Responsive bootstrap navbar menu items using css only without flexmenu js plugin - css

i have implemented navbar using bootstrap.min.css. i am getting the bootstarp menus in two lines during tab resolution.
To resolve the above issue, i want the requirement like following image.

You have to set the min height and width of menu.. according to tab..
like bootstrap provides us some css (sm -3,6, 9) class according to resolution , you have to do change in them or just create your new class as resolution you want.


MUI material ui - How to make menu with full width?

I'm trying to make mobile menu with full width
I tried but it looks like I miss understand something my css rules doesn't applied
this is a live code example :
You should change your Menu to Drawer (with anchor = 'top')
Visit this to learn more :

Container and sidebar at right side

I am trying to achieve something, I want a main container and a sidebar at the rightside. which should deal with mobile layout as well, I was unable to find such thing or make it. The blue print is given in the image below. Thanks
BluePtint of what im trying to make
You can create this layout using div's with different ids or classes- your main body(red) could go in a div with class "#mainbody" and your sidebar(blue) would go in another div with class "#sidebar", then you can specify the dimensions in CSS.
Have you checked out a CSS framework like Bootstrap? Bootstrap makes it super easy to specify column widths with their grid system, so instead of having to state px or % width in CSS, you can add the class "col-md-3" to a column for a width of "3". Their system is based on units of 12, where 12 would be a full bar, 6 would be half etc:

Angular 2 teradata covalent: how to reduse material 2 toolbar height

how to reduce toolbar size in angular material 2??
I am using Teradata covalent for angular 2 UI.Teradata covalent itself using angular2.
Angular Material 2 toolbar size is too big for me.
So I want to decrease the size of the toolbar. I have tried to look in CSS in my dev console but I didn't find any padding option. I found height property and I try to reduce that height but didn't work for me.
if you want to look at the demo here
scroll down to Toolbar.
mat-toolbar class of md-toolbar component has a min-height:64px;
You should overwrite it by giving style to md-toolbar like min-height:30px !important

how to add page wide header to xPage with fixed navbar

I have a responsive app. layout with navbar set as fixed-top and pageWidth=fixed
<xe:simpleResponsiveConfiguration fixedNavbar="fixed-top"
invertedNavbar="false" pageWidth="fixed"...>
Now I want to add something like a page header but it should be page width. See picture below. So the blue panel should be page width while its content is fixed. What control can I use for that blue panel/header. Should it be another navbar?
Since you are using Bootstrap, I would recommend you create your own custom control that adds a bootstrap row after your navbar. Set the css parameters to fix the position.
The trick here: you can add standard markup into an XPage, so you "just" try what you want to achieve in plain html pages and add the row that worked for you to the custom control.

Ionic Platform custom midle tab

So i having problem to customise in bottom tabs the middle, i want to make middle tab height bigger then other tabs, so i cant find the way to customise it. It would be nice if there would be somebody that can help with this.
Link for editing link. And wanted result image.
Tried separately change the hight but, there are a feeling that flex box doesn't allow to tab go out of content.
Inherit the CSS class that holds the icon in the middle and add your custom properties.
