Category group (so, outside the header row, detail rows and total row, and not within the group. However, if I can get the total to reflect the children as well as the details at that level, I'd be happy enough, even though it wouldn't seem to add up until you realised what was going on.
What I have in mind is something like:
Category A
Transaction 1 10/02/2011 ...................... £100.00
---------------------- £14.50
Transaction 2 18/03/2011 ...................... $159.34
Category Ai
Transaction 3 18/06/2011 ---------------------- £295.60
Total Category Ai £295.60
Total Category A £410.10 $159.34*
But what I get is this:
Category A
Transaction 1 10/02/2011 ...................... £100.00
---------------------- £14.50
Transaction 2 18/03/2011 ...................... $159.34
Total Category A £114.50 $159.34*
Category Ai
Transaction 3 18/06/2011 ---------------------- £295.60
Total Category Ai £295.60
I guess the fundamental question is - am I asking the impossible? Do I need to take a different approach, perhaps with sub-reports for the details? I've wondered about including a Sum of the values of the child Categories within the data object at each Category level, but is there something simple I'm missing?
Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated after several days tearing my hair out :)
I have no idea whether there was something simple I missed, but resolved the issue to my satisfaction by including another property in the data object, being the sum of all child categories for each currency, and including a new row to print the sum of that field. Just in case someone else hits just the same question! matrix reports - more than 2 columns on row headings

I need to create a donor summary report that provides total donations by donor by year.
I need to provide
name address email yr1total yr2total etc...
It looks like salesforce only allows two columns in row headings and two columns in column headings. Is there a way to work around this
Or, is there a way to use the tabular report to do the same?
If donations is a single field on the donor's record, it seems like what you're looking to do is attempt to display two columns for the same data within a report. The best way to do this (well, outside of creating a master-detail relationship with a new custom object named "Donations") would to have formula fields for each of the donation years, and calculate the donation sums in each of them. That is, as long as you have a way of calculating the year of the donation.
I believe to get the best answer, more information is needed.
Something like this? This will work if your donation is a separate object that's linked to Account (I've used Tasks & Events linked to Accounts in my example).
Create a report in "Matrix format".
Drop Account Name on the left pane, Donation's Date on the columns.
Columns will default to days. Click the dropdown in the place where I have "Created Date" and select summarizing by year (of course fine-tune to whatever you need).
Check date ranges / filter criteria etc obviously if you don't see all data.
Click Show -> Hide details.
Drop your "Donation Amount" or similar field into place where "Record Count" is displayed. Use "Sum".
Optionally deselect Show -> Record Count.
Now you're mentioning that there are only 2 columns so you probably already tried this. Well, common trick is to cheat by using a formula field that would hold your data (separated by comma maybe?). Tabular report would require you to create some helper fields (1 per year) on Account and do some kind of rollup summaries, messy.
If it's for a dashboard you could play with summary report (it can have more groups than 2) and pick chart type table on the dashboard...
