Quanteda - Apply Function to DFM Over Document Variables - r

I am using R's quanteda package and the latest versions for both R and the package. I have a corpus of documents which number in the millions.
Let's suppose I have a DFM generated from quanteda with each document having a docvar of the date. There are thousands of documents generated in a given day, but I want to obtain the DFMs applied to the documents by day (so that I have total word counts for each term by day). I know that quanteda is built using data.table, so it should be possible to do this, but I have found little in the "Getting Started with Quanteda" or on StackOverflow that gives a clean way of doing this.
Any suggestions?

You want the 'groups' argument to dfm:
> # Add some random dates to an existing corpus
> docvars(data_corpus_inaugural)$date <- rep(as.Date(runif(19, 1, 18000), origin='1970-01-01'), 3)
> dfm_inaugural <- dfm(data_corpus_inaugural, groups='date')
> head(dfm_inaugural)
Document-feature matrix of: 19 documents, 9,215 features (80.8% sparse).
(showing first 6 documents and first 6 features)
docs fellow citizens i appear before you
1970-12-27 4 7 39 2 10 17
1972-04-25 8 13 29 1 8 8
1973-08-22 1 3 48 1 6 1
1973-10-11 2 4 25 0 3 5
1974-01-05 3 9 57 0 7 2
1975-04-12 7 21 63 4 6 16


How to count collocations in quanteda based on grouping variables?

I have been working on identifying and classfying collocations over Quenteda package in R.
For instance;
I create token object from a list of documents, and apply collocation analysis.
toks <- tokens(text$abstracts)
collocations <- textstat_collocations(toks)
however, as far as I can see, there is not a clear method to see which collocation(s) is frequent/exist in which document. Even if I apply kwic(toks, pattern = phrase(collocations), selection = 'keep') result will only include rowid as text1, text2 etc.
I would like to group collocation analysis results based on docvars. is it possible with Quanteda ?
It sounds like you wish to tally collocations by document. The output from textstat_collocations() already provides counts for each collocation, but these are for the entire corpus.
So the solution to group by document (or any other variable) is to
Get the collocations using textstat_collocations(). Below, I've done that after removing stopwords and punctuation.
Compound the tokens from which the stopwords were formed, using tokens_compound(). This converts each collocation sequence into a single token.
Form a dfm from the compounded tokens, and use textstat_frequency() to count the compounds by document.
This is a bit trickier
Implementation using the built-in inaugural corpus:
## Package version: 3.0
## Unicode version: 13.0
## ICU version: 69.1
## Parallel computing: 12 of 12 threads used.
## See https://quanteda.io for tutorials and examples.
toks <- data_corpus_inaugural %>%
tail(10) %>%
tokens(remove_punct = TRUE, padding = TRUE) %>%
tokens_remove(stopwords("en"), padding = TRUE)
colls <- textstat_collocations(toks)
## collocation count count_nested length lambda z
## 1 let us 34 0 2 6.257000 17.80637
## 2 fellow citizens 14 0 2 6.451738 16.18314
## 3 fellow americans 15 0 2 6.221678 16.16410
## 4 one another 14 0 2 6.592755 14.56082
## 5 god bless 15 0 2 8.628894 13.57027
## 6 united states 12 0 2 9.192044 13.22077
Now we compound them and keep only the collocations, then get the frequencies by document:
dfmat <- tokens_compound(toks, colls, concatenator = " ") %>%
dfm() %>%
dfm_keep("* *")
That dfm already contains the counts by document of each collocation, but if you want counts in a data.frame format, with a grouping option, use textstat_frequency(). Here I've only output the top two by document, but if you remove the n = 2 then it will give you the frequencies of all collocations by document.
textstat_frequency(dfmat, groups = docnames(dfmat), n = 2) %>%
## feature frequency rank docfreq group
## 1 nuclear weapons 4 1 1 1985-Reagan
## 2 human freedom 3 2 1 1985-Reagan
## 3 new breeze 4 1 1 1989-Bush
## 4 new engagement 3 2 1 1989-Bush
## 5 let us 7 1 1 1993-Clinton
## 6 fellow americans 4 2 1 1993-Clinton
## 7 let us 6 1 1 1997-Clinton
## 8 new century 6 1 1 1997-Clinton
## 9 nation's promise 2 1 1 2001-Bush
## 10 common good 2 1 1 2001-Bush

