WordPress - How to get PageSpeed 100/100 - wordpress

I want to increase my PageSpeed score, I tried W3TC but it doesn't help much. Does anyone have a better solution?

W3TC alone is not enough. I highly recommend you to setup CloudFlare, simply because you will benefit from free cdn service that is going to reduce so much bandwidth hit on your website; Resulting into fast page loading.
Also if you are on a dedicated/VPS server you must install Redis on your server and then install redis plugin which is available on wordpress plugins directory.
Here are tutorials that I have used for so many of my clients:
REDIS SETUP FOR WORDPRESS: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-redis-caching-to-speed-up-wordpress-on-ubuntu-14-04
CLOUDFLARE SETUP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NPSFZI3TTo

I suggest you the following combination:
changes in htaccess
changes in wpconfig
changes in functions.php
advantage: free and no costs
disadvantages: time effort for optimal settings.


Hostinger Server with LiteSpeed, should I activate and switch from WP Cache Premium to Lite Speed Plugin?

so I have my websites now in Hostinger. I see they use LiteSpeed (server side) I have purchased Wp Fastest Cache Premium. Now I am not sure if I should switch to LiteSpeed...
maybe is "more compatible?"
Here's a blog post comparing both LiteSpeed Cache and Fastest Cache.
Both LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress and WP Fastest Cache are strong contenders, but LiteSpeed is a clear winner when it comes to the ability to cache more scenarios (eCommerce, logged-in users, situations requiring cache varies, etc.).
If your site is simple, then either one should work for you.

My wordpress website is running very slowly on Xampp Localhost

I have been building an eshop website with woocommerce and i am using Zerif-Lite theme on Xampp Localhost. But it runs very slowly when i click a link, it needs like 5-7 seconds to load and on eshop page it needs 30 seconds(all products). What is the problem? Is this a localhost or theme issue? I also use wordfence Falcon engine cache. I have 27 active plugins. How can i fix that? If i upload the website to a live host will it be faster? I am optimizing my images with wp-smash. Do you suggest me disable Falcon engine cache and download w3 Total cache plugin?
I had similar problems running my localhost website from a usb, for me what turned it into a website with normal response times again was using UwAmp http://www.uwamp.com/en/?page=download. Also used a USB 3.0 Flash Drive, not sure how much difference that made.
Hope this helps.
I usually use this free plugin called P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) which scans and give a detailed load-time for plugins,theme and DB, It is very useful and simple. you can find the plugin/theme/DB which is causing the issue and find alternative for that.

How to reduce CPU Time Usage with WordPress site?

I have 3 WordPress sites in 1 cPanel account. Since last week, I always exceed the CPU Time Usage limit and it make our site going down and give "Gateway Timeout" for couple times.
Here is what I did so far :
Enable dynamic caching
Enable gZIP compression with .htaccess
Use cloudflare
Leverage browser caching with .htaccess
Disable wp-cron.php and setup manual cronjob via cPanel
Install Heartbeat Control on each site
Install iThemes security on each site
Optimize databases with plugins (wp-optimize and wp-sweep)
All what I did doesn't help.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
If you feel this is malicious then you can activate I'm Under Attack Mode in CloudFlare; this will stop a Layer 7 attack where someone is deliberately trying to exceed your CPU usage.
I would cut down on plugins, trust CloudFlare instead of using iThemes Security, Heartbeat Control, etc.
Also consider switching to a static site generator instead of a WordPress site. Your performance issues look as if they are likely rooted in bad code; try using XDebug to see where the most CPU usage in your code base is at.

First GET request too slow (wordpress)

I am running a VPS with multiple wordpress installations on it. When I access my website, the first request that the browser performs is a GET request that takes about 10 seconds to complete, then the css, js files and so on start to be downloaded as fast as one could expect. That slows down my website a lot.
I am running apache2 and php5 with default configurations, plus the following plugins in use:
Wordpress ZenCache.
php's APC cache.
The websites are just landing pages with minimal templates, nothing huge. When pages are cached, the previous time can be improved up to 2 or 3 seconds as much.
I understand that many wrong things could make this happen, but could anyone expert devise a possible starting point to fix?
By the way, I had to set up some aliases and redirections with mod_alias and mod_rewrite, I would like to know if that may cause this behaviuor as well.
After following Andrew's advice, I disabled the default reverse DNS lookups in my virtual hosts configuration file by adding the option
HostnameLookups off
In addition, I disabled the use of symlinks when possible with
<Directory /> Options -FollowSymLinks </Directory>
And disabled the logs as well. Now the problem has been solved and everything works much faster now. It was not directly related to Wordpress since a simple html landing page was also suffering from this latency.

PHP Code stuck in Cache [Memcached] (WordPress)

Been having a bit of a problem with my site regarding our caching method and my php code not refreshing or flushing.
To start, my site is a WordPress site on a dedicated Nginx webserver. I used W3 Total Cache for the initial caching setup. Everything was set up to cache through Memcached.
(I should note, my website is somewhat of a 'guest' on this server, which is bit of a semi-community donation semi-sponsored server that runs some other things. The admins are skilled but also volunteers. I have their full support for fixing things, but they don't have time to troubleshoot my very odd issue (especially because I asked for caching to get turned on for the site myself). If we had some hints on what to go on it would make things easier for us than taking shots in the dark ;) So any suggestions are welcomed.)
At some point we noticed that changes to php pages and Wordpress & Plugin updates were not working at all, while the code on the server reflected updates, the pages still processed through the older php code.
This presented a couple unique issues. W3 Total Cache stores it settings in php files. Other php files, when deleted, stop working, but when they are restored to the server, memcached still insists on using its ultra-old memcached copy. The W3 Total Cache settings, whether i removed or altered the settings php files, would NOT stop running everything through cached memcached data.
The server admin attempt rebooting memcached and then flushing it. Neither of those seemed to have any effect. All the other basic settings seem to be set-up correctly.
We can, of course, still add new plugins, all the data that comes from the database works just fine.
At least one other site on the server that is not wordpress also uses memcached with no issues.
Any help is appreciated, should be able to provide further information if it is needed.
Do you have apc.stat = 0 in your settings? Does restarting php engine help?
This is going to sound really obvious but you didn't mention it so:
Did you try turning off the Total Cache plugin entirely to confirm you can see the changes when caching is disabled?
Until you've done that and made sure you get the results you expect, there's no way to know that memcached is really the problem.
