Need to fill entire remaining div - css

The background color black fills the padding area only As show below and I need it to cover the whole div area.
Html Code
Css Code

Your problem is you floats here is my suggestion make it Flex:
.core {padding:50px;margin:0 auto;max-width:1000px; display: flex;}
You can also do inline....but flex is....more flexible (and modern)

Your issue is that when you float an element using css float:left or float:right, the parent container will lose it's natural height that is defined by its children.
You should read this post about floats and clears


How to use the float:left property in CSS without having the trouble I have?

i'm trying to create a flow layout and i'm having some trouble using float:left property in css.
I have one parent container which has 100% width and 100% height. It contains three containers:
The header, the menu container, and the content container.
The menu is a vertical menu,not a horizontal menu. It comes below the header and then the content container floats left on the menu container.
Now the problem is i want to make it flowlayout. When i reduce the resolution,the floating content container comes below the menu container. I want the content to float with a flowlayout without coming below the menu container.Please provide a solution to this.
Here is the link to the code.
Remove the width and float from the #content css.
Set the background color of #wrapper to be whatever color you want the background of #content to be.
add display: inline-block; to the #content css.
Updated fiddle ----> HERE
The problem is the min-width you have for #menu-cont
The layout you are trying to have is very hard to maintain.

Positioning 100% width div at the bottom of a fixed width float

I know this kind of question get asked everyday, but I don't seem to find a solution to this particular one...
So, the idea is pretty simple, I want to create a 3 column fixed width layout, with 100% width header and footer.
Everything seems to work aside from the footer.
Here is an example:
So essentially the problem seems to be that, because the main body + lateral columns does not have a fixed height, the footer is not positioned at their bottom.
How would I go fixing that?
Using absolute or fixed for the position CSS property rips an element from the context of the parent. So, the parent width/height won't be affected by this child's size. The float properties also have this effect: It's not possible to effectively style using position:absolute/fixed or float.
I've thrown away these properties, and revised your code: #Fiddle:
Some changes:
Thrown away useless CSS properties:
`.leftcol and .rightcol {floar:right/left}
Grouped together common styles (.leftcol, .main, .rightcol).
Updated HTML source, added a <div class="wrapper-align"> wrapper around each div in the source, and removed whitespace between these wrappers [1]
[1]The .leftcol, .main, .rightcol elements can be positioned next to each other applying display:inline-block on each div. However, the default alignment for these elements is the bottom. Because the columns have to be located at the top, vertical-align:top has to be used. This CSS property can only be used at inline elements. To achieve this layout without messing with float or display:absolute/fixed, an inline wrapper around a display-block element is necessary.
The whitespaces have to be removed, to prevent creating a gap between the elements. To illustrate, compare these pages: No whitespace vs White space.

Unlimited Div width? Is it possible?

In my project, I need to implement a container div that should have an unknown (unlimited) width, without breaking to a new line if its width overflows through the browser's window.
The container div has the CSS property of (white-space: nowrap; display:inline;) and the components inside this div has (float:left) CSS property. All widths are set statically. To test the behaviour, i used a button that calls a javascript function that appends a component inside the container div.
The problem is that when the total width of the container div increased to more than the browser's window width, the components inside the container div will break to a new line. I wonder whether it is possible to have a div with unlimited width?
Many Thanks..
The white-space: nowrap property does not apply to floated elements. Simply put, when you float an element to the left or right, there is no white space between them.
See white-space (CSS property) for more information on what white space is and the line that specifically states you can't do this with floats.
Try setting them to display: inline-block so that the parent actually considers them to be content.
Try adding a specific height to the container div, or removing the float: left rule from the components inside the div.

Text floats out of its div

I'm dealing with a text who goes out of its div. I've coded the frontpage. So, no matter how long the main content is, it should force the sub-content (the grey area and the footer) to move down.
You see how the dummy text is acting
I've accomplish this before but somehow it's not working now.
You've set an explicit height on that div. For it to reshape itself to its content, you'll need to set height:auto. (or never set its height in the first place)
EDIT: As ANeve said, you'll need to remove the height on both .article and .opentext, as well you'll need to put a clear:left on .lower-container to push the footer down.
If you have an element that only contains floating elements, the container's height will be zero. To fix this you can add a clearing div (<div style="clear:both"></div>).
If you add a clearing div at the end of the #under-content section, it will automatically adjust the height of the section to it's contents.
The other issue you have is that you are using relative positioning on your .opentext div elements. When you set a 'top' property, it actually pushes the content down, causing it to overlap with your #lower-container. You're better off using the 'margin-top' property, which will expand the size the .opentext div to fit all the contents.
So in short:
Add <div style="clear:both"></div> at the end of the #under-content <section>
Change the 'top:82px' to 'margin-top:82px' on your .opentext div
I hope this helps!
Just use wordwrap: break-word; for the div and it will break the word to the next line.
You have set the height property of your .article and .opentext divs. If you remove this property, the content should expand accordingly.
However, you will also need to adjust the positioning of your background image. You should set the background image of .footer itself, rather than relying on one statically-sized background image for the entire page.

What breaks the html flow in css?

I'm having a few problems trying to position some divs in my website layout. All of them is related to the div's size. I'm using Chrome's developer tools to inspect the divs and when I mouse over some divs it is just 1px-high, but it has content inside and its content has some height. Shouldn't it have at least the same height of its content?
I don't know if I explained well, so I'm posting some images. I'm using Blueprint CSS Framework and it happens when I use class="span-XX" and inside it I don't use neither class
Here is some images (click to zoom)
The parent div
The div with problem (no height)
The child div
The parent div has class="span-XX", the div with problem has only #search
which is this one
I suspect it is some float or positioning issue with css but I don't know what it is and how to deal with it. I have also a list containing the social networks on the top of the site which ul has the same problem.
If you have floats inside, you need to clear them. Apply overflow:hidden; zoom:1; to the parent containing the floats and it should resolve it.
If you have negative margins / position + relative and negative offset and cant use overflow hidden use a clearfix...
Your child div has the float property set, so the parent div will not expand height-wise to contain it. To get the behavior you expect, set overflow: hidden on the parent div.
