How to define a function inside a function depending on variable values - julia

I'm writing a function that I would find easier to write and read if it could define another function differently depending on input or runtime values of variables (and then use that function). The following illustrates the idea (even if defining a function inside a function is of no advantage in this simple example):
julia> function f(option::Bool)
if option
g() = println("option true")
g() = println("option false")
WARNING: Method definition g() in module Main at REPL[1]:3 overwritten at REPL[1]:6.
julia> f(true)
option false
julia> f(false)
ERROR: UndefVarError: g not defined
in f(::Bool) at .\REPL[1]:7
Using the full function ... end syntax for g does not help either.
The question is: am I doing something wrong to get that warning and that unintended behavior, or Julia does not allow this for a reason? And if it can be done, how?
N.B. For my present need, I can just define two different functions, g1 and g2, and it seems to work; but what if there were many cases of g for just one task concept? I thought that a function, being a first-class object, could be manipulated freely: assigned to a variable, defined in a way or another depending on conditions, overwritten, etc.
P.S. I know I can compose a String and then parse-eval it, but that's an ugly solution.

You want to use anonymous functions. This is a known issue (this other issue also shows your problem).
function f(option::Bool)
if option
g = () -> println("option true")
g = () -> println("option false")
In v0.5 there's no performance difference between anonymous and generic functions, so there's no reason to not use anonymous functions. Note that there's also a sytnax for extended anonymous functions:
f = function (x)
and you can add dispatches via call overloading:
(T::typeof(f))(x,y) = x+y
so there's no reason to not use an anonymous function here.


How an R function can be used before being defined

I came across this spinet of code where the function rval_top_ingredients() was used to render a D3wordcloud before it was defined. I think that would throw an error in case of Python as the script is executed from top to bottom. Why did it work in R then? Thankyou.
output$wc_ingredients <- d3wordcloud::renderD3wordcloud({
ingredients_df <- rval_top_ingredients()
d3wordcloud(ingredients_df$ingredient, ingredients_df$nb_recipes, tooltip = TRUE)
rval_top_ingredients <- reactive({
recipes_enriched %>%
filter(cuisine == input$cuisine) %>%
arrange(desc(tf_idf)) %>%
head(input$nb_ingredients) %>%
mutate(ingredient = forcats::fct_reorder(ingredient, tf_idf))
R doesn’t differ from Python here: you can’t use a function before it’s defined. But, despite appearances to the contrary, this also isn’t happening here.
d3wordcloud::renderD3wordcloud is a special function call which doesn’t evaluate its arguments immediately. In fact, the argument is stored internally as an unevaluated expression and is only evaluated later after a certain trigger. By that time, rval_top_ingredients has been defined.
This is a pervasive pattern in Shiny, but you can harness this behaviour yourself. Consider the following:
f = function (expr) {}
g = function () { stop('oh no!') }
This code works, since f never uses its argument, and since R uses lazy evaluation for function arguments: unlike most other languages, a function argument only gets evaluated once it is used. Arguments that are never used are never evaluated.
So, despite the fact that f(g()) appears to use g before it’s defined, the actual call to f never evaluates its arguments so there’s no issue. The only constraint is that the argument needs to be syntactically valid.
Here’s a slightly more meaningful example which does something useful (it creates a function that creates a log message before evaluating an expression:
make_verbose = function (expr) {
function () {
message(sprintf('Evaluating %s', deparse(substitute(expr))))
verbose_g = make_verbose(g())
g = function () {
message('g was called!')
Python doesn’t quite support this, since Python doesn’t have lazy and non-standard evaluation. But a similar situation still exists in Python:
def f():
def g():
Here, g() is seemingly used before it was defined; but this is only true if we’re reading the code textually from top top bottom without paying attention to scope. In reality, g() is only ever called after it was defined. The same is true in the R code you’ve posted.

