Visual composer plugin seems to not working on localhost - wordpress

I have a online web site with Visual Composer plugin, and all works fine.
Today I downloaded this site in local, but Seems That the VC plugin does not work because the page layout is wrong and some parts of the pages are no longer visible.
I think that these parts are used by VC.
Does anyone know what happened?
-- UPLOAD --
I think I found the problem. Custom css files (of theme) are not loaded on pages.
For example on remote site pages load css/custom-f5s6da4f.css file, instead in local not.

You have downloaded website from server to local you will need to update wordpress & website URL. Currently website is not able to load various assets CSS/JS check browser console. If you see short-codes for visual composer then its issue with Visual Composer plugin.

I found the solution, if someone could help.
The custom css were blocked. The first error may be that the folders do not have the permission.
The second (what is served to me) is to reset and restore the custom CSS: theme option / general / advanced (tab) -> 'disabled' and than 'enabled' responsive layout.
have a nice day


'Visual Composer' plugin is outputting weird image links

Morning everyone, i'm having a super weird issue with my recent wordpress migration. I moved the (working) site to another webspace and i'm slowly running out of ideas (jk, already ran out).
Issue: After the migration, the plugin Visual Composer is outputting nonsense image links to the frontend that look like this: instead of the uploaded images url. Result: No images are showing on the frontend.
This issue only happens when i use the single image block provided by VC itself. Inputting an image the wordpress way, inside of a text block, works.
What could be the reason for this? i'm super thankful for any advice since i'm not a programmer.
I have already tried:
Enabling wp debug, not getting any errors
Installing different versions of Visual Composer, multiple times
Reinstalling Wordpress, multiple times
disabling all plugins
completely reinstalling and reuploading everything from scratch
different php versions
As I saw in your screenshot with the src attribute of your image and it has data-src attribute also, I think that it's because the new site (or maybe the new hosting) is using lazy load which will update all images source of the site to the lazy load image for better performance.
Lazy load images mean that the image won't load at the beginning, when you start to scroll down to each section, the images of this section will be loaded. In this way, the site will be optimized and won't load many resources at the beginning.
I think you can:
Check if there is any cache plugin installed, try to deactivate this plugin.
Check with the hosting provider if there is any cache setting installed, try to deactivate this setting also.
See if the image is working in the backend or not, if it's still loaded in the backend, I'm pretty sure that it's the cache issue. If it doesn't load in the backend, I think there is something wrong with your theme source code.
Compare the hosting environment, especially the PHP version of the old and new site to see if there is any differences.

What is the "Endurance Cache" feature in my WordPress website?

I noticed this new wordpress version I'm running has a "Endurance Cache" option at the bottom of the "Settings > General" page.
That is caching all of the changes I'm doing on css. So whenever I update something the changes don't reflect on the browser instantaneously.
I'm wondering if that's wordpress native or if I can remove it.
I'm using wordpress 4.8.1.
My other website that has an older wordpress version doesn't have it.
It's not listed as an installed plugin. So that I don't think it is.
I'm using thesis theme.
It is a plugin installed by hostgator. They install two plugins "Endurance Browser Cache" and "Endurance Page Cache."
You can disable the Endurance Page Cache plugin by going to "Plugins" > "Must-Use" then locating the "Endurance Page Cache" plugin and clicking "disable."
The other plugin called "Endurance Browser Cache" does not have a disable button.
I hope this works for you. I do not know if hostgator will remove these plugins for you.
Here is the easiest solution I found for it:
Log into your Cpanel and click on Files.
Choose your domain/subdomain and click on the WP-Content.
Click on the "mu-plugins".
Rename the File "endurance-page-cache.php" to "endurance-page-cache.php.old"
Create a blank file there and name it "endurance-page-cache.php"
That's it, problem solved. And if you ever in the future want to activate it again, simply delete the blank file that you created and remove the word "old" from the original file name.
I found the issue. It's a plugin installed by hostgator.
Unfortunately it's not listed in the wordpress plugins area.
So I needed to request them to remove it.
To get rid of Endurance Page Cache or whatever other mu-plugin that you don't need, you can now use Mu Manager.
After activation Go to Plugins => Must Use, and deactivate the unneeded mu-plugins that you don't need. It will be like deactivating standard plugins.
Of course, you should know which mu-plugin are not needed. In the case of Endurance Page Cache, I think you never need it if you have a proper caching plugin.
If you prefer to use FTP it will be not enough to rename the mu-plugin, because it will run the same. You need to delete it or replace the extension .php with something else.
This caching plugin was installed most probably by your hosting provider. A brief and quick solution to the problem:
Instal WP File Manager Plugin:
Go to the plugin settings and head over to htdocs/WP Content/mu-plugins
Find the file "endurance-page-cache.php" and either rename it for temporal deactivation or delete it altogether if you want to get
rid of this plugin.
If this was the only file in the folder mu-plugins, you may as well delete the folder mu-plugins. "MU" stands for "Must Use". Sometimes a hosting provider or a developer might install their custom code for a site project as an mu-plugin so it doesn't get uninstalled by their customer.
Uninstall WP File Manager Plugin as it's not needed anymore. Better look on how to access your site files using C-panel if provided by your hosting provider or via FTP (like Filezilla) rather than a plugin.
Get a proper caching plugin. (Give Cachify plugin a go - it is free).

