I've created a custom report with dimensions:
Event Category, Event Label, Page Title
And want to see this metrics:
Total Events
Avg. Time on Page
Also, I applied a filter by event category.
I see my report with some values in Total Events column, but Pageviews and Avg. Time on Page are always zero. What is the problem?
Your problem is occuring due to the custom report you have generated.
Events by definition are not page views. This means that an Event dimension (category, action, label) cant have page view metrics such as pageviews or average time on page, because that information does not relate to the specific event.
One way to product the report you might want is to create a segment for sessions which contain the event you are interested in, then create a Custom Report with the dimension pages, total event, pageviews, and time on page.
Understanding what you are trying to achieve, you will need to do two reports, and merge them on pagePath (assuming there is only one video per page).
Report 1:
Event Category, Event Label, Page Path, Total Events.
Event Category Event Label Page Path Total Events
Video Id1 /video1 2
Video Id2 /video2 3
Report 2: Page Path, Page Views, Time on Page
Report two requires a segment: Sessions that contain Event Category == VideoView (assumed category).
Page Path, Page View, Average Time on Page.
Page Path Page views Average Time on page
/video1 5 0:42
/video1 10 0:16
The final merged dataset would look like
Event Category Event Label Page Path Total Events Page views Average Time on page
Video Id1 /video1 2 5 0:42
Video Id2 /video2 3 10 0:16
I had the same problem and as sdhaus says you'd need to merge two reports. I didn't want to include even more vendors but I found nowadays Looker Studio does exactly that: you can just merge the Analytics data source with another instance of itself and voila: match on page title or path and you're done!
We track search terms (e.g. michael kors handbags) entered on our site as an event (i.e. captured in eventLabel). We have a custom dimension that parse the list of product ids returned on a search page.
'michael kors handbag' returned 5 products on search page. Custom Dimension 1 parses a list of product ids: '12345, 23456, 34567, 45678, 56789'. On an event report, when I use this custom dimension 1 as a secondary dimension, no data is returned. I am seeing the two tags fired (i.e. one as an event hit and the other as a pageview hit) - I am not able to figure out why the custom dimension 1 cannot be used as a secondary dimension.
Any insight is helpful.
Thank you.
The dimension needs to be scoped at Session level, so it's available for all the hits within a session.
Probably the dimension is set at hit level, so the information doesn't persist, when you try to relate it to the event, GA cannot do it.
I would like to create a custom report that will have a table like so:
page name visit time
page1 15:30:15
page2 15:31:12
page1 15:30:45
and so on.
Is it possible to create such a report in Google Analytics?
The highest level of precision available by default is the minute available with the ga:dateHourMinute dimension:
If you need more precision than minutes, you have to implement a custom dimension (eg to record seconds or milliseconds).
Here is an example for implementing such hit timestamp with millisecond precision using GTM:
You need to pass a custom dimension (called in this case 'visit time') at hit level that contains the timestamp of the hit when it is sent to Analytics.
I have a goal completion when user visit the specific page. Also I'm sending event from this page to count how many times user visited this page during the session (and for some other info).
Now I'm trying to make a custom report (flat table) that have info about:
Session ID (custom dimension),
Event Category (secondary dimension),
Goal completion (metric)
and Pages/Session metric.
In this case I see that Goal completion is zero for every session although I see events from the page (and I know that goal was completed in every session cause it's testing site).
If I remove Event category from custom report then Goal completion equals 1 for each session (that is true info).
And if I'm trying to use Event category in filter it is the same situation - I don't see Goal completed.
'Event Category' is a hit-level dimension, but other dimensions and metrics have session-level. It's invalid dimension-metric combination.
Try to use custom segment with conditions: include sessions where 'Event Category' = [your value].
Good explanation of scope in GA: https://www.bounteous.com/insights/2016/11/30/understanding-scope-google-analytics-reporting/
Lets say I have a conversion page along the lines:
If I then, in Google-Analytics, create a custom report:
Metrics: Unique Visitors, Unique Pageviews and Pageviews
Dimension: page.
Then add filter "thank" I find my conversion page at the top:
Unique Visitors: 1,500, Unique Page Views: 1,700 and Pageviews: 3,000.
Does that mean that per session where a conversion took place, the average page views of the last page were 2?
We're investigating our funnel and I've used the conversion page as an example. Sure we'd expect that some folk may refresh the conversion page after 30 minutes but this appears like each person is seeing that page twice?
What do people use to dig in to Google Analytics data?
For example, I have a web page that tracks a custom event on it. I'd like to track a couple metrics:
1) What percent of users on that page successfully call the event at least once?
2) How do I see a bucket of the number of times a user called the event while they're on the page (or in a session, whatever), such as:
0 times -> 800 visitors
1 times -> 200 visitors
2 times -> 150 visitors
Ideally I'd get this data emailed to me on a regular basis, maybe with a chart for the second part. Suggestions?
Let's say that the event is a Video Play.
You must keep track of how many videos the user played. For that create a session cookie with that number, and increment it at each video play.
Then you can fire a CustomVariable (Page Scoped) to send the number of events the user performed at that page.
Something like this:
window.onunload = function(){_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, 'Video Plays', cookie_value, 3]);}
That should get you a nice report