While in a terminal session I can do
:set textwidth=9999
And I receive what I want (which is lines of text which can go to the end of my computer screen)
I created a file called ~/.vimrc which contains the line
set textwidth=9999
And I get no results from from this
Your ~/.vimrc is loaded as the very first configuration (cp :help initialization); after that, other configuration and plugins are read, and any of those may change the option again. You can check with
:verbose set textwidth?
and get the list of configuration scripts via
Ideally, you're able to disable the overriding of the option value. As a workaround, you can also re-initialize the option at the end of configuration, by putting the following into your ~/.vimrc:
autocmd VimEnter * set textwidth=9999
The 'textwidth' option is a buffer-local option. Filetype plugins may adapt this setting. There are ways to override filetype-specific settings (:help after-directory), too.
One of the DDEV sites I manage uses a database that includes a prefix. The default behavior for DDEV is to recreate the settings.ddev.php on every start. But that obviously overwrites anything added, purging any manual addition of the prefix.
Is the assumed solution to stop DDEV from overwriting the file? Or to create another settings file (like settings.local.php) to override what's been overridden? Or am I missing something?
This just seems like something that would exist as a simple variable in the config to generate a more accurate settings.ddev.php file. Thanks!
There are a few straightforward answers:
Don't let ddev fiddle with settings at all. Change the project type to 'php' and ddev won't mess with it.
Make the changes you want to db settings in settings.php after the inclusion of settings.ddev.php. That should work no matter what. And it should work on your prod site as well.
Do the work in settings.local.php, but include it after settings.ddev.php in your settings.php file
Take over settings.ddev.php and do whatever you want with it. This just means deleting the line that contains #ddev-generated in settings.ddev.php. After that, ddev won't muck with it at all.
I decided to use a version of the second suggestion:
// Automatically generated include for settings managed by ddev.
$ddev_settings = dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings.ddev.php';
if (getenv('IS_DDEV_PROJECT') == 'true' && is_readable($ddev_settings)) {
require $ddev_settings;
$databases['default']['default']['prefix'] = "drupal_";
I just added the $databases line. The rest was already there.
I need to change one character in the file, but Asterisk overwrites that file. How can I make the changes persistent?
That file is automatically created by FreePBX on every reload, as stated in the header:
; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ;
; this file must be done via the web gui. There are alternative files to make ;
; custom modifications, details at: http://freepbx.org/configuration_files ;
To override an existing dialplan, you need to put your code into /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf. Despite that you only want to change one character, you will need to copy the entire context into this file.
To create new dialplan, as mentioned in the answer from MichelV69, you would indeed use /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf. This will not work for modifying existing dialplan, due to order in which files are included.
You don't. Per the documentation, you reproduce the section you want to override in extensions_custom.conf and make your changes there.
Also, this is for "FreePBX", not "Asterisk". Asterisk natively doesn't use / come-with "extensions_additional.conf".
Newly created files in Atom are always "Plain Text". How can I change this so that new files will automatically be in another language, for example "Shell Script (Bash)"? I want to do this because auto indentation does not work with Plain Text files.
Had this problem as well, there is a plugin called default-language that will do this for you.
Search atom for default-language, install and open its settings. Type the name of the language you want Atom to default to, e.g. Shell Script (if in doubt, copy from the language selection menu) in the Default Language field. Next time you open a script with no extension (or shebang) it'll default to the language you set.
The following code, added to your init.coffee, will do what you're asking:
atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) ->
default_scope = 'source.shell'
original = editor.getGrammar()
# If the editor has "null" grammar (aka unset)
if original? and original is atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName('text.plain.null-grammar')
default_grammar = atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName(default_scope)
if default_grammar? # check if desired grammar is already loaded
# grammar was not loaded yet, so add a callback as grammars load
callback = atom.grammars.onDidAddGrammar (grammar) ->
if grammar.id is default_scope
# once we've loaded the grammar, set it and dispose of the callback
Things to note:
The init.coffee file is where you can customize Atom without having to write a package
The observeTextEditors method sets a callback that is called upon each TextEditor creation for currently open and future editors
The code above:
Checks the grammar that the editor was created with
If and only if it is the default ("null") grammar, it sets the editor's grammar to the Shell grammar once it's loaded
Disposes of the callback to check for grammar loading once it's done with it
This should solve the TypeError: Cannot call method 'getScore' of undefined that happens for the first file opened in a new window.
To default to a different grammar, just change the default_scope = 'source.shell' line to use the scope of whatever grammar you'd like.
Firstly, CTRL+SHIFT+L is your friend. It's unfortunately not a permanent solution, but nice to know about.
Of course, we'd prefer a more permanent solution. A couple of the other answers are now obsolete due to API changes in Atom. Below is a more up-to-date version. Inspiration initially came from this discussion, but the other answers here seem to follow the same concept as well.
