Output multiple vectors from for loop in R - r

As someone relatively new to R I'm having an issue with creating a for loop.
I have a very large data set with 9000 observations and 25 categorical variables, which I've transformed into binary data and preformed hierarchical clustering. Now I want to try K-Modes clustering to produce an Elbow Plot using the "within-cluster simple-matching distance for each cluster", which is outputted from kmodes$withindiff. I can sum this for each of the k in 1:8 clusters to get the Elbow Plot.
for(k in 1:8)
WCSM[k] <- sum(kmodes(data,k,iter.max=100)$withindiff)
plot(1:8,WCSM,type="b", xlab="Number of Clusters",ylab="Within-Cluster
Simple-Matching Distance Summed", main="K-modes Elbow Plot")
My issue is that I want further output from k-modes. For each k in 1:8 I would like to get the vector of integers indicating the cluster to which each object is allocated to given by kmodes$cluster. I need to create a for loop that loops through each k in 1:8 and saves each of the outputs into 8 separate vectors. But I don't know how to do such a for loop. I could just run the 8 lines of code separately but they each take 15mins to run with iter.max=10 so increasing this to iter.max=100 will need to be left running overnight so a loop would be useful.
cl.kmodes2=kmodes(data, 2,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes3=kmodes(data, 3,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes4=kmodes(data, 4,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes5=kmodes(data, 5,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes6=kmodes(data, 6,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes7=kmodes(data, 7,iter.max=100)
cl.kmodes8=kmodes(data, 8,iter.max=100)
Ultimately I want to compare the results from the hierarchical binary clustering to the k-modes clustering by getting the Adjusted Rand Index. For example, cutting the tree at k=4 for the hierarchical cluster and comparing this to a 4 cluster solution from k-modes:
dist.binary = dist(data, method="binary")
cl.binary = hclust(dist.binary, method="complete")
hcl.4 = cutree(cl.binary, k = 4)
tab = table(hcl.4, cl.kmodes4$cluster)

I agree with Imo, using a list is the best solution.
If you don't want to do that, you could also use assign() to create a new vector in every iteration:
for(k in 1:8) {
assign(paste("cl.kmodes", k, sep = ""), kmodes(data, k, iter.max = 100))

The best method is to put the output from your clusters into a named list:
myClusterList <- list()
for(k in 1:8) {
myClusterList[[paste0("k.", i)]] <- kmodes(data, i,iter.max=100)
You can then pull out the any of the contents easily:
You can also save the list to use in future R sessions, see ?save.


Optimize lapply for distance matrix function R

I am trying to find the cluster number from HDBSCAN analysis of cell coordinates grouped by an image ID in a dataframe.
My approach so far is to split the dataframe containing the ID, X, and Y columns by the ID and then use lapply to run a function on each element as such:
dlist <- split(d[, -c(1)], d$ID) #subgroup dataframe "d" as list and remove the ID column
cls <- function(x) {
dm <- dist(x, method = "euclidean", p = 2) %>% as.matrix() #run distance matrix for each imageID's X,Y coordinates
cl <- hdbscan(dm, minPts = 3) #run unsupervised cluster analysis on matrix
lv <- length(cl$cluster_scores)
return(lv) #return the cluster number for each image ID
ClusterNumbers <- lapply(dlist, FUN = cls) %>% bind_rows()
I know the cluster analysis methodology may not be the most robust but it is just a proof of concept at present. My issue currently is that this method is obviously painfully slow, so I am looking for a way (short of submitting this to the uni HPCC) to make this process more efficient and run quicker. I have tried generating the matrices prior to the cluster analysis etc but the number of data prohibits this as I cannot assign vectors that large.
Any help would be awesome.

How can I automate creation of a list of vectors containing simulated data from a known distribution, using a "for loop" in R?