Multiple dispatch in julia with the same variable type

Usually the multiple dispatch in julia is straightforward if one of the parameters in a function changes data type, for example Float64 vs Complex{Float64}. How can I implement multiple dispatch if the parameter is an integer, and I want two functions, one for even and other for odd values?
You may be able to solve this with a #generated function:
But the simplest solution is to use an ordinary branch in your code:
function foo(x::MyType{N}) where {N}
if isodd(N)
return _oddfoo(x)
return _evenfoo(x)
This may seem as a defeat for the type system, but if N is known at compile-time, the compiler will actually select only the correct branch, and you will get static dispatch to the correct function, without loss of performance.
This is idiomatic, and as far as I know the recommended solution in most cases.
I expect that with type dispatch you ultimately still are calling after a check on odd versus even, so the most economical of code, without a run-time penatly, is going to be having the caller check the argument and call the proper function.
If you nevertheless have to be type based, for some reason unrelated to run-time efficiency, here is an example of such:
abstract type HasParity end
struct Odd <: HasParity
Odd(i::Integer) = new(isodd(i) ? i : error("not odd"))
struct Even <: HasParity
Even(i::Integer) = new(iseven(i) ? i : error("not even"))
parity(i) = return iseven(i) ? Even(i) : Odd(i)
foo(i::Odd) = println("$i is odd.")
foo(i::Even) = println("$i is even.")
for n in 1:4
k::HasParity = parity(n)
So here's other option which I think is cleaner and more multiple dispatch oriented (given by a coworker). Let's think N is the natural number to be checked and I want two functions that do different stuff depending if N is even or odd. Thus
boolN = rem(N,2) == 0
function f1(::Val{true}, ...)
function f1(::Val{false}, ...)
and to call the function just do
As #logankilpatrick pointed out the dispatch system is type based. What you are dispatching on, though, is well established pattern known as a trait.
Essentially your code looks like
myfunc(num) = iseven(num) ? _even_func(num) : _odd_func(num)

Why is a Julia function name (without arguments) silently ignored?

I have a script that defines a function, and later intended to call the function but forgot to add the parentheses, like this:
function myfunc()
println("inside myfunc")
myfunc # This line is silently ignored. The function isn't invoked and there's no error message.
After a while I did figure out that I was missing the parentheses, but since Julia didn't give me an error, I'm wondering what that line is actually doing? I'm assuming that it must be doing something with the myfunc statement, but I don't know Julia well enough to understand what is happening.
I tried --depwarn=yes but don't see a julia command line switch to increase the warning level or verbosity. Please let me know if one exists.
For background context, the reason this came up is that I'm trying to translate a Bash script to Julia, and there are numerous locations where an argument-less function is defined and then invoked, and in Bash you don't need parentheses after the function name to invoke it.
The script is being run from command line (julia stub.jl) and I'm using Julia 1.0.3 on macOS.
It doesn't silently ignore the function. Calling myfunc in an interactive session will show you what happens: the call returns the function object to the console, and thus call's the show method for Function, showing how many methods are currently defined for that function in your workspace.
julia> function myfunc()
println("inside myfunc")
myfunc (generic function with 1 method)
julia> myfunc
myfunc (generic function with 1 method)
Since you're calling this in a script, show is never called, and thus you don't see any result. But it doesn't error, because the syntax is valid.
Thanks to DNF for the helpful comment on it being in a script.
It does nothing.
As in c, an expression has a value: in c the expression _ a=1+1; _ has the value _ 2 _ In c, this just fell out of the parser: they wanted to be able to evaluate expressions like _ a==b _
In Julia, it's the result of designing a language where the code you write is handled as a data object of the language. In Julia, the expression "a=1+1" has the value "a=1+1".
In c, the fact that
is an acceptable line of code means that, accidentally,
is also an acceptable line of code. The same is true in Julia: the compiler expects to see a data value there: any data value you put may be acceptable: even for example the data value that represents the calculated value returned by a function:
or the value that represents the function object itself:
As in c, the fact that data values are everywhere in your code just indicates that the syntax allows data values everywhere in your code and that the compiler does nothing with data values that are everywhere in your code.

