My wordpress website is running very slowly on Xampp Localhost - wordpress

I have been building an eshop website with woocommerce and i am using Zerif-Lite theme on Xampp Localhost. But it runs very slowly when i click a link, it needs like 5-7 seconds to load and on eshop page it needs 30 seconds(all products). What is the problem? Is this a localhost or theme issue? I also use wordfence Falcon engine cache. I have 27 active plugins. How can i fix that? If i upload the website to a live host will it be faster? I am optimizing my images with wp-smash. Do you suggest me disable Falcon engine cache and download w3 Total cache plugin?

I had similar problems running my localhost website from a usb, for me what turned it into a website with normal response times again was using UwAmp Also used a USB 3.0 Flash Drive, not sure how much difference that made.
Hope this helps.

I usually use this free plugin called P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) which scans and give a detailed load-time for plugins,theme and DB, It is very useful and simple. you can find the plugin/theme/DB which is causing the issue and find alternative for that.


AWS Lightsail WordPress Multisite plugins require FTP?

I have a WordPress Multisite running on a relatively new Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lightsail instance, based on a Bitnami image (provided through AWS Lightsail) running a LAMP stack, based on Debian.
Until recently, plugins installed through the WordPress multisite Administrator Dashboard installed and ran good. Worked great before, no problems. Now, for some reason, attempting to install any WordPress plugin surfaces a dialog requiring FTP credentials be provided. There's a screenshot of the WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials at the end of this message.
I'm thinking this - new - demand to provide FTP credentials when adding a WordPress plugin is happening due to permissions. Naturally, I'd rather not need to install WordPress plugins using FTP.
So, I have two questions:
What settings were accidentally - somehow - changed to cause WordPress to now produce this new requirement asking for FTP credentials when installing any WordPress plugin?
How to I fix WordPress so that plugins can be installed without FTP?
I did see many solutions for fixing permissions on the Internet, except since I'm new to AWS, Linux (Debian) & WordPress I'd like to use this opportunity to learn how this situation happened, while learning how to fix the hiccup. Other than using a few new plugins, which installed & ran fine without FTP, I have not made any edits to any internal WordPress files.
The only chance to change permissions might - maybe - have happened when setting-up users within my AWS account, including setting-up of a Yubico key with key-pairs --> I don't think that security change would influence the LAMP stack running the WordPress multisite, but I wanted to offer information that might - maybe - related to security changes influencing why, now, adding WordPress plugins requests FTP credentials.
Thanks in advance, everybody. Thank you. :)
WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials
I tried to add many, many WordPress plugins to confirm that every WordPress plugin now asks for FTP credentials for any new plugin.
I have looked at many Internet posts explaining how to change WordPress & Linux permissions, along with posts explaining how to change WordPress configuration files to not ask for FTP when installing new plugins. I have not acted on these many suggestions since I'm cautious & careful --> I'm ready to study months & months becoming a Linux, WordPress, and supporting technologies expert, but at this stage since I'm new to all-of-the-above, I'm reluctant to make any changes until I fully understand the technologies (after making this post, I will make copies of WordPress configuration-files to test changes that can be undone, but I wanted to see whether StackOverflow might help me learn what happened in the first place, while learning how to correctly fix these issues.
I pay for AWS Premium Support --> I've sent a message to AWS Premium Support, but so far have not heard back from AWS.

Resource limits has been reached on GoDaddy (wordpress site)

I have an issue with my "Multisite WordPress":
the load time is too slow due to resource limitation on the hosting.
I am using, GoDaddy, 512 MB (Memory). Its a linux server.
As far as I know, for a linux server, this is not a problem to handle 1 WordPress website. There is a little trafic on the web site (20 visitors per day). I optimised the database. All pictures are compressed, PHP 5.6 installed (its the latest one available), cache is enable.
Can you please help me resolve this issue?
Here is some screenshots to better explain the situation. screenshot from cPanel
I'm having that same issue. GoDaddy wants me to pay to upgrade my resource limits, but I know it shouldn't use that much of my resources (my other similarly low-used sites are hosted with GoDaddy on Level 1 just fine). I have tracked it down so far to the PHP processes. A temporary solution: in cPanel, scroll down to the Software section, click PHP Processes, then click the "Kill Processes" button. However, I am still looking for a plugin or something that keeps causing this recurring issue.

My WordPress Website loads extremely slow

I have a WordPress website and it loads extremely slow. It is on AWS and when I connect to instance and command type top everything looks fine except in cloudwatch it spikes to 100% CPU Utilization.
When I click on a link on the website the .php-fpm.bin reaches %CPU that it shows when I run the command 'top' is between 20-22% and 4 or 5 of them are running which it shows as to reach 100% and that's when clicking on only 1 link.
How can I fix this and improve load time of website.
It is currently on t1.micro, I could upgrade instance but it should work fine on this. I know a couple people who are also hosting website on t1.micro instance and it works perfectly fine. I couldn't get them to help me out with it though.
I have checked all plugins and activated and deactivated all one by one and currently only plugins required are active. There are currently no cache plugins or anything like that as I am just sorting out the settings for W3 Total Cache.
I hope someone can help me out with this please
Thanks in advance.
Try to switch to the default WP Twenty Fourteen theme and see it the loading time is better, if it is - then the problem is with your theme.
Check for meaningless functions or curl calls in theme's functions.php file (if it is warez theme). Also check your theme's style.css file and observe if you use URL of backgrounds which come from different domain or if the theme import external style-sheets with #import rule.
In my opinion, T1 micro instances are just to small for website hosts. Their performance is variable, memory low and there is no guaranteed, amount of CPU reserved for you.
This page outlines how and when AWS will purposefully reduce the performance of T1-Micro instances:
Simplest fix is to upgrade to a larger instance.
If you're using W3 Total Cache try disabling (if you've turned on) the "Object Cache" feature

Can anybody help explain whats causing my site to load so badly?

