Using a loop in an ODE to graphically compare different parameters R - r

I'm using the deSolve package to plot a couple differential equations (read if interested
My eventual goal is to create an iterative function or process (for loop) to plot how changes in certain parameters (beta and gamma) will affect the solution. The preferred output would be a list that contains all each ode solution for each specified value of beta in the loop. I'm running into issues for integrating a loop into the setup that the deSolve package requires for the ode function.
In the code below, I am trying to plot how the range of values (1 to 2 by increments of 0.1) in parameter beta will affect the plot of the differential equations.
for(k in seq(1,2,by=0.1)){ #range of values for beta
init <- c(S=1-1e-6, I=1e-6, R=0) #initial conditions for odes
time <- seq(0,80,by=1) #time period
parameters <- c(beta=k, gamma=0.15) #parameters in ode
SIR <- function(time,state,parameters){ #function containing equaations
dS <- -beta*S*I
dI <- beta*S*I-gamma*I
dR <- gamma*I
The first error I'm getting states that the argument parameters in the SIR function is missing
Error in as.list(c(init, parameters)) : argument "parameters" is
missing, with no default
I don't understand why this error is being reported when I've assigned parameters in the lines previous.

You might as well define your gradient function (and the other non-changing elements) outside the loop:
SIR <- function(time,state,parameters) {
dS <- -beta*S*I
dI <- beta*S*I-gamma*I
dR <- gamma*I
init <- c(S=1-1e-6, I=1e-6, R=0) #initial conditions for odes
time <- seq(0,80,by=1) #time period
Now define the vector of values to try (not necessary but convenient):
betavec <- seq(1,2,by=0.1)
and define a list to hold the results:
res <- vector(length(betavec),mode="list")
for (k in seq_along(betavec)){ #range of values for beta
res[[k]] <- ode(y=init,times=time,func=SIR,
parms=c(beta=betavec[k], gamma=0.15))
Now you have a list, each element of which contains the results from one run. You can sapply or lapply over this list, e.g. to get a matrix of the last states from each run:
Or if you want the results as one long data frame ...
names(res) <- betavec ## to get beta value incorporated in results
dd <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(res,,.id="beta")
dd$beta <- as.numeric(dd$beta),...) would work nearly as well as bind_rows(), but bind_rows's .id argument is convenient for adding the beta values to each data frame. You could also leave the results as a list and loop over them while plotting with separate lines() calls, or (e.g.) bind just the infective columns together and use matplot() to plot them all at the same time. This is just a matter of style and idiom.
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())


Principal component analysis using R. Automatic and manual results do not match

Two different methods of the principal component analysis were conducted to analyze the following data (ch082.dat) using the Box1's R-code, below.
The first method uses the rotation matrix (See 'ans_mat' under the '#rotated data' of the Box1's code) and,
the second method uses the 'pcomp' function (See 'rpca' under the '#rotated data' of the Box1's code).
However, there is a subtle discrepancy in the answer between the method using the rotation matrix and the method using the 'pcomp' function.
make it match
My Question
What should I do so that the result of the rotation matrix -based method matches the result of the'pcomp' function?
As far as I've tried with various data, including other data, the actual discrepancies seem to be limited to scale shifts and mirroring transformations.
The results of the rotation matrix -based method is shown in left panel.
The results of the pcomp function -based method is shown in right panel.
Mirror inversion can be seen in "ch082.dat" data.(See Fig.1);
It seems that, in some j, the sign of the "jth eigenvector of the correlation matrix" and the sign of the "jth column of the output value of the prcomp function" may be reversed. If there is a degree of overlap in the eigenvalues, it is possible that the difference may be more complex than mirror inversion.
There is a scale shift for the Box2's data (See See Fig.2), despite the centralization and normalization to the data.
##Use the 'setwd' function to specify the directory containing 'ch082.dat'.
##For example, if you put this file directly under the C drive of your Windows PC, you can run the following command.
setwd("C:/") #Depending on where you put the file, you may need to change the path.
w1<-read.table("ch082.dat",header = TRUE,row.names = 1,fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
#Function for standardizing data
#Thanks to
standalize <- function(data)
{ for(i in length(data[1,]))
x <- as.matrix(data[,i])
y <- (x-mean(x)/sd(x))
data[,i] <- y
#Method using rotation matrix
B_mat=cor(z_) #Compute correlation matrix
eigen_m <- eigen(B_mat)
sample_mat <- as.matrix(z_)
for(j in 1:length(sample_mat[1,])){
#Method using "rpca" function
rpca <- prcomp(w1,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
#eigen vectors
#rotated data
#Graph Plots
main="Rotation using eigenvectors"
plot(rpca$x[,1], rpca$x[,2],
main="Principal component score")
sample_data <- data.frame(
X = c(2,4, 6, 5,7, 8,10),
Y = c(6,8,10,11,9,12,14)
X = c(2,4, 6, 5,7, 8,10)
Y = c(6,8,10,11,9,12,14)
plot(Y ~ X)
(Written in Japanease)
The two sets of results agree. First we can simplify your code a bit. You don't need your function or the for loop:
z_ <- scale(w1)
B_mat <- cor(z_)
eigen_m <- eigen(B_mat)
ans_mat <- z_ %*% eigen_m$vectors
Now the prcomp version
z_pca <- prcomp(z_)
z_pca$sdev^2 # Equals eigen_m$values
z_pca$rotation # Equals eigen_m$vectors
z_pca$x # Equals ans_mat
Your original code mislabeled ans_mat columns. They are actually the principal component scores. You can fix that with
colnames(ans_mat) <- colnames(z_pca$x)
The pc loadings (and therefore the scores) are not uniquely defined with respect to reflection. In other words multiplying all of the loadings or scores in one component by -1 flips them but does not change their relationships to one another. Multiply z_pca$x[, 1] by -1 and the plots will match:
z_pca$x[, 1] <- z_pca$x[, 1] * -1, height=6)
plot(ans_mat[,1], ans_mat[,2], main="Rotation using eigenvectors")
plot(z_pca$x[,1], z_pca$x[,2], main="Principal component score")