Place this in your init.coffee file (File -> Open Your Init Script):
extname = require("path").extname
fileTypes =
".wxs": "text.xml"
".wxi": "text.xml"
".wixobj": "text.xml"
nullGrammar = atom.grammars.selectGrammar("text.plain.null-grammar")
atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) ->
grammar = atom.grammars.selectGrammar(fileTypes[extname(editor.getPath())])
editor.setGrammar grammar if editor.getGrammar() is nullGrammar and grammar isnt nullGrammar
Basically, you define have an array of file types, and the grammars (AKA syntax highlighting) that you want to associate them with. Find each editor, find out if it has a selected grammar already, and if not, attempt to give it one if we find one.
The one issue I've had with this is that the syntax highlighting only works if you open files after you've already launched Atom; if you open a file that results in Atom launching (say by double clicking on it's icon in your favourite OS), syntax highlighting won't for that file until you re-open it.
You need to create a mapping in your config.cson file.
"source.shell": [
For mapping .sh and .shell files to shell script syntax.
Have a look at this bit of code: (you can can then change 'text.html.basic' to whichever syntax you require)
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
cursor = editor.getLastCursor()
valueAtCursor = atom.config.get(cursor.getScopeDescriptor(), 'my-package.my-setting')
valueForLanguage = atom.config.get(editor.getRootScopeDescriptor('text.html.basic'), 'my-package.my-setting')
For reference please see: Scope Descriptors # https://atom.io/docs/latest/advanced/scopes-and-scope-descriptors
(1) For example, I want to set map gd g* in Qt's Fakevim like below but failed.
(2) And also I'd like to set F3 as the save command, how to do it?
(3) In Fakevim, it provides an option "Read .vimrc", but where to find the file .vimrc?
Thank you!
It doesn't look like there is a lot of documentation for FakeVim, so official sources might not exist. Most of this was obtained by experimentation.
If you want to dig deeper, I guess there's no source as official as the actual source: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/blobs/0809986e501415fe2c8508800b94b5b3169dc048/src/plugins/fakevim/fakevimplugin.cpp
User commands
First off, realize that in Tools>Options>FakeVim>User Command Mapping, you're only setting what your user actions will perform, not how you perform them.
By default, user command #1 is triggered by pressing Alt-V, then 1.
Alt-V, then 2, triggers user action #2, and so on.
You can change the keyboard shortcuts through the general QtCreator configuration interface, under Tools>Options>Environment>Keyboard. There is a "FakeVim" section with all the user actions listed. Select your user action of choice, press the little "erase" icon in the input field under "Shortcut", then press your desired shortcut key, which should appear in the input field.
Second, to finish a command where you would normally press enter, you should literally type in <CR> after the commands. You also need to enter in ':' to enter command mode.
So if you wanted to map the vim save command, ":w", to F3 via FakeVim, you would:
Go to Tools>Options>FakeVim>User Command Mapping.
Enter ":w<CR>" as one of the user commands (say #7).
Go to Tools>Options>Environment>Keyboard.
Find the FakeVim action "UserAction7".
Set F3 as a shortcut for it.
Now, every time you're in the editor, you should be able to click F3 and have the FakeVim :w command execute, which will save your file.
Note that there is also an option to set a shortcut for "Save" directly in the QtCreator keyboard settings, so for this particular shortcut you don't actually need to go through FakeVim.
Setting shortcuts for other vim commands should be similar. Note that you're restricted to the subset of vim commands that FakeVim implements. Refer to the source, linked above, for checking any particular command you're wondering about.
Vimrc file
On Linux this would be ~/.vimrc, a file in the user's home directory. I presume you're asking about Windows.
The best source I can find is this bug report about it being hard to use Fakevim's vimrc on Windows: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-8748
Following that, the file Fakevim looks for is ".vimrc" in %USERPROFILE% (you can enter a name like that in Explorer to go to the folder). However, it's tricky to access a file with a name like that on Windows. (Thus why the real vim uses '_vimrc' on Windows -- but FakeVim apparently doesn't, at least at the moment.)
Here is a superuser page with workarounds for how to create such files on Windows: https://superuser.com/questions/64471/create-rename-a-file-folder-that-begins-with-a-dot-in-windows
Im just curious if im viewing a file e.g. x.log which is currently being updated ie a log file. Is there a way to effectively refresh it rather than :q and vim x.log it again ?
The command :e with no parameters will do that.
:edit with no other parameters will reload the current file.
:edit! to discard changes first.
Also gvim will prompt you to reload a file if you switch to another program and back, and it detects that the file has changed.
Also you can do
:set autoread
if you are just viewing the file without changing it.
:e reloads the current file. Use :e! if you made any changes. You can assign a key to it like this:
nmap <F1> :e^M
Where ^M is a literal control-M (use control-V in vi).