Optimal binning for numerical data using R

I have a data frame that looks like this
data link: https://1drv.ms/t/s!ArOzUuixE-mg6W7zY2Xvgu80dCsL?e=BuP6xM
letters counts
I have millions of rows like this. I have tried the package "smbinning"
but I am not sure how it can be applied to this type of data.
Do you know any other package or how the smbinning might work.
Thank for your time

Avoid memory increase in foreach loop in R

I try to create summary statistics combining two different spatial data-sets: a big raster file and a polygon file. The idea is to get summary statistics of the raster values within each polygon.
Since the raster is too big to process it at once, I try to create subtasks and process them in parallel i.e. process each polygon from the SpatialPolgyonsDataframe at once.
The code works fine, however after around 100 interations I run into memory problems. Here is my code and what I intent to do:
# session setup
# multicore processing.
# assign three clusters to be used for current R session
cluster = makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK",outfile="")
getDoParWorkers()# check if it worked
# load base data
# bring both data-sets to a common CRS
spodf.malha.2007<-spTransform(spodf.malha.2007,CRSobj = CRS(projargs = proj4string(r.terra.2008)))
proj4string(r.terra.2008)==proj4string(spodf.malha.2007) # should be TRUE
# create a function to extract areas
# apply it one one subset to see if it is working
## parallel loop
# define package(s) to be use in the parallel loop
# try a parallel loop for the first 6 polygons
.packages = l.packages) %dopar% {
print(paste("Processing Polygon ",i, ".",sep=""))
here the output is a list that looks like this.
9 10
193159 2567
7 9 10 12 14 16
17 256 1084 494 67 15
3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12
2199 1327 8840 8579 194437 1061 1073 1834
14 16
222 1395
3 6 7 9 10 12 16
287 102 728 329057 1004 1057 31
3 5 6 7 9 12 16
21 6 20 495 184261 4765 28
6 7 9 10 12 14
161 161 386 943 205 1515
So the result is rather small and should not be the source of the memory allocation problem. So than the following loop upon the whole polygon dataset which has >32.000 rows creates the memory allocation which exceeds 8GB after around 100 iteratins.
# apply the parallel loop on the whole dataset
.packages = l.packages) %dopar% {
print(paste("Processing Polygon ",i, ".",sep=""))
# gc(reset=TRUE) # does not resolve the problem
# closeAllConnections() # does not resolve the problem
What am I doing wrong?
I tried (as suggested in the comments) to remove the object after each iteration in the internal loop, but it did not resolve the problem. I furthermore tried to resolve eventual problems of multiple data-imports by passing the objects to the environment in the first place:
clusterExport(cl = cluster,
varlist = c("r.terra.2008","function.landcover.sum","spodf.malha.2007"))
without major changes. My R version is 3.4 on a linux platform so supposedly also the patch of the link from the fist comment should already be included in this version. I also tried the parallel package as suggested in the first comment but no differences appeared.
You can try exact_extract in the exactextractr package. Is the fastest and memory safer function to extract values from raster. The main function is implemented in C++ and usually it doesn't need parallelization. Since you do not provide any example data I post an example with real data:
# Pull municipal boundaries for Brazil
brazil <- st_as_sf(getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=2))
# Pull gridded precipitation data
prec <- getData('worldclim', var='prec', res=10)
#transform precipitation data in a dummy land use map
lu <- prec[[1]]
values(lu) <- sample(1:10,ncell(lu),replace = T)
#extract land uses class for each pixel inside each polygon
ex <- exact_extract(lu, brazil)
#apply table to the resulting list. Here I use just the first 5 elements to avoid long output
table(x[,1])#note that I use x[,1] because by default exact_extract provide in the second column the coverage fraction of each pixel by each polygon
here the example output:
1 2 4 6 7 9 10
1 1 1 2 3 1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
2 4 3 2 1 2 2 2
1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10
4 5 1 1 4 2 5 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 2 4 2 2 4 1 4 1 2
3 4 5 6 8 10
2 3 1 1 2 3

Getting a difference between time(n+1)-time(n) in a dataframe in r

I have a dataframe where the columns represent monthly data and the rows different simulations. the data I am working with accumulates over time so I want to take the difference between the months to get the true value for that month. There are not headers for my data frame
For example:
1 3 4 6 19 23 24 25 26 ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
0 0 2 3 5 7 14 14 14 ...
My plan was to use the diff() function or something like it, but I am having trouble using it on a dataframe.
I have tried:
df1<-diff(df, lag = 1, differences = 1)
but only get zeros.
I am grateful for any advice.
see ?apply. If it's a data frame
should work. Also since a dataframe is a list of vectors sapply(df,diff) should work.