Wordpress 3.5 upgrade to 4.0. Theme compatibility

I got in charge of some small sites that are running on WP 3.5; they are all using the same theme (a customized version of Bones). I have only used Joomla some years ago so I have no idea if, after the upgrade, the theme will still be compatible. I want to upgrade my WP version because the current one is vulnerable: I keep getting spam links into my articles that are placed inside hidden divs.
How can I know if the template is compatible or how can I fix the security issue. Any of these will do great.
WordPress does a very good job of changing very little with regards to theme tags in a core update. That said, we have no idea how your theme(s) have been made, or what functions they use.
The best, and probably only realistic option here, is to create a test site (a duplicate) and update that site first, then test to make sure all is working as it should.
As for the vulnerability, this is likely due to an insecure admin password or an insecure plugin. You should ensure all your plugins are up to date and that your admin panel is suitably secure.
When you update wordpress, it will not affect the wp-content folder which is having themes and plugins. So, don't worry update it. But for the secure updation, please take the backup of whole website first. Take backup of database and all files before doing any update.
WP 4 hasn't been out that long. I'd hold off on the upgrade unless you absolutely have to, until you know that all of the plugins used on the sites are compatible w/ WP 4.
Try to install the site on your PC creating a local copy using XAMP (for Windows).
In this way, you can:
download the MySQL database to have all the information of the
website locally;
install the latest wordpress platform locally (on your PC);
test the website thorugh common browsers.
At the end, you'll be sure about the compatibility and you can update the main site.
I have built my own theme with the Artisteer software; then i modified many PHP file to manage the loop in some special ways; so, to be sure that everything is working after an update of the site Wordpress version, i test everything on my PC.
For the vulnerability, please verify your plugin and all your theme file.
In some experiences, there are some plugin or simply some codes place somewhere in your theme which can create something like this:
> <div id="headerblock"> <center> <div style="left: -2227px; position:
> absolute; top: -3337px">
The only thing to do is check all the theme file and plugin to see where this code is placed.
Please check here for more information.
If you only change your password, probably it will not solve you problem because the malicious code is already inside your system.
Sometimes the malicious code can be placed directly inside the MySQL database.

WooCommerce breaking Wordpress Admin

I've made a clean install of Wordpress on my server and added WooCommerce plugin. Now, some of the pages in the admin panel doesn't display correctly (Dashboard, Media, WooCommerce, etc.).
This is a clean install, only WooCommerce plugin is active.
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
Ok so there is VERY little information to go on here so here is the general "Wordpress Broke" debugging guide.
Disable WooCommerce and see if Wordpress goes back to normal. If this is the case then you have to Reinstall WooCommerce. This is where would come in handy
If it is still broken without any plugins then you have to check your directory permissions, file structure, and URL Structure.
99% of the time chrome devtools will be your best friend for debuging these problems. It looks like you are not loading some of the core CSS files so lets look to see if you have a a 404, 403, or 500 error when chrome requests them.
Open up chrome and go to the Wordpress admin
Right click anywhere on the page and "Inspect Element"
Look for the red error icon on the right side (top/bottom) and click it to expend the console.
You will probably see the failed requests in there. Make sure the requests are for the correct urls, such as: or
If that are valid URLs and you have verified that the files exist on the server then you have to check directory permissions:
Best wishes, let me know how it goes
I have seen that problem quite a while right now. You can try adding a specialized theme that has WooCommerce support like BootFrame Core theme. Or any other themes supporting WooCommerce -> . Once, I used a WooCommerce, installed the plugin before changing any theme and had to create a new DB because the one I made before got corrupted due to the theme not working with WooCommerce. It's just a rare case but it can happen.

GD Star Rating WordPress Plugin Not Working

I have GD Star Rating WordPress Plugin. It is Working on admin side properly. But not displaying stars on frontend.
For example it returning 500 Internal Server Error on these pages
But the about file working on my another site properly.
While working on that issue i found something
A simple php page is working here and other folder too.
But not working inside all the folders of wp-content.
For example
This fixed it for me:
Go to Settings and disable loading the CSS externally - many providers block external file inclusion for security reasons.
Worked for me, hope it works for someone else.
At last we got solution from hosting provider. They fixed it now. They said he needed to whitelist a rule your script was running into.