Call particular method in Julia [duplicate]

The problem is the following:
I have an abstract type MyAbstract and derived composite types MyType1 and MyType2:
abstract type MyAbstract end
struct MyType1 <: MyAbstract
struct MyType2 <: MyAbstract
I want to specify some general behaviour for objects of type MyAbstract, so I have a function
function dosth(x::MyAbstract)
println(1) # instead of something useful
This general behaviour suffices for MyType1 but when dosth is called with an argument of type MyType2, I want some additional things to happen that are specific for MyType2 and, of course, I want to reuse the existing code, so I tried the following, but it did not work:
function dosth(x::MyType2)
x = MyType2("")
dosth(x) # StackOverflowError
This means Julia did not recognize my attempt to treat x like its "supertype" for some time.
Is it possible to call an overloaded function from the overwriting function in Julia? How can I elegantly solve this problem?
You can use the invoke function
function dosth(x::MyType2)
invoke(dosth, Tuple{MyAbstract}, x)
With the same setup, this gives the follow output instead of a stack overflow:
julia> dosth(x)
There's a currently internal and experimental macro version of invoke which can be called like this:
function dosth(x::MyType2)
Base.#invoke dosth(x::MyAbstract)
This makes the calling syntax quite close to what you wrote.

julia introspection - get name of variable passed to function

In Julia, is there any way to get the name of a passed to a function?
x = 10
function myfunc(a)
# do something here
assert(myfunc(x) == "x")
Do I need to use macros or is there a native method that provides introspection?
You can grab the variable name with a macro:
julia> macro mymacro(arg)
julia> #mymacro(x)
julia> #assert(#mymacro(x) == "x")
but as others have said, I'm not sure why you'd need that.
Macros operate on the AST (code tree) during compile time, and the x is passed into the macro as the Symbol :x. You can turn a Symbol into a string and vice versa. Macros replace code with code, so the #mymacro(x) is simply pulled out and replaced with string(:x).
Ok, contradicting myself: technically this is possible in a very hacky way, under one (fairly limiting) condition: the function name must have only one method signature. The idea is very similar the answers to such questions for Python. Before the demo, I must emphasize that these are internal compiler details and are subject to change. Briefly:
julia> function foo(x)
bt = backtrace()
fobj = eval(current_module(), symbol(Profile.lookup(bt[3]).func))
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(1)
Let me re-emphasize that this is a bad idea, and should not be used for anything! (well, except for backtrace display). This is basically "stupid compiler tricks", but I'm showing it because it can be kind of educational to play with these objects, and the explanation does lead to a more useful answer to the clarifying comment by #ejang.
bt = backtrace() generates a ... backtrace ... from the current position. bt is an array of pointers, where each pointer is the address of a frame in the current call stack.
Profile.lookup(bt[3]) returns a LineInfo object with the function name (and several other details about each frame). Note that bt[1] and bt[2] are in the backtrace-generation function itself, so we need to go further up the stack to get the caller.
Profile.lookup(...).func returns the function name (the symbol :foo)
eval(current_module(), Profile.lookup(...)) returns the function object associated with the name :foo in the current_module(). If we modify the definition of function foo to return fobj, then note the equivalence to the foo object in the REPL:
julia> function foo(x)
bt = backtrace()
fobj = eval(current_module(), symbol(Profile.lookup(bt[3]).func))
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(1) == foo
fobj.env.defs returns the first Method entry from the MethodTable for foo/fobj
Base.decl_arg_parts is a helper function (defined in methodshow.jl) that extracts argument information from a given Method.
the rest of the indexing drills down to the name of the argument.
Regarding the restriction that the function have only one method signature, the reason is that multiple signatures will all be listed (see in the MethodTable. As far as I know there is no currently exposed interface to get the specific method associated with a given frame address. (as an exercise for the advanced reader: one way to do this would be to modify the address lookup functionality in jl_getFunctionInfo to also return the mangled function name, which could then be re-associated with the specific method invocation; however, I don't think we currently store a reverse mapping from mangled name -> Method).
Note also that (1) backtraces are slow (2) there is no notion of "function-local" eval in Julia, so even if one has the variable name, I believe it would be impossible to actually access the variable (and the compiler may completely elide local variables, unused or otherwise, put them in a register, etc.)
As for the IDE-style introspection use mentioned in the comments: foo.env.defs as shown above is one place to start for "object introspection". From the debugging side, Gallium.jl can inspect DWARF local variable info in a given frame. Finally, JuliaParser.jl is a pure-Julia implementation of the Julia parser that is actively used in several IDEs to introspect code blocks at a high level.
Another method is to use the function's vinfo. Here is an example:
function test(argx::Int64)
vinfo = code_lowered(test,(Int64,))
test (generic function with 1 method)
julia> test(10)
The above depends on knowing the signature of the function, but this is a non-issue if it is coded within the function itself (otherwise some macro magic could be needed).