First stack exchange post so please bear with me. I'm trying to automate the creation of a list, and the list will be made up of many empty vectors of various, known lengths. The empty vectors will then be filled with simulated data. How can I automate creation of this list using a for loop in R?
In this simplified example, fish have been caught by casting a net 4 times, and their abundance is given in the vector "abundance" (from counting the number of total fish in each net). We don't have individual fish weights, just the mean weight of all fish each net, so I need to simulate their weights from a lognormal distribution. So, I'm then looking to fill those empty vectors for each net, each with a length equal to the number of fish caught in that net, with weight data simulated from a lognormal distribution with a known mean and standard deviation.
A simplified example of my code:
abundance <- c(5, 10, 9, 20)
net1 <- rep(NA, abundance[1])
net2 <- rep(NA, abundance[2])
net3 <- rep(NA, abundance[3])
net4 <- rep(NA, abundance[4])
simulated_weights <- list(net1, net2, net3, net4)
#meanlog vector for each net
#meansd vector for each net
for (i in 1:4) {
simulated_weights[[i]] <- rlnorm(n = abundance[i], meanlog = weight_per_net[i], sd = sd_per_net[i])
Could anyone please help me automate this so that I don't have to write out each net vector (e.g. net1) by hand, and then also write out all the net names in the list() function? There are far more nets than 4 so it would be extremely time consuming and inefficient to do it this way. I've tried several things from other posts like paste0(), other for loops, as.list(c()), all to no avail.
Turns out you don't need the net1, net2, etc variables at all. You can just do
abundance <- c(5, 10, 9, 20)
simulated_weights <- lapply(abundance, function(x) rep(NA, x))
The lapply function will return the list you need by calling the function once for each value of abundance
We could create the 'simulated_weights' with split and rep
simulated_weights <- split(rep(rep(NA, length(abundance)), abundance),
rep(seq_along(abundance), abundance))

How to predict cluster labeling using DBSCAN object and Gower distance matrix for new data in R