Monte Carlo Simulation for DCF Model in R

I am trying to create a function where Monte Carlo Simulation is applied to two of the variables in a DCF Model in R Studio. It supposed to take a first value FCF_0 and applied to it a specific growth FCF_ 0*(1 + growth), which is the first input variable until period 6, each period takes the last FCF to keep growing. After that I would like to discount it as well to get the present value which would be FCFn*(1/((1+WACC)^n)). Where WACC is the second variable to simulate.
So far I have the function to calculate the FCF but with a vector of specifics values of growth, which is the following:
What I am trying so far to create this function is this, but I think is bad.
Could you please help me to understand how to create both simulations and if it is neccesary for me to create two functions or in one function I can do everything? I would expect from the function to give the sum of all present values and each sum would be an element in a vector of 10.000 simulations. I am new at this and even though I have read almost for two weeks, I don't get how to create these simulations.
Thank you very much!
revfunc <- function(hist, growth){
rval <- c()
help <- c(hist)
for(i in growth){
help <- help*(1+i)
rval <- c(rval, help)
Monte Carlo Simulations
pvffcf_function <- function(fcf0, growth, wacc){
rval1 <- c()
help <- c(fcf0)
pvs <- rval1*(1/((1+wacc)^n))
random_growth <- rnorm(n=10000, mean(fcfgrowth), sd(fcfgrowth))
wacc <- rnorm(n=10000, 0.03804, 0.007711)
pvffcf <- sum(freecashflows)
for(i in growth){
help <- help*(1+i)
rval1 <- c(rval1, help)

