Click Button in ExtendedSelenium2Library selects button very slow - button

I am using 'Click Button' from ExtendedSelenium2Library to select Login button on my login page.
But is takes more than 12 seconds to select the Button. With Selenium2library it works immediately.
I prefer using Extendedselenium2 instead of selenium2. How to make it click faster?

Click Button ${button} True
Seems you already figured this out, but I had the same problem and it took some time to figure it out. So this is for future reference.
ExtendedSelenium2Library waits for AngularJs to be ready to process the next request. As can be seen here ExtendedSelenium2Library (and like you already said). So by using these commands that wait for Angular to be ready, when you are not using AngularJS, it is necessary for the timeout to kick in which is about the 12-14 seconds you experienced. To still be able to use the extended library and have "fast clicking" you need to set the argument "skip ready" to "True".
Click Element xpath=//a[#href="#/motor"]
Click Element xpath=//a[#href="#/motor"] True


When to use wait.until in Appium?

I just started developing a test automation for an iOS app using Appium. I have to click several buttons in the app one after another with different XPath/Accessability ids.
I wondered, when to use the wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf Element) expression.
Should I check every time before I click a button if this button is actually visible or existing on the current state of the app or is this just unnecessary and time-wasting?
In my opinion, you should use ExpectedConditions in two case:
Screen load takes long, so you not ending up trying to click something that has not loaded yet. If you find your tests flaky (sometimes pass some times fails) then this probably the main reason why it happens
If you have something like ajax on your screen you want to make sure the data is changed on the page. (Example is you created a post on Facebook, and want to make sure content displayed)

Fully programmatic hiding / showing of SignPosts

I'm trying to display some extra contextual help as a result of a button click elsewhere (in this case it cant be the trigger)
I'd like to be able to have users dismiss via clicking the close x, or clicking the trigger, but continue to show if users click in places other than the ACTUAL trigger.
I've tried setting *clrIfOpen="false" or to about just about any other way I can think of blocking it, but it seems like some place the click listener is just telling isopen service that its open... meaning the clrIfOpen is really only good for an initial state.
Any hacks around this?

Need help troubleshooting button click in Selenium

After further investigation, actually what's happening is when the checkbox is checked using jquery, the next step is to click the button to save. Well, for some unknown reason, the checkbox is unchecking itself.
Here's the jquery to select the checkbox:
string jsStmt = #"
return $(this).parent().next('td').text() === 'Label to look for';
}).prop('checked', true);
IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)_driver;
I can see the checkbox get checked, then when the dialog closes I can see it get unchecked?
Button click event for Selenium testing has been working for a while. All of a sudden, it's not working anymore. Only possible change was some 3rd party css change but I don't know what it could've been.
The button is kind of buried in layers, however, there's a checkbox that gets checked by Selenium that is still working fine, and it's the reason why the button needs to be clicked.
I can debug, and see that Selenium is finding the button. It appears that the button gets clicked but the postback event doesn't occur.
I can stop execution right before the click event and open developer tools and manually type in the statement to click the button, AND that works!
I even tried executing the click with JavaScriptExecutor with no luck.
I am so lost why it's Not firing postback event.
In short, try clicking the checkbox using an IWebElement instead of javascript.
I would suggest avoiding using IJavaScriptExecutor as much as possible in selenium tests as it can lead to performing functions the user wouldn't actually be able to do with simple interactions, or having those functions behave differently than you would expect because the execution path is different than what a user would do if they just clicked something.
I think that's what you're running to in this case where you're trying to mark the box as checked.

Window.Open without popup-blocker

i want to open a popup window when user leaves tab or closes browser, the available option with me was, but with that, it asks for popup blocker, if it is not enabled, i tried every possible ways to ignore popup-blocker but in vain, i tried onunload, onbeforeunload, but it does not works, i also tried to use modal dialog, before the tab/browser, i used it in onbeforeunload event, but it shows a browsers alert message, which i dont want, my simple requirement is, i need a popup window (if possible) or modal dialog, on the close of tab/browser, but should ignore popup-blocker, i guess with modal dialog, i dont need to worry about popup-blocker, because that wont be the new window, but how i would be handling it, while user closes tab/browser. If any of the above option is not possible, can anyone help me with any other possible alternative, or helpful articles.
Edited Question
i used the below script and with that i can open a new popup window on link click, without popup-blocker interfering in it
return false;
then why its not possible for the closing events.
You can't - because that's what popup blockers do: they block popup windows (i.e. calls to or invocations of target="_blank" links) unless it is directly in response to a user mouse action.
Opening popups when a browser window is closed was a common tactic of "pop-under" ads in the early 2000s, and it irritated users, that's why Firefox and IE6's popup blocker block them, and there is no way around it for you unless you ask the user to disable their popup blocker on your site (and I think you'll find most of them will have no idea how to do that).
What are you trying to accomplish anyway? What is the content of this popup that you want the user to see? What other approaches have you tried?
Exact duplicate of your previous question....
I'll post my answer for it here as well though...
Popup blockers are designed to prevent this behavior.
I would suggest using a modal window instead of an actual browser window. I don't think that these get blocked because they are opened within the page itself.
As for the event... You could do something like...
window.onbeforeunload = function whatever() {
//Do code here for your modal to show up.
If you are just trying ot give a warning or something you could do
window.onbeforeunload = function showWarning() {
returnString = 'Whatever you want your message to be....';
return returnString;
By returning something in the onbeforeunload statement it will show a confirm box with your message in it.
Popup blocker will not block the opening of popups if the javascript code which opens the popup is executed on user's direct action like click, keypress, drag, etc.

Issues with using # for deep linking into dynamic apps?

I have a Flex app I built. It uses the BrowserManager class to listen for changes in the # part of the URL. When a change is made to the hash my application updates accordingly so you can link directly to a state of the application. Also inside my programming when a user clicks something, all I do is use the BrowserManager to update the # and then my listener will apply the correct changes once its finished. I believe this is the best practice way to doing this in Flex.
I have some issues though. When using the Back button in FF or IE, it gets "stuck". for example if the hash is like #state4 clicking the back button will take you to #state3 then #state2 but sometimes get stuck where you can be on #state3 click the back button, see it flicker to #state2 real quick then change back to #state3 preventing you from going back any further in your history.
Now in Chrome its even worse. As you make your way through the application the hash # is updated and so the application updates (proving that the app can see changes in the hash since thats the only way it updates). but when you click the back button, the hash # goes back to its previous state, but my application does not as if it is unaware the hash is changing.
I find this very bizarre and don't know what to make of it. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this or knows what might be the issue.
To see it in action go here and navigate the builder (it will ask you to click jewelry type, metal, etc.) a few times until you see the big red add to cart button, then try to use your back button to get back to this page.
Have you tried the History Manager. Have a look on the