I'm having issue with predicting cluster labeling for a test data, based on a dbscan clustering model on the training data.
I used gower distance matrix when creating the model:
> gowerdist_train <- daisy(analdata_train,
metric = "gower",
stand = FALSE,
type = list(asymm = c(5,6)))
Using this gowerdist matrix, the dbscan clustering model created was:
> sb <- dbscan(gowerdist_train, eps = .23, minPts = 50)
Then I try to use predict to label a test dataset using the above dbscan object:
> predict(sb, newdata = analdata_test, data = analdata_train)
But I receive the following error:
Error in frNN(rbind(data, newdata), eps = object$eps, sort = TRUE,
...) : x has to be a numeric matrix
I can take a guess on where this error might be coming from, which is probably due to the absence of the gower distance matrix that hasn't been created for the test data.
My question is, should I create a gower distance matrix for all data (datanal_train + datanal_test) separately and feed it into predict? how else would the algorithm know what the distance of test data from the train data is, in order to label?
In that case, would the newdata parameter be the new gower distance matrix that contains ALL (train + test) data? and the data parameter in predict would be the training distance matrix, gowerdist_train?
What I am not quite sure about is how would the predict algorithm distinguish between the test and train data set in the newly created gowerdist_all matrix?
The two matrices (new gowerdist for all data and the gowerdist_train) would obviously not have the same dimensions. Also, it doesn't make sense to me to create a gower distance matrix only for test data because distances must be relative to the test data, not the test data itself.
I tried using gower distance matrix for all data (train + test) as my new data and received an error when fed to predict:
> gowerdist_all <- daisy(rbind(analdata_train, analdata_test),
metric = "gower",
stand = FALSE,
type = list(asymm = c(5,6)))
> test_sb_label <- predict(sb, newdata = gowerdist_all, data = gowerdist_train)
ERROR: Error in 1:nrow(data) : argument of length 0 In addition:
Warning message: In rbind(data, newdata) : number of columns of
result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
So, my suggested solution doesn't work.
I decided to create a code that would use KNN algorithm in dbscan to predict cluster labeling using gower distance matrix. The code is not very pretty and definitely not programmaticaly efficient but it works. Happy for any suggestions that would improve it.
The pseydocode is:
1) calculate new gower distance matrix for all data, including test and train
2) use the above distance matrix in kNN function (dbscan package) to determine the k nearest neighbours to each test data point.
3) determine the cluster labels for all those nearest points for each test point. Some of them will have no cluster labeling because they are test points themselves
4) create a count matrix to count the frequency of clusters for the k nearest points for each test point
5) use very simple likelihood calculation to choose the cluster for the test point based on its neighbours clusters (the maximum frequency). this part also considers the neighbouring test points. That is, the cluster for the test point is chosen only when the maximum frequency is largest when you add the number of neighbouring test points to the other clusters. Otherwise, it doesn't decide the cluster for that test point and waits for the next iteration when hopefully more of its neighboring test points have had their cluster label decided based on their neighbours.
6) repeat above (steps 2-5) until you've decided all clusters
** Note: this algorithm doesn't converge all the time. (once you do the math, it's obvious why that is) so, in the code i break out of the algorithm when the number of unclustered test points doesn't change after a while. then i repeat 2-6 again with new knn (change the number of nearest neighbours and then run the code again). This will ensure more points are involved in deciding in th enext round. I've tried both larger and smaller knn's and both work. Would be good to know which one is better. I haven't had to run the code more than twice so far to decide the clusters for the test data point.
Here is the code:
#calculate gower distance for all data (test + train)
gowerdist_test <- daisy(all_data[rangeofdataforgowerdist],
metric = "gower",
stand = FALSE,
type = list(asymm = listofasymmvars),
weights = Weights)
Then use the code below to label clusters for test data.
# find the k nearest neibours for each point and order them with distance
iteration_MAX <- 50
iteration_current <- 0
maxUnclusterRepeatNum <- 10
repeatedUnclustNum <- 0
unclusteredNum <- sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))
previousUnclustereNum <- sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))
nn_k = 30 #number of neighbourhoods
while (anyNA(all_data$Cluster) & iteration_current < iteration_MAX)
if (repeatedUnclustNum >= maxUnclusterRepeatNum) {
print(paste("Max number of repetition (", maxUnclusterRepeatNum ,") for same unclustered data has reached. Clustering terminated unsuccessfully."))
nn_test <- kNN(gowerdist_test, k = nn_k, sort = TRUE)
# for the TEST points in all data, find the closets TRAIN points and decide statistically which cluster they could belong to, based on the clusters of the nearest TRAIN points
test_matrix <- nn_test$id[1: nrow(analdata_test),] #create matrix of test data knn id's
numClusts <- nlevels(as.factor(sb_train$cluster))
NameClusts <- as.character(levels(as.factor(sb_train$cluster)))
count_clusters <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(analdata_test), ncol = numClusts + 1) #create a count matrix that would count number of clusters + NA
colnames(count_clusters) <- c("NA", NameClusts) #name each column of the count matrix to cluster numbers
# get the cluster number of each k nearest neibhour of each test point
for (i in 1:nrow(analdata_test))
for (j in 1:nn_k)
test_matrix[i,j] <- all_data[nn_test$id[i,j], "Cluster"]
# populate the count matrix for the total clusters of the neighbours for each test point
for (i in 1:nrow(analdata_test))
for (j in 1:nn_k)
if (!is.na(test_matrix[i,j]))
count_clusters[i, c(as.character(test_matrix[i,j]))] <- count_clusters[i, c(as.character(test_matrix[i,j]))] + 1
count_clusters[i, c("NA")] <- count_clusters[i, c("NA")] + 1
# add NA's (TEST points) to the other clusters for comparison
count_clusters_withNA <- count_clusters
for (i in 2:ncol(count_clusters))
count_clusters_withNA[,i] <- t(rowSums(count_clusters[,c(1,i)]))
# This block of code decides the maximum count of cluster for each row considering the number other test points (NA clusters) in the neighbourhood
max_col_countclusters <- apply(count_clusters,1,which.max) #get the column that corresponds to the maximum value of each row
for (i in 1:length(max_col_countclusters)) #insert the maximum value of each row in its associated column in count_clusters_withNA
count_clusters_withNA[i, max_col_countclusters[i]] <- count_clusters[i, max_col_countclusters[i]]
max_col_countclusters_withNA <- apply(count_clusters_withNA,1,which.max) #get the column that corresponds to the maximum value of each row with NA added
compareCountClust <- max_col_countclusters_withNA == max_col_countclusters #compare the two count matrices
all_data$Cluster[1:nrow(analdata_test)] <- ifelse(compareCountClust, NameClusts[max_col_countclusters - 1], all_data$Cluster) #you subtract one because of additional NA column
iteration_current <- iteration_current + 1
unclusteredNum <- sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))
if (previousUnclustereNum == unclusteredNum)
repeatedUnclustNum <- repeatedUnclustNum + 1
else {
repeatedUnclustNum <- 0
previousUnclustereNum <- unclusteredNum
print(paste("Iteration: ", iteration_current, " - Number of remaining unclustered:", sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))))
if (unclusteredNum == 0)
print("Cluster labeling successfully Completed.")
I guess you can use this for any other type of clustering algorithm, it doesn't matter how you decided the cluster labels for the train data, as long as they are in your all_data before running the code.
Hope this help.
Not the most efficient or rigorous code. So, happy to see suggestions how to improve it.
*Note: I used t-SNE to compare the clustering of train with the test data and looks impressively clean. so, it seems it is working.