Output multiple vectors from for loop in R

As someone relatively new to R I'm having an issue with creating a for loop.
I have a very large data set with 9000 observations and 25 categorical variables, which I've transformed into binary data and preformed hierarchical clustering. Now I want to try K-Modes clustering to produce an Elbow Plot using the "within-cluster simple-matching distance for each cluster", which is outputted from kmodes$withindiff. I can sum this for each of the k in 1:8 clusters to get the Elbow Plot.
for(k in 1:8)
WCSM[k] <- sum(kmodes(data,k,iter.max=100)$withindiff)
plot(1:8,WCSM,type="b", xlab="Number of Clusters",ylab="Within-Cluster
Simple-Matching Distance Summed", main="K-modes Elbow Plot")
My issue is that I want further output from k-modes. For each k in 1:8 I would like to get the vector of integers indicating the cluster to which each object is allocated to given by kmodes$cluster. I need to create a for loop that loops through each k in 1:8 and saves each of the outputs into 8 separate vectors. But I don't know how to do such a for loop. I could just run the 8 lines of code separately but they each take 15mins to run with iter.max=10 so increasing this to iter.max=100 will need to be left running overnight so a loop would be useful.
cl.kmodes2=kmodes(data, 2,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes3=kmodes(data, 3,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes4=kmodes(data, 4,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes5=kmodes(data, 5,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes6=kmodes(data, 6,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes7=kmodes(data, 7,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes8=kmodes(data, 8,iter.max=100)
Ultimately I want to compare the results from the hierarchical binary clustering to the k-modes clustering by getting the Adjusted Rand Index. For example, cutting the tree at k=4 for the hierarchical cluster and comparing this to a 4 cluster solution from k-modes:
dist.binary = dist(data, method="binary")
cl.binary = hclust(dist.binary, method="complete")
hcl.4 = cutree(cl.binary, k = 4)
tab = table(hcl.4, cl.kmodes4$cluster)
I agree with Imo, using a list is the best solution.
If you don't want to do that, you could also use assign() to create a new vector in every iteration:
for(k in 1:8) {
assign(paste("cl.kmodes", k, sep = ""), kmodes(data, k, iter.max = 100))
The best method is to put the output from your clusters into a named list:
myClusterList <- list()
for(k in 1:8) {
myClusterList[[paste0("k.", i)]] <- kmodes(data, i,iter.max=100)
You can then pull out the any of the contents easily:
You can also save the list to use in future R sessions, see ?save.

Linear Regression in R for Date and some dependant output

Actually I need to calculate the parameters theta0 and theta1 using linear regression.
My data frame (data.1) consists of two columns, first one is a date-time and the second one is a result which is dependent on this date.
Like this:
data.1[[1]] data.1[[2]]
2004-07-08 14:30:00 12.41
Now, I have this code for which iterates over a number of times to calculate the parameter theta0, theta1
for(i in 1:m){
for(i in 1:m){
for(i in 1:learningIterations){
lines(x,(theta0+theta1*x), col="red")
lines(x,(theta0+theta1*x), col="green")
Now I want to calculate theta0 and theta1 using the following scenarios:
y=data.1[[2]] and x=dates which are similar irrespective of the year
y=data.1[[2]] and x=months which are similar irrespective of the year
Please suggest..
As #Nicola said, you need to use the lm function for linear regression in R.
If you'd like to learn more about linear regression check out this or follow this tutorial
First you would have to determine your formula. You want to calculate Theta0 and Theta1 using data.1[[2]] and dates/months.
Your first formula would be something along the lines of:
formula <- Theta0 ~ data.1[[2]] + dates
Then you would create the linear model
variablename <- lm(formula, dataset)
After this you can use the output for various calculations.
For example you can calculate anova, or just print the summary:
I noticed your assigning variables by using =. This is not recommended parenthesis. For more information check out Google's R Style Guide
In R it would be preferred to use <- to assign variables.
Taking the first bit of your code, it would become:
x <- as.vector(data.1[[1]])
y <- as.vector(data.1[[2]])
theta0 <- 10
theta1 <- 10
alpha <- 0.0001
initialJ <- 100000
learningIterations <- 200000

Avoiding loops in iterative solution of ODE

I'm fitting a parametric model to some survival data with time-dependent covariates. The fitting procedure involves solving some ODEs iteratively - one ODE per time-interval per subject, but such that the initial condition for the ODE on the interval at hand is the last value of the solution to the ODE on the preceding interval. In that sense, the ODEs depend on each other.
My problem boils done to this: Right now, I'm solving these ODEs iteratively through a loop, since I need to use the last value of the previous solution as the starting point for the next. The problem is that this looping consumes a lot of time for large datasets. Is there some way in which I can use, say, vapply, or another vectorized function, to do the same thing?
I've been searching the archives, but nothing comes up as a solution to the problem of vectorizing an operation that depends on the previous value.
Here's a code example, that doesn't produce anything statistically meaningful on its own, but illustrates my problem:
param <- c(a=1)
df <- function(t, state, param){
with( as.list(c(state, param)), {dX<-a*X; list(c(dX))} )
Data.i <- data.frame( lt=seq(0, 5, length=10)[-10],rt=seq(0, 5, length=10)[2:10], X=rnorm(9) )
Result <- vector(length=10)
Result[1] <- Data.i$X[1]
init <- c(X=Data.i$X[1])
for (k in 1:9){
t.seq <- seq(Data.i$lt[k],Data.i$rt[k],length=10)
sol <- as.numeric(ode(y = init, times = t.seq, func = df, parms = param)[10,-1])
Result[k+1] <- log(sol+X[k+1])
init <- c(X=sol)