Sentiment Analysis in R

I am new in sentiment analysis, and totally have no idea on how to go about it using R. Hence, I would like to seek help and guidance in this.
I have a set of data consisting of opinions, and would like to analyse the the opinions.
Title Date Content
Boy May 13 2015 "She is pretty", Tom said.
Animal June 14 2015 The penguin is cute, lion added.
Human March 09 2015 Mr Koh predicted that every human is smart..
Monster Jan 22 2015 Ms May, a student, said that John has $10.80.
Thank you.
Sentiment analysis encompasses a broad category of methods designed to measure positive versus negative sentiment from text, so that makes this a fairly difficult question to answer simply. But here is a simple answer: You can apply a dictionary to your document-term matrix and then combine the positive versus negative key categories of your dictionary to create a sentiment measure.
I suggest trying this in the text analysis package quanteda, which handles a variety of existing dictionary formats and allows you to create very flexible custom dictionaries.
For example:
mycorpus <- subset(inaugCorpus, Year>1980)
mydict <- dictionary(list(negative = c("detriment*", "bad*", "awful*", "terrib*", "horribl*"),
postive = c("good", "great", "super*", "excellent")))
myDfm <- dfm(mycorpus, dictionary = mydict)
## Creating a dfm from a corpus ...
## ... lowercasing
## ... tokenizing
## ... indexing documents: 9 documents
## ... indexing features: 3,113 feature types
## ... applying a dictionary consisting of 2 keys
## ... created a 9 x 2 sparse dfm
## ... complete.
## Elapsed time: 0.057 seconds.
## Document-feature matrix of: 9 documents, 2 features.
## 9 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dfmSparse"
## features
## docs negative postive
## 1981-Reagan 0 6
## 1985-Reagan 0 6
## 1989-Bush 0 18
## 1993-Clinton 1 2
## 1997-Clinton 2 8
## 2001-Bush 1 6
## 2005-Bush 0 8
## 2009-Obama 2 3
## 2013-Obama 1 3
# use a LIWC dictionary - obviously you need this file
liwcdict <- dictionary(file = "LIWC2001_English.dic", format = "LIWC")
myDfmLIWC <- dfm(mycorpus, dictionary = liwcdict)
## Creating a dfm from a corpus ...
## ... lowercasing
## ... tokenizing
## ... indexing documents: 9 documents
## ... indexing features: 3,113 feature types
## ... applying a dictionary consisting of 68 keys
## ... created a 9 x 68 sparse dfm
## ... complete.
## Elapsed time: 1.844 seconds.
myDfmLIWC[, grep("^Pos|^Neg", features(myDfmLIWC))]
## Document-feature matrix of: 9 documents, 4 features.
## 9 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dfmSparse"
## features
## docs Negate Posemo Posfeel Negemo
## 1981-Reagan 46 89 5 24
## 1985-Reagan 28 104 7 33
## 1989-Bush 40 102 10 8
## 1993-Clinton 25 51 3 23
## 1997-Clinton 27 64 5 22
## 2001-Bush 40 80 6 27
## 2005-Bush 25 117 5 31
## 2009-Obama 40 83 5 46
## 2013-Obama 42 80 13 22
For your corpus, assuming that you get it into a data.frame called data, you can create a quanteda corpus using:
mycorpus <- corpus(data$Content, docvars = data[, 1:2])
See also ?textfile for loading in content from files in one easy command. This works with .csv files for instance, although you would have problems with that file because the Content field contains text containing commas.
There are many other ways to measure sentiment of course, but if you are new to sentiment mining and R, that should get you started. You can read more on sentiment mining methods (and apologies if you already have encountered them) from:
Liu, Bing. 2010. "Sentiment Analysis and Subjectivity." Handbook of
natural language processing 2:
Liu, Bing. 2015. Sentiment Analysis: Mining Opinions, Sentiments, and Emotions. Cambridge University Press.