Permutations and combinations of all the columns in R

I want to check all the permutations and combinations of columns while selecting models in R. I have 8 columns in my data set and the below piece of code lets me check some of the models, but not all. Models like column 1+6, 1+2+5 will not be covered by this loop. Is there any better way to accomplish this?
best_model <- rep(0,3) #store the best model in this array
for(i in 1:8){
for(j in 1:8){
for(x in k){
diabetes_prediction <- knn(train = diabetes_training[, i:j], test = diabetes_test[, i:j], cl = diabetes_train_labels, k = x)
accuracy[x] <- 100 * sum(diabetes_test_labels == diabetes_prediction)/183
if( best_model[1] < accuracy[x] ){
best_model[1] = accuracy[x]
best_model[2] = i
best_model[3] = j
Well, this answer isn't complete, but maybe it'll get you started. You want to be able to subset by all possible subsets of columns. So instead of having i:j for some i and j, you want to be able to subset by c(1,6) or c(1,2,5), etc.
Using the sets package, you can for the power set (set of all subsets) of a set. That's the easy part. I'm new to R, so the hard part for me is understanding the difference between sets, lists, vectors, etc. I'm used to Mathematica, in which they're all the same.
my.set <- 1:8 # you want column indices from 1 to 8
my.power.set <- set_power(my.set) # this creates the set of all subsets of those indices
my.names <- c("a") #I don't know how to index into sets, so I created names (that are numbers, but of type characters)
for(i in 1:length(my.power.set)) {my.names[i] <- as.character(i)}
names(my.power.set) <- my.names
my.indices <- vector("list",length(my.power.set)-1)
for(i in 2:length(my.power.set)) {my.indices[i-1] <- as.vector(my.power.set[[my.names[i]]])} #this is the line I couldn't get to work
I wanted to create a list of lists called my.indices, so that my.indices[i] was a subset of {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} that could be used in place of where you have i:j. Then, your for loop would have to run from 1:length(my.indices).
But alas, I have been spoiled by Mathematica, and thus cannot decipher the incredibly complicated world of R data types.
Solved it, below is the code with explanatory comments:
# find out the best model for this data
number_of_columns_to_model <- ncol(diabetes_training)-1
best_model <- c()
best_model_accuracy = 0
for(i in 2:2^number_of_columns_to_model-1){
# ignoring the first case i.e. i=1, as it doesn't represent any model
# convert the value of i to binary, e.g. i=5 will give combination = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
combination = as.binary(i, n=number_of_columns_to_model) # from the binaryLogic package
model <- c()
for(i in 1:length(combination)){
# choose which columns to consider depending on the combination
model <- c(model, i)
for(x in k){
# for the columns decides by model, find out the accuracies of model for k=1:27
diabetes_prediction <- knn(train = diabetes_training[, model, with = FALSE], test = diabetes_test[, model, with = FALSE], cl = diabetes_train_labels, k = x)
accuracy[x] <- 100 * sum(diabetes_test_labels == diabetes_prediction)/length(diabetes_test_labels)
if( best_model_accuracy < accuracy[x] ){
best_model_accuracy = accuracy[x]
best_model = model
I trained with Pima.tr and tested with Pima.te. KNN Accuracy for pre-processed predictors was 78% and 80% without pre-processing (and this because of the large influence of some variables).
The 80% performance is at par with a Logistic Regression model. You don't need to preprocess variables in Logistic Regression.
RandomForest, and Logistic Regression provide a hint on which variables to drop, so you don't need to go and perform all possible combinations.
Another way is to look at a matrix Scatter plot
You get a sense that there is difference between type 0 and type 1 when it comes to npreg, glu, bmi, age
You also notice the highly skewed ped and age, and you notice that there may be an anomaly data point between skin and and and other variables (you may need to remove that observation before going further)
Skin Vs Type box plot shows that for type Yes, an extreme outlier exist (try removing it)
You also notice that most of the boxes for Yes type are higher than No type=> the variables may add prediction to the model (you can confirm this through a Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test)
The high correlation between Skin and bmi means that you can use one or the other or an interact of both.
Another approach to reducing the number of predictors is to use PCA