I have just launched the website - built with a custom theme in wordpress.
I noticed that the page load time was stupidly slow and when I checked the results with pingdom I could see that a lot of the analysis was duplicated and I'm not sure why this is or even if it is whats causing the site to load so slowly.
I haven't yet integrated a cache plugin which I intend to do but regardless of this I cannot see why this page loads for around 24 secs.
The entire site loads properly except for the blog page -!/cEmMjD/
Server Spec:
Windows server 2008R2
IIS version 7.5
PHP version 5.3.19
Anyone got any ideas as to why this page is loading so slow?
here is the test sites result aswell for comparison -!/bw4JTo/
The only code changes have been the rewrites to the URL's
Over to you guys...
I think the issue is with a custom theme.
Try doing this steps:
Remove all active widgets
Uninstall all plugins
Check loading time - if not improved it's an issue with custom theme.
One more thing to do (to check if it's not the host issues) - activate default wordpress theme and check average loading speed, if speed is not improved try to configure your server correctly or change hosting plan or hosting provider.
Wait 21.07s (The web browser is waiting for data from the server).
The most common reason for this in the case of Apache is the usage of DNS Reversal Lookup. What this means is that the server tries to figure out what the name of your machine is, each time you make a request. This can take several seconds, and that explains why you have a long WAIT time and then a very quick load, because the matter is not about bandwidth.
The obvious solution for this is to disable hostnamelookup in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
HostnameLookups Off

WP Admin extremely slow

The WP back end of a site I'm working on (It's a multisite) takes about 25 seconds to load.
Everything was working fine until yesterday and the front end still works perfectly well. All other sites on the same server run just as well, so it MUST be a WP back end issue.
I don't remember exactly what change it was that made it so slow. I remember updating WP recently (to version 3.4.2), adding some plugins on one of the sites and changing the max upload file size.
I tried to disable all the plugins, changing the themes back to default, changing the max file size back, and adding define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '1024M'); (and other values) to WP-config but none of it helped.
Also tried to 'Update network', but I got an error - couldn't connect to host.
Any ideas?
I got in touch with our network admin and we resolved the issue.
I will copy his answer here. Hope it helps someone.
Does Wordpress use 'self-referential URLs' ? What I mean by this is...
is wordpress trying to access it's own templates/css using fully
qualified domain names in the URL (e.g. )
Because we use Network Address Translation (NAT) on our firewalls to
hide the real IP address of the server, it has the side effect that if
the server tries to access it's own URLs, it will try to send the
traffic to the external interface on our firewall, which is where the
DNS resolves to.
The fix for this is very simple - we just add the site url into the
/etc/hosts file so that the server knows to use it's own IP address
instead of the address on the firewall.
So he added our address to the hosts file and now it works perfectly.
I've seen this before where the admin pages are trying to poll external Wordpress sites for details of Wordpress upgrades, plugin updates and Wordpress news. If there's no proper access (because of firewall restrictions, bad DNS, etc) then the page has to wait for the HTTP requests (I think WP uses cURL) to timeout.
If you're still unable to identify the cause I'd recommend a catch-all solution of installing xdebug and profiling the page with webgrind, xcachegrind, etc
Had the same problem for a week and now the problem of very slow WP-admin was solved!
Before, I cannot access my sites if I use incognito or I am not logged in as WP user, but all times in the wp-admin, it takes me 40 seconds- minute or even never.
Solution that worked:
I accessed the files in the file manager using the CPanel, and I saw so many unused and unnecessary folders and themes and that's the reason that causes the very slow access to admin.
It was because during the days of being a newbie, I stuffed a lot of files in the Public Http and that made it congested.
I logged in to another CPanel account that I bought personally before, and compared the folders of the "proper" versus the "congested" and compress, backed-up and deleted all the unnecessary.
My host: Hostgator, responded well also.
Hope this would help others.
I also had a very slow Dashboad in wordpress. Reading the James C´s answer, I realized that my site is located in a corporate intranet behind a firewall to access internet.
James C answered:
"I've seen this before where the admin pages are trying to poll external Wordpress sites for details of Wordpress upgrades, plugin updates and Wordpress news. If there's no proper access (because of firewall restrictions, bad DNS, etc) then the page has to wait for the HTTP requests (I think WP uses cURL) to timeout."
My solution was avoid all the internet conections: (1) disable all the wordpress updates using the wordpress plugin "Disable all wordpress updates". (2) activate de wordpress pluging "Disable google fonts"
After these two plugin activations, the Dashboard works to a suitable speed.