Using a loop in an ODE to graphically compare different parameters R

I'm using the deSolve package to plot a couple differential equations (read if interested http://www.maa.org/press/periodicals/loci/joma/the-sir-model-for-spread-of-disease-the-differential-equation-model).
My eventual goal is to create an iterative function or process (for loop) to plot how changes in certain parameters (beta and gamma) will affect the solution. The preferred output would be a list that contains all each ode solution for each specified value of beta in the loop. I'm running into issues for integrating a loop into the setup that the deSolve package requires for the ode function.
In the code below, I am trying to plot how the range of values (1 to 2 by increments of 0.1) in parameter beta will affect the plot of the differential equations.
for(k in seq(1,2,by=0.1)){ #range of values for beta
init <- c(S=1-1e-6, I=1e-6, R=0) #initial conditions for odes
time <- seq(0,80,by=1) #time period
parameters <- c(beta=k, gamma=0.15) #parameters in ode
SIR <- function(time,state,parameters){ #function containing equaations
dS <- -beta*S*I
dI <- beta*S*I-gamma*I
dR <- gamma*I
The first error I'm getting states that the argument parameters in the SIR function is missing
Error in as.list(c(init, parameters)) : argument "parameters" is
missing, with no default
I don't understand why this error is being reported when I've assigned parameters in the lines previous.
You might as well define your gradient function (and the other non-changing elements) outside the loop:
SIR <- function(time,state,parameters) {
dS <- -beta*S*I
dI <- beta*S*I-gamma*I
dR <- gamma*I
init <- c(S=1-1e-6, I=1e-6, R=0) #initial conditions for odes
time <- seq(0,80,by=1) #time period
Now define the vector of values to try (not necessary but convenient):
betavec <- seq(1,2,by=0.1)
and define a list to hold the results:
res <- vector(length(betavec),mode="list")
for (k in seq_along(betavec)){ #range of values for beta
res[[k]] <- ode(y=init,times=time,func=SIR,
parms=c(beta=betavec[k], gamma=0.15))
Now you have a list, each element of which contains the results from one run. You can sapply or lapply over this list, e.g. to get a matrix of the last states from each run:
Or if you want the results as one long data frame ...
names(res) <- betavec ## to get beta value incorporated in results
dd <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(res,as.data.frame),.id="beta")
dd$beta <- as.numeric(dd$beta)
do.call(rbind,...) would work nearly as well as bind_rows(), but bind_rows's .id argument is convenient for adding the beta values to each data frame. You could also leave the results as a list and loop over them while plotting with separate lines() calls, or (e.g.) bind just the infective columns together and use matplot() to plot them all at the same time. This is just a matter of style and idiom.
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())
